uhhhhfdhhfhhfhdj · 27 days
mybhusband hes liek a wet rag
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 6 months
Plan for the day:
Eat breakfast
Catch up on fuckery (email, tumblr)
Shower and dress
Finish tucking in thread tails on the quilt
Trim the edges
Attach the binding
Set up a movie
Listen to the movie while finishing the quilt
After finishing the quilt, do as I damn well please because it's done!
Somewhere in there is lunch, and mybhusband got me some GF potpies because just pop them in the oven. No other prep. With how swiftly I tire, that's a must.
In a couple days, I'll mop the living and dining room and baste the next quilt when the floor dries. Never baste on a filthy floor. That's just gross.
Head over to @creations-by-chaosfay to vote in the poll for what quilt I work on next. So far, it's looking like the spools quilt is gonna win. Two people have made serious inquiries regarding the price, which is encouraging. It'll likely take three to four weeks for me to finish it. If it sells within three weeks of selling, I may have another giveaway to celebrate. Selling the quilt will mean I've just paid off a major debt and am one step closer to relief.
Ah, yes, after I finish this current one today, I'm gonna work on making the giveaway quilt. You can find the post regarding this under #CQG on the linked blog. This quilt will take just a couple days because it's gonna be three layers of flannel and a rag quilt.
My hope for 2024 is to pay off three major debts: Care Credit (Jasper's final vet bill), the new water heater (our's died last summer), and the old credit card (it was a debt transfer and the account has been closed for almost five years). The total comes to around $8k. Selling all three of the big quilts I finish this year will pay off the Care Credit and water heater, and put a nice dent in the credit card. With the people inquiring about prices and payment plans, I'm optimistic.
If you wish to reserve a quilt, I require 50% payment upfront. You can then make weekly or monthly payments. When I receive the final payment, you'll receive the quilt. The three I'm gonna be finishing and listing will all range from $1700-$2000 USD. My pricing is cost of materials + (time x $25/hour) = final cost. Materials are fabric, batting, thread, rotary blades, needles, etc. I always use fresh blades and needles with each new project. Dull makes things messy.
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Funny thing to share! Mybhusband and I find this hilarious, others find it adorable.
My husband is goth. It's what he's identified as his entire like.
I'm...not. Hummingbirds, peacocks, Hawaiian florals, all the colors and prints.
Now, here's where it gets cute. He waits for me to put my outfit together, then he wears something to match. He loves ties and fancy shirts, and had a nice collection. Until we started dating, it was black, silver, grey, and a little red. Now he has an array of colors.
I try to make an effort to wear more black, but it ends up being a touch of black to bring out the bright.
He has asked that when we buy a house, that I leave the color choices for his room to him. Yes, we have separate rooms. Mine is my sewing room, his is a man-cave with his D&D stuff, as well as other things. Separate spaces make us happy.
Anyway, I have free reign for decorating except where his room is involved.
Different aesthetics do work well together. You just need to work on the how part.
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