#nah cause i count on ONE hand the amount of times peter b antis weren't adult hobie s*xualizers and i wouldn't even run out of fingers
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The Atsv writers were so foul for having Peter B not help Miles even though he basically became his older brother in Itsv for the sake of making Ghostflower more 'important' as if they didn't pull them off as a trio perfectly before WITH the Gwen and Miles romance subplot and when we could've gotten more MJ and Mayday and maybe Aunt May and even bigger refs to classic Spidey lore and definitely even more screentime for the full Spiderband so they'd feel like a canonical team already instead of us having to wait for Beyond.Now i gotta deal with people who's top tags are #Hobie Brown Smut and #Noirpunk trying to drag him for not knowing how to treat black kids right
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