#nalu week 2019
gymjunkie412 · 15 days
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📖Summer Light📖
This one shot for nalu week 2019 was AMAZING! The AU idea was very very VERY intriguing 💞💞💞 and I love the concept! The typical Dragon and Princess story, but this concept is about a Princess seeking the Dargon's power to assist them in war.
I tried my best to replicate them exactly in the fanfic, and I went to draw their hair from what I thought it would look like, and I love how it turned out ❤️ also I give Natsu a little ponytail hihi.
Author: Morriganfae
Source: FF.Net
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petri808 · 5 years
Okay, one more NaLu request: Lucy telling Natsu about the markings she got while rewriting the book of END
Welp slowly but surely getting through my Asks lol.  I liked this for the day 4 prompt too. UwU. Short Drabble
@nalu-week Day 4 Curse prompt 
Just What I Needed
The small campfire flickered and danced from the winds, but luckily for the pair, the cave was filled with large stalagmites, shielding them from the brunt of the storm.  The mission was pretty much a bust for now and hopefully would clear up by morning.  So, they buckled down, scrounging up old, dry animal bones as fuel for the fire.
“Is something wrong Natsu?” Lucy scoots over closer to where he’s sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees.  She’d noticed he’s been preoccupied lately, maybe a little sad, but she wasn’t sure.  
He rests his chin on his arms.  “Just been thinking about something.”
“Wanna tell me about it?”
When Natsu tilts his head to look over at her, Lucy’s big brown eyes catch him off guard.  She looks so genuinely inquisitive it melts his resolve not to tell her anything.  He lets out a puff of air.  “When you were fixing my book, Zeref looked… panicked, surprised that it was even possible that a human could bring me back to life.  Then,” he averts his eyes, “Gray mentioned what happened to you.  Will you tell me… a-about the markings?”  
Lucy closes her eyes, letting her memories return to that moment.  All those ribbons of words and symbols filling the air around them.  The instant sensation that something was horribly wrong, yet no hesitation to take action.  It was Natsu, and nothing would stop her from saving him.  In hindsight what she had done without thinking it through could have amounted to suicide, but if she were true to herself, she wouldn’t have changed a thing.
With an exhale, “I-I’m not exactly sure what those were.”  She props her head on her knees.  “I just remember feeling like… like I—I was becoming connected to the book and to you, and I had no control over it once I started.  The missing words… I just knew them and started filling in the blanks, faster and faster as they came, so I wrote as if an unseen force was guiding me. But then,” Lucy shivers from the memory, “heat unlike anything I had ever felt before travelled from my fingertips along my arm, my chest until, it felt like my head was gonna explode.”
She pulls her knees tighter to her chest.  “I think…. Once I’d repaired the missing words and you were whole again, maybe it was the demon magic trying to overtake me too.  But that’s only a guess.”  Lucy looks over and sees a pained expression on Natsu’s face.  “I’m fine, I swear,” she cracks a small smile, reaches over, and places a hand on his.  “You don’t have to worry about me Natsu.”
But, Natsu wasn’t okay with it.  The demon magic that had created him had also brought him so much despair and now to know for sure it had attacked Lucy too.  “I hate it sometimes,” he whispers in a low tone, “this demon magic is a curse and a plague on my life.  Maybe it would have been better if Zeref had never created E.N.D.”
Quick as a flash, Lucy jumps up, shaking her fist at him.  “Don’t you ever, ever, Ever, say that again Natsu!”      
Whoa!  He leans back, eyes widened at the blonde with his hands up to block if she decides to hit him.  “I-I just meant that, l-look at all the trouble it caused.  I almost killed Gray when I couldn’t control it, and it almost killed you too.”
“Natsu I agree that it’s like a curse to bear, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have been created.” She sighs and closes her eyes to hold back the tears.  “Zeref may have become corrupted, but in the end, he made you because he loved you.”  
“I don’t know…” Natsu rests his chin back onto his arms, contemplating what she had said.  
“Hey,” Lucy drops to her knees, placing her hands on his shoulders, and resting her forehead against his.  “I have no doubt in my mind okay.  As far as I am concerned, you are a blessing that Zeref created for us, and I’m sure that everyone would agree with me.”
He squeezes his eyes shut as the hole in his heart refills.  She always knew how to make him feel better.  “Thank you, Lucy…”  I really needed to hear that…
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mamabearcat · 5 years
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A little late, but done finally. On the Road, for NaLu week 2019
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
NaLu week day 1 ~ On the Road
I wrote this recently for my creative writing class but I thought it suited this prompt as well!
You never know what you might find while out on a walk in the woods.
Generally speaking, no one in their right mind would willingly stray from the main road and walk off into the surrounding flora and fauna; it was common knowledge to do the exact opposite. Not that it was hard to get lost, you could’ve sworn you only breached the line of trees to pick the strangely golden and alluring flower that resided past one or two trees, but once you turned around, the road was gone and you were suddenly deep in the woods . No road, not a soul around, and the nearby howl of whatever strange beast slept deep in the woods were all that accompanied the chilling feeling now crawling up your back.
Natsu may not have been the brightest and admittedly not the weakest, but he knew better than to walk off and get lost as the many before he had.
His onyx eyes ignored the temptations the forest tried to whisper to him, treasures and dreams dancing behind the line of the trees none too tempting to lure him into its arms. Who would be dumb enough to fall for glittering flowers or hiding sprites and fairies that only pretended to sneak so carelessly amongst the leaves?
He thought this would have been more of a challenge, that walking through this verbiale death trap would provide more entertaining fun. Why couldn’t it show him a dragon or something cool? Truly a waste of magic, he scoffed, clicking his sharp teeth, and decidedly kicking the rocks ahead of him for better fun.
Eventually, he was stopped dead in his tracks as the trees began to become thinly bunched together, allowing him to clearly see the girl who swayed to the simple humming she produced, the tune loud enough for him to hear.
No one, no one knew that song but the two of them…
Her brown eyes and vividly bright, blonde hair danced in the wind as she moved, her lips spreading that absolutely unmistakable smile. She curled her fingers, asking for him to come forward and follow her spirit-like form, and how could he resist? It’d been two summers since he’d seen her, two summers since the fever took her.
You could find anything while out on a walk in the woods, better yet, anything could find you.
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The Draconic Demon Within: Chapter 3
The Draconic Demon Within (Originally for Nalu Lovefest 2017 on previous celestialgeekmage accounts and Angst Week 2015 on Twishadowhunter/teamedwardjace2 in the past and Vera's April 2018 Prompt challenge on cosmicdragonwizard account )
Genres: Romance, Friendship/Family, Drama/Angst, Hurt/ Comfort, & New Adult Fanfiction
Vera's April 2018 Prompts: Soul, Empyrean, Savage, Memory, Trust, Fear, Unstoppable , Resilient, Supernatural (Implied) Lost (Implied) and Loathing.
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Dreams
Nalu Week 2019 Prompts (Implied:) Lost, Curse, Trial, Treasure, Chance and possibly Bare.
Pairing: Nalu/EndLu,( Natsu x Lucy/ E.N.D. x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You have been warned!)
Summary: Now faced with the reality of who he is truly is, the son of Igneel must contend with the new darker instincts of his new demonic identity- all while navigating through his ever-growing, intense feelings for a particular celestial wizard. Originally a Submission (semi -au) for Nalu lovefest 2017 (on my previous celestialgeekmage account and now  one of my  entries for @nalu-week 2019 with chapter 3. (Also was on my earliest previous accounts of teamedwardjace/Twishadowhunter in the past. Also part of Vera's April 2018 prompt challenge from fic-writers appreciation on cosmicdragonwizard).
1/2 entries for @nalu-week 
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Chapter 3: When A Star Dies
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl MillennialStarGazer back again! This time, it's with another installment of TDDW which is also happens one of my entries weeks for @nalu-week  2019. I was actually working on Chapter 3 along with those for my other fics (including WIPs) on my ipod . Took me some time to finish on account my other writing projects and responsibilities in my life— though I'm glad that this chapter's finally posted. This chapter's title was inspired by A Billion Stars Will Die Today from the incredible Nights Amore who's one of my favourite modern composers. (This evocative score and other tracks can be found here). Oh and major kudos to my friends/mutual's @bmarvels and @doginshoe for taking the time to be my betas whose positive feedback helped me to further develop and improve this chapter during its draft stage. Your help was invaluable—thanks so much ladies! Anyways, without further ado , here's chapter 3—enjoy!
(Note:   I’ve had to use  an alternative means of inserting divider/ page breaks by inserting pictures (or typing) in light of the original  tumblr  feature seemingly being removed by @staff .   Anyway, please be sure to  scroll down past cut for disclaimer,  corresponding links, legend and actual chapter content).
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Disclaimer: Fairytail does not belong to me, but to the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this work of love wouldn't be possible.
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Read Previous Chapters of TDDW and on platforms here:
(Copy and paste the links into another  window if need be)
A. Tumblr
Previous (Click Here:) (or here https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816334878/the-draconic-demon-withinreupload-from/amp): 
 Next (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/614628807073251328/the-draconic-demon-within-chapter-4-a-demons)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17365061/chapters/40861307))
2. Ongoing Master  Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
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Italic: Song Lyrics/Quotes (or flashback dialogue)
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized, stylized Word(s) or bloodythirsty fantasies
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
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"The stars are not wanted now;
put out every one,
Pack up the moon and
dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good."
(W.H. Auden: Funeral Blues)
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Natsu's alarmed scream of Lucy's name rang out. Arms were catching his partner before she hit the ground. Just minutes before , the duo found themselves in the midst of a grueling stand off against two of Tartarus most notorious demons. Natsu versus Jackal ; Lucy versus Tempester who she battled with a valiant proficiency that her best friend or any other team would be immensely proud of;
"Whoosh and Whirl."
Only to be to no avail when a summoned whirlwind slammed into her light frame at the full force of a freight train before she could even blink.
"Lucy— can you hear me?"
"Please Luce— you gotta be okay! You.. can't... be gone... just can't be. If I Lose you...God! I can't... not again!"
Brittle words spilled from the lips of a tortured man rocking back and forth with a broken angel in his arms who never seemed so fragile.
My god... this pain... feels like everything is being blown apart! How viciously ironic those words proved to be. Natsu's entire world truly did seem to be crumbling around him.
"Lucy...open.. your eyes.." He gasped, frantic air being ripped from his lungs ." Let.. me know you're okay!... I'm .. begging ya'... just stay with ...me... Please?" The fire wizard's desolate voice broke on the last word. Gods above, what he wouldn't give to see or hear any vital signs of life from in motionless woman in his arms ; a single breath , a heartbeat or two, a twitch of fingers—anything! Honestly, he couldn't fathom how his life would have any meaning if his best friend's light was torn away from him.
Don't think I'd be able to go on.,,
It was then E.n.d realized his world would be so much darker without Lucy's guiding light— nothing more than a starless void. Not to mention, the indescribable , excruciating torment that would haunt their friends for years at a time if she didn't survive.
I couldn't stand to see them suffer like that. Luce has to survive — not just for my sake, but her own and the others… Please let her... what the hell?!
The unwelcome noise of steady, advancing footsteps broke through Natsu's reverie ; whose head whipped towards Jackal with a baleful growl.
"No— get away!"
"Ooh look at you barring your fangs at us like that!" Jackal was still sauntering towards the other wizards at a measured pace.
"Stay back!" The menacing snarl salamander slayer let loose in warning was positively bestial. Not to mention, his arms were automatically tightening around Lucy— sheer natural protective instinct. "Don't ya' dare come any closer!"
That bastard better leave us alone...
Good God how his fingers were just itching to char that infuriating , cocky smirk off the other demon's pathetic face.
But doing that would mean letting go out of Lucy and leaving her unprotected out in the open— not happening .
"Well aren't you quite the big,  scary, menacing, demon''. came Jackal's answering taunt, eyes flashing in sinister amusement.
" I said stay back..."
"Yeah, I don't think so," said Tartaros underling let out a taunting cackle of glee; which only served to boil the blood in Natsu's veins.
"Urghh–leave us alone or I'll literally burn the both of ya' to a pile of ashes for what you did to Lucy! "
Can't help but seriously want to tear them limb from limb right now...
Spasms racked the hybrid's sinewy frame at the same time as visceral images were flooding his brain from rising bloodlust.
Shredded remnants of flesh hanging from what was left of Jackal and Tempster's throat, a flash of extending talons.; spurting blood , hands instinctively pressing against punctured jugulars in frantic vain, agonized noises of agonized gurgling that were savagely pleasing to the ear. All for daring to lay a hand on the woman most precious—
Enough! God.. What the hell is wrong with me? And all these unexpected and strange, bloodthirsty instincts .. where are they coming from?! I mean sure I've been enraged enough to want avenge or thrash those who harmed my friends! But never the urge to kill —save for Jellal... and even that wasn't as graphic!
"Lost in thought?"
Jackal's taunting voice cut through E.n.d.'s reverie.
" Bastard— just leave us alone already!" His response was an incensed roar that was raising several octaves. "Why's that's so hard for ya' to get through your thick skull? As for my best friend— you'd better hope her heart's still beating or swear to God, I'll —”
"Jesus ...” The other demon muttered, his otherwise airy words laced with mild exasperation.
"Why are you so hung up over this celestial wizard of yours? Seriously dude... ya' might be one of the most powerful demons ever created— but you're kind of harshin' my vibe . Just chill.."
Scumbag… I'm either gonna save Lucy or avenge her...
"Look---no need to seem like you wanna rip our heads off, okay? Your woman's gonna be just fine. She's not dead— only unconscious. Hell, she's even got a pulse . Check for yourself if you don't believe me."
" Go to hell!" Natsu spat, words dripping with lethal venom." I don't take orders from sadistic psychopaths! And you'd honestly better not be lying!"
"I'm not. Just check, would ya'?"
Not trusting Jackal's claim , the fire demon lowered his head to press an ear against Lucy's chest; just for shock to shoot through his veins when what could only be the most precious noise in the entire universe could be heard — the steady beat of her heart!
Lucy's really okay?
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Fic Tag Squad: @fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveofnaluevents @nalubookclub @nalu-week
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate   @writer-appreciation  @caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says
@soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy @bearpluscat @narutoyaoifan
@mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic @bearandbirdfan @pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117 
@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog @precenna @sugarpolis @fairywithajetblackheart @mercurius-orion @dark0angel13 @h-eartfilias @hungrypeanut  @shootingstarssel @sovay-says @satyrykal  @narutoyaoifan  @moeruhoshi @doginshoe @bmarvels
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A/N: There you have it- chapter 3 folks! Fun fact about the title of this chapter: As you're aware, the title was inspired by previously mentioned score of the same name; Not to mention, how aptly-named this installment is if the events of this chapter, Lucy's type of magic and 's mindset are anything to go by. Not only is Lucy a celestial wizard, but she also happens to one of the precious lights or stars in Natsu/E.n.d.'s universe which he couldn't bear to lose if it were to be blotted out (from a metaphorical sense of course). Nor would he ever wish for his friends to suffer that kind of pain (as seen in the original anime/manga and sequel) . Hence why one of our favourite demons was so distraught when he truly believed Lucy to be possibly dead. Anyways, just thought I would provide a little more insight for those who were wondering.
All right, that's all for now. as always, don't forget to let me know what you think, like, reblog and share! Oh and be sure to stay tuned for the next chapter which will up ASAP once there's a chance for the writing process to start . Feel free to check out the rest of my writing as well! (Corresponding links are above, in the navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr. See other writing platforms for links as well! ) All right, that's it for now! Until next time— take care!
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cucey · 5 years
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Nalu week day 2 - Stranger
Their faces came out a bit weird in the last part but i’m still proud that i did it. I hope y’all like it. 
Please don’t remove my signature or repost anywhere (outside tumblr) without my permission
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gijipaw · 5 years
El dragón y su tesoro - Nalu Week. Day 6: Treasure/Día 6: Tesoro
El dragón y su tesoro
Sinopsis: Relatos antiguos manifestaban siempre a los dragones protegiendo una inmensa fortuna de monedas y joyas. Pero existió un dragón cuyo tesoro era diferente. [#naluweek2019]
Nota de la autora: Me siento mal, me olvide la Nalu Week. Mashima debe odiarme y ustedes también (¿?). Al menos deseo aportar a un día y aquí me tienen. Esta historia corresponde al sexto día, osea hoy, donde el tema era "Treasure", tesoro en español.
Capítulo único: El dragón y su tesoro
Rezongó exhausto cuando escuchó el sonido de los cascos aproximarse a donde estaba. La presencia de ejércitos atravesando su valle en dirección a la fortaleza había incrementado gradualmente durante el último año, provocando mal humor cada vez que los veía blandir sus espaldas y cantar a los cuatros vientos que iban a conseguir la victoria. Ya ni siquiera le resultaba entretenido ver sus rostros salpicados en pánico cuando él, dragón vigilante de esa enorme fortaleza, aparecía escupiendo fuego y moviéndose como un asesino mortal.
Se estaba aburriendo.
—¿Qué…? —preguntó al aire. Afilando su audición logró descubrir que no solo tenía a una armada montada acercándose. Algo sólido y que se arrastraba con dificultad por la tierra lo acompañaba—. En serio…, ¿catapultas?
Sacudió su cola con frustración y arrojó humo por sus fosas nasales. Era evidente que quienes venían a fastidiar sus dominios no conocían que era un simple juego terminar con los ejércitos armados con espadas y catapultas. Nada era un desafío, no después de estar más de diez años custodiando.
—¡Natsu!, ¿dónde estás, Natsu?
Una voz lo llamó. Giró su cabeza al sitio de donde provenía y sus facciones toscas se volvieron suaves, una sonrisa adornando su rostro de dragón. Ordenada con un vestido blanco usado y bastante estropeado, una muchacha de cabellos dorados se acercó con entusiasmo.
—¡Finalmente te encontré!
—Lucy —mencionó, bajando la vista. Ella le regaló una afectuosa mirada que recompensó acariciando su hocico contra su rostro. Por eso recibió un beso en su escamosa piel. Carcajeó—. ¿Qué sucede ahora, Luce?
La susodicha lo miró enarcando una ceja con diversión.
—Esa pregunta está mal formulada, Nat. Mejor sería decir, ¿qué te sucede a ti? Se te escuchaba desde la cocina refunfuñar.
El dragón lamento soltando un leve bramido.
—Tendremos compañía en unas horas —declaró alzando su mirada hacia el paisaje. Se arrojó en el suelo y descansó la cabeza entre sus extremidades delanteras—. Un ejército con catapultas. Nada novedoso.
Lucy hizo un mohín de cansancio y se acercó a él. Natsu corrió su cabeza ligeramente para que se sentara sobre su pata y se apoyara. Soltaron un suspiro cuando se amoldaron el uno al otro.
—No comprendo porque continúan —dijo Lucy.
—Tampoco yo. Creí que había dejado en claro que no iba a dejarte ir —señaló Natsu—. Estamos bajo un juramento que nos liga como compañeros de vida por la eternidad. Eres mía y yo soy tuyo. ¿Cómo podemos hacer que lo comprendan?
Ella acarició a su amado dragón con desconsuelo.
—No lo sé. Se que hemos aprendido a luchar con ellos, pero temo que un día no podamos y nos separen.
Natsu rugió.
—Eso no pasara. Soy el dragón que protege el tesoro de esta fortaleza —afirmó con dureza. Pensar en distanciarse de Lucy le era imposible. Solo era una prole cuando se conocieron y había jurado protegerla desde ese primer encuentro.
Su padre, Igneel, asumió la tarea de cuidar a la princesa que era codiciada por su belleza. Sus padres habían sido asesinados y solo quedaba su niñera para resguardar, esta última contrató los servicios del dragón. 
La tarea era protegerla por tiempo indeterminado. 
Tiempo que continuaba fluyendo hasta el presente, quince años después de que Lucy llegara a la fortaleza Dragneel. Actualmente solo era ocupado por Natsu y Lucy porque el padre del joven dragón estaba de viaje.
Qué Natsu fuera un dragón y Lucy una princesa no impidió que se enamoran. Su amor era legítimo y los años lo fueron construyendo hasta el punto de contraer matrimonio bajo las leyes de los dragones, mal visto por quienes deseaban llevarse a la princesa por su belleza. Nadie le preguntó si pretendía ser rescatada, solo se asumió que por estar con un dragón ya estaba en peligro.
El aparente riesgo era para quienes que no sabían que sucedía dentro de fortaleza. Donde un inmenso dragón no protegía el conocido tesoro de oro y joyas, no, para ese dragón su tesoro era esa muchacha. A esa muchacha a la que cada noche llevaba en su lomo a recorrer el cielo estrellado, a la cual profesaba amor eterno y había jurado cuidar más allá de una tarea encomendada. 
Él como dragón protegería su tesoro, la princesa, por lo que sentía en su corazón.
—Eres el tesoro de este dragón, Luce. No te dejaré ir.
—Este tesoro tampoco va a apartarse de su dragón, Natsu.
Muchos dragones custodiaban oro y joyas por pura avaricia. Natsu protegía a Lucy por amor.
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nalu-week · 5 years
When will the prompts for NaLu Week 2019 be posted?
NaLu week runs from 1st - 7th July, so the prompts won’t be out for a while. 
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fuck-yeah-nalu · 5 years
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It's time for Nalween week again! A week dedicated to Nalu on Halloween theme. You creations were so good last year, I'm excited to see more this year :)
October 25th - October 31th
Day 1: Wolf/Werewolf Day 2: Trick or Treat? Day 3: Costumes Day 4: E.N.D Day 5: Scary Movies Day 6: Haunted House Day 7: Potions BONUS
October 17th - November 2nd
1. Jinx
2. Black Cat
Please check the rules and faq!
Tags: #Naluweenweek #Naluween week
In japanese: #ナツルーHalloween週間
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Day 2: Surprise.
"You know daddy-sama....i have a bun in the oven.."
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fairyqueennerd · 5 years
Day 3- Lost
I reached some alley where I lost the car and it was not in my sight, I was breathing heavily. I ran so hard that I don’t even know where I was right now, or which part of the town I was presently in. Was I lost? I tried to find my way out but suddenly I felt so tired that my legs won’t move an inch. I thought I heard some footsteps behind me but I didn’t have that much strength to turn back, when I tried someone hit my head and everything turned black.
I don’t know for how long was I out but finally I was awake, the lights in the room was dim and my hands were tied tightly behind my back so were my legs, when my eyes got adjusted to the light I could not have been more happy.
There she was, the girl with chocolate brown eyes, her eyes were wide and a look of pure worry was in there which was relieved when he came to his senses.
“Shush!”  and immediately I was silent and at that very moment someone entered in the room,
“Lucy sorry to be harsh just now, but it was boss’s order. He really loves you, please come back.”
“Loke no need to apologise I know you won’t hurt me.” She smiled, I don’t know what’s going on but her smile felt like fresh sunlight in this nearly dark room.
“But I am not coming back.”
“Who is he?” Oh finally he noticed me.
“I don’t know.” She said flatly, I would be lying if I say that didn’t sting. “Capricon brought him in.”
“So?” Both of them were looking at me.
“So?” What was I supposed to say to that.
Lucy sighed.
“Loke please don’t tell him for now and tell Capricon too, let others search for a few days before I think what I need to do or what to do next.”
The Loke person sighed heavily. What’s going on? And then he left. I noticed that Lucy was not tied down but was looking curiously at me.
“Yo! I am Natsu Dragneel.” There I formally introduced myself to her, I gave her my brightest of smile.
She blushed a bit, man she looked too cute, I wanted to make her blush more so I kept smiling and yes her blush intensified before she was looking away and said in a tiny voice-
“Lucy Hear- Asley. I am Lucy Asley.”
Hmm the name suited her well but what was she about to say right now?
“So Natsu why are you in this place?” She asked with folded arms and one raised eyebrow.
Oops what was I supposed to tell her now. I couldn’t forget your eyes and chased you here? That sounds like something a creepy stalker would do.
“Hmm -that- I- what happened is- I know- I- I -.”  I Was not making any sense and I know it.
She raised both of her eyebrows and looked at me suspiciously.
“I saw you outside the school and thought you were getting kidnapped so tried to help that is all.”
I cut the events from here and there and told her.
“You were stalking me?” She asked with a smirk.
“Nah, Oh god. You bumped into me yesterday remember? I saw in your eyes that you looked afraid and I could not forget that look and here I am.”
Why the heck I m telling her all this, now she would think I m crazy. She widened her eyes and I started blushing and tried to hide it from her. But she just smiled
“Thank You Natsu” She smiled and my heart was already racing and I looked away, putting my hands in front of her to free me. She giggled and with a jerk I turned my head to that melodious tune. When she was opening the ropes, her fingertips were touching on my arms and it felt as if electricity was there and my heart was beating so fast.
Even after the ropes were undone, I was looking at her just like that and she was looking at me with raised eyebrows and I became nervous and scratched my neck making her giggle and then laugh. I was so happy right now that I could forever be in that dark room lost in her laughter.
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petri808 · 5 years
Natsu finding out about Aquarius's key. Nice big fight leading to them breaking down and, finally overcoming the horrors they kept inside. Lucy x Natsu please please I love your work. Big fan!
I realized this would work for day 3 of Nalu Week too.  Here you go, hope you like it :).   *Um, let’s just say this takes place between the 1 year gap and Alvarez Arc*
Beneath the Surface
@nalu-week Day 3 Lost prompt
Natsu dodges another attack from the leviathan, but its massive teeth nicks his side.  He rolls onto the sand clutching at the small wound, sealing it shut for now as the creature sinks below the waters of the bay.
The slayer grits his teeth against the pain.  “Lucy call Aquarius!  If we can get the monster onto land it’ll be easier to handle.”
“I—I… No, there’s gotta be another way.”  Lucy mumbles as she scrambles to think of another plan.  
She rushes over to where Wendy was coming to and helps the girl to stand.  “Are you okay Wendy?”
“Yeah,” the poor girl rubs the side of her head.  She’d taken a pretty good hit that knocked her out cold.  “Did we get it?”
The celestial mage shakes her head.  “Just went back under.”
After helping Gray back to his feet too, Natsu and he hobble over to the two women along with Erza. “Lucy,” Natsu places his hand on her shoulder.  “Why can’t you just call Aquarius?  You keep avoiding...”  
Three sets of eyes look away.  This wasn’t the first time they’d watched Lucy avoid the topic, but they knew the reason, Natsu didn’t.    
“Don’t worry, we don’t need her help,” Gray steps in to change the focus away from the girl who was clearly in pain.  “It’s okay man,” he pulls Natsu back, “I got a plan.”  
Natsu’s brows furrow, but he nods and backs off for now.  This conversation may be over for now, but he was going to get to the bottom of it.  Could the celestial mage and the spirit have had a real falling out?  Aquarius could be temperamental and often fussy about being called, but he knew they were close because of the connection with Lucy’s mother and it made no sense for Lucy to be completely avoiding the spirit.  
Two days later when the team had arrived back home in Magnolia, he decides this matter couldn’t wait any longer.  What if the next time they were in a bind, they couldn’t rely on Aquarius.  Lucy had gone straight home without speaking to him and it didn’t take a genius to figure out she was still upset over the mission.  Part of him felt like an ass for pushing, but hey, he needed to know if there was something wrong!  And based on their reaction on that beach, it made him angry to feel like their friends knew some that he didn’t about her.
When he reaches her apartment, Natsu notices that Lucy’s window is closed.  Since when does she close her window in the summer time?  So, he knocks on her door instead.  “Lucy, it’s me, Natsu.  Can we talk?”  He hears her feet shuffling along the floor, coming to a stop on the other side.  
“I don’t really feel like talking Natsu.”  Her voice is quiet but serious in nature.  She exhales, “maybe some other time.”
“I’m not gonna drop this Lucy.  I know your upset so please, just let me in so we can talk…”
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it!!”
Whoa!  Such a severe reaction coming from her was unexpected, but he was just as determined to get an answer!  He lowers his tone.  “Lucy. If you don’t open this door right now, I will break it down!”
“You wouldn’t!”
“I will!”
“Damn it Natsu, my landlady will kill me if you do!”
“Then I suggest you unlock the door!”
After a moment’s pause, Natsu can hear the exasperated sigh she lets out, followed by the click of the lock. He tests the knob and when he finds it unlocked, makes his way inside.  Where the hell is, she now?!  Lucy wasn’t in the living room or kitchen, but the bedroom door was closed.  Are they really going to do this again?  He tries that door’s knob and surprise, surprise, it’s locked.
“I warned you Lucy.”  He gives her no time to respond, simply melting the handle off and flying the door open.
Lucy jumps off the bed and beelines it towards Natsu.  “What the hell is wrong with you?!”  She punches his chest a few times unleashing a whole lot of pent up anger that she didn’t even realize she’d been harboring.  “I’m not ready to talk about Aquarius!”
“But why?!”  Natsu grabs her wrists to stop her from swinging, shaking her a bit to snap her out of it.  “What the hell is going on?  Are you two fighting or something?  Just tell me! I can’t help you if…”
“Her key’s gone Natsu, that’s what the hell is going on!!  Okay! Are you happy now!”        
That stops him cold.  “Wait, what do you mean gone?  When did this happen?”  He lets go of her wrists and Lucy stumbles back to her bed.  Natsu follows and kneels down in front of her, but she’s buried her face in her hands and refuses to look at him.  “Lucy, please just talk to me!”
“I lost her…. During the Tartaros fight.  Had to sacrifice her key to summon the Celestial King.”  Lucy reaches into her pocket and pulls out the remnant of Aquarius’ key. She briefly shows him the piece before palming and gripping to it tightly.  “I miss her so much.  It kills me Every. Single. Time, I think about it.”
Natsu sits back on his haunches, completely shocked by this revelation.  All this time…. “How didn’t I know…. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Sooner?!”  Lucy glares at the slayer.  “You fucking left right after we fought Tartaros Natsu!  Without even saying good bye!”  Her fists clench even harder and it takes every ounce of willpower not slap him.  “I’d lost my oldest friend.  I lost my best friend.  I lost the guild that I love.  Everything fell apart at the same time!”  Tears pour down Lucy’s cheeks, but she makes no effort to stem or wipe them away.  She didn’t care at that point.  Her body and mind grew numb as she relived one of the most painful of all her memories.  “I felt so alone.”  Her head hangs low, eyes squeezing shut.  “It took me a while to find the strength to go on…. To find a reason to keep going and you know what?  No matter how angry I was for you leaving…. I used that to push me past it all.  Fine, if you went away to get stronger, then that was what I did too.  But the pain never left me.”
A palpable silence falls between them, but after a few minutes, Lucy finally gains the courage to look at Natsu again.  His head is lowered so far down that she can’t even see his eyes, shoulders are slumped, and his hands are clenched beside him.  “Well,” she prompts, “now you know why I was so angry with you.  Do you have anything to say?”
It was a lone droplet hitting the ground, that made Lucy realize the slayer had heard her loud and clear.  
Another droplet…. And another, but he continued to sit there unmoving.  All the sorry’s in the world would still be meaningless.  Natsu had no idea that he’d hurt his best friend so badly and it killed him inside.  He didn’t even believe he had the right to ask for forgiveness.  
“I don’t know what else to say, except…  I’m sorry Lucy... for everything.  I-I didn’t realize…” he exhales.  “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most and I just hope that one day we’ll be able to move past this because I don’t want to lose my best friend either.” Natsu stands up and turns to leave. “So, I-I’ll just leave you alone now.”
Lucy stands up and before Natsu reaches the door, grabs him, wrapping her arms around his waist without saying a word.  Yes, she was still angry… but that didn’t mean she wanted to lose him too.  “Don’t go,” she murmurs against his back.  “We’ve both lost someone we love, and while I’m still upset, I—I need you Natsu.”
Natsu squeezes his eyes shut, fighting back another wave of tears.  He places a hand on hers.  “I promise you Lucy, I will never leave you alone again.”
141 notes · View notes
mamabearcat · 5 years
Tumblr media
Here’s a detailed 5x7 of Natsu and Lucy from my bigger fan art On The Road, for Nalu Week. 
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Star’s Master Fic Page!
Updated: 11/19/2020
This is where you can find all of my fics!!!
Current Fic Count: 200
Original Content Count: 6
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Miraculous LadyBug, The PowerPuff Girls, The Promised Neverland, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, Original Works
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Commissions are open!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
114. Only A Fairy tale- Gruvia
115. Learn to Love Again- Gruvia
116. Toxic in Trade: Chap 1 Chap 2- Gruvia
117: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 1
118: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 2
119: Within The Darkness- Gruvia
120: By Your Side- Nalu
121: A Touch of a Hand- Gruvia
122: Scars- Gratsu
123: Promise Me- Gruvia 
124: Ice Ice Baby?- Gruvia 
125: The Melody of Loving You- Gruvia 
126: Holding You Close- Lucy x Juvia 
127: Gruvia Day 2020
128: Beautiful Revelations- Gruvia 
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
22. What It Could Be- Kiribaku
23. Sleepover Secrets- Jiroumomo
Powerpuff Girls
1. Own Escape- Blossick
2. Up In The Clouds- Blossick
3. Pretty Sparks- Butchercup
4. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Chap 1 -Blossutch
5. Green Light District- Butchercup
6. Enchanted For a Moment- Chap 1, Chap 2 -Blossick (orphaned)
7. Valuable Possessions- Butchercup
8. Bite my Tongue- Blossutch
9. Tease-Blossick
10. Cute- Butchercup
11. Come Get Me: Butchercup
12. Hair Twirling- Blossutch
13. I’m a Mess- Butchercup
14. Stay- Blossick
15. Fireworks- Butchercup
16. Shields and Sparks- Butchercup
17. The Talk- Butchercup
18. Spa Night- Butch and Bubbles
19. Roomies- Butchercup
20. Desperate Hugs- Butchercup
21. Incinerate- Blossutch
22. Bounce House Blues- Brickercup
23. Bruises- Butchercup 
24. Tender Kisses- Butchercup
25. Like Ashes We Burn- Blossick
26. Little Red Bow- Blossutch
27. More than you Think- Butchercup
28. When The Night is Still Young- Prinbrute
29. Like the Weight of the World- Blossick 
30. Enchanted For A Moment (Revamped) Color Code- Chap 1
31. Falling Back to You- Blossick 
32. The Freedom of Being Yours- Blossick 
33. Until My Heart Stops Racing-Mike x Mitch 
34. Blue With Envy- Boomubbles
35. Drawn That Way- Blossucth 
36. Don’t Panic, I Got You- Boomer and Blossom 
37. In The Depths Of The Deep Sea- Blossutch 
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
6. Like A Rainbow
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
Gravity Falls 
1. Mystery Mom- Wendy’s mom commission 
174 notes · View notes
Stars And Fire (Nalu Fluff Week 2019)
Nalu Fluff Week (2019)
Genres: Romance, Fantasy Friendship, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Lyrics/Poetry, Young Adult Fanfiction
Prompts: Smile, Harmony and Spirits (Implied)
Rating: K(+) and older due to designated reading level. No mature, or  sexual/ adult content included.
Summary:She is the stars to his fire- originally one of my entries for Nalu-fluff-week 2017 on a previous account. Hoping to have it resubmitted for this year @nalu-fluff-week.
A/N: Hey peeps, it's your girl MillenialStarGazer ( @millennial-star-gazer) back again! This time it's with an entry for  @nalu-fluff-week  2019. I originally entered this Nalu inspired lyric/poetry piece for Nalu love fest back in 2014, (under my teamedwardjace/twishadowhunter alias) and for fluff week 2017 on my deactivated celestialgeekmage account after further revisions. Now, I'm hoping to resubmit it again for this year's fluff week. Anyway hope you enjoy, and don't forget to check out my the rest of my writing!
Disclaimer: I swear I don't own the rights to Fairytail, though if I did Natsu would have (consensually) kissed Lucy senseless with wild abandon by now . (But hey, they did officially become canon - if not already before- just not in a way some were expecting, so bonus!)
(Scroll down  past the cut for the  legend, corresponding links, and actual  poem/lyrics). 
Read Stars and Fire on other plaftorms and the rest of my writing here:
(Note:  The Tagging feature and hyperlinks don’t seem to function properly  on the desktop site in recent months  for  any users ( which is hopefully temporary)  . However, both features seem to work just fine on the  ios/android app and mobile site for everyone.   If on desktop,  copy and paste the  below links into another tab or window on your browser.
1. Stars & Fire
B. Fanfiction
I.  Primary Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13379456/1/Stars-and-Fire)
II. Secondary Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143482/1/Millennial-Drabbles)
C. A03
I. Stars and Fire (A03 Version) (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20443970)
II. Sizzling & Fluffy Millennial OTP, & Paring Ship Drabbles/Teasers (A03 Version) (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18244343/chapters/43167767)
2. Mast Post Of My Fic and Writing (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italics: lyrics/poetry prose Bold: Song Section Marker (Bolded Italics Within Brackets: A/N/ authors note on which point /arc in the manga/anime the lyric references for a clearer picture)
1. Do you remember the day when we first met? I swear it was fate for our paths to cross Thought you were strange, but I liked you anyway You showed me kindness when I was down an my luck that day
(A/N: Reference to first few episodes)
Now here we are, we've come such a long way. Follow me and I promise to see you through
You are the stars and I am the fire (reference to Lucy being a celestial wizard and Natsu being a fire dragon slayer) You and I- We were always meant to collide You are my best friend , The one who will always hold a special place in my heart Hope you know that I'll be always be here for you To catch you when you fall (Reference to all the times Natsu catches Lucy) To be the one to hold you, to dry your tears late at night I'll protect you from the demons in the world, keep them at bay, fight by your side That's how much you mean to me So take my hand and we will take on this world together
2. Do you recall that day, the battle of our lives? You were trembling, terrified out of your mind (Reference to the epic battle with Hades during the Tenrou arc) I'll never forget, the image imprinted on my mind Believe me, I was afraid too But then I found courage in your resolve Do you remember the time you wanted to give up? You were crying, tears flowing like cascading rain Till I held your hand in mine
You found the strength to pull through
(Reference to that iconic Nalu moment in episode 122)
Your smile, your laughter, they light up my life When you're grieving, I'll be the one to dry your tears fall late at night
till' you see the sun shine again Hope you know I'm always here for you Never forget how much I care for you
3. Come with me and we will take on this world together So glad to have you in my life Never forget how much I care for you Come what may, hell or high water , whatever lies on the road ahead of us, we will face together I will shelter you from the storm, will protect the future for us to we go on more adventures together
(Reference to Grand Magic Games Arc)
I will always be there to smile and laugh with you, to stand by your side Never forget how much I care for you
Chorus (x3)
Fic Tag Squad: @fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveofevents
@nalubookclub @nalu-week
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate   @writer-appreciation  @caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says
@soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy @bearpluscat @narutoyaoifan
@mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic @bearandbirdfan @pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117
@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog @precenna @sugarpolis @fairywithajetblackheart @mercurius-orion @dark0angel13 @h-eartfilias @hungrypeanut  @shootingstarssel @sovay-says @satyrykal  @narutoyaoifan  @moeruhoshi @doginshoe @bmarvels
A/N: Just to clarify the other A/N:s throughout are to make the lyrics more accessible to readers who may have difficulties understanding the meaning behind certain metaphors for a variety of reasons (including those with disabilities or anyone who has just gotten into Fairytail which is by no means to insult their intelligence at all). Not to mention, it would be far too tedious to explain it all in the final author note. 
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to like, leave a comment/review, reblog or all of the above-feedback would very much be appreciated! Feel free to check out my other the rest of my writing! (Corresponding links are in above, in the navigation bar, and bio if on tumblr.) Oh and be sure to stay tuned for chapter updates of my other fics and various projects in the work! Why not check out my fellow friends/mutuals' writing too! Same goes for the other participants in fluff week – a whole lot of talent there! Alrighty, that's all for now folks! Thanks so much to my all my friends/ mutuals , followers and readers for the all incredible support so far! Until next time- take care!
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marycecilyy · 3 years
A much needed rant (long post)
How are you all doing, my loves? So, this post is going to be about my writing. If you've sent any request recently or just like my blog, this might be of your interest. Okay, here we go!
I'll be taking a break from new requests. A long one. I'll work on clearing my askbox, right now I have 12 prompts to be asnwered. I'll do my best to answer them all, I'll even combine 2 or more asks to make the process easier, but I can't promise I'll do all of them. I'll try.
Don't send me more requests, please. I might open my askbox again, but it's not in my plans anytime soon. I'll explain why, but first I'll take you guys back to 2017, when I first started writing fanfiction.
I was in the Fairy Tail fandom at the time (didn't stop checking on it, but I'm not active anymore). It had been about a year since I started reading fics, but I had never written anything. Then, I decided to give it a try. I wrote two oneshots (in portuguese) in a short span of time and published them in Spirit Fanfiction, a writing platform. They're still there, if you search for the user marycecilyy you'll find them.
I loved the experience and weeks after that I started planning my first multi chapter fic. It was in portuguese as well. Its name was "Make a Wish". It was a police story about a detective trying to catch a mysterious serial killer. It had a lot of ocs I created myself and the main couple was Nalu (what a surprise XD). I got so invested in the plot and I had so much fun writing the skeleton, coming up with the plot twists and figuring some eventual holes in the story. I hold sweet memories of that time.
I completed the fic. It didn't have a lot of favorites and comments, but I was proud of myself for writing a good story!
Cut to 2019, when I started this blog. I had been checking on the mcl fandom for a while and, again, decided to create a blog. Few time passed until I started taking requests for MCL and ED. In two years, I can say I have a big masterlist. Sometimes I took breaks to take care of personal stuff, but soon after that I went back to writing.
A few months ago, for a lot of reasons (toxic friends, studies and, most important, my disappointment with mcl love life), I quit MCL fandom. In that time, I started writing for mysme but, to my surprise, I was facing problems that I thought would go away when I stopped wrtiting for the first fandom.
I wasn't enjoying writing. It had become something tiring and difficult to do. I wondered why, since when I wrote Make a Wish I never had those problems. When did writing stop being fun?
So, two months ago I came back to this blog determined to make it work. I opened my askbox and wrote some requests... And soon enoguh, it became boring as well.
Now, after reflecting on myself, I understand.
When I started only taking requests and prompts, I stopped making writing about myself.
I always forced myself to write what others asked me to, even if the idea they gave me didn't inspire me at all. If I was a professional writer, this would be my job, but that's the thing. I'm not. Writing is my hobbie, my passion.
Not only that, but when you don't write what you would want to read, it appears. The work doesn't come out nearly as good as something you actually enjoyed doing.
That's why I'm pausing my requests for an indefinite time. But that doesn't mean I'll stop writing, not at all. I'll just be a little selfish and write for my own good.
I'm working right now on a fanfiction about Zen and MC (Mystic Messenger) that will have about 20 chapters. It's something that a friend suggested after seeing my list of things I love reading about. After giving it a thought, the prompt really got me. I was hooked by it.
Now that I'm writing for myself, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders... I hope you'll understand and won't hate me hahaha.... Anyway
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