#my weirdo regency romcom of idek what but it's fun!
avelera · 2 years
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Come live with me and be my Love by Avelera Chapters: 14/? Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling Summary: Dream wagers with Desire and loses. The price he must pay? Living out a year among humans, not in the manner of his choosing but as a married "woman", at least as far as those around him will see. Desire's one concession to Dream: that he may spend that year married to Hob Gadling, who didn't sign up for any of this. Now with art by fishydwarrows! Credit is owed to @mandolinearts for the lovely banner!
-- And we're back with Ch. 14! Now that Giving Sanctuary's big dinner party climax is wrapped up, I'm back to bopping between these two fics. Hope you all enjoy!
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