#my top three are anetra marcia and sasha though i'm willing to be surprised
bracingtincture · 2 years
i should give my RPDR opinions here because twitter is full of crazies and i don’t want to take my chances. anyway, s15e01-2:
- people saying they didn’t expect Anetra to be Like This from the MtQ video just don’t get it. she was my early favorite from how subtly irreverent she was there. she just exuded quiet confidence and a great sense of humor. 
- i’ve watched her WALK THAT FUCKING DUCK performance like eighty times now and it’s been less than 16 hours since it aired
- that said, idk how the judges ever chose between her and Jax because Jax was AMAZING. if those two ever have to lip sync against each other, it will be awe-inspiring.
- Marcia³ is adorable and i hope she starts doing a little more makeup just so she doesn’t get booted for “”lack of effort””. i love her fashion sense and i love her style of comedy.
- “Mistress out of drag looks like she owns a pizzeria” had me in tears. whole new innovations in shade this season.
- i didn’t expect to like Sasha as much as i did! on a show with people who’ve been doing this for a blink and are just getting their careers off the ground, it’s hard to cheer for someone who is already a legend (though as she put it, ”’legend’ is code for ‘old’” lol) but she’s so charming and likable and fun that it was impossible not to.
- on that note, i also didn’t expect Sasha to be a weirdo but she is very firmly in weirdo territory. this is a weirdo-heavy season! it’s wonderful. i love weirdos.
- the twins are very polarizing, it seems, but i’m on the “love them” side so far. they’re absolute bimbos and i mean that in the best way possible.
- some of the “safe” performances, and i’m not naming names but they hyped themselves very hard, were pretty underwhelming! the bottom three impressed me more than a few of those just because they all took risks. they failed, but at least they tried! i respect a failed risk more than something bland that succeeds.
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