#my friend came over and we watched a film and chatted a bunch
starbuck · 4 months
got a BUNCH of mundane tasks done today that i have not had time for for weeks and i am SO grateful!
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mellowmadds · 3 years
Benny Weir x Reader
Five Times Interrupted (not my story link below)
Warning- Sort of smutty idk?
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You were with Benny in Ethan’s living room, snuggled together on the sofa watching the horror film playing on the television while Ethan and Sarah were upstairs doing a project for Biology.
Twisting up to look at your boyfriend’s face, you pecked his jawline and smirked when he jumped in surprise. Quickly composing himself, Benny pulled you up in his arms and kissed your lips, chastely at first but soon licking his way into your mouth and pulling you closer with two hands on your waist.
One hand carded into his hair while the other reached under his shirt and traced his firm torso- using butterfly touches because it made him squirm the most.
With a noise that sounded a lot like a growl, Benny flipped the two of you over so that he was hovering over you with a coy quirk to his lips that made your tummy make all kinds of flips and twirls. Leaning down, he balanced himself on his forearms either side of your head and crushed his lips to yours.
Placing a careful knee between his legs, you smiled into the kiss when he groaned.
On the TV, someone had just been murdered gorily by a mad axe-man, but it wasn’t the blood curdling scream from the flimsy speakers that made you and Benny dive away from each other, it was the startled gasp from the kitchen entrance.
“Jane!” you gasped, quickly smoothing down your hair and plastering on a forced smile. “I thought you were at ballet practice tonight?”
Narrowing her eyes suspiciously- geez, eight-year-olds could be disconcerting- she replied slowly, “I was. I came home early because Anita threw up and we all had to leave. What are you doing? …With Benny?”
“Nothing,” the culprits answered together, sharing nervous glances.
Still not accepting the answer, the girl just dismissed you and wandered off upstairs.
“Freaking Anita,” you muttered under your breath.
After the incident in Ethan’s living room, you and Benny had been desperate to finish it off but wary about where exactly. The pair of you were getting more and more impatient and just wanted to be alone together, but the universe and all your friends made that more difficult than you’d imagine.
Finally, Benny asked Sarah if he could borrow her car to take you out on a date and he picked you up later that night dressed in a smart tie-less black suit with a bunch of flowers.
“Happy Date Night,” he greeted you when you opened the door, wearing your favourite purple dress.
With a fond chuckle, you pecked him on the cheek and the two of you drove over to the restaurant he had booked you both a table at.
Later that night, whilst driving home, you pulled over to the spot on the hill that gave the most incredible view of the whole of Whitechapel. There was a small clearing where Benny often took you before you two were dating, just to lie back on the cool grass and gaze up at the stars pinpricking the pitch black blanket of night.
Unclicking your belt, you slid over to Benny and leant your head on his shoulder. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you murmured into his neck.
The tickle of your warm breath made Benny shiver a little but he smiled and looked back down to you. “Yeah, it really is.”
Catching his gaze, he met your lips with his and wrapped his arms around you. Shuffling so that he was lying against the driver’s window with you on top of him, you deepened the kiss and grinded your pelvis hard against his, eliciting a hiss from the boy below you.
He cupped your cheek and was just sliding a cool hand along the hem of your shirt, when-
You almost jumped out of your skin until you saw that it was Sarah at the window. Winding it down, she poked her head in and asked, “So this is what you wanted my car for?”
Inhaling deeply- Benny looked as though he was going to give himself an ulcer- you just smiled apologetically and got out to chat to her about the Romeo and Juliet assignment until she forgot the situation.
By this point, you really needed Benny. In your relationship, you’d never been further than what you managed in Ethan’s lounge and Sarah’s car, and now that was all you could think about.
At Benny’s invitation, you went round to his house in search of some alone time and after ordering a pizza, you both practically ran to his bedroom.
“What about Grandma?” you asked breathlessly, struggling to keep up with the fast-paced situation when Benny pushed you into the wall and furiously attacked your mouth- all was welcomed with open arms.
“Out,” he replied briefly, moving his lips onto your neck. “Bingo? I dont know, old people things.”
It didn’t matter anyway because at that moment Benny was leading you over to the bed and climbing on after you, still with lips attached. Running your tongue over his bottom lip, his lips parted and you sucked lightly on the end of his tongue, grazing your teeth along his lips and growling softly.
He had his hands on your hips and moved one to trace along the length of your thigh before lifting it over his waist and grinding down in search of some friction. Loudly, he moaned and you just had to appreciate how hot that sounded.
Letting out a gasp when he started sucking at the dip of your neck, you gripped his thighs in your hands and groaned into his chestnut locks.
“Benny, I was wondering where you put that potion bottle for my herbs?”
“Shit!” Benny swore, leaping off the bed and across the room. “Grandma! What-what are you doing here?! You said you were gonna be out all night!” His voice had risen at least four octaves and somewhere dogs started to whine.
“Oh Benny,” she sighed, rolling her eyes and shooting you a kind smile, before explaining, “Margaret and Daneel went home so I decided to have an early night, too. If this is why you wanted me out of the house you should have just said so.”
And with that, the priestess vacated the room, with just a casual, “Lovely to see you again, Y/N.”
You sat there panting heavily and wondering exactly what the fuck just happened.
Your unsatisfied desire for each other got to the point that when you were working on Trig homework together in the library, well after everyone else had gone home, you found yourself slipping a hand onto his thigh under the table.
Straight away, he gasped a little- making the librarian glare at them before returning to the task of stacking books- and bit down on his lip. “If you keep doing that then any ethics I have against fucking in a library will go out the window,” he whispered, trying to focus his gaze on the maths in front of him.
At his uncharacteristically vulgar words, your felt heat pool in your stomach and with a teasing smirk, leant over and muttered in his ear, “I am all kinds of OK with that.”
Quicker than a flash, he had your hand gripped tightly in his and was leading you over to the Astronomy section (nobody went down there) and slammed you against the shelves, cramming his lips to yours.
Returning the kiss without a second thought- though you did have time to think about how hot it was when Benny got so controlling like this- you gripped his hips moaned into the kiss.
Feeling how hard he was just made you all the more aroused and you slipped a hand into his jeans and leant even further into the kiss.
“Fucking hell, guys!”
Shooting apart from each other, you spotted Ethan staring up at the ceiling obviously trying to erase such graphic images from his eyes, poor soul.
“Couldn’t you find anywhere else?” he asked, folding his arms and keeping hs eyes on a stained tile in the ceiling.
Practically growling, Benny seethed quietly in the corner before snapping, “Nope. Apparently not.”
“I am telling you,” Benny enthused, “nobody’ll be in there. It’s ‘Run for Your Wife’ and its the third week its been in the cinemas, trust me, then entire screening will be empty.”
Finally convinced, you looped your arms around his neck as you said, “Well, apart from us.”
As soon as you had taken your seats in the screen the lights went dark and the film began playing, at that moment you jumped up and settled yourself on Benny’s lap, facing him and bent down to kiss him.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” you mumbled into his lips, grinding your hips down into his crotch and smirking triumphantly when he gasped and threw his head back with a soft moan.
“Oh, I think I do,” he managed to choke out as he leaned back up and captured your already swollen and glisteningly red lips in another passionate kiss. Taking your hip in one hand he squeezed his fingers massagingly and licked at your neck while you let your eyes slip close in bliss.
“Hmm,” he sighed, pulling you closer with a hand in your hair, “I think we’ve finally found somewhere we can actually be alone.”
“I know there’s like nobody here, is there?”
“What the fuck?!” you shouted, jumping off Benny and looking to the seats behind you to see Rory with a mouthful of popcorn and handful of soda. “Rory?!”
“Hi there!” he greeted around his full mouth, spewing bits of popcorn everywhere. “Want some?” he offered, handing the bag of popcorn to you, to which you politely declined.
A quick glance at Benny showed a spellcaster who looked as though he was about to alight the entire cinema screen on fire just by pure concentration. His hands were fists on the arm rests and you figured that he’d officially crossed the line from sexually frustrated to sexually furious.
“My parents are out,” you said, sidling over to where Benny was perched on your sofa playing a video game on your TV, “So’re all my siblings. There’s no one to bother us.”
Settling on the arm of the sofa, you grinned and rested one of your bare feet on his lap and waited for the information to sink in. When it did, Benny froze completely and turned to look at you slowly- ignoring how many times he’d just got shot on the games console.
“We’re alone?” he checked, trying to reign his hopes and excitement in, “No chance of anyone interrupting?”
Biting your lip suggestively, you waggled your eyebrows and nodded.
You only saw a flash of Benny’s renowned goofy grin before he had you pressed against the sofa beneath him and was pressing his lips to yours passionately. He had positioned you so that he could press down with his hips and suck at the tender skin on your neck.
“Geez, Benny,” you managed to gasp out. “We really should’ve done this sooner.”
“You’re telling me,” he hummed, kissing his way along your jaw and back to your lips.
Needless to say, that became one of the more memorable nights of your life… The world may be full of cock-blocks, but it was also full of incredible sex with incredible adorably goofy guys, so who cares?
(Not my story full credit goes to the owner)
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theperfectlovestory · 3 years
You Are My Home
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Information: This will probably have multiple parts but stand alone (?) I'm a bit nervous to post this cause this is a more personal uhh imagines 😂
Summary: It's been a long time since your friends saw you, a lot has change and you are in a better place in your life. Specially the relationship part
Pairings: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Theme: fluff
TW: none (?)
Word Count: 2,241
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"Hey guys" you greeted, giving a small smile to your friends. It's been a long time since you all had the chance to talk together
Everyone has been busy and since you left your original city 2 years ago, the best you can do is chat with them once in a while
You are confident that the relationship with them is strong but you are sure many things have changed. But change is good, specially since you left with heavy heart and full of uncertainty
Right now you are in a good position in your life, and everyone is free, or at least made sure to make time. But still, the best you can do is video call for now
After 2 years this is the first time you've seen everyone. While they keep in touch and get together once in a while. You just were too far, both physically and mentally
"Hey, long time no see" Steve teased and you chuckled
"Damn you look good" Natasha commented "been taking care of yourself, I see"
You made a face and nodded "happy now I finally hit the gym like you always nag me to?" She chuckled
"Hey, just want you healthy"
"I know, thank you. Your voice is actually what pushed me in training" you leaned on the table, placing your cheeks on your knuckles "I can just hear you berating me for being so weak"
Everyone chuckled, agreeing that she does do that
"But in all seriousness, you look happy" Bucky complimented
Sighing, you nodded, finally at the position in your life where you can actually see yourself having a bright future
"I am, finally got my shit together, mostly at least"
The topic then transferred to your other friends, enjoying their presence even just from the screen. Laughing together just like the old times
"(Y/n)?" You turn your head to the voice, your girlfriend, Elizabeth calling for you coming from the second floor
"Darling, I'm in the dining" you answered and immediately heard footsteps
Without looking at the screen of your laptop, she smiled, excitedly tilt your head by your chin, kissing you deeply
Every one of your friends are stunned. Of course, you never showed them any public display, not like you had the chance anyway since you never really pursued anyone for years you were with them and now here you are kissing Elizabeth Olsen
Very famous actress, part of big filming companies, a producer as well
"Damn (Y/n)..." Natasha whispered and you laughed when Lizzie finally realized you were actually on a video call
"Oh no, sorry baby" she said wiping your mouth and hers with her sleeves, you shake your head to stop her
"You're fine, or not. But Lizzie, meet my friends" you gestured on the screen and Lizzie shyly waved at them. Blush dusting her cheeks as she pursed her lips into a decent smile. Your taste still lingering on her mouth
They said a quick hi to be polite then suddenly spoke all at once berating you for not telling them you are dating "the Elizabeth Olsen". The actress, the girl of your dreams
Then it was your turn to blush when Bucky mentioned that she's the reason you never had any interest in other people. She was just too 'shiny' to you, the other just seemed dull
Elizabeth looked at you with new found love in her eyes as you got bullied by your friends. She can't help but give you a quick kiss on the cheek before apologizing for interrupting your moment with them again
"Oh no, you did not interrupt at all. We probably wouldn't even know she's dating if you didn't come" Tony said and everyone told him to shut up
"It's not like how it sounds, Ms. Olsen. (Y/n) is very proud of you, she just really doesn't like speaking about her relationships" Peter explained and Elizabeth chuckled
"Oh I know, that's why we are not in public anyway" she patted your head "but it's okay. I don't want to drag her in the mess of Hollywood so if you can just keep all this between us" she gave everyone a small smile and they either shrugged or nodded
"No problem" Natasha answered "I'll make sure these idiots don't slip up"
Elizabeth gave them a big smile before she left to get breakfast. Once she is gone though they started attacking you with questions again
"Fine fine" you sighed, finally giving up "we met a few months after I left, I applied to the Marvel Studio as set decorator. I was fixing up the set the night before with a bunch of my coworkers so the shooting will proceed with ease. I'm usually just there at night so when she came looking for her phone, which I actually picked up and was planning to give to the lost and found before leaving, they pointed her to me. I gave it to her, she thanked me and that was it'' you shrugged
"Then how did you two got together"
Pursing your lips, knowing they wouldn't stop anyway you told them
It was the wrap up of the filming for Endgame. The biggest movie you will ever work with if you are honest
A bunch of A-listers are there and a lot of demands have to be met so for the first time, the whole movie you had to be in and out of the sets. You barely slept or ate in the past few months. You apartment even collected dust since all you did there is go home, take a shower, then go out
You mostly slept on set. By the end of the filming your body is screaming for rest. But you kept going anyway. This project is a very big deal for you, specially you lead the look of the set. anything that needs to be changed, moved, removed, added to the set goes through you
So basically, all day you stand in front of the set, watching the designers work their magics and you requesting changes, assessing the atmosphere in pre production and etc. and at night, clean up and set up is a bitch
One morning you were so tired you wanted to pass out there and then when Elizabeth enter the area. She was shooting all her parts today that can be soloed
You tried to keep yourself awake and alert to anything and everything so when you noticed an uneven ramp and props that she will unfortunately stepped on, your body started running before your mind can comprehend what's happening
She let out a squeal when she broke her ankle and fall but before she hit the ground and risk further injuries on her wrist that is sure to break her fall, you were catching her
But your body felt so weak that instead of staying up right, she fell on you. At least she wasn't hurt at any part of her body but you were, you hit your head on impact but it was minor
If ever, it only made you dizzy
She stood up and you did as well. You rubbed your hand on your face, ordering staffs to re-arrange and clean up the set so no more obstacle can cause accidents
You didn't even dare look at her eyes knowing those green orbs will suck your life out of you. You asked her if she's okay, also apologizing for the dangerous set up. It was overlooked that she would be indeed walking in heels, boots but heels nevertheless
"It's fine, I'm fine" she said, smiling but her eyes are full of worry "are you though? You hit your head when you broke my fall" she said, even unconsciously touching it
"Uh yeah..." you awkwardly smiled at her "it doesn't hurt, thanks" you then slowly back away. When the props have been arrange, the shooting started but your body felt so weak you had to call your assistant to cover for you
You went to the area where you always rested and slept. You were out for almost 2 hours when a cough woke you up. You sat up, rubbing your eyes and ask what they need without even looking at them
"I...brought you food, and coffee" your head snapped, looking at the voice you only dream of talking . She had a small and awkward smile and shy look in her eyes directed to you
"I was looking for you where you usually stand but noticed you weren't there" she explained, your face obviously gave your confusion away "I wanted to thank you again, the stunt director said that if it weren't for you, I would most likely break my wrist in that fall"
You slowly nodded, giving her a small smile "well, it was our fault for not triple checking the set"
"No no, please don't do that, accidents happen, I'm just here to thank you. It was me being clumsy too" You look at her with newfound admiration, a firm believer of 'never meet your idol, it will disappoint you'. But it wasn't the case with her at all
You are aware of the rumors that she's actually very kind, down to earth and serious with her job. It's a good rumor considering she is well known and if you are honest, you know deep in your heart it is true, but you never get your hopes up high
If only you met in a different circumstance, maybe you would think of trying to flirt a little but you know your place. This is a work situation and you need to be as professional as you can be. She is still an actress after all, you need to respect her space
It doesn't mean that she is being kind to you, it's an invitation to step into that space of hers. So you muster the most professional smile you can
"Well thanks, it's really no problem" you said with indifference and if you are actually not too much in your head, you will see her frown with the change of tone
She then handed you the food and the coffee "I'd actually like to talk more again sometimes" she said, swallowing the tightness in her throat "maybe for a coffee?"
The invitation did wonders in your body. Your heart is just beating a tad bit faster, your stomach filled with butterflies, your cheeks turning red. All the cliché reactions you can feel, it's there but then you moved and you groaned, your body sore from over work
You were so sure you wanted to say yes, but your body clearly wanted to say no. After this shooting, you just want to drop dead in your apartment and maybe wake up 3 months after
"I'm just so tired recently, I will be no fun" you chuckled, exhaustion dripping on every syllable "but hey, maybe a few weeks after the filming is done, if you are still up for it?"
The sadness of rejection from earlier was turned into a big grin. Her excitement sparkled on her eyes "sure, I'd give you my number then"
You nodded and gave her your phone. She didn't even have to ask for a password because you never put one in. It's easier since you give your phone to your assistants all the time to contact people for updates on props shipments and other business related matter
She excitedly tapped her number, saving it as 'Scarlet Witch' and that made you giggle. Using her screen name that's not even canon yet
"Okay, Scarlet Witch, I'll call you when I finally get some well deserve hibernation, then maybe I'll be more fun to talk to than a usual" She laughed and nodded and you are so sure you can never be more in love with her voice
She then said a few more things before leaving you to rest. You thanked her again for the food and coffee before she disappeared
"I can't believe you almost rejected her" Steve said wide eyed "she's like, your dream woman"
"Oh I can" Natasha said "(Y/n) doesn't hit uncertain, have you ever played with her on anything? All her hits are aces!"
"But it's like the chance of a lifetime!"
"Yeah! That's why you make sure you attack when you know it will hit!"
The two started bickering and you all just watched, laughing at their same old antics. Elizabeth then walk to your side, offering you a fruit bowl for breakfast, you thanked her and then invited her to seat besides you and she did, you kissed her off camera
"What was that?" She chuckled but tried to catch your lips again when you pulled away, you giggled at her pouty face
"Nothing, just suddenly can't believe I'm actually dating you" she sighed, giving you a small smile
"You might think that you're the lucky one but it's actually me" she said, pressing a hand on your cheeks and squeezing it lightly "you make my life whole, (Y/n), you filled the space in my heart where money or popularity cannot"
"And you picked up and fixed my broken pieces" you countered, leaning on her hand that's now just slowly rubbing your cheeks
"I guess we are both lucky then"
Your eyes both glint the same way. Feeling like you finally found where you belong, in each other. You are home
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Gender reveal (pregnancy series)
Again just like my last part of this series gender is on a spectrum and changeable but this is the common term so that is what I'm going to use but I still believe that everyone is valid no matter their gender.
Series masterlist
Me and George didn't have any big plans for telling family because it really wasn't that big of a thing over in England to do gender reveals (I think this is true like I never really hear about them over here but some people do do them) so we decided just to tell them in person. Today George's parents are coming over so we are going this chance to tell them because they know that we were able to find out at our last appointment.
They arrived and brought dinner with them which was very unnecessary but also very nice of them to help us out like that. We ate dinner together just kind of casually nothing too serious because all of us are so close that we don't often do proper family dinners or whatever unless it is Christmas. After dinner George's mum helped me with washing the dishes before we sat down on the sofa together to play some games but not before me and George told them the news.
"Ok so you know that we found out the gender so we wanted to tell you" I started
"We're having a girl" George exclaimed
"Thats so exciting I can't wait to buy cute little things for her" his mum said
They were so excited to go out and buy little things for their granddaughter that she could keep as memories which put things into a whole new perspective for both me and George to the point that we both felt so unprepared because we have nothing for the baby and were already halfway through the pregnancy.
Clay wanted to do something for his family and mine to reveal the gender so we set up a little party with just close family where we were going to tell them using a onesie clay had made with his trademark smiley face on it in pink with a white background which was actually really cute and I can't wait till she can wear it.
I have been setting up decorations out in the garden all morning it's not a whole lot but it has taken me a while because I keep getting distracted. When it was done there was balloons in blue and pink as well as bunting and table cloths and we had cupcakes with different colour icing on them just for fun. Everything actually looked pretty good with a bit of straightening up from where my brain had just thought of something else that needed doing it would be perfect.
Our families soon arrived and enjoyed the cupcakes and chatted about what they thought we were having. Once it felt like a good time Clay got the box that we wrapped the onesie in and brought it outside so we could let them open it, both of our moms opened it together while the rest of our families watched from behind them. They opened the box and pulled out the onesie looking at it for a second before it sunk in what they were holding.
"Congratulations you two" my mom said
"This onesie is so cute did you get it made?" His mom asked
"Yes I did and I got a few others but they haven't arrive yet" Clay said
"Wait I didn't know there was going to be more" I said
He is full of surprises this man but I'm not going to lie I was quite looking forwards to this one.
Seeing as Sapnap's family have been so supportive of us we wanted to do something for them to announce the gender so Sapnap and I have been planning a little party for everyone where we are going to cut a cake to tell them the gender. I also thought it would be fun to have a little box for people to put guesses of what they thought we were having in and we would total it up before the reveal to see if they were right.
Everyone came over and we talked for a while with them trying to get information out if me to try and make their guesses on the gender. We took the box with all the slip of paper in and me and Sapnap counted them together.
"Thats 3 for boy and 9 for girl" I said
It was kind of funny to see the results especially knowing what the baby actually is. Sapnap gave me a look and we grabbed the knife we had prepared and I put my hand on his so we could cut the cake we had together. We cut a slice to reveal the blue sponge inside which we showed everyone and their reactions were priceless because they definitely didn't expect us to be having a boy.
"It's a boy" Sapnap exclaimed
"There is no way I was sure it was a girl" his mom said
No one believed us to start with but we managed to convince them as time went on.
Me and Alex had told all of our family separately in person but he still wanted to film a video that won't go out for a while but he wanted to do it for fun. He wanted us to do old wives tales to see if they were accurate. He had some ready that he wanted to do some of which seemed more scientific than others but we did them all anyway.
We started with the ring test where we took one of my rings I wear all the time and used a strand of my hair to hover it over my bump. It swung in a straight line which indicated girl which we marked down on a white board. Next we did the mirror test and I looked into the mirror for a minute to see if my pupils dilated which they didn't which also indicated girl.
The next one we did was kind of gross and involved baking soda which we had to put into a cup of my pee and see if it fizzed which it did which indicated boy. The last one we did was the heartbeat test which said that if the heartbeat was over 140 it is a girl which our baby's was.
I was quite surprised that they were mostly right but of course the fans didn't know that so we had to do a final reveal where we told them that it was a girl. I'm quite excited for the video to go out after we tell fans about the pregnancy because it was actually quite fun to film.
We didn't really have anything planned but the mr beast crew set up a little party for us where we could tell them the gender because they are so desperate to know. To actually reveal it we decided to get a balloon with blue confetti inside it despite knowing when it popped it would scare me it was going to be fun for everyone else.
They had set everything up pretty extravagantly because that’s how they do things, there was so many decorations and way too much food for anyone to eat. We had a nice time though eating way too much food and Chris gave us a bunch of advice for when baby arrives.
Eventually we got up and brought in the balloon and got ready to pop it with a knife, Karl held the knife while I held the string of the balloon. He gave me a warning before he popped it still made me flinch and I felt the baby jump inside me but when I opened my eyes after just a split second and there was confetti everywhere.
"We're having a boy" Karl practically squealed
"Yay Tucker can have a little friend" Chris said
Me and Wilbur have told all of our family the gender of the baby but no friends know so he invited some to our place to hang out and so we can tell them the gender. We have spent most of the morning cleaning the place and sort of setting up like cooking and baking but now everything is pretty much ready as people are arriving.
Phil arrived first and brought us some baby clothes which was very sweet of him, all of the others arrived not long after and we all sat down to talk and tell when what we are having. Wilbur had ordered some onesies for the baby which were pink which we were going to show the group. Wilbur left the room for a minute at some point and came back with the onesie in his hands but behind his back.
"I got this the other day and its just to cute" he said holding it up
"Wait does that mean your having a girl?" Tubbo asked
"Yeah we are" I said
They were all very excited and can't wait to meet her but for now they can look at the bump which I did let them feel which I don't let most people do but Tommy especially was so excited I thought why not.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
They want us together - Vinnie Hacker
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Picture’s not mine
I know my last post were about Rio and Johnny , and Vinnie has nothing to do with them, but he is one of my favorite dudes so ... Hope you enjoy it 
Vinnie Fluff
Warning : Language
Word Count : 1.4k
Bzzzz bzzzz
Your phone buzzed, indicating Vinnie was live. It was rare of him to do so since he was more likely to stream on twitch. You opened your phone, tapping on the app as you entered his live. You watched as more people are joining in and commenting in hopes of Vinnie noticing them.
“Hey guys, hope you are all having a good day! I wanted to hop on in since it’s been a while, I was thinking of just chatting for a bit and I’ll probably go annoy the others” he said chuckling a little. His eyes were moving fast trying to read as many comments as possible.
“SUP FOOL 😝” you write down, as everyone commented that you were watching Vinnie’s live.
He chuckled “Hi (Y/N), weren’t you supposed to be here like an hour ago?”
See, you were kind of popular on social media and you had made some friends over at the Hype house over the past months. When Vinnie moved in, you hit it off quite fast with him. You had a lot of mutual interests and you would always laugh when you were around him. Being in the public eyes wasn’t always easy. Vinnie had everyone drooling over him and you being around, got you a lot of hate.
On the contrary, a lot of people were shipping you, saying you had the same vibe and that you’d look good together. Vinnie was attractive, no denying that, but everything isn’t about looks. He’d always been nice to you, supporting and encouraging you through everything and you’d do the same for him. He was easy to talk to and everyone could see that you’ve grown closer and had a genuine connection.
“I’m in a uber heading over to the house” you typed as he read your message.
You continued watching for a bit as he answered some question as you got off commenting that you’d arrive soon.
Once you logged off, Vinnie spoke “Ok guys, what do you say we prank (Y/N) when she gets here?” He said smiling eagerly planning something with his followers. “I’ll go downstairs now”
As the gate opened, leading your uber driver, onto the path to the big mansion, Vinnie runs to the front of the house, hiding in the bushes next to the door, ready to scare you.
“Ok guys, she’s pulling up now, get ready to laugh” He snickered trying to stay silent so you wouldn’t notice him.
You got out of the car and started walking towards the front door when Vinnie came out of nowhere scaring the hell out of you. One hand flying to your chest as you let out a scream of terror while Vinnie laughed is ass of at your reaction.
“Guys! Did you see that? Shit was hilarious” He continued almost dying of laughter.
“Shut up you asshole” You said chuckling lightly as you slapped him on his chest. “You really got me there” you smiled sweetly at him.
“I’ll leave you to this, guys. I’ll talk to you soon, probably streaming tomorrow as well. Bye” He said as both of you waved before he ended the live. You got inside, going straight to the kitchen where everyone was already chilling.
“(Y/N)!” Michael stood up drink in hand, standing next to you while giving you a side hug. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Whatever you’re having is fine with me” You smiled greeting everyone. Michael came back, handing you a rum and coke.
You all catch up for a bit when Alex spoke “What do you say we play never have I ever?” He said already a bit tipsy filming us all to get content for his vlog.
As most of us were down to do something other than just chatting, we decided to agree as Alex filled in his drink.  “Ok I’ll go first than” He said sitting down next to Kouvr.
“Never have I ever gone 24hours without showering” Pretty much everyone drank except for Vinnie, Mia and yourself.
“Why am I not surprised that you didn’t drink, boy’s always in the damn shower” you said laughing at Vinnie, referencing to all the thirst traps he posts.
You all continued to play for a bit, everyone having fun and laughing.
“Never have I ever fantasized about someone in this room” Michael said before taking a big gulp out of his drink, clearly too drunk to get the concept of the game anymore.
Thomas, Mia, Kouvr, Alex and Vinnie took one as well.
“Girl you better drink, cause I know for a fact you have” Mia said pointing at you as you blush taking a sip.
“Oh yeah who is it?” Michael asked smirking at you, bumping your shoulder with his.
Your eyes went to Vinnie for a quick second
“None of your goddamn business” You answered chuckling lightly as you continued to play for a little bit before everyone got tired.
You weren’t though, so you decided to go down to the pool while most of the others went to bed.
“Anyone wants to join me for a dip or are you all going to leave me by myself” you asked
‘Vinnie will join you. He never goes to sleep before 3 in the morning anyways” Thomas said smirking looking at the both of you.
“Uh yeah sure, let me just go get change and I’ll meet you back down here”
You went into the pool as you waited for Vinnie to come back. When he did, he jumped in, splashing you as you laughed. He came back to the surface and swam closer to you.
“Want to make a Tiktok with me” you agreed, plopping the phone near the stairs as you got in place to film a TikTok dance that was trending. You filmed yourselves a bunch of times since you couldn’t stop laughing at each other. Once you finally got a nice take, you ended the video by pushing Vinnie in the water his arms grabbing you dragging you along as you both feel in the pool.
You both were laughing as you came back to get some air and Vinnie posted the video on his account. Even though it was late, the video already got a lot of reactions, comments saying stuff about how hot he looked and how you too would make a great couple as people shipped you.
“People really want us together” He said chuckling as he stared down at me
He put his phone back near the table as he came back in the water approaching you.
“So, who’s the person you’ve been fantasizing about huh?” he asked getting closer to you as the words left his mouth, a smirk plastered on his face.
“No one” you shrugged blushing “Let me remind you that you drank too, so who’s the person you’ve been fantasizing about?” you asked as you grinned back.
“You” he said boldly looking directly into your eyes. “I mean I like you (Y/N). I’m myself when I’m with you and you always make me laugh at the simplest things. I don’t want to lie and say I never thought about kissing you before because I have. In fact, I’m always think about kissing you”
“Are you thinking about kissing me right now?”
“Yeah I mean –“ You cut him off pressing your lips to his. He kisses you back as his hands flew to your hips pulling you in closer to his body. His tongue peaks out just enough against you bottom lip for you to open your mouth a little bit more, as you whimpered against him. His lips were softer than you’d ever thought they’d be, and they meld perfectly against yours. Your hands made their way trough his hair, tugging a bit as you got more into the kiss, making him let out a small groan. You could feel him smile against your lips as you pulled away to get some air. Once you open your eyes, Vinnie is already looking at you, his eyes piercing your soul.
“I like you too Vinnie, I have for a while now” you said blushing avoiding his stare.
He grabbed you by your chin pulling you closer as he pecked your lips, laughing afterward. He looked so good, his hair dripping, his eyes sparkling with joy and his lips swollen caused by the kiss you just shared.
“So, I guess everyone was right about us huh?”
“I guess they were” you giggled leaning towards him as you cuddled and made out all night.
Thank you for reading
Hope you like it, let me know what you think
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jasmine-the-fox · 3 years
She’s mine!
So this little salt fic was a request by Thiamati on ao3 so here we go with a jealous Damian Wayne!
Damian was sick of it, for a week now he has watched guys rush over to Marinette with gifts and asking her out on dates, and while she does turn them down... They don’t give up one bit.
He has been dating her for the last two years, she wasn’t ready to tell the public about there relationship so he respected it, but this summer she came to Gotham to patrol with his family and to train, when she came back she was different, her hair was now down instead of it’s usual pigtails style, her clothes were now a little bit more grown-up instead of the usual pink in her clothes, she gained muscles and her figure was more visible then before and she was now wearing make-up.
At first it was fine, guys noticed her and people would compliment her new look while Lila makes another lie about herself... Nothing new, but then guys began to leave her gifts in her locker, making her buy herself a lock for it, then guys left the gifts on her desk, and then guys would come up to her and ask her out... He hated it since Mari would tell him to calm down and let her handle it, he trusts her but he just hated watching those guys asking her out.
Alya Cesaire was annoying, she claimed that Mari was a slut and was paying these guys to ask her out... But they followed Adrien Agreste today and claimed she was lying and stupid... Also said she was jealous of Mari’s new look, he hated the model with the way he was so blind sided about things like Lila and her lies... He wished he could simply smack him in the face and yell at him to see a therapist and research what his actions do in life.
But that would make Marinette cry... And he didn’t want her to cry...
So he did nothing, simply watched from the lunch table he eats at with the people who were on Mari’s side: Chloe Bourgeois, Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi and Alix Kubdel, these people knew about his relationship with Marinette and also know Lila’s true colors... But each time they try to bring her lies to light, she fake cries, blames Marinette for there false claims and then claims she simply want’s them all to be friends right now making them be glared at.
He sometimes wonders what Adrien is doing, while he does go over to speak to Mari and asks her out (which he notices makes Alya get excited and pull out her phone to record) he get’s rejected quickly enough with the claim that she doesn’t see him that way (which as a result angers Alya as she stomps away) he would then watch the blonde walk away and then pull out his phone to do something on it for a bit and then leaves the area... Days later Mari get’s a package of two gorgeous dresses.
Which she donates to charity...
They dresses were in her old size so she couldn’t fit in them, not only that but they weren’t in her current taste... So donating them was the next best thing, it made him smile towards her kind heart, but then the gifts began to happen every day, she always got something in her old measurements and her old tastes which made no sense to her, then at school Adrien would look upset about something for a bit and then walks away, one day around her desk were a bunch of red roses and on her desk was a pink teddy bear holding a box that held a necklace of a heart shaped pink quarts.
She didn’t understand what was going on, after she left the roses behind, she handed the bear to Juleka to gift Rose as the girl was slowly listening to her girlfriend and her words, while to Aurore she handed the necklace to gift to Mireille, she had feelings for the girl and so Mari was certain that the gift would get her feelings through, now she was at her locker being yelled at by Alya about the gifts and Adrien... Sadly the girl wasn’t making much sense right now so Mari simply ignored her until Chloe walks in so they can head to her hotel.
But the gifts kept going... But with notes from Adrien this time...
They freak her out, each time she would leave her room or any room to be honest, there would be a gift from him with a note in his hand writing, she would always look around to try and find him, then she would ask him to leave her alone because she didn’t feel the same way, but he kept going so her friends began to reject him for her since he wasn’t listening... Damian was getting angry at the blonde because he was close to losing it at him right now, so then it happened, Mari was heading home when she felt like she was being watched, she pulled out her phone and recorded behind her and got a clear shot of Adrien, she then ran to the Couffaine house boat and then waited for the police to arrive.
Adrien was long gone, but they examined the video and confirmed it was real and not edited, so they went over and reported to Gabriel a restraining order on his son... Then showed him the video “We had it tested many times mister Agreste, your son stalked miss Dupain-Cheng and as a result demanded a restraining order on him” he was told, he nodded and the police left so he could yell at his son and show him the video.
Adrien was to stay at home for a week so they could speak with the police, Mari’s parents and the principal about a solution to have him keep going to school, be with his friends without breaking the restraining order “He will need to be at the back of the class while she is at the front to not break it” Sabine explained making them all nod in agreement, this made Adrien furious! He just wanted to date Marinette! And now he wasn’t allowed to speak to her!? It was so unfair, he texted Nino about this and since he didn’t know the full story he agreed with his friend and told the rest of the class.
This gave Lila her ammunition for her next lie...
She began to claim that Mari had been stalking Adrien and her so they don’t get together for work and things outside of school, and claimed that to protect herself she lied to the police (without knowing about the video she took) Alya who was furious went to the police and demanded proof about Mari’s reason behind the restraining order on Adrien, the officer at the time could tell that Alya was blinded by lies so her smirked and showed her the video “We had it tested many times and it was confirmed as 100% real and not edited” he said before letting her play it.
She didn’t know how many times she watched it (the officer saw her replay the video twelve times) but it was true, Adrien was the one stalking Mari... And she was so close at claiming that Mari lied and she was the one stalking Adrien AND Lila! All this time that Italian lied to them! She had to do something about this, she set the video down and thanked the officer for allowing her to watch it and then left in a rush to get back home, sure she had to watch the twins but she got them distracted with a movie as she did a ton of research on all of her post about Lila and the truth behind the liar.
As she worked she made a private group chat with the class (minus Mari and her friends, Lila and Adrien) and began sending them links about the truth behind each of Lila’s lies and the consequences behind if her claims had been true, she would send links every few seconds without allowing them the chance to reply with another of Lila’s lies... Once she was done she then began sending them links to stories that Lila was part of... All in the same pattern.
She would move, transfer to a new school, start lying her butt off about herself in class then someone would call out on her lies, Lila would cry and claim that person is bullying her and hurting her, the class attacks that student and then either the student ends there life, transfers to a new school or suddenly dies and Lila is gone before anyone can question her... The class never replied, sure it was confirmed they saw her post but no one was saying a thing, they were simply quiet.
Once she was done she told them to not tell Lila or Adrien as she believed the blonde knew she was a liar (but she didn’t have proof about it so she had to wait) she asked them to meet her at the school library the next day so they could talk, she then left the chat to focus on her sisters until her big sister arrived and takes over for her, she then goes to her room to try and reach out to Marinette, but she was blocked from contacting her, so she tried her friends... Same result, she then decided to try and use social media to reach out... Mari hadn’t blocked her there so she was able to get her to agree to see her in her room at the bakery that same day.
She quickly got there and went up to her friends room... And found her curled up on Damian’s lap... Explaining to her that they were dating, she didn’t ask question and decided to not tell anyone as it wasn’t her story to tell at all right now, instead she sat down as she listened to Mari tell her side of the story in everything connected to Lila and Adrien, Alya decided to simply record the audio and not film her... It would show Damian and she wanted to respect there relationship.
Mari did reveal that she wasn’t mentally ready for the media and tabloids to attack her yet, she explained that Damian’s family and her friends were helping her overcome it but it was a slow process for now, Alya nodded in understanding and promised to keep quiet, she got back home and replayed the audio a few times to work with it on revealing Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste for the monster’s they truly are, the next day Lila laughed at Mari for lying to the police to gain attention, Caline sternly reprimanded Marinette for doing so and told her to go to the police station to apologize for lying about Adrien.
The blonde was going to go with her and was just about to take hold of her hand when Damian lost it, he flipped Adrien over his shoulder and yelled “DON’T TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND YOU CRAZY STALKER!!” this made the school look at him in shock, Lila then began to cry and claim that he was dating her for the last two months “News flash Rossi: Damian Wayne has been dating Marinette for the last two years” Chloe laughed making the school glare at the liar as she trembled in fear and then ran back home to hide.
Alya smirked at this as she then claimed that she had proof about Lila being a liar and had compiled the evidence about Lila and Adrien straight from Marinette herself, everyone wanted to see this so Max asked them all to come to the library so he could set it up there, meanwhile Sabrina called her dad over to come watch this with a team, Damian apologized to Mari for revealing there relationship but she simply smiled and explained that they can reveal everything in Gotham “As long as i’m with you... I won’t be scared” she explained making him smile as they walked into the library.
Minutes later, Lila and Adrien were taken to the police station to be questioned for there actions, Gabriel refused to help his son as for Lila... Her mother at first wanted to help but after hearing what Lila did back at her old schools... She removed her diplomatic immunity on the spot and left the room to get back home while telling her daughter she was on her own.
The judge claimed them both unstable and dangerous, for now they were to be put into juvie and once they were adults they would be sentenced like adults... Lila didn’t go there though, she was taken back to Italy to be put in a mental prison for the unstable where she would be pumped with medication to keep her calm and loopy (she did try to attack the judge, stabbed one officer with a pen, bit another and then scratched a third one) Adrien who didn’t want to face the same fate as her agreed to his punishment and admitted to all the charges placed on him.
No one saw them after that, instead they focused all on apologizing to Mari and trying to fix there friendship with her... All the while she returned to Gotham with Damian to go on live TV to reveal there relationship, in the end her fears were for nothing, Gotham reporters respected her greatly since she was titled as Gotham’s sunshine since she made the criminals want to protect her instead of attack her... And Damian couldn’t mind it since they always took care of any tabloids or creeps from getting to close.
Guess being jealous pays off huh...
Hey guys! So if you didn’t get it when Damian was jealous let me explain it... Like I wrote around the start, Damian and Mari have been dating for two years... But in those two years they have never been public about there relationship... So it was a secret, meaning no one knew about it other then the people they tell... Meaning that the boys asking Mari out have no idea that she’s taken and Damian can’t stop them since it will reveal that there dating... Makes sense now?
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Puppy Surprise- Rudy Pankow
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A/n- Okay hear me out Rudy with dogs is so cute. I saw a video of him getting excited about a puppy and I thought of this idea. The reader brings her two puppies on set to see Rudy. I can just imagine his face with a huge smile.
Your POV
I was super excited today to see Rudy since he’s been so busy with filming lately. I had just gotten changed into a deep red skater skirt and a black crop top. While I was getting my hair brushed and put up in two dutch braids I felt something touch my leg. I looked down to see Clover asking for some attention. I carefully bent down and gave her a couple pats on the head. I then stood back up to finish braiding my hair.
When I was finally ready to go I grabbed my bag and both of my new puppies leashes. Before I could call them over I saw both Clover and Charlie running up to me. It made me let out a little laugh watching them. I got them all harnessed up to take them with me. Once I got to my car the little guys were getting super excited to go on a road trip.
I got super excited to see Rudy, but before I could go there I made sure I was good to go in there when I got the okay I hoped out of my car and went to the passenger side to get Clover and Charlie ready to walk into the building. While I was walking both of them kept whining. Eventually, I then let them sniff around the new place.
Chase’s POV
I was walking around the school set with Madelyn since we aren’t needed in this shot. I then stopped in my spot which made Mads get yanked back. She turned to face me with a confused expression.
“ Why’d you stop?” She questioned
I looked back at her and then back at the person that looks a lot like Y/n. She follows my eyes and then lets go of my hand to start walking over there.
Your POV
I was just chill’en when I heard a familiar name being called…
“ Madelyn!”
I thought nothing of it until I heard Clover start barking, so I looked up and saw Maddie and Chase heading this way. I saw them with huge smiles on their faces. Before I could even register what was happening I felt arms wrap around me. I hugged her back and my eyes moved over to Chase, so I pulled away from Maddie to hug Chase. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. Once we pulled away from each other I saw Maddie on the ground in front of Clover and Charlie.
“ So, what have you guys been doing?” I questioned them both while both Chase and I sat on the ground. I gave them my full attention while leaning up against the wall.
“ Well Maddie and I are basically just chill’en. We’ve mostly been walking around the school set.” Chase said
Madelyn then looked up from Clover and said…
“ Yeah, we're not really needed for this scene. We actually were going to go to the courtyard to get some fresh air before we saw you with these adorable babies.”
I let out a small giggle before giving Clover a pat on the head which made Charlie wag his tail for some attention too since he was just laying down on the floor with us.
Chase’s POV
I was watching both my beautiful girlfriend and best friend chatting away. When I felt something warm run against my arm. I looked down to find one of the puppies. I smiled and started messing with the little guy.
“ Um...you guys know if you still want to go outside to get some fresh air, you can. I don’t really mind.” Y/n spoke up
I looked over at Maddie to see her messing with the puppy that was fond of her. I then turned my head over to her.
“ It’s all good. I think Maddie would rather stay and play with these guys.” I said
She smiled and then looked down. “ Cool. Um...Chase?”
I saw Maddie look at me before I said. “ Yea?”
I saw her eyes start to get welled up with tears, so I gently pulled her into me without hurting the puppy. I rubbed her back when I heard soft whimpers coming from her. I moved my head closer to her ear.
“ Hey. It’s okay. Just tell me what’s wrong?” I whispered
She carefully pulled away from me and whipped her face with her hand, without telling me what's wrong. But I could think of one idea. “ Sorry guys.” she said
Before I got a chance to say anything Maddie said..
“ Don’t apologize. It’s fine.”
She smiled and looked up. “ Um..thanks guys. Do you know when Rudy will be down?”
I looked down at my phone to find out they had about 2 more minutes of filming. “ He will be done in about 2 minutes. Why?”
She looked up at me and said. “ Oh, um. I just missed him and I got these two guys to surprise him with.”
When I heard the first statement, I knew my thought was true when she was crying. Those guys were inseparable from each other. I am glad they have each other to be honest.
Your POV
Once I got done talking Maddie asked…
“ Anyway, before we get up to surprise Rudy, what are their names?”
I gave her a smile and introduced both Chase and Madelyn to them. “ This one that you’ve been playing with is Clover. And the one lying next to you, Chase, is Charlie.”
They both were in aw. I let out a giggle. I jumped up which made them both jump.
“ Can we go see Rudy now?” I asked
They both laughed and got up. I saw them each look at the little fur balls at their feet. I rolled my eyes and said..
“ Go ahead. I know you both want to. But just give me one of them before Rudy comes.”
They both had grins on their faces. Maddie looked at me while walking to the classroom that held the crew in.
I was messing with Charlie with Chase when I heard a gasp. I turned around to find Rudy. I smiled and shouted…
“ Surprise!”
He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck and messed with the ends of his hair. When we pulled away from each other I let him meet Clover and Charlie. He took Charlie from Chase and automatically fell in love with him.
“ When did you get them?” he asked
I smiled, “ I got them about 2 days ago.”
He smiled and hugged the little guy close to him. I heard Madison let out a squeal when she saw the puppies. I smiled at her.
“ Guys, when do you finish filming?” I questioned
Rudy opened his mouth to speak..” Um, I think we're done for the day, but I'm not sure.”
I nodded and heard JD say, “ Yea, were done today Rudy. Also hi Y/n.”
I wrapped my arms around him for a hug. “ Hi” I said back
When we pulled away I felt Rudy pull me into his side. I blushed and looked over. He had a small smile while looking down at me.
“ Well, then are you guys ready to leave?” I questioned still looking at Rudy
I saw them all nod, so everyone then headed to change and grab their things.
Rudy’s POV
I was in Y/n/n’s car holding Charlie while Madison was in the back holding Clover. I kept glancing at her when the sun was hitting her because to me it made it look like she was more of an angel.
Madison’s POV
I was in the back seat of Y/n’s car holding her new puppy Clover when I saw Rudy glancing at her when the sun hit directly on the side of her face. I smiled at the two of them. I then went back to messing with Clover and taking a bunch of selfies and videos.
Your POV
I felt eyes on me so I looked over to find Rudy’s eyes on me. I smiled and focused back on the road.
“ What?” I questioned
“ Nothing...your just beautiful.” he said
I smiled at him and took one of my hands off the steering wheel to give his hand a squeeze.
I had the whole outer banks cast at my house since they all wanted to play around with the new puppies. Rudy came over to me and smiled. I smiled back and hugged him, which made him hug me back and kiss the top of my head. We both then went to join the others on the floor with Charlie and Clover. I then leaned into Rudy’s side which made him wrap his arm around me. For the rest of the night the cast and I just chilled in my home, watching movies, messing with each other and playing around with the puppies.
I hope this imagine makes sense and it’s not just a bunch of gibberish. But anyway enjoy and I love all the support from you guys.
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valntynedeangelis · 3 years
Homesick - Thomas Raggi
Requested by @fairyth0rns In which a homesick Thomas confides in you after a show. I changed up the premise a little but I love how it turned out!! LOTS of fluff and feelings! Hope you like it <3 this is basically Thomas Raggi stan acc at this point ahaha.
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word count: 1,914
-no warnings
Being on tour with your best friends wasn't always easy, there were small fights, drunken mistakes and harmful words that got said, but it was just the pressure they were all under, no one was ever mad at each other for long, it was just the lifestyle catching up to everyone.
No matter how hard things got out on the road you knew there would always be someone you could turn to for help and consolation, and things did get hard being away from your life back home. However, you knew that everyone gets that way and all you can do is support each other.
Loud cheers erupted from the audience as the show came to an end, you had been out on the road with Måneskin for a few weeks and as the tour was coming to the end you couldn't help but smile, thinking about how far they had come not only in the last few months but over the last few years that you had known them.
Every single milestone and achievement made you all the more proud of the four people before you on the stage which you called your family, that's what you had become a close-knit family and you couldn't imagine your life without them.
"Thank you, everybody, we have been Måneskin, goodnight!!" Damiano screams excitedly into the mic as the band begin to leave the stage, you clapped and cheered for them from in front of the stage, but in front of the crowd barrier. Snapping a few pictures of them as they held up their instruments and waved at the crowd, Vic stuck her tongue out at you and leaned into the camera as you took her picture.
After the show, you all made your way back to the hotel you were staying at for those few nights, there was an off day tomorrow so everyone decided that it would be fun to go down to the bar and have a couple of drinks.
Down at the bar, you all raised a glass to the great show they had put on and the successful tour also for good luck in the future. Music played loudly as you all danced together, laughing with one another at the terrible moves coming from each of you, everything was perfect and it was moments like that which made all the fights and upsets worth it.
Swaying your hips to the music you felt someone's arms slip around your waist, looking down you recognise the rings on their hand, It was Thomas and you instantly relaxed into him, moving softly to the music in time with him. Whilst you loved everybody in the band, you and Thomas had a special bond, you just understood each other a lot more deeply than the others.
"Are you okay my love?" turning around to face him in his arms, you met with a slight frown, you hated seeing him like that and would do anything to make him feel better.
"I guess, I just feel...I don't know I think I'm just tired" You could barely hear him over the loud music and the screaming from your friends as they fooled around, picking one another up and throwing them around.
You take Thomas' hand, leading him away from the dancefloor and out the backdoors to the beer garden outside. The atmosphere instantly softened and you could tell he was a bit more relaxed. "What's going on in your head sweet?" the two of you take a seat at one of the tables, he pulls a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket and lights it, he offers you one but you politely decline.
"I'm just so tired of being out here away from home, it's catching up to me now. I just want to wake up and not have to worry about how I'm going to do that night, the pressure is just getting to me y/n." He rests his head on your shoulder, your hands instinctively go to his shaggy blonde hair, he loved when you would play with his hair.
“ I know my lovely, everyone feels like that sometimes It's completely normal you just have to do your best and that's all anyone can expect from you, we'll be home before you know it" Placing a kiss to the top of his head he sighs, putting out his cig he takes your hand in his and plays with the many rings on your fingers. You never wore rings until you started touring with the band, they introduced you to them and would always buy you one as a thank you at the end of every tour- they were so special to you and you made sure to wear them every day for good luck.
"Y/N, I don't want to be at this place anymore, I can barely catch my breath" you knew what he was feeling was social anxiety, you had spent so many times with Thomas backstage just calming him down when he'd work himself up into a panic, it was never a bother to you though you just loved to make him feel comfortable and safe.
" We can go back to the hotel if you want, watch your favourite movie and cuddle?" you suggest, he doesn't say anything but just nods, "I'll just go tell the others, meet you out the front." Getting up, you place another kiss on his head before helping him up and making your way inside, for a minute you struggled to find anyone but you saw Vic by the bar being chatted up by some guy.
"Vic, me and Thomas are going back to his room, I'll see you in the morning" you hug her, Vic had always admired your relationship with Thomas, she knew that no one made him feel like you did, she would often tell you how cute it would be if the two of you were dating. Whilst you liked the idea of being with him, you knew that it was far important just being there for him you wouldn't want to risk everything and then not be able to be there when he needed you the most, so you were okay with just being friends.
“ Don't do anything I wouldn't do girl, have fun" she teased, causing you to roll your eyes everyone in the group would make jokes about how you and Thomas acted like you were already a couple but you paid no mind to it.
Meeting Thomas outside you walked hand in hand down the road, taking in all the sights the city had to offer whilst you made your way back to the hotel you were staying at.
Back in his room, you changed into a comfy shirt of his, whilst he only wore a pair of grey shorts. You couldn't help but think how good he looked in them, those shorts of his were a weakness of yours and he knew that which is why he always wore them around you.
Relaxing on the bed, you lay your head on his chest your arm draped over his lower torso, he had an amazing body and you would often catch yourself sneaking a look whilst the two of you changed together. "what do you want to watch then?" you asked, tracing circles around his 'Må' tattoo, you had been there with him, holding his hand as he got the tattoo done.
"you choose" his voice was soft, you could tell he was tired, so you just put on a film you had seen a bunch of times so you didn't have to pay attention to it, so he could just relax and fall asleep.
"You know, I don't want the tour to end" you could tell something was on his mind. "why's that?" leaning upon your elbows you turn to look him in the eyes, getting lost momentarily in them.
"Because you won't be there" a tear falls from his eyes and you quickly wipe it away, holding his face in your hands.
"aw sweetie, I'll always be there, even if I'm not with you every day, you can always call me" you kiss his cheek, comforting him, wiping away more tears.
" it's not the same, I just want to be with you all the time, you make me feel like nothing else on earth, when I'm with you nothing matters y/n, I don't know how you do it but I don't want it to ever stop" now it was your turn to cry, no one had ever made you feel so special or important in your life and it felt so good to hear those words leave his mouth.
"Oh Thomas, I don't ever want to be without you either, but you know I have a life back home, outside of the band. I'm only a short drive away, you can come to see me whenever you want and whenever you feel sad I'll be there as soon as you call" It broke your heart to see him so vulnerable, but you knew there was nothing you could do, you lived about ten minutes out of Rome, you couldn't afford the city.
"I feel so selfish, I just want you all to myself all of the time. I count down the days to the start of every tour because I know that I'll get to wake up and see you every day, that I get to spend all the time in the world with you, with nothing keeping you from me" He sits up, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"I know sweetheart, I know" Is all you could say, you were choking on your own words, it hurt so much that you couldn't be with him all the time.
"I don't even just mean with me physically, y/n you complete me, you make me a better man and I..." he pauses, wondering if he was really about to say what he was going to say.
"I love you y/n and I know you feel the same way about me, I've just always been too scared to do anything in case I scare you off because I can't bear to lose you" you pull away from the hug to look him in the eyes once more.
"Thomas, I've been in love with you since we first met you have no idea what it means to me to hear you say this" the two of you lean into each other, your lips inches away from his but before anything could happen the door bursts open, causing you to jump away from each other.
"Y/N Dami's been siiiickkkk" Ethan whines, stumbling into the room throwing Damiano down onto the bed beside you. Just like that, you had been snapped out of your cute moment with Thomas and back to the reality of the mother of the group.
"oh dear, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" you get up pulling Damiano up with him and take him to the bathroom, stopping at the door to look over at Thomas who just had the biggest grin on his face that you had ever seen. Even though you had been interrupted you knew that things had changed forever and that you'd have plenty of time to carry the moment on later, running a bath for your drunk friend you couldn't hep but smile too, everything was perfect in that moment and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Not a prompt exactly, but Fenrys filming drunk Lorcan being soft and silly with Elide and then showing him the next day
What Happens in Vegas... Part 2
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre - Answered Prompt
Elide and Lorcan wake up to find a video Fenrys took of their wedding ceremony.
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Part 1 | Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language
1658 words
The first thing Elide noticed when she woke up was that her head felt like it was being crushed by a cement truck that was playing dubstep.
She groaned and then winced at the noise before turning to bury her face into the solid chest of the man lying next to her.
Lorcan wasn't any better. He felt like his head was going to explode if he moved too fast. But when he felt Elide press closer to him, he instinctively wrapped an arm around her, wincing, too, as the movement sent a wave of nausea through him. He used what little coherency he had to keep the stomach-churning feeling at bay.
They both slept restlessly for another hour before managing the harrowing act of sitting up. Well, Elide sat up. Lorcan tried to lift himself and deemed it too much work, so he threw his head back down into Elide’s lap, groaning as the movement made his head spin. She could hear a distant buzz that sounded like a phone notification.
Propped against the headboard, Elide took a steadying breath and slowly started to feel like herself again. She let one hand rest on Lorcan’s head while she ran her fingers through his hair and had the fleeting question of why she was wearing one of his earrings on her finger.
The buzzing kept coming and she saw her phone on the nightstand light up as message after message came in.
Wanting nothing more than a large cup of coffee, Elide grabbed her phone to see why she was being bombarded with messages. If the sound from across the room was any indication, Lorcan’s phone was also receiving dozens of texts. It made her pause a moment to wonder what the hell happened the night before.
The moment Elide opened the group chat, memories of the previous night flashed in her mind.
The casino. Drinking. Lorcan. A chapel. Elvis.
Oh gods. Elide looked down at the hand still in Lorcan’s hair and stared at the ring on her finger. Her pinky, not her ring finger, because it only fit on her pinky; she cringed as she remembered how Lorcan had removed his earring as an impromptu engagement ring.
Engagement ring.
Holy Hellas. Holy fucking Hellas. Engagement ring. Wedding. She and Lorcan had gotten married. In Vegas. By a fucking Elvis Impersonator.
She couldn’t stop the hysterical laugh that escaped her. This wasn’t a situation she ever thought she’d be in. She kept laughing even as Lorcan twisted his head and looked at her in bewilderment while groaning at the loud volume of it. She couldn’t help it.
Her laughter soon died as she realized she wasn’t freaking out. It was insane and impulsive and totally not like her to do that, yes—but it wasn’t bad. She wasn’t upset. When she thought about being married to Lorcan...her heart felt happy.
She smiled down at his face which had turned to press into her stomach as he wrapped an arm around her so he could use her to block out the light. The situation was unconventional, but so were they. And it made for one hell of a story
Elide went back to scrolling on her phone and tried to find the start of the messages from last night.
The first few were with Fenrys. It seemed she or Lorcan had called him to be the witness for their ceremony—why him and not someone else, she didn't know—and he responded immediately telling them not to say ‘I do’ before he could be there to record it.
And then he sent a video.
Elide shook Lorcan’s shoulder and waited until he grumbled something incoherent and turned his face towards her phone before pushing play.
The video was shaky but it clearly showed Elide and Lorcan standing in a chapel next to a man wearing an Elvis costume. Elide had Lorcan’s earring on his finger and Lorcan...Lorcan was wearing a veil pulled back over his hair. All the while Fenrys flipped the camera back and forth to show the couple and then his own excited face.
Lorcan’s arms tightened around Elide as he watched the video. He blinked once and sat up, rubbing a hand down his face, before looking pointedly down at her finger that still held his earring. When his eyes met hers again, they were worried. As if he was unsure what her reaction to all this would be.
“Did we…” He asked, brows furrowed,
“Yeah,” she nodded, glancing down at he finger again “we did.”
“We got married.”
“In Vegas, drunk off our asses, by Elvis?”
“Yup,” Elide answered with a ‘pop’ and finally let the grin that’d been aching to show itself, spread across her face.
Lorcan searched her face for any panic, but finding none, offered a small smile in return before resting his chin on her shoulder and gesturing for her to play the video.
“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Elvis said, monotonously.
The Lorcan in the video nodded vigorously and replied “Yes, Mr. Elvis, sir. I want to make this woman my wife. Elide, El, ‘Lide, you are the coolest, most badass lady I know. Way better than Gala-what’s-her-face and more beautiful than...than..”
“Fenrys?” Drunk Elide suggested, giggling as Fenrys protested and shook the camera.
“Yes,” Drunk Lorcan agreed, “you are so much more beautiful than Fenrys.”
And then Drunk Lorcan lifted his hand and booped Drunk Elide on the nose, sending her into another fit of giggles.
Sober Elide was trying her absolute hardest not to laugh at the recording because Sober Lorcan looked like he was going to throttle Fenrys for getting evidence of this on video.
“And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Elvis droned on.
Drunk Elide swayed as she laughed and then abruptly got herself back together before nodding. “I do. I do. Yeah, I take him to be Mr. Lochan. Mr. Lorcan Lochan,” Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan laughed while Sober Lorcan glowered and Fenrys hollered a cheer from behind the camera.
Drunk Elide kept talking. “Lorcan, I loooooove you,” she slurred the words, “I love that you’re a big ol’ grump to everyone but me, cause I’m adorable as fuck. And how when you hug me I feel like I’m wrapped up in the best blanket. And I really love your dic—”
Sober Elide snorted and Fenrys almost dropped the camera from laughing, effectively cutting off the rest of Drunk Elide’s vows.
“By the power vested in me, by Hunka Hunka Burning Love, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may—”
Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan ignored the rest of what Elvis was saying, by pulling each other into a frenzied kiss. She had one leg hitched around his hips with his hands gripping her ass as her’s clawed at his back.
The camera suddenly flipped around to show Fenrys’ grinning face as he wiggled his eyebrows. “There you have it, folks. Mr. and Mrs. Lochan.” He grinned at something behind the screen, most likely Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan trying to stumble out of the chapel.
“Hey, man!” the sound of Drunk Lorcan’s voice echoed throughout the video as Fenrys narrated about him talking to a stranger passing by. “Have you met my wife?”
A moment passed and they could no longer hear Drunk Lorcan or Drunk Elide, but Fenrys kept grinning maniacally into the camera as he said “ Aelin, Rowan, you might have to give up the newlywed suite tonight!���
Then the video cut off.
Elide was quietly laughing as Lorcan groaned into her shoulder. He grumbled, “I am going to kill Fenrys. He sent that to everyone didn’t he?” And almost as an afterthought, he asked through clenched teeth, “Was I wearing a fucking veil?”
Elide couldn’t hold it in any longer and hunched over in a fit of laughter. “Lorcan, you make such a pretty bride.”
He growled and nipped at her shoulder. “Not funny.”
“Extremely funny.” She corrected and pulled the group chat back up. Sure enough, it was filled with responses.
“Rowan says 'Congrats, I hope you both have massive hangovers.'” She snorted at his next text, “'Aelin is pissed you ran off and got married without inviting her.'”
“Why did we invite Fenrys and not anyone else?” Elide asked.
“No fucking clue.”
She rolled her eyes before going back to the texts. “Aelin then writes 'I am so PISSED at you, Lochan, for not inviting me to your wedding! How can there be a ridiculous, Vegas wedding without ME involved....but congrats, I guess. I expect all the details once you and hubby sober up.'” Elide laughed, making a mental note to call Aelin after she has some coffee. “Then she sent a winky face and a bunch of eggplant and donut emojis.”
Lorcan grunted in acknowledgment.
“Aedion sends a thumbs up, and Lysandra writes 'My favorite part—besides Lorcan in a wedding veil, which will forever bring me joy—was when Elide talked about Lorcan’s dick.' And then more eggplant emojis.”
“Why are these people your friends?” Lorcan asked as he sat up again.
She laughed and caught the smirk on his face, “Don’t even try with that, Lochan,” she winked, “they’re your friends too.”
He rolled his eyes and snorted. “No, I am not going by Lorcan Lochan, no way.”
Elide laughed and got out of bed, finally noticing the piece of paper that had fallen to the floor. She picked it up and turned back towards him grinning.
“Lorcan Lochan, it has a certain ring to it.”
Lorcan just rolled his eyes but gave a small, resigned smile to his wife.
Lorcan let a broad grin emerge as he thought about the diamond he had stashed in his sock drawer at home and realized that he’d get to replace the earring on Elide’s finger very soon.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @ladygabrielli1997 @moodymelanist @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon
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reawritesthings · 4 years
Rooftop | JJ. Maybank
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gif by @rudypankows​
Summary: When Sarah forces the pogues to go to a Kook party, JJ dips early and notices you on the roof, reading peacefully.
Words: 2.6K
A/N: Thank you all for the support on my other fics, it really means a lot to see the love you give me. If you like me to write for anyone, please send me an ask! thank you all again🦆
"WHY are we even here?" JJ's exasperated tone of words sent the Pogue's including Sarah to eye roll.
"I would much rather be on my couch watching Monster Inc." JJ's childish tone evaporated around the North Carolina frightful breeze that lure them further into the land of predators.
Sarah huffed not wanting to row with the blonde beauty. She frankly understood his anti's of not wanting to prey on the sharks or even share the same air with them, but, Sarah was still a Kook and JJ needed to accept that.
"J, we can just head in there for an hour... drink their alcohol and leave." John B proposed letting his athletic, sternly hands fumble his way into Sarah's palm gifting her with a reassuring squeeze.
JJ's mind was like a cymbal-banging monkey toy that only worked when the indigo eye boy was frustrated and needed leverage, "We are about to attend John B's girlfriend ex-boyfriend's house party because Sarah's ex-boyfriend invited her, and only her." JJ dramatically paused to reminded everyone how fucked up this particular mission is.
"And, here we are, the pogues forcefully dragged by Topper's ex-girlfriend to attend this disgraceful party that could end in two possible ways.."
"Enlighten us." Pope's static tone of sarcasm intrigued JJ to finish his perfectly thought out rant.
"A fight breaks out, or Rafe loses his shit." JJ's arm folded whilst a devilish smile grew onto his bruised porcelain face that everyone admired about the surfer.
"I hate to agree with Scobby but he has a point." Pope's loyalty to JJ never failed him.
Kie and Sarah kept moving forward, dragging their danity flipflops through the frozen golden grains of the earth that held the rich side in place. Being the only two girls of the group they were used to the constant complaints from the men.
"Next time, I'll just invite you Kie." Sarah muttered under her minty breathe. Kiara only nodded in agreement reaching for the handle to enter the shark's den.
"Best behaviour," Kie announced immediately locking eyes with JJ who was infatuated with the silhouette of another human.
"Can't make any promises, Kie." He winked as his eyes were still glued to the frame of darkness that interlocked with his mind that he should be up there and not here.
"Here we go..." Sarah murmured under her breath. "What could possibly go wrong?" Kie shot her eyes back to Sarah who only swung the door opened to be slammed with harsh tones coming from the stereo.
Topper was known for throwing the most extravagant house parties. The music was as loud as thunder; it made the empty beer bottle rattle. Neon lights that were glued to the white walls flashed everywhere like police sirens, but with much more inviting colours.
Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. Topper, Rafe and Kelce were chatting up some ladies as there vision was blinded by a bunch of Pogues roaming around like cockroaches.
"What are they doing here?" Kelce mumbled against the illuminated ruby plastic cup that Rafe already broke through his rage.
"Topper is still whipped for my sister." Rafe truthfully announce, causing the blonde short skirted girl to loose interest in his friend.
"Thanks man." Topper's eye rolled extended further as he noticed John B clutching his arm around Sarah's frame, like he used too.
"Anytime." Rafe smirked pulling Kelce's bright yellow polo shirt towards him to confront the intruders. Topper soon joined, staying behind Rafe as he didn't want his perfectly structured face to be bruised.
"What are you rugrats doing here? You aren't allow to be on our turf." Rafe spat not even making eye contact with his younger sister whose frame was hidden behind John B's and JJ.
"We got invited. We just came here to get a little drunk and we will be on our way." JJ broke the silence, squaring up to Rafe's face.
"Don't make me bust your other eye, Maybank." Rafe threatened, clenching his palms ready for another battle.
"Wouldn't dream of it." JJ took Kelce's red cup from his hand drowning the stinging sensation that drew him away from the crowd.
"Where you going?" Pope shrieked as he didn't feel comfortable being left with John B, he wasn't exactly scary like JJ.
"Washroom. I'll be back." JJ reassured his best friend, whose hand was tightly gripped to Kiara's whose face wasn't enjoying the sensation sound of Topper's music taste.
JJ's curiosity always managed to get himself into trouble, whether he was looking for it or not. His mind was reverted back to the shadow of a young female who was on the roof. He knew he shouldn't be preying around Topper's house but, he would of regretted not knowing who that girl was.
His tiny frame ran smoothly around the second floor, each creak that he created with his ripped combat boots made him squint, he noticed a slight acute door open slightly with a streak of light hitting the wooden floors.
The bedroom was furnished on a expensive budget according to the serval layers of blankets that were freshly pressed on the double bed. A messy pile of book were scattered across the white carpet that was caressed with a circular rug that was neatly combed.
He looked up at the walls, admiring the pictures that were taken on a film camera.
"Whose's this girl?" JJ thought as he circled the room, slowly resting his palm on the slik sheets wishing he could have a room like this.
Since JJ was in a trance of what his life was like if he was Kook, he was startled by a soft tune of a sneeze coming from the windowsill. His intrigue body motioned away from the bed, heading towards the half adjecent window that his mysterious girl was resident.
JJ's instincts were never wrong when he assumed the shadow of a girl on the high roof. His head turned towards you, your fully eclipsed body was tainted with a summer dress that fit well on your skin. Under his brief gaze on your exposed skin, you didn't flinch or withdraw from your book. Your shape was already forming into womanhood, yet you were roughly the same age as Sarah: Your twin brother's ex-girlfriend. You revert your attention out of the flood of flowing words and focused them on him, he was something out of a novel you read once.
Dashing, adventurous and fearless. You were polite and offered him a seat next to you, letting the moon expose your vulnerable side which JJ instantly stole as he gently brushes his shoulder against your own.
JJ eccentric side was displayed out in the open and didn't hesitate to make the first move. "What's a pretty girl like you doing on a roof?"
You sauntered in, feeling provocative whilst you brushed your hair from your dainty shoulders, letting his kindly eager cornflower eyes follow your movement.
"I'm not really into the whole drinking vibe... My brother on the other hand is." JJ's pupils grew larger as he pieced the puzzle together, he knew he wasn't the smartest earthling on the island but he just couldn't see the resemblance between you and your brother.
"How is that possible?... Topper has a sister?... Why didn't Sarah mention anything?"
You personally thought his reaction wouldn't be inviting but, his reaction to the news lured you in more like he was siren calling for you. "Well, when my parents had Topper... they decided to conceive again, making me."
JJ nudged you chuckling at your comeback, "I know how sex works. I'm a Maybank."
"Noted." You candid staring at the apex of the deep sliver circle that brought the both of you together.
A heavy silence evaporated over them, thicker than the mucky air making the tension more uncomfortable. Both of your eyes glanced unceremoniously around turning to avoid catching each other glances that happened in the space of a minute.
"What you reading?" JJ noticed an earthy hued of brown colours stuck to her embrace which JJ gazed forced him to stare to create a new conversation.
"Charles Dickens, Great Expectations." He noticed your awkward zoned face shape into a curious, cheeky smile that he first noticed when he intruded.
"Cool. I don't read but Charles Dickens is a great man. One of the best lads out there, wonder what he is doing now?" JJ wondered having no idea that he is in fact six feet under.
You burst out a giggle with a sentiment rosy colour appeared on your cheeks, "Hate to break it to you but the lad is dead. He has been dead for centuries."
JJ was perplexed by your statement. He generally thought he was still alive due to Pope always speaking about him as if he was a local. "I knew that. I was testing your knowledge on Charlie."
You chuckled playing along with his shenanigans but you would be lying to yourself that you weren't intrigued in the fact that he was sitting here when he was supposed to be downstairs. "How comes you are up here? I thought Pogues loved a good party, especially if there's alcohol."
JJ shrugged darting his eyes to meet yours, "Don't take it personally but I'm not a fan of Kooks, especially Topper and his gang."
And this, you thought was going to be the end of your story with the blonde boy. You weren't shocked that he degraded your brother and his friends, you understood the reason.
"I get that. If it makes you feel better, I don't exactly agree with their rules and how they treat you guys. You deserve the same respect we get because one day, Shakesphere's novel of Romeo and Juliet might come true and, I personally don't want to kill myself..." You flirted in a way which the boy would probably take days, in fact, months to work out the metaphor.
"Does that make me Remi?" JJ joked as he kind of liked the way your nose scrunched when he didn't understand literature.
"It's Romeo..." You corrected him again.
"I know. I just wanted to see that little nose scrunch you do when I mess up."
You were stunned that he paid attention to little things about you. It wasn't every day that someone would paid attention to Topper's sister, especially a Pogue. You could sense that he was actually interested in you, and even the novel you were reading.
"Whatcha thinking about, Juliet?" JJ teased letting his hand move the strand of hair from your face, tucking it safely behind your acute ears.
You shrugged, "I just..." You paused, you didn't want to pride your thoughts on the Pogue as you didn't want to scare him away.
"C'mon, pretty girl. What is it?" He interrogated you. He looked down at your fingertips, loosely fighting with each other as you were struggling to form words. He initially engulfed his hands into yours brushing your soft skin to ease your mind.
"You are kind of the first guy to ever notice me, or even pay attention to me... I'm just don't want this night to end." You stutter but with every stroke, he did made your nerves drift away.
JJ instantly brought his broad arms over your waist, pulling your body against his. In seconds your bodies moulded into one. JJ never let another human be so close to him like this, not even Kie. You were different, you weren't like what he thought you would be. There was a purity to you, naivety perhaps, but with a scent of innocent that JJ wanted to protect from the creatures of the night.
You, on the other hand, felt something inside you ignite as his arms firmly were wrapped around your frame. His embrace was like a welcoming invitation to his life, which you would accept in a heartbeat. You didn't really want the party to end nor wanting the moon to disappear as that meant your story was ending.
"You see those two stars that are moulded into one... that's you and i. Whether you feel lost or feel alone, look up into the starry night and call me." JJ managed to sound romantic for a slight second which only made you blush more.
"Poetic... I like it Maybank." You winked whilst your hands fiddled around with his countless threaded bracelets. "I like this one the most... the colours match your eyes."
JJ immediately took the bracelet off, offering your hand. "You can have it. I've seen you admire it since I got here. I have plenty back at home, so this is my peace offering."
You silently accepted the gift, watching the bracelet fit perfectly onto your bony wrist. "It's beautiful." You muttered to yourself.
JJ curved his lips as he slowly lifted your chin up, to get a good view of your face. He admired every little detail but concentrated on your lips. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips went closer to yours, lighting pressing a small kiss to your rosebud shaped lips. When he kissed her, her identity fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting for the both of you as your tribes rival melted away. JJ's hand rested below his ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as he kept the flow of their lips going neither of them wanting to stop but, the calls from his friends parted them away.
"I better go... they are probably worried that I've got into a fight or something." JJ's face frowned watching your own do the same. "I'll see you tomorrow night, here."
"Are you sure? I don't want you getting into trouble..." You felt your walls began to build, each brick that layered made it harder for you to think that he would ever get into trouble for her, a heartless Kook.
JJ hooked his arms to your neck, "Don't worry about a thing, pretty girl."
You nodded, letting him steal another kiss from you as you watched his frame leave yours. A gush of emptiness flooded your body, as it called for him but he was already gone, vanished into the mucky air of North Carolina. You rallied back to your book, looking down at the texture smiling down as you saw him leave with his friends.
"JJ, where did you go? We were looking all over for you?" Sarah was the one who instigated the conversation since the rest were zoned out.
JJ kept it at a minimal, he didn't want his juliet to be known especially not to Sarah, "around."
Sarah hummed not believing anything JJ was saying. As they entered the van, Sarah noticed a small figure exiting from the roof, "Is that Y/N?"
JJ looked up, watching as you were clenching onto your book rather than watching your balance. "So that's her name.." He muttered to himself giving his face a warm smile.
Sarah turned hearing JJ's comment but decided to play along, "I wonder what she is holding?"
Without even realising JJ answered, "Charles Dickens. Great Expectations."
Sarah only smirked leaving JJ to slam his palm onto his mouth, feeling the metal sting his bruised chapped lips.
"We're you macking on with my ex-boyfriend's sister?" Sarah interrogated the blonde beauty.
"Let's just say that you need to tell me all the ways to sneak into his house." JJ blushed, letting his left foot bring his body up into the van.
Sarah followed behind, looking up one more time to see you peeping, "You got it, lover boy."
masterlist TAGLIST
tags: @outrbanks, @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s, @jjjmaybank, @rudyypankow, @prejudic3, @afterglowsb-tch13, @summerintheobx and @void-maybank
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mendesblurb · 3 years
There's No Way
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
You and Shawn had said repeatedly that you were purely friends and honestly when you first said it you both meant it.
After releasing a song together a few years back, your talk show interviews were filled with “Are you two dating?” or “is the song about unspoken feelings?”
It certainly didn’t help that the song was huge success. The song was constantly on the Billboard Hot 100, it managed to win Music Video of the year and also both of you got to take home Grammy awards because of it.
As your friendship began to develop, your first initial thought was that this guy was your best friend. And it was normal for best friends to do a duet, film a rather steamy music video and invite each other as guest performers in each other’s tour.
Nothing but friendship as the two of you were in other romantic relationships. While he was with Hailey and you were with Ansel.
Though after both of you became single, you became flirtatious with each other. Not to mention the longing looks when the other wouldn’t see, the intense eye contact for just a little too long, the way one persons eyes would gaze to the others lips for just a second only to be repeated by the other moments later and also the constant way you’d make excuses to hang out with each other and each other only.
When the two of you were spotted hanging out together. All the questions about your relationship came hurtling towards the pair of you but you both brushed them off casually insisting that both your relationships didn’t end because of the friendship you share with each other; despite you both knowing that there was a little something else, something unspoken, between you. 
One day everything just changed, after filming yet another music video together. You were in the dressing room rubbing off your make up when Shawn just burst inside and didn’t hesitate to pull you into a long, passionate, well-deserved kiss.
Nothing more had to be said. So you began dating. Secretly, of course. You spent time together in secret locations, sometimes being caught in photographs together but you would clarify in every interview that you were simply friends. 
Your talk show invites got crazy. No matter your new song, no matter what the songs were about, always seemed to come back to questions of you and Shawn.
Though you denied it, everyone seemed to know the obvious truth. It was obvious after five years of you guys being so-called “friends” the two of you were never spotted having a PDA with anyone else. Yeah it was kinda obvious.
So here you are now, just released your third song together, on a bunch of interviews once again but this time your relationship was slightly different.
You had gotten married about three weeks earlier. The ceremony was small and intimate in order to avoid too many people finding out but it didn’t take long for the two of you to decide that it was finally time to let the public know the truth.
"How old is Shawn Mendes?” Shawn read aloud from the white board you held in your shaking hands. You tried to push aside the fact that you probably could answer all the questions about him. “I’m 22, so I’m definitely old enough to drink some alcohol.”
You smiled fondly at Shawn. How is he able to be so calm right now?! Sure this thing wasn’t live but after many long years you were actually going to admit to being together and more than just together, being married. “Finally, more interesting questions.” Shawn grinned, holding your board in his hands and you smiled knowingly back at him.
“Is Y/N Y/L/N an actress?” he read aloud for you. “I used to be, that’s how I got into the Hollywood industry. but I no longer am.”
“Is Y/N Y/L/N collaborating with Shawn Mendes?” 
“I have collaborated with Shawn three times actually. This is the third time. So please listen and download the song we created so we can get paid, thank you.” You found it hard to push the humour to the forefront of your brain as you watched Shawn peel back the sticker to the next question with a content smile on his face. “Can’t wait for this one.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Is Y/N Y/L/N single?” 
“Shawn I’ll let you answer this one.” you joked, your grin growing. “I think the answer is in your pocket honey.” You pulled both your wedding and engagement ring from your jacket pocket, reacting in a fake shock to it. “That’s so crazy, where did I get this?”
“Probably the same place I got this one.” Shawn commented, pulling his wedding band from his jeans and slipping it on to his ring finger as you did the same. 
 “Woo that’s a relief. My hand feels weird without both rings on.” you comment, flexing your hand with your rings on.
“Surprise everyone!” Shawn cheered, earning giggles from the crew behind the camera before he placed a quick kiss to your forehead, throwing the board over his shoulder in order to move his arm to sling around your shoulders, pulling you close. “No one cares about the other questions, she’s officially a Mendes now.”
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist: @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @particularnarry @monikamendes @itsalwaysbeen305 @perfectlywrongsm @fallinallincurls
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
24 Hours
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Word Count:3454
Request/ Summary: “Can i request one where nicki gets turned down by their makeup artist or like stand in manager and hes upset and he finds out the the manager just doesnt sleep with people she just met”
I tried to write this where she breaks rules for him and turns him down. He understands what her restrictions are but he can see that living by her strict rules she created for herself she is making herself unhappy.
I hope I hit the prompt you wanted!
A/N: This turned out longer than I expected it to be so sorry about that one. I do have three requests I’m writing right now on top of some of the stuff I am writing so you can all still make requests but I'm going to be saying it’s a two week wait for a new request right now. I also want to say I am going to write a third and fourth part to the 3am Duff series because I have no self control. Thank you for everyone being patient with me and all your kind words! If you want to be added to my tallest please message me or go HERE
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc​ , @littlemisscare-all​ , @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood​
You were having a bad day. Not just a bad day but one of those days where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. From morning to night it was the literal day from hell for you.
8:12am You woke up, an hour after you had hit snooze on your alarm, twelve minutes after you were supposed to leave your house to get to work.
8:34am After throwing yourself together and rushing out the door, you were running out of the apartment with the cup of coffee you had economically and time consciously thought to make. On the last step before you had escaped into the day you slipped, the hot coffee spilled all down the front of your red dress, because of course it was the one day you weren’t wearing black. Rushing back up the stairs you realized that the keys to get into your apartment were in your apartment, hanging on the hook just out of reach behind the door. So you would be going to work in your coffee dress.
9:01AM You made it to work, only thirty-one minutes late. Your boss wasn’t happy that you were late on a Friday, thinking you had done this on purpose as some slight to them. Which meant they had pulled you in the office and chewed you a new asshole.
They also told you about coming to work in a clean, tidy appearance as if you had wanted to be wearing your coffee.
As you were being yelled at you watched the line back up and couldn’t help but think about how yelling at you was just making the situation worse. You also were also thinking about how next time you’d just call in sick instead of being late.
11:59AM One minute before you were scheduled to take a break, one fucking minute, and the crazy man came in. Throwing his shit smelling money at you and proceeding to vomit all over your window.
Your window, your mess. So instead of having a much needed timeout from the day from hell you were trying to scrub the smell of puke off a counter.
1:47 PM You finally stepped out for lunch. Moving to the payphone to call your roommate. She thankfully answered on the second ring of the apartment phone. At least the door would be unlocked after work, which was one thing you had been worried about.
She was quick to tell you about how she had gotten you a gig for the night. Knowing how you wanted to travel, you two had come up with a plan a few months ago to find work in Hollywood for bands or on film sets. She had been pretty popular making costumes and helping to come up with whole concepts for the upcoming Glam Rock scene. One of her usual bands needed help because their makeup artist had been sick, so you were going to work for her tonight.
This would be considered a good thing but since it was a trial run you were not going to be getting paid for this gig. So your time would be free. The makeup you used on them you needed to provide. And you have to be there at 5PM to set up, which is the exact time that you need to get out of work. Your roommate agreed to help set you up and she was going to bring you a change of clothes to the gig. It would be fine because the band wouldn’t need to be made up until 6 or 7 but it was just another thing on your plate.
So you would be losing money that you needed to pay rent on a bunch of entitled rock stars who would probably not hire you and this whole night would just leave you feeling exhausted and annoyed. Really looking forward to it.
3:49PM Your coworker went home sick with a headache so now you had to do twice the amount of work and there was no hope in hell that you would be making it to the gig in time tonight. That great first impression that you would need to get an actual long job was gone. And you were stuck with a line out the door of people trying to cash their checks all seeming to want to kill you. Happy Friday.
5:02PM You were running down the street, thankful you worked around the corner from the venue. A sigh of relief left your lips seeing your roommate waiting for you. She dragged you inside pushing you towards a bathroom and giving you a bag of clothes to change into. You lined your brown eyes with the kohl liner, winging your eyeliner and adding a deep burgundy lip shade that complimented your darker skin.
“Y/N, hurry up.” you rolled your eyes, repacking the bag and heading out where your friend was waiting for you. “I put your makeup in the dressing room already. It’s not set up yet.” she pulled you down a few hallways. Equipment for the band was more around as they started getting ready to set up everything for the show.
You entered the dressing room, seeing there was a table for food and drinks set up,  a rack of costumes for the band to wear, and finally a vanity where your makeup bag was sitting ready to be unpacked. Your friend handed you a cup, pouring a few fingers worth of vodka into it before splashing in some juice to help the taste.
“Cheers,” you tapped red solo cups drinking heavily. If you weren’t going to get paid for the gig you might as well take advantage of whatever free perks came with it.
6:23PM Sitting on the couch, legs crossed, you were chatting aimlessly with your friend when the door opened and a man walked in looking at you confused.
“Hey, I’m Y/N. I’m the makeup artist for the night.” you were quick to introduce yourself not wanting him to think you were another girl who was just trying to sleep with the band.
“Mick.” he moved to pour himself a full cup of straight vodka, “Can you do my makeup now? The three pretty boys take too much time.” Ushering him into the seat you started out on him, wondering what the hell he meant about the other guys being divas.
7:45PM A blonde burst into the room, seeming surprised that you were standing there. The girl on his arm laughed too loudly and you looked over to your roommate who was handing Mick a belt to wear. She just shrugged, this was normal for her.
“Vince, new makeup artist. You should sit now before the Terror Twins stumble in.” Mick warned him. He pulled away from the girl on his arm headed over to your chair with an easy smile.
“You're going to make me prettier, doll?”
“I’m thinking that you would look with some blue eyeshadow. It would really complete your Malibu Barbie look.” You retorted, watching amused as his mouth dropped open, not used to having someone give it back to him.
You hated cocky assholes who thought that they were God’s gift. There was nothing wrong with a  man who was confident but the way that he was looking at himself in the mirror as you did his makeup you knew he was the type that thought he was above everyone else.
8:21PM  Two men burst into the room as you finished up Vince. Looking at the two taller men you let your eyes wander over them. Vince was a diva but there two were going to be where you had the most trouble. They must be tber terror twins Mick had mentioned.
One of the guys fell into the chair, laughing about something as he sipped the beer he was drinking, rubbing his nose. He lit up a cigarette as he sat back in the chair not seeming to care if it was annoying that he was blowing smoke in your face as you tried to work.
You bit your tongue, annoyed as you tried to work around his cigarette, that he almost burnt you with seven different times. As you worked you could feel a set of eyes on you. Looking up you saw the man he had walked in with, staring at you with these intense olive eyes.
There wasn’t a chance in hell that you would be interested in any of these loudmouth guys, who all seemed to be drunk and hyperactive. It was kind of like you were doing makeup for a bunch of chimps instead of men.
8:55PM Finally the last man was sitting in your chair. His eyes gazing up at you with such intensity you stopped moving around to just look at him.
“Have we met before?” there was something familiar about him and you wondered if you had met him at a bar or at a show before.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart. I’m Nikki.” Usually when a guy used a nickname instead of your given name you chalked it up to them being a douchebag but with him it seemed natural and not derogatory, “Thank you for coming out to do our makeup today. I heard the other artist got sick at the last minute. We appreciate you taking your time to help us out…” he left it blank waiting for you to give him your name.
“Y/N.” You were surprised by how talkative he was. The kindness in his tone is different from the way the other guys have been. Just when you thought he was different you felt a hand on the back of your thigh, “If you don’t get your hand off me I’ll break your fingers so you can’t play tonight.” you warned him, looking into the olive eyes gazing up at you.
He was too good looking. The type of guy you could get into trouble with if you allowed yourself but you wouldn’t be taking home a stranger tonight.
“Do you always talk to your clients like that?” he asked with a coy smile on his face. This was the type of smug you liked. The funny easy going type who could make you laugh if you had not been on your feet for twelve hours.
“Only the ones that don’t pay me.” you replied, swiping his eyeshadow on. You wanted this to be over so you could go home and sleep.
The drummer came over, bumping into the vanity and knocking the eyeshadow off and not seeming to notice as the makeup smashed into a thousand pieces on the ground. You were officially losing a lot of money on this job and didn’t have the funds to replace it.
“Jesus, T-Bone, watch where you’re going.” Nikki commented, watching you start to pack everything up, “Aren’t you sticking around to watch the show?”  You shook your head. “Why don’t you stick around and I’ll take you out after for a late dinner. As an apology for this being a bust for you.” You were sure that the way he smiled and how his eyes were so clear made it easy for him to pick up chicks but you weren’t going to be one of them.
“I had a long day. I’m not going out with you.” You zipped up your bag ready to leave
“Listen, Y/N, just stay until we go on. Maybe I can talk to someone and you can get paid for coming out.” You did need the money. So reluctantly you stayed.
9:57PM You shouldn’t have stayed. Nikki had seemed to think you telling him you were not going out with him was a maybe you’d go out with him.
It had been an hour of him sitting on the couch getting to know you, asking questions and being nice to you. Men weren’t nice to you just for the sake of being nice, they were born without the concept of human decency.
But he had also talked to their manager, pointing at you and saying stuff you didn’t get to hear. Now you were stuck in a weird limbo wondering if you were going to get paid.
11:15pm The band rushed on stage and you were pulled aside by the manager. He handed you and envelope that you knew contained cash.
“The boys are going to have a few California gigs. If you can stick it out for a couple weeks I’ll consider hiring you for the tour. I’ll pay you $100 bucks a gig and you need to bring your own supplies to start but if you go on tour you’ll get a contract.” He said. You agreed and he handed you a piece of paper with four dates, the upcoming week, times, and his phone number to call if you couldn’t make it. There was also a chicken scratch handwriting with the name Nikki and a phone number
You were stunned when he walked away. You not only got paid but you have jobs lined up to make even more. It was a dream.
Looking up, you moved towards the stage watching the bassist move around the stage. He was high energy, loving what he was doing. There was this presence about him that drew you in. If you did get the tour position that would be trouble.
11:59PM You had finished packing up and we’re heading out of the venue to head home. You were ready for your bed and a few hours of sleep. The guys were playing tomorrow and you wanted to not be having a bad day.
Trying to sneak out, you almost jumped back when four sweaty men came barreling into the room. Your heart instantly went to your throat seeing Nikki. His smile dancing across his lips, hey black hair stuck to his forehead just oozing self confidence and sex appeal.
“You’re leaving so soon?” You just nodded at his question, wondering if it would be considered rude to tuck his hair out of his face. “Did you call a taxi or need a ride? There’s a lot of unsafe riff raff out this late.” He warned and you almost thought he sounded concerned.
“I’m a grown woman. I can walk myself home. It’s only like 15 minutes from here.” His eyebrow raised as he wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.
“I’ll give you a ride.”
“No you won’t.” You shoe back, “I don’t know you and I don’t leave with strangers I’ve only known for one day.” You responded. It was practical to have rules to keep you from getting hurt.
“Well, Y/N, we’ve known each other for two days now since it’s past midnight.” He was so calm saying this to you, “And I’m trying to cut back on drinking so if they see me leave with you I won’t be harassed so you’ll really be doing me the favor.” Thinking about what he said, your tongue licked your top lip nervously. The way his eyes followed this motion gave you your answer.
“Thank you for the offer. I’m going to say goodbye to my roommate. I’ll see you in 20 minutes outside?” You gave him a smile and  saw the way he was melting under your touch as you moved away from him.
You moved over to your friend letting her know you were leaving and you’d see her at home.
12:22 AM Adjusting the bag over your shoulder you weaved through the crowds pouring in and out of all the clubs. No one ever really bothered you walking home. It was just the cat calling and guys thinking that they had a right to run their mouths
“Y/N.” You frowned hearing your name. The roar of a motorcycle speeding up had your eyes looking out on the street.
Oh Shit. There was Nikki, looking at you with a line where his smile had been, his kind eyes looking annoyed at you. You had left him after saying you’d let him take you home but he was too pushy.
“Get on.” the steely tone of his voice made you stop what you were doing, thinking of what to do next. People were looking at the pair of you, some probably recognizing Nikki from his band. You rolled your eyes, stepping forward.
“Listen to me, I’m not getting on. I don’t know you.” His look softened and it was like for the first time he understood what the issue was.
“I just want to make sure that you make it home safe. I know you don’t want anything happening to you. It would feel like my responsibility if you went missing after doing the band's makeup.” you rolled your eyes. Eyeing him and the bike. It had been a long day and it was onlya  five minute drive. What was the worst that could happen?
1:02AM The worst thing that could happen was happening.
When you got on the back of Nikki’s Harley he had asked where you lived. As he drove, you wrapped around his back you realized for the first time of the night you were smiling a genuine wife smile.
Watching the lights of the Strip and the hustle and bustle fly by when wrapped around his warm body, the noie drowned out by the roar of the bike was nice. It felt good. So when you pulled up on your street and he asked if you wanted to drive around more you didn't say no like you should have.
Weaving around the empty highways with just the pair of you was nice. There was no conversations but it felt like you two were getting to know each other on another level.
3:55AM Nikki pulled the bike into a donut shop on the side of the highway. The smell of fresh baked pastries and coffee brewing awakening you much like the wind whipping your face had been keeping you awake but it had been almost twenty four hours awake.
The pair of your ordered black coffee and a donut, sitting on stools at the counter and eating in a comfortable silence.
“Are you mad at me?” He didn’t have a cheeky grin on his face like you had expected but he was serious. “I know you said you wouldn’t go out with me but it just seemed like you were having a bad day and I have a hero complex.” you snorted when he said this. Surprised he admitted that he had a heroes complex.
“I’m not mad. I got on the back of your bike and stayed out.” you thought for a second, “I think I needed it. I always follow my rules and never break them. I think sometimes I need a break from the rules I create.” you said all this with your heart beating wondering what the hell you were doing with this guy in the middle of nowhere.
5:41AM Nikki had wrapped his leather jacket around you, both your boots abandoned by the motorcycle as you sat with toes in the sand watching the sun rise over the Pacific. You hadn't even seen the sun rising over the ocean before so you were wrapped up in the orange and golds of the sky, how the inky black of the water came alive into blue and purple hues with the light.
It was beautiful.
It felt like something was washing over you as you watchined it. Something was changing as you watched the sun start a new day. A new day that you had this feeling in your bones was going to be a good day.
Wiping a tear away, you took a deep breath remembering that you had moved here to make your dreams come true and for the first time it felt like it was going to happen.
A hand on your back reminded you that you weren’t alone. His olive eyes looking at you, concerned. You wiped a tear away trying to laugh it off.
“I never saw the sunrise over the ocean. It’s beautiful,” It was at that moment, wrapped up in the beauty of everything that you realized that he was going to kiss you. The way his hand was against your check, wiping the tears away.
But you surprised both of you leaning forward to push your lips against his. Making the first move. You were breaking all of your rules for him but it felt good and you could tell you would be breaking more rules with him
6:00AM It was going to be a good day.
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lightbeyondeden · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
a/n: i like to imagine this one with like,, season 4 spence cause I think that just the right amount of innocent yet horny for this oneshot but it's up to you. Also i used a bunch of dialogue prompts from this list :) see if you can spot them! 
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: kinda smut!! spencer being horny, alcohol, cursing, makeout sesh with heavy petting lol
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She was trying to kill him.
 As a man of logic and reasoning, Spencer had concluded the only probable reason his very attractive coworker would insist on parading around the small cabin the team had rented for the weekend in those tiny white cotton shorts was that she wanted to kill him. 
Spencer had always found her attractive. He would’ve had to have been blind not to, and even if he was he still would’ve fallen for the sound of her laugh or the way she left the smell of lavender wherever she sat on the jet or how she was always first to fall asleep after long days spent working cases. 
So maybe he had fallen in love with her - even if he hadn’t quite admitted it to himself yet. Love, however, was not quite what he felt as he watched Y/n walk lazily into the kitchen on that Saturday morning.
Spencer had been sitting on one of the barstools that lined the kitchen counter and sipping on a very sugary cup of coffee. He was passively listening to both the birds chirping outside the oversized cabin window and JJ’s latest story about Henry. He had felt nothing but peace, until she walked in. 
She was wearing a baby blue tank top (with no bra, not that Spencer was looking of course it’s just that as she was walking in and his eyes just happened to graze over her hard nip-, nevermind.) and those white shorts. The outfit was probably perfect for sleeping in the cabin that - even now in the early hours of the morning - remained hot and humid. It was not, however, perfect for just chatting with Spencer, he already felt an uncomfortable stirring in his pants.  
“Hey guys.” She smiled, voice still soft with sleep.
“Hi Y/n, you sleep well?” JJ said without missing a beat, “Lemme get you some coffee.”
JJ got out of her seat and set to work making a new cup of coffee from the keurig that sat on the counter behind her.
“Thank you Jayge, you’re my favourite.” Y/n laughed. 
Spencer watched with intent as she brushed her hand through her bedhead and took her own seat at the counter across from him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n said as she locked eyes with Spencer. 
Crap, he hadn’t meant to stare. Honestly though, he couldn’t help it. So much of her body was on display and though Spencer considered himself to be a respectful man, he had dreamt of that body more times than he cared to admit and seeing it like this was driving him crazy. 
“Like what?” He replied, hoping that playing dumb would get him out of this.
She eyed him suspiciously, however Spencer was saved from the incoming interrogation by JJ returning, coffee in hand. 
Y/n gratefully took the cup in her hands and sipped in gently. Try as he might, Spencer couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at her over and over again as conversation between the three resumed. 
Slowly the rest of the team began to wake up and wander into the kitchen. Conversation was playful and light, this vacation being exactly the break they needed from their stressful work lives. It may have only been four days, but any amount of time that they didn’t have to spend talking about all the horrible things they saw each day was time they thoroughly enjoyed. 
“So I was thinking we could take a trip down to that hidden beach the airBNB people were telling us about. It would be fun to all go swimming together!” Penelope had said, big doe eyes daring someone to try telling her no.
So that's why a team of thirty to fifty somethings were all walking down a wooden boardwalk together, arms filled with floaties and towing a wagon full of snacks (wagon courtesy of JJ). Spencer just happened to look over at Y/n at the exact moment the beach came into view, and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that because getting to see the way her face lit up when she saw the lake made his day.
“There's a doc!?” She squealed, “Morgan! I’ll race you to it.” 
And just like that  - the two of them took off, splashing into the water and yelling playful challenges and insults at each other, Emily and Penelope close behind. Spencer just chuckled as he settled down into the sand with a pile of books beside them. 
Truth be told he didn’t get much reading done. He chatted with JJ and Rossi, he binged on candy and chips, and most often, spent the day ogling Y/n. He just couldn’t understand how she managed to look so perfect even after Derek had thrown her off the floating wooden dock for what must’ve been the thirtieth time that day. 
When she finally came marching up the beach, soaking wet and out of breath, Spencer wondered if there was ever a situation where she could look bad. Covered in goosebumps - though the sun was sweltering hot - she tightly wrapped a towel around herself and plopped down in the sand between JJ and Rossi. 
“Hey SP!” He chuckled at her nickname for him “Can you pass that bag of chips over here please?”
The rest of the day was spent soaking in the sun. It was full of jokes and swimming and Y/n’s head on Spencer's shoulder. He watched her and JJ pass a volleyball back and forth, he saw the team smile more in one afternoon than he had in the last month. They finally decided to pack it in the sun was nothing more than a sliver on the horizon. 
They walked home to the dulcet sounds of crickets and Penelope's voice retelling all the best stories of the day. Spencer's mind moved much faster than his feet did, but all thoughts were halted when he felt a cold set of fingers grab onto his hand. That was one of his favourite things about her - the fact that she loved physical touch. Of course, at first he had a strong aversion to her love of hugs, hand holding, and cuddles, but as they grew into a close knit partnership he found himself longing for a hug from her after hard cases or for her hand to hold when he's walking to the bookstore. 
When the team got back to their beach house it was quiet for a moment, as everyone was worn down from all their hours in the sun, their skin kissed with its warmth even though it had set more than an hour ago. Emily, ever a shit disturber, broke the serenity the walk home had created the second she broke out the bottles of wine from the fridge.
Y/n’s had slipped out of Spencers as she and the girls got to work pouring and drinking as many glasses as they could get out of each bottle.
“Movie time!” Penelope declared, plopping herself down on the couch between Derek and Rossi. 
Everyone else settled in, and Penelope flicked through Netflix - occasionally announcing a title to the group to gauge a reaction and giving her own opinions on each. She finally landed on ‘Clueless’, a film Spencer had never heard of - despite Penelope and JJ insisting it was a classic. 
Everyone was tired, you could tell that without being a profiler, but the group was so set on finishing their day together that everyone sat and watched the movie with heavy eyelids. Y/n was hit by sleep like a truck, and Spencer could tell. Her head fell on Spencer's shoulder and he let his own arms rest around her. It was fine, they were best friends. Best friends can cuddle on late nights - it doesn't mean anything to either of them anyway. 
Except it did. It meant everything to Spencer. When he grabbed her hand it wasn’t even really a conscious decision, he just reached out and gripped onto her - he barely even noticed that he did it. 
Y/n noticed. 
Her eyes shot up to meet his own. 
“What was that for?” Her tone was joking but there was a realness behind the whispered question. 
“I’m holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright?  It’s a… Terrifying… Rom-com… ” Spencer defended. 
They both looked up at the screen to see a scene of a blonde girl driving a jeep down the middle of the road and burst into laughter, gaining some looks and laughs from the other people in the room. 
“I mean, you’re right. Unsafe driving practices sure are terrifying. Why do you think Hotch doesn’t let me drive anymore?”
“Because it's a hazard to everyone in the car and the berau called you ‘a hazard to the safety of yourself and your team’ when you drive?” Spencer quipped back, earning more laughter from the rest of the group.
Y/n just shook her head and laughed before dropping back down onto Spencer’s shoulder. However Spencer went the other direction, releasing his grasp on Y/n’s hand and setting it at his side instead.
“Why’d you let go of me?” She whispered into his ear. 
Spencer allowed himself to let out some of what he had been feeling for as long as he had known her. He looked her dead in the eyes and and tried to communicate all of his feelings telepathically - but all he said was;
“I was scared...”
She looked at him and Spencer suddenly changed his mind about the whole telepathy thing, suddenly praying she can’t see the longing in his eyes.
“Come with me.”
So they got up, said a very rushed goodnight to their friends, and took off towards Y/n’s bedroom. When she opens the door Spencer is hit by a wall of the vanilla perfume she uses. If it was anyone else, he would have found it overwhelming, but because it was her it was more like something intoxicating. 
She sat him down on the bed and took a spot beside him. Her eyes looked up and met his honey brown ones, and in hindsight Spencer swore he could pick that as the exact moment his heart rate picked up. 
“So are you gonna tell me what’s been going on with you? Why you’ve been acting so strange?” She was still whispering even though the group was well out of earshot. 
He didn’t respond, his head was fuzzy and he was just trying his best to put together a coherent thought.
“I’m your friend SP!” She laughed, trying again “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“Sometimes I want to makeout with you, is that a friend thing to do?” 
Spencer's words hung in the air and he so badly wished he could take them back. Why would he jeopardize the relationship he had with her? For what? Some inane fantasy he had where they were together? The silence made the air crushingly heavy, and Spencer got up to leave but was stopped by her gripping his arm. 
She stood up and cupped her hand on his face, and it felt like they stood there like that for an hour. Spencer so desperately wanted to close the gap between them but the paralyzing fear that he was badly misreading her gesture stopped him. 
But then she did. She pushed her lips against his and Spencer immediately melted into her. Soft fingertips on his cheeks turned into hands intertwined in his curls, his own hands finding their rightful spot on her hips. 
They tangled together, the room filled with the sound of their desperate breaths. In an uncharacteristic burst of confidence Spencer ran a hand under her top and rested it on the small of her back. That was all the encouragement Y/n needed to clamber into his lap, never even breaking their kiss. 
“Wait-” Spencer pulled back, breathless, “What does this mean? What are we doing?”
“I love you. It took me way too long to realize it but I just want to spend all my time with you, that's how I know. I love you.” Y/n whispered into his neck, still perched gently on top of him. 
Spencer laughed a little at the absurdity of this moment. Girls like Y/n don’t love guys like Spencer - he almost wouldn’t believe it if it was any other girl. But it wasn’t any other girl, he trusted Y/n with his life - he knew she meant it.
“I love you too. I always have.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.
Spencer jolted awake to the sound of Penelope’s cell phone camera going off. He moved to rub his eyes but found that his right arm was trapped under a shirtless Y/n. 
Now he understood why Penelope was taking pictures. 
“I got asked to check on you two - you know, see if you were awake.” Penelope was obviously trying very hard to hold back her excitement. “However it seems like I am interrupting something. So I will leave you lovebirds to it.” 
She turned and sauntered out the door, but Spencer heard her laughing to herself in the hallway and he knew that in a few minutes the whole world would know exactly what Penelope thought about the compromising position she had just found them in. 
The world could wait though, Spencer decided. Y/n had stayed peacefully asleep somehow, and he could feel the heat of her bare skin all over him. 
So he pulled her closer, for that one more minute of bliss. One more minute of happiness.
 One more minute of Y/n.
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falcqns · 3 years
Adore You
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: 3 times Chris tries to tell you he loves you, and the 1 time he does.
Warnings: smut, angst, swearing, fluff
A/N: hope you enjoy!
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Walk in your rainbow paradise  Strawberry lipstick state of mind
He first realized he was in love with you the first time he hung out with you off set.
The rest of your co stars were going to be filming late except you two, so you invited him over for a movie night, to which he agreed.
You had run around before he arrived making sure your apartment was presentable before he arrived. You made a whole bunch of snack, including your moms hot dip, which was a favourite of everyone who tried it.
When the doorbell rang, you walked up to let him in, and greeted him.
“Hey!” You said, giving him a smile.
“Hey, thanks for having me,” He said, taking off his shoes.
“Well, if you hadn’t come over, I would have had a very boring night involving me, my cat, and Harry Potter,” You joked. 
He took off his coat and hung it up. He looked around at your apartment as he followed you. You didn't have a very big apartment, but it looked very spacious, especially for Los Angeles. 
It was open concept, the kitchen, dining and living room all connected with a hallway leading back to what he guessed was the bedroom and bathroom.
“You've got a pretty nice place here,” He mentioned, as you poured him a drink in the kitchen.
You chuckled. “Well, it’s super cheap, it’s in a nice spot, and I knew the girl who rented it before me, she just moved to Hawaii with her baby daughter.” You finished before taking a sip of your own drink, and leading Chris over to the couch. 
Your faded calico cat, Rella, lifted her head up and meowed at the two of you, before climbing onto Chris.
“What’s her name?” He asked, as he pet her gently, and listened to her purr.
“Her names Rella, she’s my childhood cat. She’s getting older and my mom thought she’s be happier out here with me instead of home in Canada with my 3 loud siblings,” You said, watching as she got comfortable on his lap.
The two of you spent the rest of the night watching Harry Potter, and chatting, before Chris headed out around midnight with a promise of movie night being at his place. 
As he hugged you goodbye, he knew he wanted to tell you how much he loved you.
I get so lost inside your eyes Would you believe it?
The first time he tried to confess his feelings, he messed up.
He was too scared to tell you face to face, so he settled on sending you a bouquet of flowers with a note confessing.
Which, he did, but he (stupidly) forgot to sign the card which would tell you it was from him until after it was sent and he couldn't cancel it.
So when you called him ecstatic about having a secret admirer, his heart hurt a little. 
He was going to tell you it was him, but then you almost broke him in two with one sentence.
“I wonder if it’s from the man I’m in love with,” You asked, and his stomach dropped.
Of course you were in love with someone else. You were beautiful, strong, and an amazing actress. It only made sense, but it didn't hurt any less.
You don't have to say you love me You don't have to say nothing You don't have to say you're mine
When you announced you had a boyfriend, he tried to tell you again, which obviously didn't work either. 
Instead of just calmly telling you about his feelings, and acknowledging that he couldn't have you, he got angry. 
He wasn't angry at the fact that you were taken, he was angry at who you were dating. “I cannot believe you're dating Noah Centeno of all people,” He said.
You crossed your arms. “What’s wrong with Noah? He’s a nice guy, and I like him.” You reasoned.
He scoffed and looked up from the carrots he was cutting. “You don’t love him.”   
“I can see myself loving him,” 
He dropped the knife, and braced his hands on the counter before lifting his head and looking at you. 
“You should be dating someone you’re in love with, and who loves you back,” He said.
You slammed your glass on the counter top, and stood up.
“FUCK YOU! YOU SAY THAT ABOUT EVERY GUY I TAKE AN INTEREST IN AS IF IT’S ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS! I’M DONE WITH IT, CHRIS!” You screamed, tears streaming down your face as you turned away from him and grabbed your purse. You walked towards the door, and he came after you.
“Y/N, wait-” He started to say before you slammed the door in his face.
He turned away from the door to face Dodger.
“I fucked up bad, I know.” He said, and Dodger barked in agreement.
Honey I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you
Just as he’d suspected, your relationship crashed and sank to the bottom of the ocean quicker than the Titanic, but he didn’t find out until a drama news source got hold of the story, and announced it.
“Y/N Y/L/N and Noah Centeno are over,” The title read. 
He knew he shouldn’t click on it, that he shouldn’t believe it. But, as he scrolled further, he saw a post from you confirming the breakup.
‘I hate to have to make this post, but certain organizations have somehow gotten ahold of the news, and there’s no denying it. Noah and I have decided to end our relationship. I will not go into details about what happened between us in this post, but it’s not hard to figure out what happened if you google it. I have no ill feelings towards Noah, sometimes things just don’t work out. We had a great time together, and I will always be grateful for him.’ The post read.
He scrolled back up and clicked on the article. He lightly skimmed through it, before a sentence caught his eye.
‘Sources are reporting that the relationship ended when Centeno was spotted kissing another woman in a Las Vegas night club, when Y/N was at home in Canada visiting family.’
That mother fucker. 
He dialled your number and tried to call you, but you didn't answer, so he decided to text you instead.
‘Hey, Y/N. I just saw your post about you and Noah and I wanted to saw that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for a lot of things that I won't mention over text, but I’m mainly sorry for what that asshole did to you. I’m here for you if you  need anything, just let me know,” The message read. Sure, he had thought about telling you how he felt in that message, but he knew it wasn't the right time.
He sent the message, and you responded less than a minute later.
‘Why do you care? You got what you wanted, him out of my life. You were right, so I don’t know why you're even pretending to care.’
That hurt, he thought to himself, before putting his phone down. You were right of course. He was a complete asshole to you, so why was he pretending he cared, when he obviously didn't. He had gotten what he wanted, shouldn't he be happy?
Because you were hurting, that’s why.
Your wonder under summer skies (summer skies) Brown skin and lemon over ice Would you believe it?
He woke up the next morning, and decided that enough was enough, and he needed to tell you.
You hadn’t answered him all week, and he was getting annoyed. He wanted to talk to you, and sort shit out, but it’s kind of hard for him to do that when you refuse to talk to him, so he called Adrianne Palicki.
You were a part of the cast of The Orville, and Adrianne was one of your best friends.
“Hello?” She said as she answered.
“Hey, it’s Chris,” He said.
“Hey, what’s up,” she responded.
“Well, I was wondering if you could convince Y/N to talk to me,” he pleaded.
Adrianne sighed, before continuing. “I don’t know Chris, she’s pretty mad at you. I mean she refuses to even watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. any more, she’s so mad at you,” 
He ran his hands through his hair as he spoke again. “I know. I messed up bad. I just- I’m in love with her, and I let my feelings get the best of me, and I want to make it right. I just need you to get her to talk to me,”    
“Alright, I’ll talk to her. What do you want me to tell her?” Adrianne asked. 
“J-Just tell her to come to my place Saturday at 8, and I’ll explain everything.”
“Kay, I’ll tell her. But Evans, if you hurt her, I think I still have my Mockingbird batons around here somewhere,” She threatened, and Chris chuckled.
“You got it,” He said before hanging up. 
You had no idea how you had managed to let Adrianne talk you into this. I mean, you were still mad at Chris, and didn't see that ending anytime soon, yet here you were. Standing at his doorstep, at 7:55 on Saturday night.
You knocked, and heard Dodger barking before the door opened to reveal Chris.
“Hey,” He said, giving you a smile.
“Why am I here?” You stated, plainly.
He gestured you to come in, and you followed him. You took your shoes off, and followed him into the kitchen before you were attacked by Dodger.
“Hey, buddy! I missed you!” You exclaimed.
“Well, he’s not the only one,” Chris said, before handing you a drink as you stood up.
“Are you going to tell me why I’m here?” You said.
Chris sighed, before getting straight to the point. 
“I’m sorry for the way I acted, and for what I said. It was stupid, and I let my personal feelings get in the way of our friendship. I really am sorry,” he said, looking you deeply in the eyes.
Your eyebrows scrunched. 
“You’re personal feelings? What does that mean?”
He cleared his throat before confessing.
“You remember that bouquet of flowers you got from your ‘secret admirer’?”
You nodded. “Yeah...”   
He looked up at you. “That was from me,” He said, looking down at his feet.
He heard the sound of you putting your glass on the counter, and he looked up just in time to see you walk up to him, grab his face, and press your lips to his.
He put his glass down, and wrapped his arms around you, before lifting you up and onto the counter.
A few moments later, he broke the kiss, and looked you in the eyes.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You asked, resting your forehead against his.
“I was scared. It’s a stupid excuse, but that’s it.” He responded, before kissing you again.
You don't have to say you love me I just wanna tell you something Lately you've been on my mind
Less than a minute later your back was pressed against the sheets of his bed, with his lips still on yours.
His lips left yours to trail down your neck, his beard tickling you sensitive skin there.
Chris ran his hand down your sundress clad body, and gripped your left leg, bringing it over his hip.
You moaned at the feeling of his jean covered hard on against your core.
You brought your hands up and around his neck. He pushed his tongue into your mouth as you tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
He disconnected his lips from your skin, and looked you in the eye.
“You want this?” He mumbled out, and you nodded. He sat up on his knees and fumbled with the buttons on the front of your dress. He struggled for a few more moments before he gave up.
“I can’t get it,” He groaned, and you giggled.
You sat up and quickly undid them. Chris watched you for a few moments before he began stripping himself. Your dress was thrown on the floor, followed by his shirt and jeans moments later, before his mouth attacked yours once more.
You moaned out when he moved his mouth from your mouth to your chest. His hands trailed up from your hips, to your back to undo your bra, which he did successfully. 
He threw his head back and moaned at the sight of your uncovered breasts, before pressing kisses to them. 
You ran your fingers through his hair as his mouth moved lower.
He stopped just below your belly button, and his fingers looped into your underwear, before pulling them down.
He made eye contact with you, before lifting your left leg over his right shoulder, and diving into you. His tongue swiped over your clit twice, befarepressing into your entrance.
You cried out, and tugged on his hair.
“C-Chris, please,” You begged.
He removed his mouth from you to smirk in your direction.
“Yes, my love?”    
You groaned, and tugged on his hair again. “Get up here, and fuck me,”
He chuckled, but did as you asked. He sat up and tugged off his own underwear.
He spread your legs again, before gripping his own hard cock, and lining himself up with your entrance.
“Not my fault you taste like fucking heaven, baby,” He quipped. 
You rolled your eyes, and then threw your head back as he began to push in.
He bottomed out, and hovered over you again.
“You ready?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your nose.
“Obviously,” You said, before Chris pulled out slightly, and then snapped his hips against yours.
You cried out, gripping his biceps while he set a quick pace in his hips. 
Honey I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you
“I’ve wanted you like this for months, baby,” Chris growled out, snapping his hips against yours. “Ever since our first movie night, fuck.”
You moaned out. “I’ve wanted you like this since before we met,” 
Chris bottomed out, and ground his hips against yours. 
“Did he make you feel this good? Did he fill you like this?” Chris growled into your ear.
“N-No!” “Yeah, I’m the only one who makes you feel this good, right?” 
You nodded, and moved your hips under his. “I’m close, Chris,” You whined.
“Me too, baby, me too. God, you kill me,” He moaned out. “How’d you manage to make me last barely 5 minutes inside you,”
He dropped his torso against yours, and grasped your face in his hands.
“I want you to look at me when you cum baby,” He moaned, his thrusts becoming erratic.
You nodded, and wrapped your arms around his torso as you were barrelling towards your high, as was he.
He moved his right hand from your face, and snaked it in between your bodies, his thumb coming to rub circles on your clit.
“C’mon, baby, let go all over me,” He moaned in your ear, and you were pushed over the edge. 
You clamped down on. him, and he was pushed over as well.
Moments later, Chris collapsed against you, his head falling to your shoulder.
“I love you, too.” You whispered into his ear. “I realized I never told you.”
Chris chuckled. “We were a little busy, weren’t we?”      
You giggled, before connecting your lips once again.
Oh, honey Just let me adore you Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
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fireflyjunkie · 3 years
(A Sanders sides Angst one-shot fic)
Part 1
4,391 words
Razor blades
Self harm
Logan angst
Confrontation on self harm suspicions
Logan is tired of being the cold, emotionless robot that everyone perceives him as. He’s repressed his emotions to such a great extent that he genuinely doesn’t feel anything major anymore. He does have his nightly break-downs sometimes, but he needs more than that.
However, this is where roads begin to cross. Logan feels that it would be nice and beneficial to experience strong emotions, but he doesn’t know if this feeling is stronger than his fear of expressing such things. Being viewed as a joke and not being taken seriously is his worst nightmare. Because of this, the logical side just keeps up his stone cold front to avoid being weak.
This dilemma Logan had found himself in really frustrated him. No matter how hard he tried to think of a solution, nothing ever satisfied both ends of the spectrum. The best he had come up with was to keep up the front when he was with the others and then let himself break down at night when no one was around, and even that didn’t help him nearly as much as he wished. This eventually led him to looking for answers online. One search led to another, and Logan has figured out something that might help him. It’s a bit risky, and he’ll have to hide it from the others, but he knows how to be safe with it, so he’ll give it a shot just to feel something.
Part 1
 Logan was sitting at the dinner table with his three friends as they ate their meal. Nothing unusual about the evening, they had their casual little chats and the occasional playful banter from Roman and Virgil, with Patton butting in every so often. Logan kept his focus all on the plate of food in front of him. The paternal figure had worked hard to make this, he wasn’t going to let it get cold. Plus even if he wanted to join the conversation, he wouldn’t even know what to say. Sure he was the logical side and he had a heap of facts to spit but when it comes to the jovial friendly conversations the others usually shared. He truly couldn’t find the words to contribute something meaningful into the atmosphere, so other than correcting a false statement, he kept silent.
“Now Virgil, I’m just saying that a kid would be much more excited to watch a movie like Alice in wonderland and we all know it!” Roman exclaimed to the emo sitting across the table from him. It’s not at all surprising that the current conversation taking place was one about Disney. Especially when it was Virgil and Roman who were the ones bickering. “I mean all the bright colors and such a classic story is bound to win a kid over!”
“Uhuh sure, like kids would want to watch a film about a bunch of mentally ill people on an acid trip. Plus, the queen of hearts is scary for them,” Virgil retorts, glaring at Roman before taking a bite of his food. “The princess and the frog is clearly a superior movie. It’s about an independent hard working woman who doesn’t need a man to help her achieve her goals, like are you kidding me? And she helps him out, that is a nice change for once.”
“Yea I cannot argue with that, we stan Tiana,” Roman admits, leaning back in his chair. Logan was about to question the prince about the term he just used, but decided against it, keeping quiet.
“But the shadow man is scary!” Roman continues.
“Uh, no. ’I’ve got friends on the other side’ is such a bop. But I am one of the friends on the other side,” Virgil pulls his signature 2000’s MySpace emo face. ‘Bop’. Logan remembers what that meant. He had to ask Roman about it later to make a vocabulary card.
“Oh my god can you get any edgier?” Roman asks the snickering Virgil across the table as he rolls his eyes and goes back to his food. The only thing Logan could think of at this time is how useless that conversation was. Their frivolous arguments had no solid points or evidence to back up their argument if they were trying to persuade the other. He chose not to say anything so as to not further encourage them. Instead he had just yet again kept quiet and his focus was on finishing his food so he could retire to his room.
“So Logan, are you almost finished with your work?” Logan’s head snapped up when the mention of his name came from Patton. ‘Work.. it was always work.’
“No, Patton. There are still a few tasks to be completed that need to be completed tonight,” Logan states, adding on that last bit so hopefully he isn’t bugged with having a ‘family night’ as Patton and the others like to call it. Which, it doesn’t make any sense considering the fact that none of us are actually related.
“Well, once you are done with that, do you wanna come watch a movie with us!?” The parental side excitedly asks. Logan internally cringed at Patton’s use of grammar, but more at his failed attempts at getting out of this without having to ask. It’s not that Logan didn’t like the others, it’s just that tonight specifically he wanted to be left alone. Sometimes spending time with them is considered a good thing to him because he knows that he needs to take breaks from his work sometimes and Patton gives him an excuse to do so. Also, knowing that Patton wants him there helps him feel less like a robot, but that feeling quickly returns when they don’t even care to ask him his opinions for the movie choice.
“Oh.. that’s ok! There’s always next time, right?” Patton sounded a little disappointed, but supportive nonetheless. “Well I wish you good luck with that, Logan!”
“Thank you, Patton,” Logan finishes the conversation while turning his attention back towards his almost empty plate.
The rest of the dinner went by as normal. They all took their dishes to the sink and Patton offered to help Roman complete the dishes and Virgil retired to his room for the night. Logan says his goodnights and follows suit to his own room.
After entering, Logan lightly shut his door and pressed his back against the cool wood. The lights were still off, so he sat in the inky black dark atmosphere staring at the ceiling in order to prevent the dark curtain draped over the contents of his room from playing tricks on his eyes. He didn’t bother finding the light switch; he felt it was unnecessary. It would only illuminate everything that reminded him of everything that burdens him. He hates not knowing.
The logical side leaned his head back against the door and squeezed his eyes shut, the blankness of the dark and the silence began to be too much for him; it made him feel too alone. With no senses available, you are left with nothing but your own thoughts to drown in. Nothing to do but to fall down that hole of endless thinking. Logan’s head swarmed with every emotion he was feeling at once. Every fact he wished wasn’t true danced behind his eyes and pounded on his skull demanding his attention.
Logan couldn’t help but let the tears run down his cheeks. They started rolling faster and he held his hand over his mouth, choking back a sob. He hated doing this, but he had to if he wanted to remain sane. He just felt so vulnerable and embarrassed. Logan felt his legs begin to shake so he slid down the door to sit on the floor. God he hopes no one comes to his room.
The logical side stayed on the floor like that for a while. He didn’t know how long, but he was surprised when he looked at his phone to find he had been there for almost thirty minutes. Once the crying had for the most part stopped and Logan realized that it didn’t really help at all, he decided to get up from his spot on the floor and turn on some lights. He had reached for the plug connected to fairy lights strung around his room and plugged it into the electrical socket, illuminating the whole space with a soft Caramel colored glow. The lights were a gift from Patton last Christmas, the parental figure had gotten some for everyone in the house. At first the logical side thought they were childish and impractical due to him already having a light in his room, but Patton persisted so he put them up and once he saw how they casted a honey coating to all the contents of his bedroom and how the atmosphere instantly shifted from sharp to calming and gentle, he decided that they weren’t that bad.
After his eyes had adjusted to the light, Logan walked into the bathroom that he has in his room and shut the door after turning on the light. The sudden contrast of the soft light of his room to the harsh light of the bathroom only worsened his growing headache so the first thing he did was retrieve the Ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet and swallow two. After that he took his glasses off and placed them on the side of the sink before proceeding to wash his face of tears with warm water from the faucet. After he patted his face dry with a towel, he took a minute to just look into the mirror. He took notice of his cold, dead eyes that were a navy blue, but despite being such a bright color, his eyes looked more dull and grey. ‘No wonder the others think I’m a metaphorical robot.” He thinks to himself. He decides not to stay there any longer or else Remus might hear him drowning in his thoughts and show up so he grabbed his glasses and started back towards his room.
Logan didn’t know what to do now. He’s already cried a bunch but that didn’t help. He just sat on the edge of his bed trying to figure things out. The laptop sitting closed and still in his desk caught his eye. ‘There may be an article on the internet explaining my situation.’ The logical side thought to himself before he got up and made his way towards his desk, pulling out the chair and sitting down. While he opened the device up and typed in his password, he thought about what he was going to type into the search bar. While the Google page displayed on his screen awaiting his questions, Logan’s fingers moved to type in the first one that came to mind; ‘How to feel when you are numb?’
Once he pressed enter, he proceeded to scroll for what he was looking for. He passed a bunch of articles about physical health and stuff like that. ‘Perhaps I worded it incorrectly?’ He thought to himself before seeing something that could potentially be what he was looking for. It was a link to a twitter post. It was titled ‘I don’t feel anything. I do this to feel something,’ and Logan thought that would suffice nicely to his needs. Though, the side wasn’t prepared for what he was going to see when he clicked it. Blood. Lots of blood. Cuts all up and down the poster’s forearm that could be recognized as dermis and epidermis level cuts. And finally, a bloodied double edge razor blade sitting calmly in a warm crimson pool on the counter top.
Logan gasped upon the image displayed in front of him. It wasn’t too intense but seeing a part of the human body all cut up didn’t make him feel too comfortable, but he was slightly intrigued. He was kind of confused why the gorey photo was related to what he was looking for so he decided to look into it further; only because the text part of the post seemed to relate a little to his state of mind.
The logical side scrolled down past a few more photos of the same cuts just at different angles. He kept observing the images while trying to think of where to go from here until he decided to use the tags the original poster had provided with the text to research further. He viewed 10 or so hashtags of random things to figure out what the point of this was. Some of them just confused the side, but one of the words he recognized from an article he read a few months ago when Roman fell into a deep depression and he tried to gather as much information as he could to help him because the others were worried and terrified for him. However, he never had to use much information because they had luckily gotten him out of that mental health decline before anything terrible happened. Well, at least to his knowledge. The tag in question reads as ‘self harm’. Now Logan felt a little stupid because he knew what this was before, but a little clarification never hurt anyone.
He had to admit, he was a little taken aback by the fact that what he was experiencing was linked and related to self harm but he decided to explore more under that subject to further understand it. When he clicked on the tag, he was exposed to pages and pages of self harm. He stopped at one particularly disturbing one. It was a video of a girl with a straight razor that resembled that of what a barber would use. In the video, she had pressed as hard as she could and with one clean swipe, the fat inside her arm was exposed. By this point, Logan was feeling a little sick to his stomach on account of what was displayed in front of him. The video however kept going. The girl dabbed the open wound with a white towel, so the amount of blood that was being soaked up was very visible. The girl picked the weapon up again and placed it in the center of the cut and proceeded to apply pressure while she dragged the blade along her arm at a painfully slow speed. When the pool of blood was soaked up, fascia was exposed and Logan really wanted to look away but he couldn’t. He vaguely understood the premise behind self harming, but witnessing it to this extent kind of confused and scared him.
Luckily the video stopped there and Logan closed it out and continued to scroll through the page. He did not find much there other than the pictures and videos of people cutting themselves and he was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable, almost like what he felt when he was under the effects of Virgil’s room; and for that reason he decided to close out this tab and search elsewhere. The logical side really didn’t know why he was so intrigued to this certain coping mechanism. He knew it was very unhealthy, but he couldn’t let it go.
After a few google searches about the topic of self harm and a few articles later, Logan found one specific body of text that piqued his interest. It was basically describing the effects self harming has on the brain and why so many people do it and says it helps. He read through it and the information he gathered was rather interesting to him. Basically, the context of the article was explaining the science behind why self harming was addictive and why some people do it in the first place.
‘So, cutting myself will release neurochemicals in my brain that mimics that of dopamine? Fascinating..’ Logan thinks to himself. The side takes a minute to think it through. Was he actually considering this? I mean, there is scientific evidence that proves that doing this will help him. Logan ponders a bit on that last point, basically pushing him to do it. He just resorts to searching for reasons not to go through with it at this point. Only two reasons came to his mind when he tried to think up reasons to push the thoughts out of his head. The first was the safety aspect of it. Of course when you are cutting yourself there are things that can go wrong; however Logan felt confident enough that he knew how to do this safely. He knew where the vital points were on the human body so he knew where it was safe to cut as well as how deep to go. He also knew how to properly dress the wounds and how to take care of them so they didn’t get infected so the logical side could figuratively throw that worry out the window.
The only factor that was left in play affecting Logan’s decision in going through with this is the guilt he would have to face if the others found out. With Patton having gone through a situation similar to this when Roman was having severe mental health issues and when Virgil ducked out, Logan would figuratively (and almost literally) have the blood on his hands just adding it to the list. He knows that Patton always tries his hardest to do things that make everyone as happy as they can be, and oh the lengths he would go to do that. Let’s just say that the parental side has had many sleepless nights on account of helping someone else. But surely if Patton had ever found out about all the things Logan hasn’t told him, it would make him feel like he hasn’t been enough for people even more than he already does, even and who knows what could happen to him when that happens and he lives knowing that three of his friends have been struggling.
Logan had to ponder on this one for a minute. But with him being logic and all, he brought up the point that the way Patton was thinking about things is untrue and if he had to, Logan with a little of Virgil’s help could sit down with him and possibly explain things in order to pull him from that mindset.
He quietly hummed to himself, feeling accomplished at finding a solution. This satisfied feeling quickly deteriorated as confusion began to spill. Why was he feeling this way about something so grim? Why was he so compelled to stand up to get that spare razor that lay waiting in the bathroom cupboard? He thought it was even irrational to consider doing such things but it just felt like something that could actually help him, and he needed it.
He didn’t know what made him do it, but something in him made him push himself out of his desk chair to shut his laptop without powering it off and making his way to the bathroom. Once inside, he quietly closed the bathroom door. He opened the door of the shadow box, but for some reason it felt super slow like in a dramatic movie. He didn’t know why his hands were shaky when he spotted the razor and went to gently pick it up.
Just then as he examined the weapon in his grip, he felt the adrenaline pumping. It all just set in. Oh my god he was actually going to do this. He was just moments away from his destination. He gulped down a nervous lump in his throat as he examined the perfectly new blade for any rust. The side didn’t understand why he was so nervous; he knew how to do this safely so why was he so scared? Maybe he’s afraid of the pain
Logan however quickly dismissed this thought so that it doesn’t chase him out of a decision. I mean he would only seem MORE weak if he pulled such a pansy move. It shouldn’t be too bad.
He started by washing the blade and his forearm with warm water just as a precaution. He shakily held the blade horizontally over his wrist. Deep breath in and-
He ran the blade across his skin and then exhaled the breath he was holding. He sort of relaxed when he realized that it wasn’t that bad and that he was ok. Still, he checked the damage. It was a cut on the epidermis layer of the skin so nothing bad. Even so, he watches the blood bead along the clean line in fascination. It started to drip a little but that was caught with the towel that Logan pulled off the towel rack. He gently pressed the cloth to the cut and when he pulled it back, he closely watched as blood refilled the small wound. He was satisfied with his work and for some reason, he couldn’t stop looking at it. He wanted more.
So that’s what he did; the side made a few more clean lines parallel to the first one he made. He would stop to just watch the blood, then soak it up before watching how it refills again. Logan found himself admiring his arm from all angles, wearing these cuts like some sort of sick and twisted accessory. Logan continued to leave a few more little cuts, holding his arm over the sink to not make so much mess with blood (and to not ruin his favorite button up shirt).
The logical side went for one more and pressed a bit harder this time. When he swiped the blade, white was exposed before blood started to seep out from the edges of this deeper and wider cut. Actually being able to see the inside of his arm like that kind of scared him. He recognized this as the dermis level of skin. It made him a bit uneasy how he could turn his arm sideways and see the cut gape a bit, but he couldn’t stop looking at it. He thought if Remus was here, he would have said it looked like a mouth.
After that tiny scare of going deeper, he decided he was done with this for the night, afraid of going farther than he already has. As he started cleaning the blood from his arm and his sink, he was thinking over his success rates with this exercise. He had come to the conclusion that this had done what he wanted it to for him. He smiled to himself as he looked at the fresh cuts. The smaller and thin ones have already dried and scabbed over, but the deeper one he had just done was still filling with blood after each time he soaked it up, but it was slowing down. He doesn't know if he smiled because the treatment worked or if he was just proud of what he had done, but to him it just matters that he got a smile out of it. Once all the blood was cleaned up, he opened the shadow box again to retrieve the bandages. Carefully, he wrapped his arm in a secure bandage and put the rest away. The pressure of the cloth being wrapped tightly around his arm felt oddly nice and contrasted with the burning sensation on his skin from the contact.
The side stops moving and stands perfectly still when he feels a presence in his room. His heart dropped out of fear in realizing that this is the worst time to be here for obvious reasons. He slowly reaches for the doorknob of the bathroom and turns it, trying to prepare himself for whatever is about to happen. When the door was opened, it revealed Remus sitting on Logan’s bed just looking around.
“R-Remus, what are you doing here?” His voice was shakier than he wanted it to be. He wasn’t sure if the cause was from what he just did in the bathroom or the fear he had from another side possibly knowing.
Remus’s gaze shifted towards the nerd and the bandage on his arm. “Well, as I am Thomas’s own intrusive thot,” he stopped for a second to giggle at his play on words, “I can sense unwanted thoughts from any other part of Thomas,” he got up from his spot on Logan’s bed to walk towards him.
“I was picking up something from you, not like the normal. I had some suspicions and came to investigate but it seems as if I was right,”
“I.. I’m not sure I know what you are referring to,” he lied. Logan thought it was eerie to hear Remus talk in this more serious manner.
“Yea, no we both know that is a big lie,” Remus slightly smirked at Logan for the fact that he was right and gestured to Logan’s bandaged arm. Logan just avoided the other side’s eyes and held his arm behind his back. This and Logan’s uncomfortable silence confirmed it to Remus and he was no longer smiling, he had a look of empathy and slight hurt on his face. He was also sort of mad at the others because he feels and sees what Logan goes through with them and he thinks he can understand why Logan would resort to self harm.
“Logan, do you need to talk about it?” He asked. Logan has talked to Remus about his situation before, but he didn’t want to talk about this. He just brushed past Remus to go lay his pajamas out on the bed to get changed for the night. “No, I do not wish to speak of this and I ask you to kindly not mention this to anyone else, but thank you for your concern,” he never turned around to look at the other once. Remus just stood there with a slight frown. He then got an idea on what to do and he sunk out without saying anything else.
Logan could feel when the intrusive side left the room and released the breath he was holding in relief. He felt guilt wash over him in the moment. He really disliked lying to one of his closest friends but it was for the best. It was way too early for him to be able to tell anybody- scratch that. He didn’t want to tell anyone at all. He just hoped that Remus would listen and not tell anybody. The logical side thought of what he would do if that were to happen as he changed his clothes to something more comfortable.
He stopped before getting into bed to ponder if he should leave his fairy lights on while he slept. They were left on as he climbed under the cover to keep the atmosphere soft.
The logical side found himself holding his bandaged arm up above his face to admire it. He didn’t know what it was, but knowing what he'd done gave him tiny butterflies of adrenaline in his stomach which led him to a small smile. Logan was never an artist of any medium, but those crimson lines that stain his forearm felt like an art piece to him. It made him feel accomplished and.. happy. And with that, the side brought his arm back under the covers and closed his eyes to be consumed by sleep with a smile on his face.
Hope you enjoyed this first part :)
Yea a little background, sanders sides is such a comfort series for me, so I started writing this back when I was struggling a lot and I decided to keep writing this now so I hope you enjoy this bucket of angst haha
Part 2 will be linked here when it is up!
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dlwritings · 4 years
Not Prick | Tom Holland
masterlist found here
pairing - Tom x reader word count - 1,877 warnings - language A/N - for the anon who requested x
summary - A fan gets a little aggressive with Tom at the mall, and he takes it out on the wrong person. But he’s a good guy, and when he realizes his mistake, he’s determined to make up for it.
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Tom was having a bad day. There was no rhyme or reason. He was just cranky and tired and wanted to be home. Instead, he was out at the mall with Harrison. Apparently his favorite store was having a sale, and Harrison wanted a new pair of shoes.
“Why don’t you just order them online?” Tom had asked as Harrison all but dragged him out of his apartment.
“I gotta try them on and make sure they look good,” the other argued. Tom rolled his eyes but agreed to go. Now, they were out, and Tom was regretting it.
By the time they got out of the store, they had been spotted by a bunch of fans. And Tom, being the nice guy he was, knew he had to stop and talk to them. He wasn’t going to be the guy who brushes off fans and looks ungrateful. So he painted on his camera-ready smile and chatted with the people in the crowd.
It didn’t take long for Tom to get a pounding headache. There were a lot of factors, he was sure. He was tired, he was cranky, and there were just way too many people around. Tom didn’t usually get anxiety attacks, but when he already wasn’t on his A-game, they kind of snuck up on him. Like now. He looked over at Harrison -who had fans of his own to meet- and locked eyes with him. Harrison could read the stress in his best friend’s eyes and started to try to come up with a way out of the situation.
“Alright, alright,” Harrison said with a light chuckle. “Tom and I have gotta head out. It was so lovely meeting you all.”
A few people whined and tried to protest, but Tom and Harrison just awkwardly laughed it off.
“What a dick,” Tom heard someone say. “We built his career, and he can’t even have the decency to stay for a picture?” She scoffed. “I swear, some celebrities have the biggest fucking egos. Ungrateful prick.”
Tom. Snapped.
He turned around and locked eyes with the girl who had spoken.
Only it wasn’t the girl who had spoken.
Your eyes grew wide when Tom stared at you, anger clear in his brown eyes. “I don’t have any obligation to stand here and talk to you,” he said. “I’m not ungrateful. I’m tired. I’m overwhelmed. I don’t always love leaving my house and getting followed by crowds of people. It’s not normal. I didn’t ask for this. So don’t say shit like I have a big ego when you can’t even begin to imagine what I go through when I step out my front door, alright?”
Tears came to your eyes immediately, and you had no idea what to say. The girl next to you -the one who had actually made the rude comments- was slowly backing away, afraid you would speak up in your defense. Instead, you just opened and closed your mouth a few times, then swallowed thickly. “I’m sorry,” you choked out. Tom just scoffed and rolled his eyes, and you turned and pushed your way past the crowd and to the nearest bathroom.
Your hands were shaking as you found a single-stall bathroom and locked it behind you, sinking to the floor and leaning your back against the door. You didn’t care that you were sitting on the floor of a mall bathroom. If you stood up for too much longer, you were afraid your legs would give out.
Shit, shit, not right now. Not like this. Not here. Not. Here.
You didn’t handle confrontation well. In fact, it was the number one trigger of your panic attacks. The first panic attack you ever remembered having was triggered by two boys from your high school getting in a screaming match in front of you. Their raised voices and angry eyes shook you, and you started crying. On the plus side, your anxiety attack stopped the boys from fighting because everyone was suddenly focusing on getting you to calm down and catch your breath.
So yeah. Confrontation of any kind was not your favorite.
You pulled your knees up to your chest and tried to focus on your breathing, but it was hard. You kept replaying the moment that had just happened in your head. Tom Holland -a legit famous person- just yelled at you in front of a crowd of people for something you didn’t even do. How many people filmed it? Was your favorite celebrity going to remember you as the bitch who called him an ungrateful dick? You weren’t the bitch who called him an ungrateful dick. Why couldn’t you just defend yourself? Why did you have to shut down like that?
Breathe, breathe. Don’t do this. Don’t. Do. This.
Harrison ushered Tom away from the group of fans, noticing his fists clench in anger as he watched the girl run off. “Wait, wait, Tom! Harrison!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Harrison mumbled. He turned to find a girl jogging after them. “Listen, we really-”
“No, I know, I know,” she said. “I just, that girl you yelled at?” She was looking at Tom. “She wasn’t the one who said that stuff.”
Guilt settled in Tom’s stomach. “What?” he said.
“I saw the girl who actually said that,” she said. “It wasn’t that girl. I don’t know either of them, but I just thought I should let you know. She seemed pretty shaken up, and I just-” She paused. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything. I just didn’t want you thinking the wrong girl was being a bitch. It, it-” She stuttered, feeling foolish suddenly. “This probably doesn’t matter at all, and I should’ve just-”
“Did you see where she went?”
The girl furrowed her eyebrows at Tom’s question. “What?” she asked.
“The girl,” he said. “The one I yelled at? Did you see where she ran off to?”
“Uh, the bathroom I think,” she said. “The single stall down by Topman.”
Without any explanation, Tom jogged off in the direction of the bathroom in question. He heard Harrison calling after him, but he didn’t stop or turn around. When he got to the bathroom, he paused, his fist inches from the door. Was this necessary?
Yes. Mum raised a gentleman. You were a prick, and you need to own up to it.
You sat up a little straighter when there was a knock at the bathroom door. “Just a minute!” you called. You stood up and quickly went to the mirror to clean any mascara that might’ve slid down your cheeks. You flushed the toilet and pretended to wash your hands for good measure, then opened the door.
On the other side was none other than Tom Holland.
You felt a lump grow in your throat again as you hung your head and tried to brush past him. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
“Wait, wait,” he said, reaching out to grab your forearm. You stopped and looked at him. He looked stressed, and his eyes were sad. He looked like a completely different person from the man who yelled at you ten minutes ago. “I’m sorry,” he said, releasing his hold on your arm. “Someone told me you weren’t the one who said those things.” You pressed your lips into a tight line and looked down at your shoes. “Even if you were,” Tom continued, “I shouldn’t have snapped like that. I was out of line. I don’t usually snap like that. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you said, though your eyes were still trained on the floor.
Clearly, it wasn’t fine. Tom wasn’t dumb. He could see your slightly puffy eyes and the remains of mascara on your cheeks that you hadn’t quite been able to wipe away. He had done that, and that wasn’t okay. What had gotten into him?
“Do you like smoothies?”
This caused you to look up. “What?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you like smoothies?” he repeated. “Harrison and I were going to grab some on our way home. Let me buy you one.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you said quickly, shaking your head.
“I want to,” he said. “Consider it an extended apology. And maybe proof that I’m not a prick.” A small smile crept up your lips, and the sight made Tom do the same.
“Okay,” you said. “That sounds nice.”
Tom nodded happily, and the two of you walked back over to where Harrison was standing and waiting. “So what’s your name?” Tom asked as the three of you walked to the parking garage.
“(Y/N),” you said.
“Well it’s nice to meet you,” he said.
You smiled. “You too.”
Tom bought you a smoothie and invited you to stay and hang out with him and Harrison. Of course, you obliged. The three of you sat on the patio of the smoothie shop and had your drinks, chatting and laughing like old friends. They were both really easy to talk to, and you were quickly forgetting about the whole ordeal at the mall. Tom clearly felt horribly, and you knew it was all just a misunderstanding. Plus, everyone was allowed to have bad days. Even celebrities. You couldn’t count the number of times you snapped at your friends or family because you were in a bad mood.
When you finished with your drinks, the boys offered to drive you home. You accepted, considering you had taken the bus to the mall. Maybe you were being naive, taking a ride from two boys you didn’t know, but you highly doubted you were going to get kidnapped by Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield. Again, maybe you were being naive.
But you gave them directions to your apartment, and you arrived unscathed. “Let me walk you to your door,” Tom said.
“Okay,” you said. You smiled at Harrison. “It was nice to meet you.”
“You too,” he said back. Tom walked you to your door with his hands shoved in his pockets.
“So,” he said, “I just want to apologize again for what I said.”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you said. “I understand. You’re allowed the occasional bad day. And to be fair, what that girl said was really rude. I get why you-”
Tom cut you off by placing a sweet kiss to your cheek.
You blushed and put your hand where his lips had been. “What was that for?” you asked with a shy smile. Tom held back a smile of his own and shrugged.
“I just think you’re sweet,” he said. “And I liked spending the afternoon with you.”
You laughed lightly. “I liked spending the afternoon with you, too.”
“Could I get your number maybe?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah,” you said. “That’s okay.”
You switched phones and exchanged numbers. When he handed yours back to you, you laughed at the name he put: Not Prick
“You think you’ll remember that’s me?” he asked as you slid the phone in your pocket.
You nodded. “Impossible for me to forget.”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck again. “I’ll text you, then.”
“Okay,” you said. “Thanks again for the smoothie.”
“Of course,” he said. “Maybe next time it’ll be dinner.”
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