#my recommendation is to open the quest dialogue with him. do not read it. click 'filter on all characters'
zichqec · 4 years
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He used to be an adventurer like you, then he took an arrow in the knee.
And by that I mean, I’ve made a ghost of a Skyrim Guard! He doesn't do most of the normal ghost things, just sits on your desktop and says random guard dialogue, but you can try out a proof-of-concept quest if you're in Whiterun hold(the default)!
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He also has different shells for each hold, which you can travel to through his menu. His dialogue changes dynamically depending on which hold you're in!
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Honestly, he’s a pretty silly ghost XD But I hope to keep updating him and flesh out the quest system a lot!
Get his .nar here!
Install instructions under the cut.
Also, I’ve created a website for these things! You can check it out here.
To use a ghost, you'll need a program to run it in. If you're on Windows, I recommend using SSP. If you're not on a Windows computer there are some options available, but I have not tested them myself. Mac: Ukagaka on Macs, NiseRingo, PlayonMac+SSP, WineBottler Linux: NINIX-AYA
For those using SSP, go ahead and download the complete install package from the website. When you run it a catgirl should appear and say something in Japanese. Drag and drop a .nar file from any of my ghosts on her, and she should install them for you. Once she's done, right click her, hover over 'change ghost', and select the appropriate ghost!
If you get an error window in Japanese when you start SSP, it probably can't find any ghosts to run. You can try dropping the .nar file onto that window. If that doesn't work, click the first button and point it towards your ghost directory(It should be \SSP\ghost). If the right click menu is in Japanese, the language option is the 4th one up from the bottom. Select English, restart SSP(you can close it with the bottom option), and you should be good to go. If the catgirl will not install any ghosts for you, you can unzip the .nar file and drag the contents into the \SSP\ghost folder. Your unzipped folder should have subfolders called 'ghost' and 'shell' on the top level. Restart SSP and look in the right click menu again, and they should be in your list of ghosts. Instructions on how to use each ghost are in their readmes, which should automatically pop up when you install them! If it doesn't appear, you can see it by opening them, right clicking, and going to information>Read me.
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