#my switch lite deserves some stickers
indigo-a-creeping · 2 years
I harken back to another Alex, in that I think I’ll never be satisfied.
Work is good. I’ll be eligible for insurance in November, and got that set up already. It’s not stressful. People are nice and interesting and fun. There’s so much free food and interesting new things, which I always appreciate. I’ll be eligible for twice yearly raises next year.
...But I’m not really... making a difference? I’m not doing anything really important? Sometimes I am, in little personal ways, which I really like. I have good conversations with people now and then. A lady told me she’d just lost her home and probably shouldn’t be buying nice food, and I told her she still deserved good food, and she was deeply touched. I give people stickers and talk about food and animals and travel with them, and make them happy for a minute. I feel like it’s not enough, though. And I don’t think that’s fair, but here we are.
I don’t think I’ll stay there forever because I can’t stand doing anything for too long (which is its own issue), but I do think I should stay for a while, as long as it’s pretty good. My bosses are great and it’s a good work environment.
Now that I’m going to be insured again I could look into top surgery, which I’ve been considering for a couple years now. I’ll need to save up some time off for recovery, though. ...And I also want to start traveling regularly again. I want to get a new fence around my yard so I can let the chickens out regularly. I want to get a Nintendo Switch Lite. I want to get a bike and ride the trails nearby. I want to downsize my bed and the bed in my guest room, because they’re too big for the space, but I can’t find anyone to buy them.
I haven’t seen my local friends in a while, and I miss them.
Also, Peri’s bloodwork has been getting concerning and the vet found a mass on his spleen last month. She’ll recheck it next week, and we’ll see if it’s changed at all. Splenic masses tend to bleed a lot, unsurprisingly. He’s been super excited about the cooler weather (he wasn’t made for Florida heat), but he’s also been eating a lot less lately, and that makes him lethargic aside from short bursts of energy. I guess we’ll see how it goes, and I’ll do what’s best for him.
Today I made a hot and sour soup with lots of mushrooms, I'm drinking a new vanilla spice tea I got, and I'm making apple cider in the crockpot.
I’m not satisfied, but there are still good things in life.
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