#nancy is her own spencer or grant and she's not even fully spencer or grant
heavencasteel420 · 7 months
Nancy in Fanon: Jonathan, I am so disappointed that you started smoking pot after I nobly taught you that poetry is just another way to rap! I must flee for the arms of Robin Steve?? Eddie???! a guy named Spencer or Grant and he has a watch and an office and a trashcan and a little basketball hoop on it and he plays as hard as he works. Because dammit, he deserves to blow off a little steam!
Nancy in Canon: Get in, loser, we’re going shopping to uncover a government conspiracy and drink vodka and have sex in a bunker! You won’t even know who Vonnegut is by the time I’m through with you!!!
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msommers · 3 years
A16 A19 G3 G7 for spencer and/or lucinda
thank you nancy!!! :D went for both of them because i’m simple and can’t ever shut up // big ol' honkin oc question list
A16. Does your OC have to go through their own trials to learn a lesson, or do they listen and learn from observation and lecture? I.e., does your OC listen when someone tries to tell them the importance of budgeting, or do they have to go experience what happens if you don’t budget first?
SPENCER — i think it might depend on who exactly is trying to give her advice?? there are certain people that spencer trusts and would accept advice from (even if begrudgingly because it ruins her plans), but otherwise she for Sure goes through it herself and learns that way. she’s the “stealth into the creepy former cultists abandoned mansion first, ask questions later” type. if she puts pieces together or notices something in the moment, she’s fucking Going. she’s off to the races. sometimes it works out, other times she’s in for a tough lesson and has to reconsider her impulsive plans that could have had their bad endings avoided if she had just taken an extra second to think or asked for someone else’s opinion.
LUCINDA — leans pretty heavily towards the side of heeding people’s advice, though given that she’s on the younger side and sometimes has extra knowledge granted to her through her medium abilities she isn’t fully immune to “mm. perhaps i could do this better” tbh. lucinda is a person that holds a lot of respect for others and is hyper aware that everybody has their own experiences/history, whether they be obvious to everybody or things that no one could have expected from them, and it’s because of that belief that she’ll genuinely take into consideration or straight up immediately agree with somebody if they’re trying to pass on a lesson to her.
A19. What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
SPENCER — people dismissing her ideas/theories without hearing her out, the ignoring or throwing out of evidence, really loud music (probably the more,,in your face stuff. the scream metal or curse-riddled rap that makes it hard for her to think), know-it-alls getting uppity (pretty ironic), when she has spent over an hour telling herself that she’ll go get that snack from the kitchen After she finishes up her current work and then she gets there and it’s fucking GONE. a lot more stuff probably
LUCINDA — god she’s such a,,,,not easily irritated or moody type, this is rough. i’d say she can get pretty riled up if somebody is adamantly refusing to believe something even though they’ve been given evidence aplenty, as she’s gone almost her entirely life with countless people doubting her claims or straight up calling her cruel/rude things for speaking what she sees and experiences. actually there are probably Numerous things from her siblings that can get to her because that’s what happens when you spend two decades in the same house with siblings that are on such a different page than you that they might as well be in another book entirely.
G3. Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
SPENCER — the goddamn betrayal of sending this prompt. when i know not a single thing about her family. unreal. i imagine that she probably has a pretty supportive family?? i don’t know, actually. i’ll have to leave this one kinda blank and use it as a reminder to work out her family situation soon
LUCINDA — no! not really!! i mean, financially and whatnot, yeah. she never has to want for anything, she can spend as much as she wants, she has a gigantic roof over her head and she’s never once been threatened to be kicked out, etc etc. but her family doesn’t support “her whole medium thing” and has tried to get her off of that train through many means, and eventually reached a point of being bitter about it or simply ignoring whenever she brought it up. they Probably don’t approve of all of her friends, so that’s another mark. she might have one or two siblings who are kind to her but i think overall lucinda feels very isolated from the family, she doesn’t feel their support most of the time and often feels like a ghost in her own home.
G7. Do they have any childhood memories they’d rather forget or be less affected by?
SPENCER — i don’t have a solid idea in mind for it yet, but it’s basically an Essential for somebody in her type of genre to have a moment in her past of running into the spooky thing she later gets tangled up in, so it’ll likely be that memory for her. i think it’ll probably be some sort of big scare that turned into a fear of hers that will later come up in her story. if we stick with the whole Big Plot Point of hers being connected to the dream-eaters campaign, then it’ll have a 90% chance to be something about spiders and/or recurring dreams/nightmares.
LUCINDA — yeah literally every single time one of her family members called her crazy or delusional when they thought she couldn’t hear them, that’d be Fantastic to not be so affected by. i don’t think it’s a constant negative weight on her shoulders, but if lucinda starts to feel down then she’d probably spiral right back to all of those moments and feel even worse.
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