#my rp partner says 'hey do you want to do a timeskip? i have an idea for how jake and Michael can get together'
lohstandfound · 9 months
Summary of the bmc apocalypse roleplays I did back in the day
Attempt 1- Jake's hero complex leads him to commit the crimes of harbouring a criminal, multiple threats of murder, and child endangerment often interrupted by bouts of major depression while babysitting
Attempt 2- Jake's hero complex leads him to leading a horde of zombies away from his community after promising to never abandon his friends again and gets lost on his way home
Attempt 3- Jake doesn't suffer from that much of a hero complex but does find himself getting kidnapped and escaping and getting lost. Then proceeds to get told off by Jeremy because he (Jake) wouldn't stay in the infirmary
Attempt 4- Jake's hero complex leads him to blaming himself for the destruction of the community he was leading (with the assistance of the Squip squad) because he wasn't there to protect them from being raided because he was out looking for supplies
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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name — Jay
pronouns — I'm/Him j/k he/him
preferred comms — Discord or LINE granted I'm sometimes slow with replyin' mostly due to work and at other times it's distractions like gaming. Or maybe some errands.
name of muse — Trunks Briefs
experience in RP — over ten years, started first on a site called Myspace then drifted through different other roleplaying sites and forums until I eventually gotten here.
best experiences — I once had to answer a question like this on another blog and the answer was just...man too much too ready because the experiences were countless. Whenever I meet a mun and then we just hit it off to the point we're discussing our muses for hours and hours over discord. Or even doing little mini threads on discord, those are really THE best experiences in roleplay.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — When people get on my ass for a response, little 'hey I'm just reminding you that you still probably have a post of ours lost in drafts or BLESS the people that link me to something I missed through the activities. Those peeps are a Godsend but the fuckers that just dick ride you for a response? They can go to tell, harrassing you for a response day in and day out like bro that'd make your reply even LESS than a priority. This shit's a hobby, not our lives.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I don't have much of a preference, I'd say give me ALL OF THOSE but I mean if I HAD to choose one It'd be angst. Oh people that knows me KNOWS I love putting not just mine but my writing partner's muses through emotional damage.
plot or memes — Give me a meme any day. I love plotting too but with plotting comes over-excitement and there's gonna be a moment IN the story you're plotting that you just CAN'T wait to get to but your ass has to wait because LORD knows it could be after the roleplay's timeskip or even far down the line into the future. Then again even with memes eventually that thread is going to be thought about and plotted..can't win XD
long or short replies — Write what you feel I always say (and it's not cause i'm bad at long posts I swear XD) sometimes when things need a little explanation you gotta go all out and send something long but sometimes that's not the case and it's okay.
best time to write — For me it's just at the crack of 4AM or 5AM when i wake up for work and then a little after im back by evening. Those are really my best times to write.
are you like your muse?: NOT AT ALL, not even a little bit, in personality he's nicer than I can ever be, temperament I'm even further behind, believe me I WISH I could be like Trunks but if I'm honest I CAN DO WITHOUT HIS TOUGH LIFE. The man may look like he's got everythin' goin' for him with how he looks, carries himself and whatnot but he's got WAY too much shit going on for me to actually want that life.
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tagged: @particlecreator , @swordsxandxsakuras (thanks for tagging yo boy :D)
tagging: @acoldsovereign , @kiealer , @n3rdb0x , @hopefromadoomedtimeline , @infintasmal , @universestreasures , @eternalbxtterfly , @crimsontwins , @kaguyahiime , @ofhope , steal this one homies and tag me so I can learn a little bit bout you.
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blackwatchstray · 6 years
Rules for everyone not able to see the actual side, click on the tiny thingies, etc - and for me, if the browser crashes while I edit them to fit the thing
Don't be a scumbag. 
What does that mean? No random witch hunts out of personal vendettas, no starting wars about ships of any kind, no hating on Ocs (duh) or the insulting/hating on the portrayal of other people – simply put, I don't wanna be pulled into a war, especially yours. Your character can be the biggest piece of shit on the world, I really don't mind, go ahead but I really have little to no time to deal with people who make fun of others just to feel better with themselves.
If you want to pick a fight, you won’t have any success here.
No, thank you. However I'm perfectly fine if you decide to write what would happen if the plan of your character succeeded to lengthen your posts. I do that too after all.
As it stands – do not control my character. Unless agreed upon or for scenery changes aka moving from one place to another. For the sake of timeskips, scene skips, etc this is fine.
Don’t just assume a certain relationship to my character. You can always ask me and I’m totally fine if your character knows mine, especially if you're Black – or Overwatch, just don't expect them to be official lovers, friends or family. Everything else? Is fine. I won't forbid you to have a purely visuals based crush on Feral, for example. He has one on a certain Blackwatch member too, so there's that.
Please don't be intimidated by me. I'm as scared of you, as you are of me – probably more even.
On writing
I'd love to write with everyone but my anxious mind and horrible self-perception causes me to turtle and avoid reaching out. Even more so if a try for interaction ends in being ignored. So, if you want to write with me – are interested in Feral, by all means, come at me, send a meme, as random as it may be as long as it isn't romance or smut related I'll figure something out – and likely return to bother you later on. Still, all things combined I can be counted as semi-selective.
Universes/Alternative Universes/Crossovers
Given Feral is already – in one way or another – an AU version of my main RP character I'll limit interactions to the Overwatch universe and/or my AU verses listed under verses. If your character still works in these scenarios – as in for Overwatch a somewhat dystopian futuristic setting that I always feel hesitant to call Cyberpunk, you're more than welcome! Just please don't be upset if Feral might call your Robot character an Omnic.
More on verses
As it is now I operate on the following principle: Each version of Feral has one main verse. What this means? Everything that happens in the Blackwatch Era is in one Universe, everything that happens in the Recall universe is also one universe, and so on.
If I ever happen to get into the situation to RP with duplicates of canon characters, I'll break the former rule and set up multiple verses to the time era. I might then set up Mains though.
Hi, I'm slow and my mental health is giving me hell. Together with my other problems I tend to not get myself motivated to write, so when I say I'm slow, I mean I'm really, really slow. My sense of time is all kinds of fucked up and 90 days can feel like a week to me when it comes to writing. I'm sorry about that. I'm not disinterested, just fucked up.
From one line to paragraphs it really depends, on my mood, the alignment of the moon, how much something triggers Feral basically. Most of my writing is his thoughts because I like exploring those, so if you are one of those 'If I can't hear it anyways it doesn't belong into the RP' kinda people, you won't be happy here. You don't have to match my eventual wall of text anyways – as long as it feels like you put effort into it, that is.
Memes | Starters | and so on
Are free for everyone unless stated otherwise, or if they are smut. But please don't like starter calls if you will ONLY write ONE single reply and ignore the thread from there on. I hate that. Also don't like starter calls if you will never answer on the offered post – or at least tell me you don't know what to do with it. Otherwise you'll only shatter my motivation to write anything.
If you reblog a meme, please send something in or reblog from the source. I can understand if you don't wanna leave an IC meme but if it's just informative asks towards the character? It takes a second to send one random symbol in and save the day of a person.
I like Original Characters, more than canon ones at times. The universe has enough space  for unknown relatives, other former Overwatch members, civilians, random passerbys, superheroes and so on. Ocs give a universe more life and I like that. So you're welcome here.
You are welcome here but I am not responsible for you. If you choose to look at content not suitable for you, it's not my fault. But I'll do my best to make avoiding it easy.
Everything nsfw will be tagged! Innuendos and gross flirting however will not. Everything going beyond that, naked skin, descriptions, getting turned on by danger and or violence will be tagged by my nsfw tag. Everything getting a definitive mature/R-rating gets my tag AND the nsfw tag, just to be sure.
I am of age. Feral is of age. Still, given not a single nsfw thread (smut) of mine has EVER been finished. I'll just resort to accepting the unsaid truth that I just suck at smut rp and I will probably not pursue them any further. Allow me a second of salt here: Thanks past people, I got it now.
Violence, innuendos, invitations for sex will be here plenty. Feral's young version has a very twisted worldview that drives him towards a very promiscuous, risky and unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever it takes to not having to sleep alone.
And that should be enough warning for:
triggering content:
Feral's past is a mess ranging from child abuse, cannibalism, violence, murder, twisted worldviews, mutilation, body horror and other things. His future, aka Recall Feral isn't any better. And both will mention snippets of their life from now and then.
I'll do my best to tag those. Due to my vast uncertainty what might be triggering to people, I'll put a general 'dark places' tag on everything I deem eventually uncomfortable to people.
Shipping with Feral?
Is easier than you might expect – and oh so much harder than it will seem. He crushes easily, if you're after bedding him? Just be nice and he'll offer himself up anyways just to make your character stay. Pursuing romance however is a completely different deal. Your muse will have to work for it. It takes time, understanding and care. At least for the Blackwatch version. And due to the timeline of the blog, he will have lost your character one way or another in the Recall verse. Which is likely rather unlovable.
As a general note? Shipping is only enabled for Blackwatch Feral but I won't deny you the fun of trying to get Recall Feral back if you managed to win over his younger version
multiple partners?!
Feral is polyamorous. So if you're fine with polyamorous ships? Great! He likely won't have a problem with it. If you are not. Your character will have to explain it to him. So unless that conversation has been held, all ships will be in the same verse! Unless with duplicates of course.
How to pursue a ship:
See if the characters work out, just let it flow. Be courageous. If your muse tries to make a move on Feral and he doesn't want to, he will let you know. While it's really nice that people come to me and ask “would ship xyz work?”, I kinda feel like it's betraying the character. I'd rather let Feral have the choice than me.
Other blabla:
Feral's opinions aren't mine. Seperate RP from real life – meaning, if he hates your character, we could still be good friends.
I'm really awkward. I have a hard time talking to people unless they clicked with me or it is about one of my obsessions. Those being shadowrun, megaten, dragon age and some random animes I watched. But even those might not work at times.
English isn't my mother tongue and I suck at grammar. His fucked up accent during dialogue is intended though.
Also, hey, if you feel better with showing you read those, why not Like this?
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rpedia · 7 years
[Ask RPedia] Moving On From Very Meaningful Partners
@kjsage-aion asked RPedia: What do you do when you have an RP partner for years, 2 of your characters are best friends/lovers and things go south OOCly? Our characters are fairly entwined ICly and have a very stable relationship, but the only time we talk now ends in the other person ignoring me, after I've tried to work things through with them. How does one deal with such an abrupt change that is quite character-affecting ICly without overstepping? I've an entire bio of mine that makes frequent note of their character. 
Ah, not a pretty sight, but one that does happen to folks. Entwining your character with another in this way really limits your choices. It’s a good feel, it is, but people are prone to fandom/character drift as much as you end up drifting away or butting heads with your actual friend. OOC and IC cannot really be kept apart in this kind of a scenario. It happens. I’m sorry for anyone who has had to deal with it. I’ve handled this myself quite a few times, and I’ve found ways of dealing with it. It’s hard as fuck to do it in a tactful way, but at a certain point you have to help yourself move on, and find something new, before you can help the people who have left you behind, even if they’ve done so for good reason. If they’re leaving, the person you have to live with isn’t them, it’s yourself. So pick something that works with your moral compass. Something that feels right for any given situation.
Let’s check out the variations on the same theme, removing the hard connections you’ve got with your partner and character. Some of these will be ‘cleaner’ than others, and easier to revert, some will be an open declaration that they are absolutely gone for good. Some are a pause button, until the initial pain wears off. Pick whatever suits your situation and heart.
The Hard Reboot
The sharpest tool in the arsenal is of course, the hard reboot. Do you remember where you started roleplaying the character, way back in the day? Before all this happened, before they were happy and in love. Back when they were fresh and new and empty with no life yet. Being excited for the next day, to see what you can do with them. It’s time to go back. The Hard Reboot calls for simply cutting your character’s life into two pieces, before them, and after them, and discarding the bits you can no longer use. Starting over from scratch and creating an entirely new world, an an entirely new set of events lightly following the last but in a new and wonderful way can be really cathartic. 
For some people, the idea of wiping everything away like a witch making a deal is a very attractive one, for others, the old memories are in deeper etchings than a simple wipe can remove. If you trend towards multiple universe threads anyways and they’re already just one of many, this can be a very attractive because it’s just another AU, starting over. I have trouble remembering which events belong to which RPs, and remembering just how my character was before all the experience and age muted their personality fresh out of the gate is really hard for me. Sometimes it’s worth it. Sometimes it’s not, that’s up to you. The emotional toll this make take on the other person is “oh, I wasn’t important to them,” and a feeling like you’ve decided your stories together are not worth your time. That it was a waste of time for both of you. Be careful with this, it is the nuclear option.
The Enshrined Life
Another option that is simple and fairly precise at taking away everything that hurts is enshrining that character. Your character’s life is done now, they’ve reached their ‘happily ever after’ and there’s nothing more to be told. The ending is now officially, they grew old together, in happiness. You leave those characters as happy memories in your mind, and smile at them occasionally. They survived the break-up between you and your partner in crime, and there’s no need to change them now. They are that happy beautiful painting at the end of every fairy tale book. Time to move on and create a new character, maybe their kid or descendant in a sequel, or someone who knew them from stories and genuinely liked them and aspired to be like them. Maybe someone entirely new from that universe. You can cement them for all of time in this happy place, while you go on an expand the rest of the world that follows them, at no cost to you or your partner. You just need new characters. Maybe even jump to a new world or universe to see what you can do there instead. 
This is the kindest way to approach this, but it does come in as a bit of a saccharine sweet level of kindness. You show your love and keep the story whole and safe and beloved. Something you can both look back on, especially if they’re abandoning their character because the memories are too much. This can backfire though, if someone decides that you showing these memories are precious are your weak spot and they feel they need to target you for them in some way. Another issue is they may not agree, and continue playing their character, that’s okay. You have your version frozen in time, and they’ll always be okay in your universe. A third issue is, it may come off as too much. An obsessive attachment to something. This isn’t often, but if your partner is particularly jaded, they may be unable to see the care put into it as anything but an attack on them for leaving it.
The Heavy Past
A timeskip passes, years later ‘something’ you never quite explain happened and now your character and their beloved have parted ways. You skip the whole issue of coming up with a good reason, just say things happened, and allow your character to continue on their way. They’re older, wiser, but still the past loss hurts them. Maybe they’ll say ‘I had a spouse once’ with a distant look while drinking with new friends, and people won’t push. They’ll just pat their back, and your character can shake it off. This is so that loss and history is retained, as a backstory that is no longer part of your character’s life.  
It’s a healthy, reasonable break that doesn’t imply fault in either direction, simply the loss that happened, and the growth that developed from that loss. It doesn’t come up other than backstory references and memories important to the plot. You might want to reminisce to spice things up for your new partners, but don’t turn it into a shitshow of personal grief that everyone has to deal with at every event. We get it Greg, you were married once, you’re sad about it, you do this every Thanksgiving, can we eat the fucking turkey in peace now?
An Entirely New Person
You loved that character, but that version of that character is out of your reach now. So, the Entirely New Person method involves stepping out of your usual zone. We all remember the AU-Stucks. Some people use the term even if we haven’t been involved with the series because __stuck is just such a catchy term. Well, time to invest those years of coming up with crazy AUs, from the coffee shop, to the mermaids, to what if they were fighting an intergalactic war in the future, to hey what about medieval version? A dark one! A light one! In this universe everyone’s gender flipped! In that one, they’re all robots. What about furry versions, or ferals? 
The trick is to take your character, beloved that they are, and shove them into another world entirely. This is similar to a hard reboot in that they start over, but this time you can build a world where meeting that other person never happened because in this universe, they were on Mars while the other was on Venus, both fighting a war, and so it just didn’t make sense. You can alter your character, redefine them, give them a new history and a new look. You can alter the entire universe to fit a kind of AU, and then start over roleplaying them. 
This can help with people who have trouble ‘wiping’ a past away, because this is more... making a new past entirely, a step to the side, it’s not rehashing old ground but creating similar ground from what you’ve already grown to learn about your character. It’s also easier to remember what happened to who when you have a tail to roleplay, a coffee machine to hate, or a brand new blaster weapon unknowingly fueled by souls.
The other player may take this as an attack, and feel replaced, but those fears are generally unfounded and someone looking to raise Cain for any reason because they want to ‘get back at you’. This is actually a pretty kind way of handling a character in an entire new light, because as long as you make it clear you don’t want to invalidate the character, simply write them in an AU now that their old story has been told, it’s... kind of sweet. It’s a little bit Enshrined Life, and a little bit Hard Reboot without going too far in either direction of ‘I will love you forever, and enshrine our time together in perfect replica’ and ‘I will destroy everything we worked for, and make sure it never surfaces again in my clean rebirth.’
The Past Life
This is a spin on the Hard Reboot too, instead of completely removing everything and starting over from scratch with it never happening, your character is rebooted with the feel that something is missing. They remember parts of their past, either as a past life, or some sort of magical amnesia caused by time being restarted by someone else. The memory changes how they act, there’s enough there to make up for them not being exactly as they started out, without them quite making that click who caused it because they never see the other person again.Instead, they move on, plagued by dreams. It can be a bit more of a memorial in this version, letting the other player know they’re still important, but letting you move on. There’s love and loss, but enough change for it not to be a sudden jump of distance, to more of a slow decay over time as they either stop paying attention to the flashbacks, or the flashbacks peter out entirely leaving them whole in their new life without the patterns of the old ghosting over it. It’s a little bit like the Hard Past, except where Hard Past is a clear attachment to the past, this one is an attachment to a life they lived before, not another universe, but a reincarnation. It softens the slice of Hard Reboot quite a lot, and also gives a testament that your stories together meant something enough to carry with the character for each one of their new lives. Also a nice neutral way to go, emotionally.
The Universal Splits
It’s a “I died for you, you died for me” deal where you are now both from universes from which the other person died. Your characters may not be aware of it, but it’s a point in time and space where there was a choice, and that choice is which of you would die, disappear, get kidnapped, or any of the various ways that two people end up split up in real life suddenly. Death is just the sharpest and cleanest without forcing anything weird on them. Your character now continues life, bereft, because of their loss. At some point, this i one of the easy recovery versions. Your universes converge somehow, you both explain the other died in your universe, and strive to work together to live in this, your merged universe, together again even if it’s a little awkward to know you’ve never met, yet know all about each other because your lives were shared with identical copies.
This one pushes something on the other player, taking control of their character for that one instance. It may become a point of contention for them if they wanna start a fight, but it also opens a door for them to play their character similarly. This is actually kind of neat, because you get two worlds for the price of one, and like I said above, they can merge again in case of trouble! It’s definitely related to the Hard Past, in fact it’s pretty much the same thing. The difference here lies in the firm explanation, the easy mode recovery, and the grief your character can feel brand new instead of later down the line thanks to a timeskip.
The Forced Split
This version is a little less clean than Universal Splits, and gets rid of the total grieving loss pattern. Instead, you force an argument, some nasty thing to break up the relationship. You remain in the same universe, but you make up a reason to fight, or even separate amicably. You make something up. Make up a reason they just couldn’t be together anymore and ride it. Something you never expected has happened, and you’re off to the races. 
This takes away that safety net of two universes, and is kind of a rude move. You essentially take complete control of your characters, force them to separate by making up something that happened that the other party doesn’t get a chance to agree to, and then claim it happened to both of them. Essentially, you write your own history to spite and attack them. If they’ve done something like write your character suddenly abandoning them because they were a lying scumbag the whole time, might be time to do the same back to them. This is mostly just a mean move, an option, but mean. This is your option to cause shit and be peevish and spiteful.
The Lengthy Vacation
Ever hear that trope of the dad who walked off for smokes and never came home? That’s this. No breakup, no loss, no fight, no death, no removal of their existence, no rebirth from scratch. Your partner is just... out on vacation. They went out for a little while. For some reason they decided they wanted a job in New York, so you’re staying home to take care of the kids/dog/potted plant/your own job. They unfortunately have stayed gone for a really long time. Think John Winchester from Supernatural, Dad went hunting and he hasn’t been home in a while. Except if you two never make up, they don’t come home and eventually just get phased out of their life in a subtle way as new important things come up. This can lead to the drama of ‘cheating’ on your significant other, if you find new romance, unless you roll to the left and go with the Hard Past motif when you spot a new cuddle buddy. 
This is also a neutral way of handling it. They’re just missing for a while, you imply nothing weird is happening, they just took off for a bit and you’re both accepting of it. You live a happy life, continue on your way, get occasional ‘phone calls’ or ‘letters home’ in passing mention. This gives them a chance to come back to the roleplay at any time, and patch things up. It also gives them the chance to never come home at all, and you move on in time assuming when they went to war, they died. You could even have fun drama when/if they come back. It’s all cool. Just kind of letting things... slip along and disappear as time heals the wounds without disavowing them openly.
So... yes! Those are the methods I’ve thought of/used myself, even though they seem similar in content, I’m sure ya’ll can pick out where they differ; if I haven’t done it for you. Pick one that feel right to you. Something that makes you feel like the bigger person, the better person as an outcome. People regret being mean later on, so while the spiteful option is an option, they’re also an attack. They sort of left you hanging here, which sucks big time and is why your hand is being forced anyways, so a little ‘rude’ in taking over to give yourself an out that doesn’t openly hurt them is perfectly understandable. Especially if you’re willing to retcon or fix things after-the-fact if they come back or complain.
Since you’re not talking, communication as my usual go-to has been essentially hacked off at the knees. If you could communicate, in case anyone else in this situation comes along, TAKE THE CHANCE. Find a way for you both to feel comfortable and fulfilled, even if you aren’t sure you’re gonna be friends anymore. I highly suggest the amenable splits that let you kind of fog over the reason, or make up thinking they died. Nothing that makes the other person look bad.
Good luck, I’m super sorry about the IRL fights hurting your characters, and I really hope you find a choice that makes you comfortable and happy. Same goes for anyone who has experienced this. Remember, do what feels like it’ll make you a better person, not what feels like great revenge at that second. It’ll come back to haunt you, and I personally prefer to be haunted by happiness.
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bladestruck-info · 6 years
Hey, welcome to my rules! These are here to make clear my expectations up front so you can make an informed decision about whether we’d get along as rp partners before following me, so thanks in advance for reading!
01. I reserve the right to unfollow at any time and for any reason.
I do not owe an explanation. I reserve the right to revoke my consent to an interaction at any time. Reasons I may choose to unfollow include:
After spending a little time getting to know you, I can’t see us interacting or vibing well as partners.
You’re not a bad person, but the things you post wear me out. Too much ooc, too much vaguecanoning other peoples’ headcanons or characterization, too much negativity, or you post too many emotionally manipulative posts ( which I have an extremely low tolerance for for personal reasons ).
You’re a bad person. You’re racist, sexist, any kind of -phobic, controlling, or your behavior sends up red flags that you may be an abusive person behind closed doors.
I will likely softblock you if I have chosen to unfollow you to prevent confusion. Do not approach me asking if/why I softblocked you. The ‘unfollow glitch’ is a myth. If for some unlikely reason I ‘accidentally’ unfollowed you I will probably figure it out eventually and refollow.
I can and will block at my discretion for the purpose of restricting your access to me and my blog. Trying to smear me for doing so is manipulative and just proves I made the right choice. Simply put, a block means I don’t want to interact with you and I don’t want you interacting with me.
02. I am mutuals-only and highly selective.
Please don’t like my starter calls or send me ic memes unless we’re following each other. I will ignore ic asks from non-mutuals. I have a hard time keeping up with new followers, but generally try to check every once in a while, so if I don’t follow you back within about 2~ weeks, I probably will not be choosing to follow you. Just know if I don’t follow you back or I turn down an rp request, it’s nothing personal. We may just not be compatible as rp partners and that’s fine.
To keep my dash from devolving into chaos, I will generally only follow back characters based in canons I know ( i.e. Dragon Age, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Witcher, et cetera. This does not include any other Final Fantasy games, because I haven’t played them! Sorry. )
03. Dupes.
I may not always follow back since I don’t really do twinverses and want to keep my dash tidy, but I love you! I support you! You’re great and keep doing what you’re doing.
I do ask that you stay in your lane and I’ll stay in mine—don’t steal from me, don’t flip out all over the dash about your insecurities, don’t ‘competitively headcanon’ at me, don’t vague me because you think my characterization is wrong ( I’m Right™. I’ll bring receipts to prove it. Seriously, just don’t pick that fight ). We all have equal right to be here, so all I ask is that we share this space amenably.
04. My blog is 18+.
I will only follow back and interact with users over the age of 18. I likely won’t follow back if you don’t list your age as 18+ somewhere on your blog.
05. I don’t practice exclusivity in any form.
This includes ship exclusivity. I am not at all comfortable with the practice and would prefer to avoid it - I consider this a hobby, not a dating relationship. If you require ship exclusivity from your partners, I won’t ship with you; if you require general exclusivity from your partners, I won’t rp with you at all. If you’re not comfortable with my interacting with other roleplayers (particularly of the same character) in whatever way I please, I’d suggest not following.
06. Shipping!
I don’t care about your ships, do what you want, it’s none of my business. I play Noct as bisexual and am open to a lot of possibilities, barring a few squicks ( i.e. Ardynoct ), and obviously I won’t ship anything involving underage characters ( i.e. Iris, even with the timeskip ).
I don’t default to Luna as a ‘canon’ ship, but Noct still cares deeply about her, even if he’s not sure if those feelings are necessarily romantic ( and I’m not eliminating the possibility, so they could be! ). Some ships are just going to be a lot easier for me to jump right into ( Luna, any of the Bros ) than, say, ships with characters Noct has little to no interaction with, but if we’ve interacted a bit, have good writing chemistry, and you’re wondering about a possible ship, just ask! The worst I can say is no thanks.
P.S. Just as a general heads’ up, continuously hinting at/dancing around a desire to ship with me ( or trying to bait me into giving you a greenlight ) without ever asking outright is a major peeve and tends to turn me way off of ever shipping with you, as this places the burden of being direct on me while also refusing me the opportunity to tell you ‘no’ if I’m not into it. Please do both of us the courtesy of being up front instead of passively pushy.
07. About smut.
I am 21+ and may occasionally write nsfw content on this blog, but it’s not my main interest and I will generally only play out smut with trusted ship partners I’ve known for a while, or occasionally for memes. I do not accept unplotted smut threads. This doesn’t mean I’m opposed to writing smut! I’ll happily write it, but there has to be more in it for me than just the smut, because I’m Very Asexual™ and writing pwp is like watching paint dry for me. Thus I’m highly selective about who I write smut with and when.
08. Formatting
I use smalltext and game icons I made myself, but I don’t heavily format other than that. I don’t mind whatever formatting you want to use, but I probably won’t match it. Exception: if you have any kind of visual impairment that makes it hard for you to read my posts, let me know and I’ll absolutely adjust to accommodate your needs.
About me: Ruddy, she/her, 21+, EST. I’m a full-time graphic designer who works 9-5 Mondays through Fridays, so I’m really only online in the evenings and on weekends. Add to this the 938439843 mental/physical health issues I’m progressively dealing with and it means I’m pretty much always low on spoons and super slow. It’s not you, it’s me, I love you, I promise.
Tongue in cheek is my Brand and if I ever stop making Hamlet jokes on this blog, assume I’ve shaken off my mortal coil.
Credit: Icon psd by Crystalia Icons. Background graphic is a visual homage to the promo for NeedtoBreathe’s single Brother, which is a hella big FFXV mood. Credit to Wonders of Eos for a few of the screenshots I used to make my icons. Finally, all icons were made by me, mostly with my own screenshots, and are not free for use. Trust me, if you don’t think I’ll find out: I will. Even if you steal from my dreamwidth journal (surprise, I am everywhere and practically omniscient).
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