#my friend's mom told him to bring a foldable chair lol
Reincarnation au part 3
After quite the tiring day, Max at last got to walk around the city as he always did. That is when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
Max wasn’t necessarily expecting any texts or calls, and immediately assumed it was Augustin, and that perhaps something bad had happened.
Either way, I should probably check it.
He then sat down on the nearest bench, and pulled out his phone. To his surprise, however, the message was not from Augustin.
It’s been a while since we last talked, figured I would check in on you and remind you that I haven’t forgotten you. How’s school going this year?
Max swallowed his joy upon seeing the name. It wasn’t necessarily proper to start giggling like a school child with pure excitement in the middle of the street, after all.
‘School is.. different. Glad to hear from you though. How’s Lucile?’
Max watched the people rush by as he waited for a response, and as usual he did not have to wait long to receive one.
She’s good! Really stressed though, she and her mom are trying to plan. I've tried helping but I’m not really good at that kind of stuff. At this point I’m just moral support lol.
Max chuckled, he could see it perfectly. All of them gathered around the kitchen table, making input. Lucile was probably the one to tell him to simply be moral support.
‘Oh? Well I’m glad to hear that she’s doing well aside from that. How about you?’
Max stared, and almost immediately the dots popped up on screen. Most of the time, Camille was good at responding in a timely manner.
I’m doing good myself, mostly just over the moon excited. I had something to ask of you, Max.
Max frowned. The phrasing was worrying.
‘What would that happen to be?’
He asked, and then there was a pause of about 30 seconds before the dots popped up again.
Well, you’ve been a really good friend of mine for years now so I was figuring maybe you could, you know, be best man at the wedding. Totally your choice, of course.
Max began to smile, already typing out his response.
‘Of course I’ll be best man at your wedding, Camille. Why you’d think you even have to ask is beyond me, you could have simply told me to be best man at your wedding and I would have agreed.’
He chuckled, lightly. It was true, of course.
Lol. It’s polite to do, I figured you wouldn’t really want to if you were voluntold. Anyway, have you gotten a replacement for me yet? Haha
Max rolled his eyes at Camille’s wording. If he was there he would most likely be smacking him upside the head.
‘Yeah, and Camille stop saying replacement. No person is replaceable.’
The dots began immediately.
Alright whatever you say Socrates. I’ll have to message you later, needed for moral support again.
Max chuckled once more at his phone.
‘Alright, take care. Tell Lucile I said hello.’
He watched as ‘read’ appeared under the text, before sliding his phone back into his pocket and standing to his feet.
Mind as well get some more coffee.
Slowly, he made his way down the street, to the coffee shop that he always visited. The bell jingled as he opened the door, and the barista looked up.
“Max! It’s been a few months!” She called, happily, her cheeks nearly split with the grin on her face. He smiled back at her and nodded. “The usual?” She asked, and he nodded once more.
“I’m surprised you remember.” Max commented, amused, watching the barista hurry around like a bee.
“Oh please, that’s one of the most common drinks I make. Probably because you’ve always been the most frequent customer. I’m pretty sure you have a caffeine addiction.” The young girl commented, with a shrug.
“Perhaps, but hey it won’t kill me so I don’t see a problem with it.” Max replied, returning her shrug, watching as the girl snickered.
“Well if you drink too much at one time it will.” She stated, with an amused expression, the bleached ends of her hair falling in front of her face. “Either way, more business for my manager I suppose.” She sighed, Max seeing an opportunity for humor.
“All I am to you is a paycheck?” He asked, mischievously, earning an eyeroll from the barista.
“No, Max, you’re my friend. I was making a point.” She replied, before handing him his cup of coffee. “$9.57.” Max dug around in his pocket for his wallet.
“Let me tell you I have had the strangest day today.” He said, and the girl looked up with a raised brow, only for a moment.
“How so?” She asked, returning to busying herself cleaning.
“Well it’s mostly my art history teacher, she seems normal aside from the fact that she acts like she knows something I don’t. About myself.” He replied, already drinking a swig of coffee.
“Hmm.. maybe she’s a witch.” Commented the barista, sounding abnormally serious in her comment.
“I doubt that, but..” Max responded, holding his coffee close to his chest.
“I was joking.”
“Oh.” He chuckled lightly at his misstep, smiling fondly to himself. Just then, the bell jingled as a seemingly overworked man walked in. He looked strangely familiar, but again a lot of people did to Max at this point. “I’ll get going, it was lovely seeing you again Sandy!” He called, already halfway out the door.
“You too Max!” Replied the girl, before turning to the hunched over man.
Ok. What on Earth is happening.
“-yeah, I would say that is pretty weird. Though, the same thing has happened to me a few times so I wouldn’t say it’s out of the ordinary too much.” Said Antoine, who sat aggressively drying his hair with a towel.
“That’s reassuring.” Said Max, tiredly, as he stared up at the ceiling. “But why is it happening? It’s like some weirdly intense deja vu that only happens in certain situations with certain people. I don’t think I like it at all.” He continued, desperate for some sort of answer. Obviously he wasn’t expecting one, his roommate was not God.
“I dunno, but that just about sums it up. I know that Georges guy has had it happen too. He literally stopped me before I was about to leave. Was really weird, not sure I like him.” Antoine stated.
“Really?” Max asked, hesitantly, looking to the side.
“Yeah. Maybe we should all just have group therapy or something, in a circle of metal foldable chairs.” Antoine replied, with a shrug.
“How would we even arrange that?-“
“I was joking.”
“Oh-“ silence. “Did Ms. Rozzero happen to say anything to you today?” Max asked again, nervously.
“Not really, no. She barely even acknowledged the fact that I exist.” Antoine answered. “But from what I could see she is abnormally fond of you. To the point where it’s weird, like., creepy weird.” He continued, before shuddering, face wrought with discomfort in the situation.
“Now I feel a little better about being weirded out. As in, I feel like less of a jerk.” Max stated, staring at his hands as he sat up.
“Don’t worry about it, honestly, I would be weirded out too. Im already pretty weirded out actually.” Antoine commented. The street lamp filtered in from outside the window, giving the room a faint orange glow. If Max wasn’t feeling so uneasy, he would have quite enjoyed it. “If she keeps doing it bring it up to her though, maybe we’ll all have to team up and get her to stop. I mean, even the football kid noticed, with his sheer size he could be pretty intimidating, and as much as I do not like the guy he could be an ally in this situation.” The younger continued, before looking over at Max with a look of concern.
“Yeah, I guess your right.” The latter sighed, before suddenly becoming his more optimistic self again. “Anyway, wanna just swing down to the Chinese restaurant really quick and get some take out?” He suggested, watching the smile form on his roommates face.
“Hell yeah.”
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