#nameless star to die either). i'm just spitballing here
oveliagirlhaditright · 9 months
Anyone else worried about this original tagline from Versus XIII and how it might now apply to Kingdom Hearts (since Nomura's putting his Versus ideas into KH)?
"An act of love by the last King."
During the Versus XIII trailers, they were making you think that this quote meant King Regis, but it clearly didn't (I mean, obviously. He wasn't the last King of Lucis. Noctis was). It was about Noctis, and about how he was meant to die to bring the light back. Some may argue that, saying we don't know how similar Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XV's stories actually are. But I think there are, of course, some similarities between the two (as well as differences), and that this is one of them.
And if this whole thing becomes a thing again in Kingdom Hearts, you would think it would have to be about Yozora: since this was a thing about our Night Sky prince in what was supposed to be his game.
...But it might be about Sora: Nomura is using some of his Versus XIII ideas about the Kingdom Hearts characters now. And there's almost this whole implied thing in Kingdom Hearts now, like "Who's the true King? Sora or Yozora?" And since Sora is the main character of Kingdom Hearts, it would make the most sense for him to have to have to die to bring the true light back, or whatever.
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