#nemesis breaker | goodkiitty
ask-smokescreen · 7 months
When his servo gets too close, Nemesis Breaker will start hitting it. However heeding his master's words, he minds his claws, instead just slapping the hand until it's drawn away.
Hey, bad kitty! No slapping!
/Hey, you can't just slap him, that's SO rude! Smokescreen will gently slap Nemesis Breaker's paw in return, trying to return the gesture./
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hadalofhekaton · 5 months
@goodkiitty sent.
Now what was this? A looming shadow falling from the sky, as if a whole asteroid were falling down-- but no, this was of metal construct. Biolights, and engines, this was a ship... a rather large one at that. Crimson optics gazed upwards, scanning over the vessel. Perhaps it had come to dock for fuel? Or transport goods? Either way, it was an opportunity to look for goodies of his own. Any crew on board would be busy with docking procedures, and it provided opportunity to find entertainment of his own, or perhaps a sweet treat. Maybe both. Make a sweet treat out of a crew member. Whenever that giant ship drew close enough to the surface, Nemesis Breaker would climb to the highest vantage point he could, waiting for one of those spikes sticking out from underneath the hull to sweep by so that he may make a grand leap onto it. As long as he played his cards right, no one would notice he was there prowling up the side, and creeping on board. Surely, a normal ship would never notice a small lion as he.
A single mind watches through a hundred eyes as the feliform scales the docking spire, admiring the natural grace with which he leaps from perch to perch. It's a dangerous ascent, yet the small one never missteps, never misjudges where he will land; if he did, Hadal is certain the long fall would spell his demise.
Perhaps he should worry as to his intentions, but he does not. He is a battle-hardened dreadnought of Hekaton—what threat can a lone intruder possibly pose to him? He wields omniscient control over his body; there is nowhere the small one can go, no action he can take, that he will not know about. He stalls his rudders, and allows the feliform to leap across to his hull and make the arduous climb to his hangar.
Upon entry, Nemesis Breaker would find the dreadnought suspiciously void of inhabitants—there is no crew scuttling back and forth, no hum and buzz of distant activity. The long hallways are dimly lit and utterly silent, the bulkheads all left open as if to invite him in.
Until one slams shut behind him, blocking his exit, that is.
"Small one." The voice that echoes forth is not hostile, but rather carries a tone of gentle bemusement. "You stand in the presence of Hadal of Hekaton. State your name and reason for boarding, and I may forgive you for your invasion of my body."
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phrygonxenos · 5 months
PRIMITIVE CYBERTRONIAN, echoes in Nemesis Breaker's mind—a surge of wordless intent, warping halfway through into a multi-layered chorus. YOU ARE ENCROACHING UPON OUR TERRITORY. LEAVE, WHILE WE STILL LACK JUSTIFICATION TO PURSUE YOU.
The wind whistles across an empty landscape. There's no sign of the speaker, but it's undeniable that something is there, watching, studying.
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ask-smokescreen · 1 year
The pss-pss-pss-ing caught the feline's attention, digging claws into the ground in anticipation as he assumed a pouncing position. If Smokescreen was going to run, Nemesis Breaker would give immediate chase!
The enthusiasm is appreciated, and, now (mostly) safe in his alt mode, he will start to drive, keeping a quick, but chaseable speed. A cat can't outrun a car, right?
At leasts, he hope they can't.
"Now, you can't run off with my tires this time, okay? If you're going to drag something away, you gotta drag all of me."
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