#my wife isn't a big reader but she got sucked into Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll and it messed her UP
lotstradamus · 5 months
what books did you read on holiday?
Vicious by V. E. Schwab (beloved reread)
In Memorium by Alice Winn (as sad as everyone said)
Four Shots in the Night: A True Story of Spies, Murder, and Justice in Northern Ireland by Henry Hemming (not as good as Say Nothing, but pretty good)
The Emporer and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang (this is being incorrectly marketed as romance/romantasy which is why the GR rating is low; it reads like a folktale, it's erotic in period-typical language and it's great!)
and a bunch of ARCs:
Nicked by M. T. Anderson (hilarious)
The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer (Narnia meets Fillory from The Magicians)
Sorcery and Small Magics by Maiga Doocy (I absolutely loved this. FINALLY someone who understands what a slow burn is!!!)
Private Rites by Julia Armfield (I'm sorry maybe I'm not a cool sad girl or whatever but I just don't like her stuff)
The Wildes by Louis Bayard (brilliant)
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