#need 53 for a quest i'm at 50 now
gillianthecat · 2 years
The Devil Judge: Episode 6
I just finished The Devil Judge and something about this show compelled me to take copious notes - it had emotional intensity and layers of mystery. These are long and rambling, so they're likely not of interest to anyone else, but since I spent all that time writing it I decided, why not post it. Perhaps someone will find it interesting.
Below are my moment-to-moment reactions, predictions and analysis as I watched episode 6.
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9   ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
I wrote about my initial impressions, up to episode 5, here and here.
This is cleaned up only slightly. I followed the spelling given in the Viki subtitles. I mostly don't explain what I'm reacting to, so this will probably only make sense if you've seen the episode recently. Occasionally I give timestamps.
Does this mean JSA is also on a personal revenge quest? I'm not sure how I feel about that. Or obsession?
Ok. Getting into conflicting memories, the un/trustworthiness of flashbacks. I'm not feeling as negative about this. Or at least like it might not ruin JSA as a character
Both these child actors are fabulous 
Hmm thoughts "no one to protect"
I don't think any major changes in how I'm thinking about JSA? She hasn't been flattened out yet which was my fear - her motives still feel complex or at least opaque enough. Power? Money? Ownership? Revenge? It could be a specific obsession with Y but I don't actually think so. 
Hmm, G and e's convo at  (3:30), (13:45)
Gothic house! (17:53)
(18:15) This scene in the study! Domesticity! Y's face! Stares at G and then covers up E Tripping on the chair - somehow unexpected and surprising realistic capstone to the whole stylized scene with JSA. A release of the tension, letting go of his game face. 
Hmm... evidence of him deceiving with the complete truth. Also Ga-On really does not want to hear about his sex life. Which pleases Y. (Who wore his robe slutty style to where he knew G was sleeping.)
(21:25) "I'm tired of this family. Let's eat rice like normal human beings."  !!!!! LET'S! Is he starting to think of them all as a family!!! Domesticity! Governess romance story in this house! 
Y's outfit! "Why are you staring at Ga-On's butt?" projection much? That cute little run. G's pleased smile and whole thing at serving them this feast. Y's pouting, but he's being so unguarded even though he's pretending to be guarded. 
I can't even.  They are all so cute. Such a contrast with everything everywhere else. Except actually, now that I think about it, in G's early rooftop scenes with YSH. He's a man who likes having a family to take care of. 
I do want to know what the story is wit Y and e's relationship 
Ok, but the way Y ate that... while staring at G... his tongue... and now he's stuffing his face of course he loves the food. 
(23:50) "16 years as the son of restaurant owners and living alone for 13 years." I guess he's about 29 or 30 and his parents died when he was 16
Oh, the housekeeper is hurt... Y never eats her food (but he wants G's!) Y is embarrassed (so cute and awkward trying to run away) "this unfamiliar harmony that doesn't fit with this house"
G definitely hides his cleverness behind pretending obliviousness or naivety 
Hmm this charm offensive on Elijah. Only what it seems or is he trying to give the cop an in to the house?I would buy either at this point. 
(25:53) E's questions about their relationship.  They both look a little shifty hmm 
All day G has been more playful than we've seen him. I don't know why. 
So Elijah is 16. 
Y is starting to freak out. 
Ah. She is there as a cop. But that (seemingly) wasn't his intention. 
(27:35) convo on pre-fire donation. (In case I need to put together clues later)
She's maybe protective of Y against an outsider?
Oh wow. Scared and angry y. Does he have a tracking device on her? Or is this movie magic?
Many thoughts about all 4 of them. But also this is very governess romance. 
Ji Sung is gorgeous but also the nuance he can convey. He's amazing. 
(29:48). The contrast between the way the domestic and the political are filmed. All these mirrored upside shots. Here there's a literal mirror. 
The house is dark but warm - wood, sunlight seen entering, fabrics. Color palette still limited and muted, but a shift towards browns. Political world is glass and marble and metal. Artificial lights. Black and white and maybe grey. Reflections. The other setting is outside with the public - disorganized, messy, lots of soft clothing though, closer to the domestic palette? Not sure how YSH and G's roof fits. Do we ever see inside his actual house? (My prediction is we will return there temporarily and briefly once or twice when G or Y or their relationship is in crisis.) G and YSH often meet in outdoor spaces. Also G with his mentor?
We have JSA with unknown people. Male idols and older rich women? Ah! What is Cha doing, what's the stated purpose of this gathering, what is subtext?
Wow this has to be a deliberate gender reversal of this kind of scene. This amazing choreography around the cigar! 
Is this an intentional reference to the castration stuff from last episode 
(31:40) political convo around dream village 
I assume JSA orchestrated all this? To bring down prices on the land? Or just to incite chaos?
Ah, these two are the businessmen's wives. And that was Jae Hui whispering to JSA 
Ah, JSA returns to offer a solution. And they volunteer to donate the land. 
Cha was doing this for JSA I guess in return for her help with her son, although I'm not clear that JSA has done anything that actually helped yet. 
(34:02) Cha: "But who's the real Master Seo? Is it that old man who disappears at the drop of a hat to go into prayer? Or..." bites a mint and stares significantly at JSA
"Just catch Kang Yo-Han, like you said you could."
I do feel likes there's erotic tension in the way these two are filmed together. Not sure if it's intentional or not. 
(36:15) Back home. This is what Y looks like when he's actually angry, not pretending to be more or less emotional than he really is. It's because of his fear for E,  but perhaps also because he already instinctively trusts G with his true self? Even when he's furious at him? 
In contrast to the scene immediately before, where JSA is wearing masks even when totally alone. 
The threat scared G, but he's not terrified 
Who is mentor meeting?
Is G fucking insane? He doesn't even know if she's a major threat! I'm not clear actually why he's going after her. He was suspicious, but I don't think he's seen enough of her to be that suspicious?
What a good boy grabbing the helmet first (I'm sure it's because of stunt doubles but it's cute)
Ok, I was not expecting this action movie sequence but it's fun.  But what do we think of G as an action hero? Does it fit him? This is the quickest thinking he's done yet.
But not the wisest since it turns out to be a trap. And they want G to think motorcycle woman works for Y?
JSA and Jae Hui are cute together.  
(40:55) mentor looks alarmed to see G watching
hmm, I wonder if I should be suspicious of him. Not sure yet 
Jeong Seon-Ah is definitely flirting with judge Oh. Or using flirtation or however to describe it. 
(43:00) first overly feminist statement. From JSA to judge oh 
After the sweetness of that breakfast, a rift is regrowing between Y and G. They trust each other less again. 
Return to the theme of danger of the televised trials - turning the public toward vigilanteism and mob violence. 
(45 ish). Doctor safety (Jang Gi Hyeon) withdraws lots of cash, YSH tails him. 
Are these all JSA's seeds?
YSH's cop boss is conspiring with Mysterious Assistant. And the funds were from judge Kang? Or at least he knew about them? 
It's like Y and G are in one genre at home and another outside. But it works somehow?
Oh fuck. Is Y behind this attack on YSH? I don't want it to be true but the phone convo was definitely trying to imply that to us. 
What is happening! (51:30)
Hospital at (50:15)
Minister Cha's statement (51:30)
Confrontation (52:20)
JSA home or bath at least marble metal porcelain white and cold like public spaces. Opposite of the gothic castle 
And we're already getting hints that Jae Hui was the attacker on JSA’s orders. 
Was that some sort of threat on the rooftop? Obviously deliberate and planned. But what's the plan? Who's in control of what? 
That's a lot of plot all at once. 
Isn't this all on Chairman Parks tv channels? Or he doesn't even care if he’s accused as long as it's big tv?
JSA's expression. She doesn't look upset. Amused by the twist? Happy at the downfall of some or all of those players 
The mutual staring of course. In case we got distracted by the political intrigue and forgot. 
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9   ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
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skelkankaos · 2 years
i have my power and internet back so i couuuld play osrs but i’m putting it off coz i have to train thieving and it’s SOOOOOO boring
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