#nanamo was put on the throne at 5 after the likely assassination of her parents by the people she's forced to work with
windupaidoneus · 4 months
i'm gonna be real i don't think there's a single ffxiv antagonist i've encountered so far who was right, or there is i certainly cannot think of them. after careful pondering it's like. honestly i barely want to consider ysayle an antagonist because it was so very short-lived, she had good intentions from the start & iirc a lot of what went wrong wasn't her doing specifically & she clearly feels guilty for it. i would not afford any other antagonist this because they are, in fact, actual antagonists who do wish for destruction or whatever it is that they cause. your starting point can be as laudable as possible if you descend into unforgivable deeds it doesn't change anything of what you've done. these people are still dead. these horrors have still been committed. i adore fordola, she's just a kid & life is a nightmare, & i am glad she is given the second chance she's given, but she was an antagonist & she was wrong. many such cases & denying it will not do anyone's reading comprehension any good
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tinolqa · 7 years
Super Mega Detailed Character Meme- Yabuqa Horo
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Surprise, it’s not Aumeric this time! Under a cut because it’s long.
Appearance -
Gender: Male Race: Au Ra, Xaela Height: 7′ exactly. Eye Color: Yellow with blue-green limbal rings. Hair Color: Pale pink. Skin Color: Blue. Scars: A handful of nicks and old cuts on his hands, but otherwise shockingly few for a Steppe-dweller.
The Facts -
Name Day:  1st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon. Occupation: Wrestler/Coliseum Jobber Sexual identification: Mostly homosexual. Romantic identification: Homoromantic. Alignment: Neutral Good. Criminal History: Once stole a dead guy’s identity and squatted in his apartment for a few months. This was shortly after the attempted assassination of Nanamo Ul Namo- the dead man was a Brass Blade who had gotten caught in the crossfire between the Scions and the Crystal Braves, and wasn’t quite important enough for anybody to fully investigate. Other than that, his record is pretty spotless.  Relationship Status: It’s complicated. See below. Sweet on: Fereydoun Kharabat, a teahouse owner in the Ijin district of Kugane.
Favorites –
Favorite food: Khuushuur- dumplings that have been fried, rather than steamed like buuz are. Favorite drink: Tea, particularly tea with milk and salt. Also loves water more than any normal person, for tribal reasons. Favorite scent: Grilled meat, dust. Favorite person: Absolutely Fereydoun. The man was a lifesaver and a fast companion in his time in Kugane, and Yabuqa legitimately doesn’t know where he would be in life without the Raen and his teahouse.
Randoms –
Ten facts about your muse:
- The second-youngest of four brothers. Though he looks big and imposing, his elder brothers often picked on him for not measuring up to them, which left him with a bit of a complex about his height and weight. To anybody who is not either another Horo or a Roegadyn, this is somewhat incomprehensible.
- Hates actual warfare and is horrified by the idea of killing another person. For a Xaela, for whom combat is a daily reality, this put him in many unhappy situations before he left the Azim Steppe for the far west. This is also why while he is quite skilled on horseback and at wrestling, he is a horrible archer and equally bad with most melee weapons.
- He has a horse that he had to leave behind in a stable on the outskirts of Yanxia after being informed that horses do very poorly on sea voyages. He misses her, but is glad he did not risk her life by bringing her on a boat.
- A decent swimmer, thanks to growing up along the banks of the One River. Fairly buoyant, too.
- Originally left the Steppe because he was chosen as a warrior for the Nadaam and didn’t have the stomach for it. En route to the Dawn Throne, he stole away with his horse and what belongings he could carry and made for the coastline, not wanting to risk taking shelter with another tribe that could be hostile to a Horo, or worse, know of his dishonorable retreat from such a noble calling. If asked, he says he came to Eorzea to teach the locals Azim Bokh wrestling as a form of cultural exchange.
- Is/was terrified of getting into an arranged marriage. Leaving the Steppe had the added bonus of delaying this fate.
- Prefers to wear clothing that doesn’t restrict his chest and midriff.
- A very good sport about losing any kind of sparring match. Even to the nastiest opponent, he’ll smile and shake hands. Whether or not they take this the right way... well, that’s up to them.
- While he can’t imagine having his own someday, he’s very good with children. Especially when it comes to being tolerant of being climbed on, poked, tugged at, dragged into silly games, or asked pointless questions. Hire him as a babysitter and you won’t be disappointed, though he might not be strict enough for some parents’ liking.
- Naturally shows deference to Lalafells on most matters, as he thinks that their pudgy appearances indicate wealth and importance. Considering Ul’dah was his first real experience with Eorzean society, this only reaffirmed this belief.
Five Things -
5 Things they like:
- Meat. Take this how you will. - Nearly every beverage, but particularly tea and milk. - The color pink. - Friendly, low-stakes sparring. - Big cities.
5 Things they dislike: - Serious violence. - People who are bad sports about competition. - Chysahl greens and things cooked with them. - The smell of stagnant water. - Tight clothing.
5 Virtues: - Unbelievably forgiving and good-tempered about losing. - Kind and patient with children. - Willing to help others for little or no pay, provided he has a reason to. - Does not resort to violence or threats to get his way. - Open-minded, but without disdain for his own culture. 5 Vices: - Cowardly to a fault. - Extremely avoidant of his own problems, and will do everything he can to not address them directly. - Submissive, particularly around disagreements. Will sometimes intentionally lose fights. - Somewhat thick-headed and doesn’t understand when people hint at their feelings or desires. - Overindulgent in food and drink.
5 Personalities they gravitate toward: - Strong-spirited and/or stubborn. - Healthily competitive. - Dominant in terms of decision-making. - Those who feel before they think. - A level of patience and kindness is important, too, though they aren’t actually the things he puts first.
5 Personality types they avoid: - Those who adhere too stubbornly to traditions. - The mindset of soldiers, mercenaries, and professional hunters is fairly offputting to him. Anybody for whom killing is so trivial an activity scares him a little. - Extremely “honorable” individuals. This made Yanxia and Kugane kind of an unpleasant experience for Yabuqa, just based on the number of people who had what he thought were overly strong feelings on honor. - Sore losers. - Anybody who has a goal that they’d put before the well-being of others.
5 Fears: - Death. This is a big part of why he’s so anxious about the kind of combat in which blood will be spilled and lives will be lost- he can’t stomach the idea of losing his own life, and facing whatever comes after. - Being pushed into an arranged marriage. Yabuqa is too sentimental, and too gay, to be set up with a spouse for the purposes of continuing a family line or cementing an alliance between clans. - The deep desert. He likes Thanalan well enough, but grew up on horror stories of what happens to caravans that delve too deep into the Nhaama Desert without sufficient food and water, so he has a healthy fear of the Sagolii as well. - Being truly alone. He has spent his entire life surrounded by other people, and can’t imagine that kind of isolation without shuddering. - Accidentally hurting someone else.
Tagged by @cyrillien and @sagolii-snowflake!! Header edit by @theseventhdawn.
Everyone else, consider yourselves tagged!
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