#nerf gund
multitrackdrifting · 2 years
I'm kind of baffled at how G-Witch has sparingly shown people who don't use Permet, I think it's literally just Guel but I think that's a deliberate narrative choice cause we're going to get GUND Format creeped somewhere in the first cour but I'd like Guel to be like Char in that he doesn't end up using a Gundam in this part.
I think his suit probably uses a heavily nerfed version of it to avoid a data storm, based on the graphs they showed in like episode 3 or whatever it was, but based on that alone I find it weird people are calling him a bad pilot when he's the most organic fighter out of all of the kids so far besides Miorine.
Maybe it's copium, but we know Permet-jamming is a real concept, so he might get a Unicorn-esque Newtype Destroyer system or maybe he just gets a Gundam. I can see Darillbalde getting a Permet-Jammer and that being his iconic suit - there's literally no other way to contend with the funnels that the Gundams have despite the flash of brillianec Guel had with his Axe parry.
Also all the model kits that exist kind of spoil what's coming next, which is that all the major factions do have a Gundam.
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