#my heart is crushed and I am weeping. are you happy OP?
libidomechanica · 2 years
Perfection remove; and this,
A Meredith sonnet sequence
                That o’erjoyed to fa’! By various pain   a suddenly up, and the spring. So   boldly he, the silv’ry wine are with those my dare na look as he great Nether, in his lap. And our mouthed and moved by loved me   they saw Majnún where bless intice. And day,   when to with your Johnny to the delightning, ding, sir, but follow hair there I looks and bearing in his where he difference.   Perfection remove; and this, that you the leads   his own she wintry folkes my would every had brough the men! And there, and cause than springs wear The pretty my sunflower that   links he through Year stray or pucelled Hope   Lake where it hurt that no peace is not love, and stepping as its with his lighted main.
                He said, he lives, though my foes a land for   her child. Weep and grow, each base. For, like an   afford no more. More delightly met. ’ The centertain leave that can beautiful, but bind him; burned that hear me with teach one to   becoming struggling she plays, no second   such brings and I must ere twere strong bridegroom in what the Trees but now appears! Gather stay, a desert vastness, shall never feet   as a bells like these men, and psalms but come   died of the Nether happy world, with number caught you with bays. And sight, But my sire, over-like a comin’ to my friend;   and seemed through my boast; how Holland our skies;   in a star-shape it change in her boots fire with a been sae nice; the women’s eye off!
                My love as she casket of wit? For thou   would how doubt na, but ere the crush was he   had express without. High tree, and is close, drink Me I kisses smooth by the moon large to the west the Prince her for his month at   lay be better all burden breast on; but   Heavens, and feminine were never seem so. And fall in Heavens to meeting not fall in loved the listening patient faces   we site of innumerable echo   in things me for here you, I could, by the Heaven! And waste my would never turned my own: they in being the monstrous boy; like   a winter, Care,—I will the Scotia’s short   of Living Universes sweet me by morrow, come fell thy cheeks so through I knew.
                By variety of bitter stay, and   the back into my Mother love, the loving   light glories were but by any father that binds perfumed the crunch of Natures, blown i’ the meadows, winter, Care,—I will   be wish would ne’er seen the prove, hope, with fear,   if though glitter the poor griefs in sackclothes short or breath, and never turn of her roving house perpetual feastern end   out, embrace though thee, her and glowing song,   and charm. When bird with a drap o’ dew, in my offering I saw men’s eyes without a stranger to the purple is our mind; till   Gazing grew the paired with a parasitic   formed by us, some pleasant hour aged to myself in the hearts, now my pale?
                Her foot still, and save when not from hurt to   even as they were you didst tell me and   seeming; till unfold to and furrows of my wife, of fortune once your sweet. And ocean before, they built thoughts lay beside your   Highness, yet love her hungry wing! South and   when it would be like that warily oped he knew her sight look them that shall come against thy heart is mortal offices,   when her—let head, and golden dream wherein   it the Sunne who have before he discretion of bird with Fortune takes me anyone. That all it would to-nights are was mad,   o whistle, be not what I sorrow. And   affection in whom I look back into myself respect, thy eternal applies.
                I am glad life decker’s bitter all   die ye e’er your from thee’ I said and stood   to what would closed with Plenty years ago. And call night slept, filletings, let me senses roll’d; by variety, she said, Dear,   but not thyself up: she party’s fire, over-   like any more wild that by the was it king in me unnamed! Sparkling seen that all many read. Then, deny not for   the porphyria word he sandalwood left   and yet since her head. A-wee; but not word, was begotten meteor one long and death; then her is dissever: you’ve to our   own, wait. With vices, or let you couldn’t remain,   the every day, ye wadna be a Jew. And wind’s bosom of men, whose Saint, mine.
                Your soules in lose to the cashier with some   I woke to my father air beats transmitted   egg release reign and down broodings of it bore and when out to-day when in the woman love were spirit, nor shall dabble   of cowslips into the will not Ida   whom the rising home. Frolic virgins of they fleet stall. I want of men, and sank and at a’? Alone, doth fold the more: angry   waked to Four; painfully does, the day,   comfort her, yet into the wet will drawn afternoon, amorous leaves with teach and quenching flatt’ry so favorite customers.   Tree rush, and right would keep that dawn that darts   be done! So them so. In should take; But I am old, o ye this an aggression.
                From her locks lurch, it’s garden seeming fruitful   may light bless: Ye’re even as my lord   to built thou lives: he, forced then unto grow on the blast she was on the prince I be dead with high come the petals shall native   charger soil. She birds do singing, but the   other, in a shell, a turtle. The under— everlasting air, hate me for my lad, o whisper’d, thou feeling on too, be   than garments happy, it half the shook up,   and see, that last—at lay it do not my wrath did me the red with power that her reasons of senses? And yet did the   attention in sits, all he can tell you read,   throne in their live some wearied too; court me, but her whom all things the miles toward loved.
                Why did grows on my hot thy vision of   bison still smile, a greet it be in her   now it; taunt mine eyes and of Cupid bitter to ask her cold, so gentleness; but I lay through the unhappy, it were posses   hence like thee to bring their own scatter   on Sevents his my friend; and wildly and the blue. By the pray to the one leaf and her forehead we love. But your mournful, sober-   suited Night farthen all thinks with   forever and beating slow dilation; the sun, and dear hear hears by autumn come, we knows its of Man—thered the yard, looked, and   you written incredulous fold set early   house possessed by Worth, throught you death the sobb’d, he ourself up: she, but lie the light.
                That warily I said, Ruin, and you   need spraying, to the hollowed fire, and the   monstrous lamp of light, as the patching every side; and from earling soul from my word rest, as not for once is though infinite   immensity. The mountains doth shut frae   they were the night her when ope to shoot my spirit rest, trust on its these arms had you in my foot she came glowing the hills, hall-   door, and through infinity, like your through   my handsome, where Fountain total summer air lady morrow to belong what it shining languor wept: her blows, so that   divines of clichés. Might while, will night dawn,   behold likes the with such a curls, she guests are gray city these like a Mercury.
                Oh, yes, a penthousand made it seemed it,   clamouring well castle wa’; and in height   for a trace of disappear like car bomb … And my tears, this cros, our of you loves, if your helm, nor fingers part I cover use,   and out, embrace in abundance folly   on her, spied it word that sweete-cruell show heaven brake out though I oft tiresome few sad from the unseen the what is friend? I   will lot. Nor mother with may ceasing to   might hand the world again: the chilled then all I dream, be one else count, I will. Honey on her lives, that life a face doth coarse may,   old ages and all their injuries peepe;   nay, it nursed me; so sore death for the temperature’s blink o’ gear me where to her.
                Within my heard a noises draught in signs.   Is a bluff too. Dwelt away, the babe yet   from and either presence. So sang, though brows you can tell mind an every way? Her roving so long braid Ida sound its come her   robe, to mournful, we fooles him not in   the valves, just now I that: disastrous house periwinkle home! ’ I’ll comething of it time into them who taxeth me? With   all the heart the delight. The but how Meg   o’ the city, guessed in height off, and set, and to me. She said: he sandalwood and seed i’ the art? All the crushes, from where   under mountain cleft where is some on pranks   of day-old past midnight detail up as I wish workmen and round towns, where distance.
                Their motherwhere a mad way. If, dearer   fair, were but her face. So fair. Then contented   a thou, whose Saint, mine If, dearer, to yield often in a cry The Brightening register was on the partridge, both I can   brede, lay long glades’ colonnades, and rain.   And other happens, both endless would lik’d; I lie in long to a street with other’s Arms the rest’? Better equipage: but have   falsen not taketh afore faint pink-bronze   vales await upon the armed by us, of whom all men’s eye waste of her sad heeds that new and while I be dead the covered   frame, and twilights, a bird to the fou’, he   sacred man. Letters upon him once made ourse, and you turns outside out of a noun.
                Old wit gold out the mine who open first   time that tomb already to read, from her   your her night’s many a thought in Profusion with me shade of her laws with the prison have fleshly bleed and mar that swells, as   no steps where waste not blame o’ gear ye light   I lingering thy vision free; syne up grown with them thee virgins’ kiss, a love, and he knowne would having Universes ye my   mother’s vow, descending in thy find weak   weed; but spak’ to bind his chastened nothing them all a bit of female field they be? Would adored ever shrinking thee; azure   pillar never still the Frowning early   strums on my woe, woe, when whom waverings sit smiling lives a lynx, and you are me.
                Terms form or keep had misled to lived and   here friend is not reach’d our only head, a   kindly women the skirts of the night’s blithe ages and flower may hold that’s hopes under wheel should shone that can lend is bestrew   where is verse, what Loue is full of scored, how   exquisitely leads, o’er the comes to all I come one litter child! So doubt, as if he was poor nature still, and daught it looked   mournful heard then once my loves have marble   envelopt man will night, and builds a Heaven, maybe the faculty to changing din past a ho, and mother? By the moon   may still have there is blooming house your soul   that I to be wrong numbers actually and wordless you are dead: the quaffing him.
                Their arms when a wound meek, and blind him; but   with fears, force by glisten, as is sleepless   bide I pain; nor years like you are graue content; a simple still can’t moved: someone young Lochinvar. Seen the Harper’s might and out   my pretty grief lies have often to life   so pale, of my soul, the subways the delight within, the Heaven, no Angel, books, on yours, too, such a young I stroke, like liquor   or taffata cap, rank’d in our loves,   the bodies’ force swayed but least restraitor, then all the let be. And that living from men’s returned askance at through the deep, power   make my will at win mutual feast,   dun any more the Cellar never spring, made my heart there even as my side.
                Which glows murmuring Letter in Silence.   My bird, though thy wife, beyond edge appear:   that folly scorn drew from the shops, but not take most empty road such? They so listeness, an old Harper sense part, if that so   much gray. The our shrink away, but come to   be lost; and thine? Coffee table, afraid some very tree decay’d and Gibson dead; but the snow pin one moment search and hath   put thy chariots into the kitchen   the Heavens to and I smell of all make ye in death that’s wife proud lap pluck them closer and enough; be her hand, which, being   Her I sate read. Do them to setting travels   after stately he earth a tears, sun, her way: wake no peace. You can heart—just pay.
                I cannot go; long and Out-going, strike   flowers we’d take here, if we could be that   grew; nor knows melted you have, but by my lad, the has a block could be like is laid; and I do equal and you can your daddy,   with fear the oak tree alike, both by   this voice receive them now is a rhyme, but on me upon him, and came Psyche: only me, now softer the house by our thro’   the moving as if we wild Decembers,   dispensive that wind. Riches him to infant’sies pastry, noises and the till turn’d them shall standing at the Song? For loving,   vertuous, this immemory of the come,   and yet love nothings to what shall outline stranger to cast to find will never wait?
                Pass, escaped, that toong? Re-survey the perfect   not go about the which the roof   another ye light, but have streets, her painting door in they so palm she rest a dwarf-likeness short a day, ye were before herself   to moan? Shall my flow’ry means my lips just   awake, can fain fields to one’s fate in blessing, burst time world of young I forgiven the back. Half husbandman have falser see   or tempests are soul too; winning the Rose   with myself respect, those. Faith ivory stalks each me, as wise pity ran: there in the street cavern delight me past, and cold Muscouite,   white ravine, made strange chanc’d the lives made   fruitful skill, for lived on me tanger, I had never head, he room is eel-black. You?
            ��   Toot, and feebled star-shape it be the fields,   they ding; sweet her faces the pine hid her   kisses heart to passion. In Angel instruck the only I think of thee? Mine own to when street, and a’! If the prophets of   by her, or pity only arrests, a   hand is lines to ten less to death. All have to shore. Down of work to ’stablish would failed him to one longer or as I can brede,   lay lodged in thy wife, of fortune of him   dropt; and look’d to my roses on to walk with what suspicious holy figure like the gray. Someone your maids in dire wild   lean-headed Eagles ye must every nerve,   just link together. In long, Jámi, in pity on her grace; while you love his way!
                Not one? So stood that, a little these two   hour yield; the English in prosperously,   so all with speed. Yellow pale, of my deed. Ye wadna be all men which they so stayed; knelt on to the pleasure: weight-marke of her   stand sheltered partake all oblivion   to feed her mountain’d bowls of the cast it see their feet; but sweet, and shadow I was a hundred-gated in the unbroken   in dire wits, and gems and in they call   he sad the form, exceeded beyond case, blind-hitting his sharp-fangled in me as time is best comin’ to my kindly and   do not you you wilt though the day, by chamber,   I traveling but Luther’s oaken special legend often to the tailor’s world.
                To burden, carried at all, came to see   it. Their triumphs and suck the first may tents   to the roar? I lou’d, as temper? Of curiosity, your love, realms of long done, i’ll be true? Blot upon the fire will. Indeed   the leaf and Fancy, and light be before   her fair. Overs in low reconciled; she knight it scabbard! I falls on the soul needs nor unequal; seeing must now; and   round, and like life put upon the mind with   my faither’s row, come that stopp’d by you wilt thus, a measures; nor did husbandman have I not march the vain; till for a spheres, so   three does, sent arms of long throughness and you   so; let of the remorseless the sat: then dames viewed flowers in they don’t be a Jew.
                Love not cry I see; my foes, meanest look’d   forth from room is eel-black at my heard me   Herself crumble, will her name receives, since drinking underfoot or shoes from her loved. Or replies nor glanced bed, these for me, not   lust. An echo of the she-bird out my   should thyself have a ghost soles rightening; then our love her and place. Have their shadow I thinking that it find there which to her   too; or you love for his Cheapside; in a   cane they drank its curious arts beating I’ve alone at the lake by its food service did me throught, and a horsemen my rosed   with those, to castle waters part; tis   other an’ a’ she wet winterim like life so mute? I forget the mistresses.
                These eye alters for ever love is dead.   Though wise and into one that nor unplace,   in odours sudden and we’ll goodly dark movest thou will, Despair. Or fancient arms, I country eye, the meads; where it blessing   of there with indifference and curse; but when   thoughts brings as it with he, made for laik o’ gear my sickness loud, sweet. Of my tears: at what we are his body rest: but love, within,   the child! And to his body, and   anyone I looks to its worthine have I am bound is thoughts between dreads me for the miles on the larkspur, with the   approaching she light. Know half and on her Jonson   nor this yeere on the Song? So the day comes the like into sometimes I waking.
                Aye vow of knight’s streams be for laik o’ your   tongue still walk will be dear, back of a great   night berries peep into these: Love is, a pure cup of the sun, for Maria, or the roadsword from life so much grows of human   soul will lay up; and did not, she smile,   all her I seeking monarch of poet’s me down upon the stay, and had full reade it enough, thought Sugar with how dull you   let the robe, to see who is worshipp’st all   my brows; invok’d forked in hand; and on me, the wedded. For fell of grief and kneeling fingering age, rages nor glanced in a   rainy morning ivy, two or thither   and last like we join winterpreter book though those iridescending wide Border.
                Let me be copartner of the blind eyes   like one moment divinest affection   of will now I am thy divine: then but understood into ourself mighty Being I had been of eisel gainst there   wrough world’s guilt, and knee: but such some few, that   whip, pastures, from thee to do allay’d, to- morrow after Star, oud, importunes, and with me ran; and tarn expunge home; surprise   your eyes, but uncertains, and that’s which,   where enough. ’ She spoke, drink her incense of someone smart, smile of the Song? By glimmersed to show bright the swung, so the give it   all fain fell against therewithal sweet   growes on the lovers by the bed of eisel gainst my neck was torn has married.
                Where is only, that gave told, thy eternal   apples, the little by thy whole from   on her babe yet joint is song, unfold to us, there the sleep, laugh, thought, and the light detail outlive or Fate may returned the   Temples be, and silent and yet did the   old glad remains on the maidens with it be? An ablative way, her father, and voice in the slowly from sun’s bitter limbs   and all thy tonight; and on my heav’nly   faith like that it be? Came sweet looked up there Loue doth savage gladly became from thy vision some dart the spring: faith is that   to meet, what seem a moment’s soul’s full of   one with a voices the hath his gaine doth learned at a’! Copartner of the hills?
                I tell think me not her lips, the crush and   gray. And her break from early, and still, the   night, of my deeds, the wester, as died, and people suppose was men and fishes shrill of the moving and poem: which the babe   that may the attend a thoughts of sense palate,   that love and dream the Head at mad wake, my offering how looked at in the woman. Then one, the trembling of the wrong, and leafless,   a lov’d remain and pray. Thee vanquished,   and all overslided, feast flower Prithee as though thee; azure pillow piled glove to guide a sharp as bed, from thy sake doth the   heat up heretics in a new-fangleness,   a faint and doorbells like, let me back. How Vlster that her soil. Suddenly a noun.
                And all her love, of the day our threw down   to come, all fley’d awa by the paused and   she said his laid a feeling frozen time- better infection removed me still as I may still, that break as the fair cousin   tumbled her of those in the stars Ask me   not, my hearted face be a Woman Old. I was power in knowledges that cry The Bright. The land: pity ranks in the   solitary past motions be undered   count now I am fled cold, cold every hyacinth the night I may yet to what seemed a truthful in vain the soul will it   griefs of with saints. Yet was moved, feast on; but   once first than mine eye, flying struck at me lives: let it, with kissed, and I, whom the night.
                To lament what is thee to go of farce!   I hae seen the flew. Better for the   dedicated and never in the no more frontingly. Tale of his works did not starts to me as torn has no sleep with gems and   how pastries. Nor knew. At least to read, which   spur can you had never a woods! When my body in though and see, strange and died in the Sun dropped with the sealed, how watching. To   gaze at thou mayst take twenty knows welcome,   will, and near traveler, lost liberty? Where croissants his times a been else, thought; now is pardon get our will give a global   civilization in which the proclaim, because   it in which writers use of curtain leapt a closed. Night the sun shall seek for it.
                Great black pipe, and golden tits arching out   are not what I do call it a crater.   And the flowers, risen again will blame alive or darlins enough, that deeds must want too. But ye can not how Now for that   will be attentive: the blue larkspur, and   see loveliest when she leaves, and were yourself enough some have done, thy aid, you pushed spilt in still those, without depth, whom I knew   him not alone until finally, toot!   Cross to a Woman Old. My head, and flatt’ring to break. But left behind there, to show it half of love is, while craftely chamber   or no fairy doe take twenty and   take twenty yearning together, where the Eske rich from the signs. That Frowning of those.
                Looked in one knew her profess no more blushed   pepper—althought, draw some ghost of meek! The   birth, to wed thus, I dare in hand. And pearls upon the colors is sixpence had, and they do not your motions be dead, o whistle,   an’ mother night. Did we let me, sweet   love, to say thus far remove; nor loving, burst times where crow is passed not this wings to me. And more. Dark as just done. I told me   that fair subject; and there in the day. With   man his harden for weeks, I breathe think, than think scorched me it: they twain, upon that there the Mill with me over behoof, who, in   a Sea of you. But Love is way, descence   shine? I have leave the heat up her loverscore her her mother hair, hath behaviour.
                Into one his chasten for thy such is   my boast a hundred dream, and tired today,   my dearest, i’d feasted. And echo ring, made drunken whom I knew to thine earth been their parting the shapes, who, in true   torments. Why soul wearied all to attentive:   the will our soul may that never mourn whom I love evenfall, not one world in a robe together cheeks so dullness, plight:   had misled things one love me where there posses   hence give? Not quit for horse race. Her her loving life, with shut became her rolled with, someone soft and near sense calm, the statelier   iudge for the cented were mirth, tho’ hardly   sunflower an’ mother incongruities, laces, or content you know the night.
                Cold me so faith ill-omened too—the   cottage while I boughts of radiant Errour   great will be but maids, thought some when soft and dead we will were na by. How I am impossible light of her that huddling   left no more re-survey these he fat, or   still was give melts, and me then he is my love in the said she is a joy to his first may it, and his tricked the shipwreck’d many   quean, an’ ken year, if than you are na   look, O shining harvest, dear the tress into his lessons that is line she stretcher seem right; and there warning of the exhausted   fair behold make that give and that goodness   its needs thine eye that: disastrous law your hearth: what the dead let its hope hope hope.
                Or have fall; I cannot know of thy words   whistle, plates and embeds every friends: nor   man side that can your meat, O Love, Love listened her Graces, and call our styles, chipped with Psyche touch one side rejoicing furrow-   clovers lost once more blushes to place a   little come, who is way! The swarms o’ the ledge, pheasant shirt and the dead; from their axes: let her equal rightening: only   at you may bring of the Peacock—raced, and   hour of the pale? Here is very day; rage, rages and broken proud thyself, and flies and fruit of a moment fable fallen   of our surface, but once our palace inside   thank him in your blow, but cannot go; if only the high tree adit; we wound!
                And her fixt my nature’s already knowest;   an olive, in pity mockery   in it. Every way, her hand: thou lies have you remain, and flowers, but ask them paused who looked and all transpired of God, or   be perfectly pure cup of light, and he   sacred mourn no verse: what was change dire winterest on? Where crossing, whose lips, we know what he memory tell, and in one,   and guns imployed, shining of their hand a   hey, and your praise, in the triumvirs; and murmur of the eye with high-piled up in joy of blood were the children brake. Of Jealous   in the twin-brother, give in think I gained   in think that rights are sweetly did not you wrong You art or some to sighed into me!
                Nay, if than that these did get mars ago.   Your trade was but her, and that some to death,   she new love, Love, to refer to the fair and are high romance, Towne folks well me where he must may, ye what plants a giant Sister   thing sunshine, and feet, steps its she sea;   they put it seeth failing to warm earlins enow. Will, ’ add to me for all in the sun, and a hole, and you, hope hopeless of   they were silent, that a life: my being.   With feet them close in peace. Thank that never hae her hovel to Brooklyn, which love it had a piece of yce: while words; and come fair   and all when the wind mine. My birds do such   a few month at eve, and or God to please my true. Naked tree alive some sneaking.
                And all thy defect, be true, you have wits,   compos’d of gallant of Song, and place to   court me, for a sun shall here Iram Garden a pleasures; nor can love into distance. Or wretched tight, Powers, still smile her   your tiny infinity, like Maud? When   the pearl-gray like a paired with flaw-seeking might hangs on my fix how he canker of light I would make one you wandering in   a velvets, plight that deeds beard no manage   either’s vow, doth heaven-grant to bindeth no know what ye care not meet has beauty’s laws are wild me to him, I on him here   but since, and jail sented white, at last, thy   whole faculty to rehead a little neat, Now sleep. I heart who frown’d by the read.
                Tho’ his trim hath snatched tighter wakeful   every girl—ah foolished silent woodmen   with strange free, my Philly, she came all I think that have forth a flitting I would not leaves they wine, false, far away from my   sleep has gotten? It little park with clay   adhered in hevene a-bove; and beauty a’ to me. They craft or affright withere unlaced between works where, till enjoy,   you are me the year to go forgiven,   althought, curst to his larger mither an’ mother I soon her mind, poor work divine Muses for my doubt na, but figur’d, through   the faery pen hate me and reddening,   call her of the ocean be socks throbbed knight. To vex true torn has golden the sun.
                Makes us. So waste into and the under   they life decked to her light; and sang into   their ear, look at the scented bed. And plunge home till shrine, with the air I traveled above the Cellar never blackened with   arms, I labour wise possibility;   had left your brain? The women and that she hearts himselfe confused at him on throughness these: Love it all tyranniseth single   uncertainment when I wad singing dawn   that grew moon I who looks amorous for me; with that was a purposed that so the lake: so fold it would you, hope hope we   two of further ye light. But the Soul until   he sand, yet saw ye may may no peace on my head and began the world shot awrie!
                I steal, a wasted he stars who turned at   someone years every petty river wakens:   yet of your laws. To such a hey nonino, tho’ hardly crop—was left you cannot lust. Grace from me, not on the mountain-   sides, whose tall, and that foot should arisen   and song The bride kissed, all the poor rudely moved beneath her or someone elsewhere e’er die. We’re not to allay’d, to-morrow tone   of almost them apart, welcome the joy   the soft and a’! That lingers scorner where I my only pretty rings. I am bound, and he touch I yield it changing in   us lie the pools where only pretty   looked. You with your atones wi’ the unhappy he without dead, with my flowers.
                That blame and have calm, thou; althought of death;   the bridegroom said I’d be fresh petals   or hours, it bats scatter on Seventh Avenue might known ye. One wits, compos’d off in their worse aloft, the cries; in a nut   have lain to give any morning mixt the   sullen of love, mournful, sober-suited Night! Like Phœbus sung thee: or kiss is the roofs and the world’s eldest don’t remov’d; how should   moveless for you, sir, too, good-morrow   after you seem’d there, I only pretty river was! Where we can your shall days: not wait at through chide, and rills into my teeming   everlastinguish some cowledge, bond   is not underground him entertains to pre-occupation: he is over wane.
                Down the love is chin, and due to fears, and   I worshipped her blows murmuring disregard—   a loud, they born today is furious, precipitates dear friendship aduaunce; other all day our comes here, or pearls   upon my pale and she waste my death—most   seemed in and she wide Border counsel had all and weep my whole, and set, and the sent my sad expectation in the straight blind   him not; breather. Ushering I had, being   close of you ran and your name rehead a cousin tumbled him enterim lint and strike from the startled in Porphyria’s   sweet. I pain; like a bitter sang in the   buried and knows, and she glowing coal and the end, for faith, my Mother desire.
                Thee again, that the dough, that bosom, panting   one will never did not my burden   dream when I’m so she best acquiring replies we two face! Doing song vexes my leaning to might of all with and slept   not I put on the full listen! On the   poor for roofs of old, of the unhappy and let me her, and into thee will lie— Anthea, my loved in arms and song to   make in vain travel bother presence; horse;   but he this Old House—who nails himself enough late better claim, because I’m poor horsemen mine own she of it that if I burst   times be, and heroines havins and nowe   imprison cups make her hair waits must remembers and strand. And panes off the darkens.
                The rode all diets boughs more sheep, and sit   on my tears for the sealed, how thy aid, you   push and but on it when I arrive before, an old my heart o’ the joined the injuries opened by you, my launcelot   out us light, but it’s not: Cyril said,   from week them i want to below, and led a hundred part for that too; winning i’d say I by thy case, there cheats and we’ll   be minutes fly all my laughing. Not for   me; with his sigh some very when the bride, and a wooden gave wiser comes a monumental breast; how very hangs sadden   wealth, she garden by the ages sink   together met be. In their sank and by sweet her gleams I sorrow, despite but where her.
                With thee, my life, I have overlooked at   thought when your hurt there na look down, O the   face to the face. My love another hand, and other love, how Poles she cries, and lovers love me cause thee, to find his lap. Her,   and calls in the when softly sad Your eyes   be, comparisoned of grisly the light to her locks thereof nose: be my sunflower, that jasper mourn no wight, no distance,   an’ I’ll come, an ablative to she,   so remote a net I be dying languish, the good after should undergrowth; three year weary of death, and learn. When her—let   her name to changed. This large and sorrow, the   chance at bee who lover’s hand, a love: she moment face, nor cloud breath, her is delay.
                Is calm white pearling phantom cold, and she   hath without pity only me, and happy   and not alone, ’ I saw and your fallen: thy pitfold set a Book on me, not lov’d in chargins, tho’ father calls back of   Me! She nor at a’! Correct correct and   bad, on the springs of their Desting every clever, would bid the measure and sae small, and wine. Poor of Him who tried Caesar   blest I alone is gold finds iron in   joy that there thee thing sleeping flee, as an electrons. It together and the give? The sitting down upon yearns too hot first   beneath an iron moral height slided   in they are meaning in little paralyz’d with my fix how heaven, no sound him.
                I may it time, woe is some and while crowd   content; a sinner refuse. Come in the   doth to fa’! Give wits tonight soft hands, amidst drowning sweet foot she winterpreter by far to cowered leau’st there’d be   cuts his house, and that put on on a passion   some with roll their foretell me wherein I am lonely doest primrose of airplanes. Love into the Mill was the race. The   brawling ill clear element. And led a   huge close pretty ringly: Our enemies have that blame to say thus fault if you be, it could lay brotherwhere as where I saw   ye mayst take her roving locks that made it   see by glimmer air injuries: yet receives long. The dart o’er-press Bride him; burning.
                She press she, in the unhelpt of the soul   wears lies thirst time is sleeps into married   at her ye light and silent-bare struck one loved that now appetite, I trust in the word, not on the perch, it lightning, yes, as   some bride had got, dear divine shouts food served   with vice distant each on nor none cup of lost in vain to-night’s me weight, undergrowth, I cannot so; but Heaven-grant appear:   thaw the rock, her way: is that will have has   made us bravering towering gauze and shivers love them not memory winks through open first an amatory to refer   to, with hardly cross to Dissolution.   But if anyone driving will by day—not one elsewhere it felt though the breeds.
                White robe, to refer that churl Death we lets   sheltered! Makes life: and thin like that was torn,   rested: I am: as Virgil columbines of the days Who live was those curb, you that is the Head of scorned they once loved me   of the valves, and prayer for week to her.   Ourself to pull upon him like a tents count now; nor love that jasper motherhoods were but fient for me I scarlet gown or   continent, where the wounded, and almost-   stale crack pipe, and Favour, the three year the till roam freezes, blush, who believed the could nowe imprison hateth the grows on the   wild with all lie—Anthea, Herrick, to   pulled me; and though fowl now. The plainness to its important to be, terror of man.
                Down old snowcap gleams I sent first them move   as thy looked it, sowing and grove, and quiet-   coloured; and made him in that honour scissors and you have the tress message sent in he doth the shore, and faintly at your   coming away, until her Willy. And   release, blind, no hand, from them heaven a pass, uncared understood and brough the no more from the day, by this—to their dryness   to becomes, all her with the badge, and   their hearts with me of men with ease, I could ever. In their neck round town, her wound! How I seeks, I were na by. Three in dangling   is no peacock like each silver pin. Within   us as my bed weep and happy mother! Wherein I am bound us.
                In heart for historted tears; a lovely,   and debauchery, hold my claspable,   hopes be, for any summer of yce: I lie become in the fruitful hymns did me shade, which but like childhood’s the knight, or all   we are stour; but leave it has that fed or   God had you would be good nights of the tress, to do her Willy. The gray, since shining Form, exceeded a right with a feeling   fleeted beating through my foe: I can be   who makes like a bee, ask that othere. His grave,—death the years the Sunne who will nursed to this proud man board, i’m queen of the spotted   a though windows keeps with bulrush was calm,   and whom I so belong while my bed I may no pastures without pity, guesses.
                Porphyry font: there he sun, her hath of   Lethe surly sunflower. Should faith a bad   case of the bag of this is slain: his more sweet is free, nor foot is our strange, the weary as that bride’s-men, the mark; that a lov’d.   That. And, in purpose lips ill-made of maybe   it half open has glean’d my fate in Scotland hunched at the terrible! Quick and spattered for the skill their gods and rills me   when short of men. Waiting I prophets of   languish slow at dart that happy through watermarket straine history. The sun shine, and so it sound a foe in thee wrong, O God,   and be than through your hurt to the swam the   skin: with none so listen, have cloud drag inward of gallant into snows would barber.
                Then, deny noise or Fate may returns to   see not thousand mind, and the groweth will   not the hand in sight may like one seed, cheeks so mute, an’ I’ll tenderness bestrew whether did lay his grieved thinking wide; and love,   Love, to cowered, how we thing cherish   beside out from me, but, trowth; that never kinde of incipient time dead, and glory and lovely his imagine your wish’d,   and none chin, and would having she saw such   a corned to rehears fill’d to him in a bar-room came; then common lose pregnant electrons. Let that bride-maidens came love   as sometime left you? Woo’d and faithful boars,   for the tents: take—best quite statelier Eden bed the airport so I cannot mine.
                The foughts are clever, and presently o   Sire, ’ she flower with thing there’s chose   the Mill waits in that end; nor for thoughts: bryers But I, deeper doe, but warmth any wood ye she turrets of fell as bright it’s gonna   been words were but the archer threadbare   one words by the name of sunshinesse? ’ And of evermore blushes to the embrance, and call her hand to gaze on me, thousand   most the gained by art: the child! But the that   she beauty evermore of bitter incense their beholds a bee such brinks her movest else could died in them went, and sometimes   but fiery rings be draw me lying   stepping it like Phœbus that bee which to knowing it rains had: as angry winterpret!
                Far as I can beard and doors to them up:   she site once more. A dole of ripen’d in   they cannot true, you tell might ease to do with the Sand. That is a beauty’s first embrace today where weathe heart-beat your regular   less was. That Arm from summer’s steeds music   in the roofs of tears and make my bar; but ye meek, your his shakes life, my word? Cunning sunset, or fingering it great breast;   how exquisitely move as laurel crowd   of the rock, and year’s bosom and all your her land, yea ev’n of being sweeter the Treasures; nor stairs, she of beauties might to   each! And round though I oft myself, never   cradles, shall many a lonesome Old House stranged and a horse race young Lochinvar.
                That ye seed, no dislike to one trample   still unfold, as where was, and lovely; takes   gasp as their style if your mouth and vouchsafe me forgive me no more, dead, and with long down with his lap. At think o’ gear ye light.   How light maching not to some and somethings   of that is along from the pair of—could be so fair youth and all that wild, and there poet. I was carefully death, for when   speak is a woodmen with my woes with numbers   he want you knowled, you do, and all he saved my king, but till round to life, and girl to have fled could be got by a gave   him. To hosts the that. And none trample stayed;   knelt on the Frowning the flew. Or kissed by thee lived whoever father every side.
                Old, that. Can warm of your to settle wave,   i’ll be what one? Smoking short-legged affection   coast of a trees in the glowing and curst the Canterbury bellman of the gardened then spoken love till the dazed to   a curtain the Frowning ill he thou hadst   serve thee die, and Day? We hae the let your regular tuned the roar? For our surface, to left her having deep still particulars   of cowslips bind my struggling the scratch   her pen, red great plants man’s goal. To fold make that but like to this sworn today when those pools admire. Jealous isles onward of summer   drizzle, remembered, Even the two   reciter, captive villages, and over the sat, wish I were like a galler.
                When Love, the velvet petty my mother.   You can choose not do such, and of clichés   and were love this with they will tell might lookt on, and I wad singing having wine own, now would won it turn’d bowls of will—the read   lonely women in a wake in some outside   her we wounds. Then I am only Self to me. A dole of night behind you art for Caesar’s bitter stately glimpse that   can evermore of which I notice of   blossoms of you. Joys and are well a-talking of the rouge lattices we seen the tress with the spring inside cafe, dearest   in the sand, yet shall I care, or fell.   Win you out and stepping in them dead, and that it was they’ve pass not faded for men.
                No sound me most embraces by autumn   robbed, but I who was a fire, and in prose,   thou will thine touch brass unforgive, and place show his so dull is that through the back as here, and all be the moor, ye’ll entertain   her wound shine, with grief, how way thou but her   having thou must, a beggar at everyone’s face. Weep and many noises and fade, under body restore, sit by a   wayward that tree blasted, shall I ask the   empty would ne’er ye like supplings, she be a Jew. So old ways, pity be yellow had our mouth, for year of his face sent flowers   of ony! So daring how sharp as   amber shut against all sweet, when it nurse, nor shone as write my wear; and show approach.
                She turret this will freedom’—here is wrong! Your   book the garden bars or was the fools admires   up like riches his own she narrow cold ever an’ mother and many reason is hand than you but a windows keepe,   But if I lie and Beauty’s law you let   her light in me. Hath of the might of man? And beauty every side that could I seem only the last went slip thy sweet, when their   motion somewhere when that is impute it   see love’s yokes with look sae shy; for land o’er all watercresses. I prayer form or breath for what you? Nor her wound stalks of days   and of capers, for only argument   wood left behind, poor nature your great without know what ye come on the solid fire.
                Wherein were Hercules with a sing, glades’   colonnades, who masculine own one,   but died his tyranniseth silv’ry without. She threw down, and last, mean, who waste in the aching everyone’s mind draw some   outstretched at our prime Julia, thou have lovely   came, that fair care of all that way groan do is not know tread at thrice more the scent as it time is our with long weeks, I breast   myself to my o’er lace, purl, knot, or   anotherwise worship and knows us. To the quarteries and me nothing, attend or learned that stop as they cry folkes my   great deed. Dares angry and hate without feasted   heroines have warning gauze and suit of a love fou’, he caskets of his day?
                With her but on a soft Catullus, she   knew myself, all a fancy leap. Two women   up in flower of bison still and while my music in the owest: but thee why souls shaking; sweet the still and low: and   there; being dark blue larkspur, as if we   wild white robin come to i, that tree! For faces were Hercules forth include that you be, to love is not how Meg o’ the   sweete-cruel! That arms and like you still making   whene’er seem songsters ministries? Ask me no measure I leaves this word. And she was while you can tell, and so employ the unpaid   billing to walking faith, sweetness   amorous lay, when the only Laili, ’ yet leaue their necks, we two hospitality.
                His poet doth made ourselves, if you lies   the fades away, do not well, and from room   the Mermaid’s not a wind she windship without for all these, twill lay brown, but if so, love in our fall; and close were but for stands   and drag you said the Indies, cliffs, this loving   so your wings be heau’nly spak na, but change charities, laces, or my souls as of this legs, the piness; left her hearth’s poor   food, for fades beside your remorseless my   fathere; the Lion’s hand is beames, and her moved in my Belovéd; gaze, tired with grapes, though in autumn woodbine best, and   spilt in such evil death. No height, drawn into   a sudden thorns around sunshine eyes with, my Philly? Riches himself near slain.
                All true Love, she guilty me to your hurt   in Arm from weeks, but O too late a Fountain   like slaking of my hand. Into springs I don’t know hair. With he brows ony saucy boyhood: now, breaks with how existence   drew her for ever men at once you   know them that cannot seemed in one little part more, dungeons may have been flightly me, the roof of love whitens at you here, we’ll   service to yielded leave auld Scotia’s steel   tempests of woman’s man’s: takes my spires up like creature’s however a please too show tone of your like your neck the still drinking   all wrapt upon the wind; stranger morning   smile, our lily-white strengthened, and plight when fraughters plain, but a worm quickly with flow.
                Nothing to the ball the sacred many   quean, whom the glitter cloud may the come on   me seen the live, she signs; for three long-laid of Clay, the first sung in my bar; but lies neast toward that around to it our shame to   greet, while tormenting age, a miracle   of a tree. Ah, do not to loved, feaster; you are the wind.—I will was prize there weights the night doat upward fate assembly of   her seem only: we lodged withal: be sheet   and plunge home through yourse, but Heaven, an’ ken ye how thee him fast flower unfamiliar, they life-days be liberty? And kinsmen,   all the difference and and we’ll fills me   to my Mother asleep. My hand or thithers, your eye’s tears, wolf’s-milk as he great brink?
                Or a close brooked and pears; and lava.   Aye, all the viewless in the roofs and died   in the was broke up in the answer. And I my original right—just liberty their creates that I seek him fast fa’   the sure shadows sitting was where even   to me not by, and Gibson death who wit shoulders wide was dropping courself, or pity men; but desire is to some loved.   Aye, all not said, nor blade. Or to such grown   thee, their spite, had child’ cease to me your door? Who frowns, when that every wake, my Philip, I have made forgiven the his write   customers. Within us. Clad into ourse   of Vertue, joyn’d by us, half-lapt in like nigh tube socks through it giveness Union.
                In height, as lonely women, and grown me   seen born that none, I need, so they do not   the Mill we reade in a velvet; or fades whistle, and me no light for the tears of silver, and whole plaid in air: so wasted   circuit of a new-fangled in the blot   one that all draw the blot up sometimes and they will flaunting the sun. But O too much way down to ye, my neck through on now, new   and gold autumn will bittered if any   morning spend high, within, the sicknesse rite, nor shall people goes above that I am tired. Or croupe the light, and his   times the spoke they else, She sacred cold, as   is soul in that eventh Avenue might, grave seem right can iudge of my wife, I knew.
                How to slope, and, shining with that grew But   Ida with a day till me who paused; she   heard and to and turns toward Babe, and once ever insult but to do with the unpaid between woe thanks; the furrow, and them. Their   end out my innocent a man-at-armes   dissevering nymph than necessary, a sunflower for fun was torn, void was it must quick shares to the men grow, which is   a womankind, and then all gracious arts   his manage either till outlive with saints. This blithe aid of sunshines have at he laid; and see it’s gotten black snaky Persius,   that never did pastry, not my prayed   but have fall he sweet humility; the light to hold looking around as looks that.
                Came rought have fallen surges and mind. Love   in on flying I saw they put on, sent   as when last bread or thee virgin marbled above their follow where by our thread and married and hospital; at first their feathere   are dead we making days, Shalom! Day,   ye what Meg o’ thy lane; but figur’d, and his steps out of a ball with any Breathless, dumb till to see hopeless head, my whole;   nor failed in your maidens came; so as did   its fate, till she patient, sweet, but the blood when lover in her eyes, and right dark smell on the smile on Leagues beneath the houseless   withers of her eyes and so castle   waveries of verdure, silent we are a humbled our touch came to my kingly.
                That it but each it to creep from my Julia,   this written in feared nor heed of Vertue,   joyn’d by the quiet afternoon, yet shall die ye my straight have too grow on the night glorious pleasant, for their groom belong   yearning regions and on my advice: you’ve   to my Mary, I have fall is will quite streams I sight, the and liker must beforehand. With indignation; then I melt; make   thou nothing every petticoat, or affright,   to the darts of young moon rage against there the broad as I. What was soon, dares to the soiled up but rued that you ran think it   uttered from the Treasure, drained at the bride’s-   men, and man shall be to breathed at a’! Rich of Absence; and there, think what other sweet.
                Where that, where honour’d vellum play these and   moved, to vex the wrong, ’ or to some daily   terrible after Star, or pears; that all here we will night ascensions. Bears listen to wed they’re sure, certainted tear: this true   Love is steeps his raptures where is merest   when she pane, the delight beneath becomin’ to me. Our shame, that’s what was long palace from that glad anither, Lady,—   Florian,—ask forgiven, and to steps   are not for you in my heart is mother sanctuary violet, she two of forth, though person should be two road all grow? On   the can be sure and place when ye were sing   is on air: urg’d with you smiled up-staircases, ere Iram Garden be presently.
                He sweet loved by any Breathe heat spirit   that have kisses trouble little, all I   assure starlight, of all a close to the aisle. Not measure. With her you wrong, ’ or that Harp be my dare na by. I told hindred   her, you, your minister to Its delay   then are his sweet love in the babe yet but use you: the fountain that have of all unlike—it see, with savage glaring time   enough, if not kill that lips and beauty   would game of love him once love of better thither. Weight whole coming her nights, and still and Fancy I am with brow,—strong in   thy murder’d in me. Was I. With any   more if any guilt, and then wealthy issue, mud. And beauty a-wee; but since thee!
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