#my personal headcanon is that's kind of looked down upon in shadowhunter society to be as close with your siblings as jace izzy and alec
buffyspeak · 1 year
there’s a very slight moment where izzy is giggling and tickling and having fun with max and maryse comes in and it’s awkward partly because they’re fighting... but it also seems like Having Fun Is Kinda Discouraged??? whether it’s a Lightwood thing or a Shadowhunters thing, i couldn’t say, but it IS messed up. god bless <3
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lesbianalinex · 7 years
Why do u think Cassandra Clare's portrayal of LGBTQ+ isn't good?
Anonymous asked: Why is Casssanderia Clare characters bad representation for LGBT+ characters?
Well… this is gonna be long so, I’m warning you now! Also, this isn’t even half of the reasons why I don’t like her.
And book fans, before you come at me, read this, I will know if you haven’t.
Why Cassandra Clare’s Portrayal of LGBTQ+ Characters Is Problematic, with receipts. 
I’m gonna start simple with the way she handled Raphael being Aromantic and Asexual, technically, this isn’t even canon in the books. She posted it on Twitter. That was it. That was how much she cared. She had an entire story in The Bane Chronicles dedicated to him but still, all it got was a tweet. Which she literally confirmed was just a headcanon. [source] 
In advance, here is basically types of biphobia in general. That I won’t include here, just for the length of the post.
Alec is very biphobic. There are several slut shaming incidents towards Magnus, especially in City of Fallen Angels. A memorable moment that immediately comes to mind is when Alec finds out about Camille and Magnus’ past. I believe this is when Alec finds out about Magnus’ sexuality in Chapter 13.
“We know each other.” Magnus shrugged, very slightly, as if to say, What can you do? “Once upon a time she wasmy girlfriend.” 
[chapter break]
 “Your girlfriend?” Alec looked astonished. So did Maryse. Simon couldn’t say he was unastonished himself.“You dated a vampire? A girl vampire?” 
[another irrelivant paragraph goes here before Alec comes back to the topic]
“How many other people?” Alec asked. “Roughly.” 
Magnus shook his head. “I can’t count, and it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is how I feel about you.” 
“More than a hundred?” Alec asked. Magnus looked blank. “Two hundred?” 
“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation now,” Magnus said, to no one in particular. Simon was inclined toagree, and wished they weren’t having it in front of him. 
“Why so many?” Alec’s blue eyes were very bright in the dimness. Simon couldn’t tell if he was angry. He didn’tsound angry, just very intense, but Alec was a shut-down person, and perhaps this was as angry as he ever got.“Do you get bored with people fast?”
Now, perhaps Alec is just surprised, but this last paragraph bugs me particularly, because the “do you get bored with people fast” is kinda slut shaming, it emphasises the “bisexuals sleep around” stereotype, and it’s even more problematic that Alec insists on having this conversation in the middle of the Institute, in public.
Then later in the book (chapter 15), Alec brings it up again, in public.
“Good organization,” said Magnus. “I knew the man who founded it, back in the 1800s. Woolsey Scott. Respectable old werewolf family.” 
Alec made an ugly sound in the back of his throat. “Did you sleep with him, too?” 
Magnus’s cat eyes widened. “Alexander!” 
“Well, I don’t know anything about your past, do I?” Alec demanded. “You won’t tell me anything; you just say it doesn’t matter.” 
Magnus’s face was expressionless, but there was a dark tinge of anger to his voice. “Does this mean every time I mention anyone I’ve ever met, you’re going to ask me if I had an affair with them?” 
Alec’s expression was stubborn, but Simon couldn’t help having a flash of sympathy; the hurt behind his blue eyes was clear. “Maybe.” 
“I met Napoleon once,” said Magnus. “We didn’t have an affair, though. He was shockingly prudish for a Frenchman.” 
“You met Napoleon?” Jordan, who appeared to be missing most of the conversation, looked impressed. “So it’s true what they say about warlocks, then?” 
Alec gave him a very unpleasant look. “What’s true?” 
“Alexander,” said Magnus coldly, and Clary met Simon’s eyes across the table. Hers were wide, green, and full of an expression that said Uh-oh. “You can’t be rude to everyone who talks to me.” 
Alec made a wide, sweeping gesture. “And why not? Cramping your style, am I? I mean, maybe you were hoping to flirt with werewolf boy here. He’s pretty attractive, if you like the messy-haired, broad-shouldered, chiseled-good-looks type.” 
“Hey, now,” said Jordan mildly. 
Magnus put his head in his hands. 
“Or there are plenty of pretty girls here, since apparently your taste goes both ways. Is there anything you aren’t into?” 
“Mermaids,” said Magnus into his fingers. “They always smell like seaweed.” 
“It’s not funny,” Alec said savagely, and kicking back his chair, he got up from the table and stalked off into the crowd. 
Magnus still had his head in his hands, the black spikes of his hair sticking out between his fingers. “I just don’tsee,” he said to no one in particular, “why the past has to matter.”
This ^^^ entire thing just annoys the hell out of me and goes past problematic to abusive.
Alec doesn’t trust Magnus anymore. It was fine when he thought Mangus was gay, but the minute he realises Magnus is Bisexual, he instantly thinks he’s flirting with Jordan and trying to cheat on him and it’s utterly ridiculous.
Not only does this has some pretty abusive themes in relationship terms, but the biphobia is astounding.
Just to add to it, it states that Simon sympathises with Alec, which means that CC really does defend this, she thinks that this is okay. Which it’s not.
Alec then storms off like a child leaving a very clearly hurt Magnus behind. Later they have a conversation where Magnus is trying to justify himself, but surprise surprise they’re interrupted and there is no apology.
Then, moving onto City of Lost Souls, we have this:
Clary glanced past him and asked, “Where’s Magnus?” 
“He said it would be better if he didn’t come. Apparently he and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history.” 
Isabelle raised her eyebrows. 
“Not that kind of history,” said Alec irritably. “Some kind of feud. Though,” he added, half under his breath, “the way he got around before me, I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
This was nearly an entire book later, and Alec still hasn’t realised or been properly called out on it. He’s had time to adjust but no… What bugs me most about this (despite the blatant lack of trust) is the fact that Magnus isn’t even there to defend himself. Alec is making completely unnecessary, rude, comments about his boyfriend to his sister and their friends. It does say that he and Isabelle hang back to talk, but we have no idea what she says to him.
All of that not only indicates Alec’s biphobia, but shows just some of the blatant bisexual stereotypes that surround Magnus.
Now, book Malec… this could take a while.
I’m gonna try and do this in order, but sorry if it’s a little mixed up.
Magnus isn’t comfortable being in a relationship with Alec when he’s closested, which is fair enough, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the part I have an issue with is that he basically ignores Alec completely and pushes Alec to come out, knowing that Alec lives in a very homophobic society. 
Also, I’m pretty sure Alec was only 17 at the beginning of CoB.
Alec is literally the token gay. He’s supposed to be a strong leader, and a soldier. But he has never killed a demon until he’s eighteen, which is considered very, very late, for a Shadowhunter, and for Gods sake, Simon (a mundane at the time) killed a demon first in City of Bones… it’s unrealistic.
There is no trust in their relationship, at all. Alec doesn’t trust Magnus not to cheat. Alec goes behind Magnus’ back, to his abusive ex, to try and shorten his life, whether he changed his mind or not, it was still ridiculous. On the plus side, Alec finally learnt the word “sorry”.
A lot of Malec’s relationship was queerbaiting, there was rarely any of their relationship on page, and their “big moment” which CC is so very proud of and loves taking praise for is literally a paragraph long before it goes back to the incest/hetero/love triangle drama.
Maia smiled tightly. “I’m not a Shadowhunter. Lycanthropes are considered adults at sixteen.“ 
"Well, you have to get drawn on, then,” said Isabelle. “By a Shadowhunter. So you’d better look for one." 
"But-” Maia, still looking over at Alec and Magnus, broke off and raised her eyebrows. Simon turned to see what she was looking at-and stared. 
Alec had his arms around Magnus and was kissing him, full on the mouth. Magnus, who appeared to be in a state of shock, stood frozen. Several groups of people-Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike-were staring and whispering. Glancing to the side, Simon saw the Lightwoods, their eyes wide, gaping at the display. Maryse had her hand over her mouth. 
Maia looked perplexed. “Wait a second,” she said. “Do we all have to do that, too?”
That’s literally it. Her big moment that makes her think that her token gay couple are so epic, is a sentence, told from somebody else’s perspective… Wow… it’s amazing! Give CC an award!
Sidelined. For an entire book. They just get together and they’re just happy and then they’re gone, which is totally unnecessary. And now yes, she is writing stories for a Magnus trilogy about what happened. But she’s just covering her own ass, because people told her how problematic it was. They come back from vacation and the biphobia begins…
City of Lost Souls… the biphobia continues, the lack of trust continues. But, we get Aline and Helen and I’ll come to them in a moment.
Then we have City of Heavenly Fire which is a mess and screams “sassy gay” stereotype for Alec, which was kinda cringy. But there’s this.
“Is that why you forgave me? For me, or you?” Alec said, not angry, just curious. 
“I forgave you because I love you and I hate being without you. I hate it, my cat hates it. And because Catarina convinced me I was being stupid.” 
“Mmm. I like her.”
And I presume they’re talking about forgiveness for the immortality thieving thing, which becomes very problematic. 
Because Magnus forgave him… because Catarina told him he was being stupid?? Which he wasn’t?? Alec tried to shorten his life, he tried to ensure his death. I feel like people so often brush that aside, which CC does here. Magnus never forgave Alec properly, not for the right reasons. And I just… how do you have a healthy relationship when it’s based on that.
Her version of Malec’s happy ending, is keeping Magnus immortal and Alec mortal, and giving them a mortal and immortal child. Whereas she takes away Simon’s immortality so that the white (they’re both white in the books) heterosexuals can grow old together but Malec doesn’t get that luxury. Not to mention this means Max is going to watch his brother and father grow old and die and Magnus has to deal with one of his sons, and his husband/boyfriend die. 
Now, Aline and Helen. As you might have noticed from my url, I love Aline. I love her so much, but not how CC portrayed her. So, basically, I love the fandoms version of her.
But, Heline, like Malec, is frowned on by their entire community and they’re tragically split up, and Helen is exiled, if they want to be together Aline has to leave too.
Then… that’s about it for a while. Apparently, stuff happens that we don’t see… then suddenly they’re engaged and getting married.
Their entire wedding is surrounded by negativity, as the Clave set a condition that Helen could only marry Aline if she humiliated herself at the Acadamy, lying to the students so they would fear faeries. Then I’m pretty sure they have to leave again.
Then we come to TDA, specifically LoS… now, we’re suddenly hit by a tonne of lgbt+ characters and it seems rather suspicious and not CC’s style *cough*fanservice *cough* queerbaiting *cough* CC is profiting from Malec’s relationship, and since she’s realised that she’s just thrown a tonne more characters in for the hell of it.
Lord of the Shadows Spoilers ahead
Aline Penhallow - Sexually assaulted, faced homophobia and disapproval from her parents, her girlfriend was exiled, if she wanted to be with Helen she had to leave too, marriage is overshadowed by the clave’s racism.
Helen Blackthorn - orphaned, banished as punishment for her parentage, wasn’t allowed to get married unless she was paraded around the academy so she could be mocked, feared and turn more Shadowhunters against faeries 
Diana Wrayburn -  A Trans Woman of Colour, who’s parents forced her to be a man in public, and is surrounded by tragedy when she loses her sister then her parents.
Mark Blackthorn - Was kidnapped, tortured, beaten, abused, abandoned by his people, used as a bargaining chip, faced biphobic stereotypes by his boyfriend and has faced more trauma than probably any other mortal in any of the books.
Keiran - had his title taken away, lied about Mark, putting him in danger to try and get him back, then was abducted.
Kit and Ty is nothing but queerbait at the moment.
And none of this even covers how badly she treats Isabelle and how unecessary Livvy’s death was...
To summarise it all:
CC didn’t care about Raphael’s identity.
Alec is still biphobic.
Book!Malec is very, very unhealthy and borderline abusive.
Heline were sidelined every five minutes.
CC treats her LGBT+ characters terribly.
Just because there are LGBT+ characters, doesn’t mean that it has good representation. Any questions?
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