#nd if you're interested in original writing if you go into my 'cripplepunk' tag on this blog there's a couple poets in there i DEF rec
brittlebutch · 1 year
idk what media you're writing for but it's just so nice to see another chronically ill person writing a character with a chronic illness because i always feel embarrassed and like i'm doing something morally wrong when i do, just because i guess chronic illness is something that's so socially inappropriate to abled people, so it's just genuinely so fucking relieving to see
oh man this is such a meaningful comment to get; thank you so so much!!! and yeah it's hard dude! it's weird to look around and feel like the only eyes on your work are people who have a weird morbid pity surrounding the topic OR who think it's just gross/something to poke fun at, but every once in a while i get a comment like this and it's like, it's a good feeling to know that other people are resonating with the stuff i write you know? thank you <3
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