#my fic hasn't encountered him yet but when he shows up i'll report on it again LMAO
biff-adventurer · 6 months
in better news, i made urianger say the steiner line and broke all the rules b/c references > rules im glad we all agree
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yjano · 1 year
All of me.
Part 22.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Warnings: slow burn, swearing, angst, a little fluff, smut, violence and other pairings.
Words: 4.8k
Author's note: Although this story is not related to the Duskwood game, I will add some of our beloved characters. Please read it only if you're into angst prison stories, slow burns, etc. A little hint: You will get to see some similarities to Jake and his gang from "Never The Same" fic.
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"I'm so done with staying inside this room all day." Asher said as he softly sat down on the white hospital bed again. A small smile made its way onto my face, and I softly patted his shoulder. Asher had been dying to leave the hospital ward without ever returning.
"It will be over before you know it, trust me." I said in a reassuring tone. A deep sigh immediately left Asher's mouth, and he slightly let his head drop.
"You say that every time, yet I'm still here." He said, a sad tone lacing his voice.
An apologetic look formed onto my face, and I softly sat down next to him. I had helped Asher a lot with practicing in order to be able to walk again and he had made some great improvements, however he wasn't able to stand for a longer period of time yet and thus had Jessy decided that she wanted Asher to stay for a bit longer.
"I think you've done enough for today. How about I write down your improvements, and then I'll get Sam to cheer you up?" I decided to say while a friendly smile could be seen on my face. A big smile immediately formed onto Asher's face when his boyfriend's name left my mouth, and he softly nodded.
"Yeah, I'd like that." He answered while a hint of excitement could be spotted into his voice. Ever since Asher had been placed into the hospital ward, there hadn't been a day when Sam hadn't visited him. A small smile made its way onto my face. Sam and Asher were really cute together and I couldn't be more thankful to be able to call both guys my friends.
"Is it okay if I turn on the tv?" Asher asked once he fully laid down on his bed again.
Heavy breaths of air left his mouth, and a red blush was decorating his face. He was clearly exhausted from practicing, and softly, I nodded my head, an amused look visible on my face. Even though Asher wanted nothing more than to leave this room and live with Sam again, he wasn't completely ready for that yet. There was still some improvement to be made. A fact Asher himself was highly aware of.
As I was writing down everything Asher and I had practiced today, I quickly became distracted by the noise the tv was making. Softly, I put the papers I was holding back on the original place and focused my attention on the tv.
"Police have been doing everything in their power to find the two escaped prisoners but without success. Both inmates are deemed to be a high risk to society. If you encounter them, please call the alarm number. Do not approach them under any circumstance." The man on the tv with a microphone in his hand said while standing in front of a huge dull grey wall. A shocked look made its way onto my face once the tv showed a mugshot of Jake and I, a dizzy feeling slowly overtook me.
"It is yet unknowable to how these two have managed to escape. Police are currently still investigating how this disaster could have happened. Even after months of the police searching for them, there still hasn't been found a single trace of both criminals. Earlier today, an interview with the parents of one of the escaped inmates had taken place, which we'll show you right away." The reporter said in a serious tone, and quickly, the screen switched over to two people standing in front of a small house.
Tears immediately sprung into my eyes as I watched the two people who I had missed so much standing in front of my childhood home. My mother looked like she had been crying a lot since her eyes were completely red and dark circles could be spotted under her eyes. The woman looked a lot thinner than I could remember, and overall, she looked like a mess.
My father, on the other hand, was standing next to my mom with an expressionless look on his face. The man had his arm on the small of my mom's back and was softly rubbing it up and down. A small tear slowly escaped my eyes. After months of not seeing my parents, I was finally able to catch a glimpse of them, yet it saddened me to see my mother like this. After a mere 30 seconds, a man in a dark suit who was holding a microphone came into view and took place next to my parents.
"I'm standing next to the parents of Mc Estrada, one of the escaped inmates." The man said while a serious tone was lacing his voice, and a stern look could be spotted on his face.
"Ms. Estrada, how do you feel about the whole situation?" The reporter asked the tiny woman standing beside him, and tears immediately sprung into the woman's face.
"I'm completely heartbroken. Within a few months, I've lost both my daughters." The woman said, and a few tears escaped her eyes only to roll down her cheeks immediately. A small sob made its way out of my mouth, and a few tears began to roll down my eyes. My mother had been the only one who had stood by my side when I had been at my lowest point in life and yet here she was, crying her eyes out because she hadn't seen me in months.
"How do you think your daughter managed to escape?" The reporter asked my mother, and the sad expression on the tiny woman's face quickly changed into an angry one.
"My baby Mc is probably the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She has never broken even a single rule in her entire life." My mom spoke while slightly turning her head and looking directly into the camera.
"And thus I refuse to believe that she would willingly escape a prison, the other guy must have threatened her in order for her to do such a thing." My mother continued, and a confused look immediately made its way onto my face.
"Jake Dalton kidnapped my daughter, and therefore, he must be punished in the worst way possible. This man does not deserve anything other than the death penalty." My mom said while a cold tone was lacing her voice. A shocked look quickly formed onto my face, and I sat down on Asher's bed with a thud.
"Mc baby, please come home, we miss you so much." My mom said with a soft look on her face before bursting into tears. A few tears immediately escaped my eyes, and I slowly looked down. The fact that my mother broke down like that hurt me a lot, yet her words had been the one that had shattered my heart. As soon as Asher took notice of the shocked expression on me, he quickly turned off the tv.
"Mc, I'm so sorry." He said before quickly pulling me into a hug. I was still in pure shock. How could my mother make assumptions like these? The woman has never even met Jake.
A sad expression quickly formed onto my face upon facing the harsh reality I had just been slapped in the face with. The world I used to know and the world I was living in now where two worlds could never be put together. I had to choose one, either my parents or my life inside the gang with Jake.
The rest of the day quickly passed, and before I knew it, my shift was over, and I was back in my apartment again. However, there hadn't been a second today that I hadn't thought of the interview with my parents. Things couldn't go on like this, I needed to be clear to the people I loved.
I softly bit my lip as I was quietly thinking of the right words to write down. Currently, I was sitting at the kitchen table of Jake's and mine shared apartment with a pen and a piece of paper in front of me. After the interview I had seen back in the hospital room Asher was staying in, I had decided to write a goodbye letter to my parents. Never in a million years would I be able to leave my boyfriend, and thus I had decided to give up my past life.
A sad look made its way onto my face as soon as I thought of my mother. The woman meant the world to me, yet I couldn't let her speak of Jake like that. Jake had become the center of my whole life in a few months, and I would do anything to protect him.
A soft sigh left my mouth as soon as I began to think of which words I wanted to write to my mother. How do you say goodbye to someone who means so much to you? How do you say goodbye to the one person who was de definition by the majority of your life?
Suddenly, flashes of Jake filled my mind, and a small smile immediately formed onto my face. He meant to world to me, and after the 'events' of last night, I felt closer to my boyfriend than ever before. Jake was the one who had granted me a second chance at life, and for that, I couldn't be more thankful than I already was. He was truly the source of my happiness. Quickly, I picked up the pen that was lying on the kitchen table and began to write some words down.
Dear mom,
I wanted to thank you for everything that you've ever done for me. You raised me to become the girl that I am today, and for that, I couldn't be more grateful. As you probably know, I'm not in prison anymore, yet I can't tell you where I did go. The only thing I can tell you is that I am happy and that you shouldn't worry. Please forgive me but I have to say goodbye to you and Father. Mom, I love you from the bottom of my heart! Please never forget me. Lots of love. - Mc.
A few tears escaped my eyes as I quickly read through the letter again. I could already imagine the devasted look on my mother's face as soon as she would receive the letter I had written her. My mom and I had always been extremely close, and so I was sure this would completely break her heart.
After a few minutes, I heard the front door of the apartment close, and within a few minutes, I felt two arms surround me from the back.
"Hi baby, how was your day?" Jake asked me before pressing a soft kiss on my temple. Softly, I closed my eyes while a smile was decorating my face. Jake was my life now, and I couldn't be more happy about that fact than I already was. How the hell was I supposed to come home when my home was right here?
Last night I finally finished my letter to my parents. Even though the decision I had made wasn't an easy one for me since I loved my parents, it was one that had to be made. There was no way in the world that I could have both my life with my parents and my life inside the gang combined with each other.
Many tears had been shed yesterday, but many happy happy memories had been relived too. I would be forever grateful to fate for putting me in the same cell as Jake. Sometimes it's funny how you think your life has ended, but it turns out to be just a new beginning.
Lex, being the friendly girl she is, had offered me to put my letter in the mailbox since I couldn't exactly go there myself. After all, I was still a convicted criminal, and the police would like nothing more than to lock me up again.
Right now, Jake and I were sleeping peacefully besides each other. Both of us had stayed up late last night watching some action movie. Even though I wasn't really a fan of action movies, this one had been pretty good, and it resulted in both of us sleeping in today.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. I lifted one of my arms and began to rub my face to get a little more awake than I was now. A loud ringing noise sounded through the room and disrupted the peaceful silence.
As soon as I woke up a bit more, my eyes landed on my boyfriend, who was still sleeping next to me. Jake had proven more than once how much of a deep sleeper he was, and thus, it didn't surprise me at all that he wasn't waking up from the sound filling the room.
Quickly, I lifted myself up a bit and reached for the phone laying on Jake's nightstand. His phone had been ringing for at least half a minute now, and since Jake himself wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, it was up to me to answer the device.
Carefully, I leaned over Jake while trying my best not to wake him up. I quickly grabbed the phone once I was close enough to the device and soon after went back to my own spot. A small smile made its way onto my face once I looked at the peaceful look on my boyfriend's face and I quickly answered the phone.
"Hi, this is Mc, Jake is still sleeping." I said while a hint onf tiredness could be detected in my voice. Immediately after I was done talking, I began to yawn tiredly and softly closed my eyes again.
"No problem, I meant to talk to you anyway." I heard the familiar voice of Kaden say. He sounded a bit stressed, and immediately, I opened my eyes again. Kaden wasn't the person to get stressed easily, so if he was, that would probably mean nothing good.
"Have you seen Lex today?" He spoke again through the phone while a hint of hope could be heard in his voice. A questioning look made its way onto my face, and I slowly pushed myself up in a sitting position. Why would I have seen Lex?
"No, I was sleeping until you called. Why?" I decided to ask while a questioning tone was lacing my voice. A few curse words immediately left Kaden's mouth, and he sighed loudly.
"I have been looking for her everywhere, but I can't find her." Kaden answered me while a worried tone was lacing his voice. Immediately, a hint of nervousness made its way into my chest once Kaden had spoken those words. Lex wasn't someone to go somewhere without telling Kaden.
"When was the last time you saw her?" I asked while a nervous tone was lacing my voice. A soft grunt sounded next to me, and immediately, I slapped a hand in front of my own mouth. I hadn't realized that I was talking pretty loudly while Jake was still sleeping. Slowly, the eyes of Jake fluttered open, and a small smile made its way onto his face.
"Hi baby, who are you calling?" He asked in a sleepy voice before slowly crawling a bit closer to me.
"Last night before she went to post your letter, nobody saw her after that." Kaden answered me through the phone, and I answered with a soft 'okay.' Quickly, I turned to my boyfriend. My face displayed a worried look, and Jake immediately went to sit up.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked while a questioning look was now visible on his face. I swallowed thickly before handing the phone to my boyfriend.
"Kaden is calling because Lex is missing." I said, and a shocked look immediately made its way onto Jake's face. He quickly put the phone on speaker and began to talk.
"Kaden, are you sure you've looked everywhere?" Jake asked his brother while a serious tone was lacing his voice.
"Pretty sure yeah, I've been living here for a long time, you know." Kaden answered. A soft 'fuck' immediately left Jake's mouth and he quickly got out of bed. I looked at him while a worried look was still visible on my face.
"Call the others to search for her and go home yourself in case she comes back." Jake said before quickly putting on some pants and a shirt. Soon after, he gestured for me to get dressed, too, and I quickly got out of bed before walking towards the big black closet. As fast as I could, I put on the first shirt and baggy pants I could find and went to sit on the bed again.
"You seriously think I'm gonna go home if my girlfriend is still missing?" Kaden spoke while anger clearly could be detected in his voice. A soft sigh immediately left Jake's mouth, and he softly closed his eyes.
"Yes, you are. If she comes home, you need to be there for her." He answered his brother before gesturing towards me to follow him. Quickly, I stood up from the bed again and followed him to the front door of our apartment.
"Like hell I will, I'm not gonna sit around while Lex might be needing me." Kaden said, annyoance clearly lacing his voice. A deep sigh immediately left Jake's mouth before he spoke again.
"Fine, call me if you find her." Jake said before hanging up the phone. Immediately after he had hung up, he turned towards me.
"Let's check the roof first, okay?" He said, worry still lacing his voice. Quickly, I nodded, and both of us started to make our way through the long hallways of the building.
I couldn't help but be extremely worried. Lex had been one of the most welcoming people inside the gang in the first few weeks of my arrival there. The hacker had been nothing but sweet and nice towards me, and I considered her to be one of my best friends. I got shaken out of my thoughts by the sudden feeling of someone intertwining their fingers with mine.
A soft yet nervous smile made its way onto my face once I noticed that Jake had grabbed my hand and was squeezing it a bit. He was clearly as nervous as I was, which was not a surprise to me at all. Jake had always described his friends as his family. Even though they weren't related by blood, they were by heart. All of them. Expect Kaden and Jake, of course.
Suddenly, the loud ringing noise of Jake's phone sounded through the long hallway. Both of us were standing in, and Jake quickly fished the device out of the pocket of his jeans.
"Kaden, have you found her?" Jake asked as soon as he had answered his phone. He was supporting a hopeful look on his face, and I quickly leaned a bit closer to the phone to try and hear anything Kaden was saying. Soon, however, Jake's face turned completely pale, and a shocked look could be seen on it.
"Call everyone to the meeting room immediately." Jake said towards his brother before hanging up the phone and turning towards me. The shocked look was still present on his face, and quickly, my heart started to pick up its pace rapidly. This couldn't be good... After what seemed like forever, Jake finally opened his mouth to tell me everything Kaden had just told him.
"Lex has been kidnapped."
Chaos. That was the perfect way to describe the situation inside the gang at this moment. As soon as Jake and I had reached the meeting room, all the people except for Kaden were already sitting around the round table and started to fire questions at Jake as soon as they saw him.
"Mind telling us why the fuck Kaden called us in complete panic?" Jessy asked while standing up from her seat and folding her arms in front of her chest. A concerned look could be seen on her face and her eyes were filled with worry.
"Yeah, and where is Lex?" Sam added as soon as Jessy was done talking. Sam was sitting next to his boyfriend. Asher had finally been released from the hospitalwing, and even though he was far from being at the same level as his old self, he was feeling a lot better.
"Why is Mc looking like she has seen a ghost?" Dan spoke once he noticed my pale face. A concerned look immediately made its way onto Jessy's face, and she quickly walked towards me.
"Are you feeling okay, honey?" She asked while quickly taking my hand in her own and performing a few small tests on me. I managed to nod slightly. I was still in complete shock at the news I had just heard. One of my best friends had been kidnapped, and I didn't know if I would ever see her alive again. I didn't even know if Lex was still alive.
"Everyone, please calm down, I'll explain everything in a minute." Jake said before taking my hand in his own and placing me on a chair nearby. I was still as white as a ghost, and it concerned Jake a bit.
All the people quickly went back towards their seats and quietly sat down, waiting for Jake to announce why they had been summoned here. Normally every meeting they held would be organized by Dan, since he's the best when it comes to the business side of it all so the fact that he didn't know anything about why they were here really concerened the others. This couldn't mean something good.
Soon, Jake took place on a chair next to me, and he softly sighed before looking around the group of people. A concerened look was displayed on his face, and he softly placed both his hands on the table.
"Lex has been kidnapped." Jake said, his voice filled with concern. An awful silence immediately fell over the close group of friends, disbelief clearly displayed on their faces.
"What?" Sam said after a minute or two while his eyes were as big as saucers.
"How?" Asher softly added while tears could be seen in his eyes. A tense atmosphere filled the whole room as soon as those certain words had left Jake's mouth. This couldn't be real, right?
"You're joking." Jessy softly said, her voice filled with disbelief. She slowly stood up from the chair she was sitting on while looking at Jake, her eyes filled with concern.
"He's joking, right?" Jessy spoke again, this time focusing on Dan. Her boyfriend slowly stood up before softly wrapping his arms around Jessy's back. Tears immediately began to fill her eyes, and she slowly turned her head towards Jake again.
"Please tell me you're joking." She said while softly hugging her boyfriend back. Jake softly shook his head before looking down himself, clearly not knowing what to do with the current situation himself.
Jake had known Lex for years. The girl had been like a sister to him. The hacker had always been so fragile, and even though I hadn't always been the nicest person to her, Jake had sworn to protect her at all costs. Yet here they were, Lex was gone, and no one knew what to do.
Suddenly, the familiar spund of the door creaking open sounded through the room, and immediately, all heads turned towards the door. The familiar hair of Kaden was the first thing visible as soon as he walked in, and silence immediately filled the room.
Kaden's eyes were completely red, and an angry yet devasted look was displayed on his face. He walked towards the front of the room with heavy steps while soft sobs left his mouth. A pained feeling immediately made its way into my chest, and I looked at him with a compassionate look. Kaden was known as someone who never cried, so for him to start sobbing was very rare, and it made everyone realise how serious this was.
As soon as Jake noticed his brother enter the room, he immediately stood up from his seat and walked towards Kaden as fast as he could. Kaden slowly looked up as soon as he felt someone lay a supportive hand on his shoulder, and he immediately took Jake into a tight hug while starting to sob loudly.
"They took her from me." Kaden sobbed while burying his face in his brother's shoulder. Jake immediately started to rub his back in a soothing manner.
"They are gonna kill her." Kaden spoke again. Everyone in the room was awfully quiet, and a nervous feeling started to make its way into my chest. Kaden didn't mean those words, right? Right?!
"They won't. We'll do everything we can to prevent that." Jake immediately said as soon as those words left his brother's mouth. Jake softly hugged Kaden a bit closer, his own eyes slowly started to fill themselves with tears as well.
"You won't." Kaden suddenly answered his brother. A surprised look immediately formed onto Jake's face, and he softly pushed Kaden back a bit so that he could look him in the eyes. Kaden was still sobbing, and the devastated look was still clearly visible on his face.
"What do you mean I won't?" Jake aked, confusion clearly lacing his voice. Slowly, Kaden started to shake his head before locking eyes with Jake, who was still holding him.
"I can get her back, but you won't ever give them what they want in return." Kaden spoke before continuing again.
"We both know you'll never give them what they want."
Silence filled the room once again. Everyone were looking at Kaden with confused looks on their faces. Everyone considered each other family and thus, they were completely surprised by Kaden's words. Of course, we would give them anything they wanted if that meant we would get Lex back.
"What do you mean?" Jake asked before slowly unwrapping his arms from Kaden. A small smile made its way onto Kaden's face, and he quickly fished his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it and turned the screen towards his brother.
A confused look formed onto Jake's face, and he slowly reached for the phone Kaden was holding. He took the device from him and started to read something that was shown on the screen. Slowly, his face became pale, and he swallowed thickly before looking up from the phone again.
"You know I can't do that." Jake said towards Kaden while his eyes were big and his face was still pale. His brother slowly shook his head before locking eyes with Jake.
"I know, I'm not asking you to." Kaden answered his brother. Slowly, a single lonely tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek.
"I wouldn't have done it if I were you too, I understand." Kaden spoke softly before breaking down completely. Quickly, Jake threw the phone on the table next to him and hugged Kaden again.
The black device Jake had been holding landed directly in front of me, and I couldn't help but take a quick look at what it was that Kaden's phonescreen was displaying. A dizzy feeling immediately formed inside my head as soon as I recognized the innocent face of Lex on it.
The girl's face was completely bruised, and a large cut was visible on her right cheek. The small girl's right eye was completely swollen, and some dried blood could be seen under her nose. Large bruises were visible on her neck, and tears were streaming out of her eyes. A few tears quickly escaped my eyes at the thought of one of my best friends being abused. Lex had never done anything bad in her entire life, and yet here she was, completely bruised up and scared as hell. The girl didn't deserve this. Not her.
"Mind sharing the content of that text with us?" Dan suddenly said, breaking the thick silence which was filling the meeting room. All of us looked at Kaden with a concerned look on our faces and were willing to do anything to help him get his lover back. Jake softly sighed before starting to rub Kaden's back again.
"Lex has been kidnapped by an unknown person, and they're willing to set her free if we bring them someone else." Jake said before softly looking down himself, tears clearly visible in his eyes.
"And if we won't show up before 12 p.m. tonight, they'll kill Lex." Jake softly added before looking at everyone with a concerned look on his face. The current situation was horrible. There literally wasn't a good outcome.
"Who do they want in exchange for Lex?" Asher softly asked, already guessing he wouldn't like the answer Jake was gonna give him. A tense atmosphere quickly filled the room, and a deep sigh left Jake's mouth.
"They want to give us Lex in exchange for Mc."
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