#needs more 'bangor i hardly knew [gunshot]' jokes. tee bee haitch.
tortoisesshells · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @jomiddlemarch - thank you, kind friend!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
1. “Miss Winters,” said Jeremiah Collins, stepping out of the night into the gloom of her lamp: he had a half-shuttered lantern of his own in one hand, and a bundle of heavy wool in the other. 2. It had been late when they left the Cushings’ party; it was later, now. 3. In stretches of silence, along the long dark road from Bangor, she had had the strange sense of being alone in the world – that it was only Roger Collins and her left alive, and all the rest had gone. 4. “Spenser, from our Chaplain? Has Holy Scripture been exhausted already?” 5. Things change in Collinsport, Joe Haskell believes – the weather, hourly; Carolyn’s moods, the same – the tides, the light, the seasons. 6. There had been noise – now there wasn’t. 7. “Captain –” an embarrassed cough, trailing into an equally uncomfortable silence; the tall, grim being (thing, some part of Elizabeth Swann thought unkindly) that had been James Norrington in life bowed, and settled on formality. 8. Her mother died twice. 9. Victoria Winters woke thinking of what she had gone to bed dwelling on: that her best handkerchief was missing, and she’d lost it in the dining room of the Collinsport Inn of all places. 10. “It’s unusual, that’s all I’m saying,” said one of the men at the oars to another, shivering.
I tend to do a lot of scene-setting, I think? Not as much as I used to, maybe. I have two starting lines under 10 words, which is possibly a sign of the end times? Collinsport gets namechecked twice, which I suppose is: have I mentioned we're in (fictional) Maine recently? we're in Maine.
Tagging: @boltlightning, @enchi-elm, @kazoobreakdown, @fatherramiro, @admiraleyk, @foolishpsychopomp, @itsalongwaytotipperary, @sagiow, @starsuncounted, @shoshiwrites, and you, tumblr denizen reading this!
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