#myungdae five years later is just like 'famous last words this is the worst'
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
harbinger ( drabble one ft. patrick & myungdae )
He smiles knowing this is going to be the last time his dear friend will see him.
a/n: hey so remember when i said i was tempted to write patrick’s goodbye letter/audio message/note? well alex and xia enabled me ( THANK YOU SO MUCH ) and this happened fjskldj also interpretation of lee hyuk belongs to alex at @jeoseungsaja ( except i consider lee hyuk to be alex’s oc sorry these are only facts JFKLSDJF )
words: 823 words
September 20th, 2016
*The video starts; he’s sitting at his desk with his room in the background. It’s not completely visible, but his apartment is messier than usual. There are books and folders and files strewn everywhere, some of them peeking into the camera. His bed behind him is unmade. He looks more bedraggled than usual too, with his hair messy, his skin a bit more ashen, and not to mention the bags beneath his eyes are more prominent. Like he hasn’t seen the light of day in weeks.*
*He stares back into the camera for a long moment as if to check if the video is recording. And then he glances up and coughs discreetly into his hand. Clearly, he’s not used to doing this.*
“Right…uh, so today is September 20th, 2016. It’s a Wednesday at 10:04 PM, GMT Time Zone.”
*He chuckles albeit nervously before scratching his cheek. A look up as he smiles bashfully.*
“Hello, Hyuk. Surprised to see this? Neither of us are exactly wizards ­when it comes to technology and I suppose it’s not quite like me, using technology when pen and paper is readily available. But I…for some reason, I wasn’t able to quite put this on paper. Forgive me- it most likely would be safer for you to receive this as a letter rather than through here. You would have said it yourself- you never know who is watching. I suppose you can double that number when it comes to using the ‘dark web’.
“I got on a tangent there. Let me get to the point. If you’re watching this, I’m going to assume the worst-case scenario has happened and I…I’m not with the living anymore.”
*Suddenly, he chuckles. It’s not forced, but it doesn’t sound jubilant either.*
“My apologies, it most likely doesn’t for you, but I guess it sounds a little silly, me saying that. Maybe I am exaggerating this; maybe I’m being unnecessarily obstinate. Maybe I’m just going to hit a dead end and all of this is going to be for nothing, but I couldn’t…I couldn’t just it let rest. I needed to see for myself if she, she was meant to-“
*He blinks rapidly and looks away from the camera for a moment. A hand scrubs at the corner of his eye.*
“…Sorry. Anyways, I know what you’re probably thinking; why didn’t I tell you? Actually if you happen to get ahold of this in any other scenario, I think I know what you would say.”
*He puts on his best Hyuk voice and though his voice sounds mock angry and it’s easy to see he’s trying not to laugh.*
“Yah- why didn’t you tell me this sooner, pabo-  don’t you know that I’m a pigeon- I’m coming back whether you like it or not, we’re stuck together you know that!”
*And then he breaks his impression with a genuine laugh and shakes his head.*
“I’m sorry. I didn’t-it’s not that I didn’t want you to know, but if you found out, I have a feeling you would’ve dropped everything to come over and I know they assigned your current case because of me. You’ve already done so much for me and I’ve relied too much on it. On you. I haven’t been that great of a friend these last few months either. I’m sorry; I know I should have reached out more, been a better friend to you.
“But that’s not why I made this. I guess, I just…wanted you to have this, again, in case anything happens to me. If that does end up being the reality, please…please don’t give up. There are still a lot of good things in this world, Hyuk. A lot of good people, people worth protecting and getting to know. You’re not alone in this world. I know you’re going to probably shut yourself away for a while, grieve me for even longer- do so for as long as you need to and when you’re ready, go forward. It’s not good to hold onto things for longer than needed- that’s why I’m probably going to be considered a fool by the end of this. Don’t make the same mistakes I did, Hyuk.”
*Silence. The lamp on his desk flickers.*
“…Do one thing for me though? Drink some hot chocolate for me once in while. Make sure you do the things that make you happy- if not for yourself then because I asked you to.”
*He glances at the bottom of the screen.*
“I guess…this is getting a bit long, so I’ll end it here. I care about you. A lot, Hyuk. Please be well. Hopefully, you won’t have to watch this though and I can do all these things with you when this is over. But again, this isn’t going to be sent out unless the worst case happens to me.”
*He smiles knowing this is going to be the last time his dear friend will see him.*
“Take care, Hyuk-ah.”
*The video ends.*
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