rizzofrenzy · 2 years
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So honored to be making history with @prideinriverdale ‘s first PRIDE 🥳 It felt so good to perform for y’all! There was so much talent and love in the air today 🌈Thank you @bronxburgerhouse for having us! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #riverdalepride #riverdalepridemonth #bronxburgerhouse #alternativegirl #poprock #loveislove #girlband #mommawemadeit #news12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIqx00MmDF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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avadellapietra · 9 months
Thank you to NEWS12 Long Island for letting me come and talk about my new song “ego”🎵
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snapdragonhemp · 1 year
https://www.wdef.com/local-dispensary-owner-talks-safety-tips/?mibextid=unz460 Have you seen this latest feature from WDEF-TV News 12? It's a great piece with David from our friends at Journey Hemp on some of the safety and packaging details/concerns around hemp products, and we're super proud that our products were used as an example of well-detailed and proper packaging. That means the world to us! We take immense pride in being transparent, lab-tested, and thorough with the quality and ingredients of our goods. We are licensed to grow and sell, regularly inspected, and we only produce federally legal hemp products for those 21 years and older. We believe our quality should be recognized as an industry standard to promote a healthier and more reliable future for hemp, and it reaffirms our belief when we see great articles or stories like this. Thanks for the love Journey Hemp Family and WDEF News 12!
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2013venjix · 1 year
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So positivity attractive!! #JordanKissane #OnAPositiveNote #News12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaF_CYOyaE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worldlibertytv · 2 years
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See The Farzana Foundation Gala -2022 in our World Liberty TV, Humanitarian Channels @  https://www.worldlibertytv.org/the-farzana-foundation-gala-2022/ #FarzanaFoundationGala2022 #FarzanaNiemann #Afghanistan #WorldLibertyTVHumanitarianBlog #DrEveBrookville #UnlabelledAwards #CarolDunkley #RitaCrosby #NY1News #News12 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClzngTDLQqe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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datshitrandom · 3 months
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Darren Criss sat down with Shannon LaNier to talk ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ | Mar 11, 2024 | via News12 Connecticut
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d-criss-news · 2 years
Former ‘Glee’ star Darren Criss is performing Dec. 11 in New Jersey
Darren Criss, the actor, singer and songwriter, stole hearts as Blaine Anderson on the TV show “Glee” – now he’s coming to New Jersey to perform on Dec. 11.
Criss performs at a sold-out residency at the Café Carlisle in New York City and released a Christmas album last year.
News 12 producer Victoria Mione is a huge fan and spoke with him about his upcoming performance at the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown.
Check out Criss's upcoming performance dates here. 
Former ‘Glee’ star Darren Criss is performing Dec 11 in New Jersey
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#WDEFWeather: Upcoming #Skywarn #severeweather volunteer spotter training sessions in the #WDEFNews12 viewing area counties... Thursday, March 21 in Jasper, TN for residents of #MarionCountyTN. Free to attend.
Register for a seat at weather.gov/mrx.
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
A 15-month-old girl from Greenwood Lake, New York, died two days after receiving routine vaccinations during a wellness checkup, leaving her family searching for answers.
Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren went into cardiac arrest and died on Oct. 19, after receiving three vaccines — for varicella, DTaP and Hib — at her 15-month wellness visit on Oct. 17 with the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, according to News12 the Bronx.
“She was a perfectly healthy child,” her mother, Katherine Palombi, told News12. “I’m in complete shock.”
Palombi told News12 that Melody had waved goodbye to her that morning as she dropped her off at her grandmother’s before leaving for work. As soon as she got to work, Palombi’s mother called, saying Melody was having trouble breathing.
“I was in complete shock. Like, what just happened?” Palombi recalled. “Is she choking on something? Did she get into something? That was my first thought because I’m like, this child is perfectly healthy,” Palombi said.
Melody was rushed to St. Anthony’s Hospital by ambulance after her grandmother performed CPR while waiting for paramedics to arrive.
Palombi rushed home, where she found a police officer waiting. He offered to rush her to the hospital “because he knew how serious it was,” she recalled.
“By the time I got to the hospital, they put me in a room,” Palombi said, “and they just kept saying, ‘We’re working on her.’”
“They were going over everything from that morning because she’d gotten into something,” she said, and “I just kept saying, ‘She had vaccines. A couple of days before this, she had vaccines.’”
Despite several hours of resuscitation efforts by EMTs and medical staff, Melody could not be revived.
“They brought me in the room, and I saw her lying there,” Palombi said. “They said, ‘Time of death: 11:13.’ And I just completely hit the floor.”
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Thought this suited the kind of news you usually share
Submitted by @jaycethepancake
It is thank you, this one was right at the top of my feed too, so I'm glad I checked my inbox first. _____________________________
Thomas Valva was just 8 years old when he froze to death after being hosed down and forced to sleep in the garage of his Long Island home in the middle of winter. Now the boy’s father, 43-year-old former NYPD police officer Michael Valva, may spend the remainder of his days behind bars after a judge in New York sentenced him to 25 years to life in prison .
A Suffolk County jury last month convicted Valva on one count of second-degree murder and four counts endangering the welfare of a child after prosecutors argued that he knowingly forced Thomas and his 10-year-old brother to sleep on a concrete floor in the unheated garage of their home. Despite temperatures dropping to under 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the two boys had been hosed down with freezing water before being locked in the garage because they soiled the bed.
The boy, who lived with autism, was ultimately pronounced dead at Long Island Community Hospital on Jan. 20, 2020 after going into cardiac arrest brought on by hypothermia. His body temperature was reportedly only 76 degrees when he arrived at the medical facility.
A teary-eyed Valva said he “loved Thomas with all his heart” and apologized for his actions during Thursday’s sentencing hearing, which was live-streamed by New York news network News12.
“I am truly sorry, I am ashamed, I am heartbroken and grief stricken standing before you having contributed to the death of my son Thomas. I loved Thomas with all my heart,” said Valva. “My actions were neglectful and abusive to my boys, resulting in the tragic death of Thomas. I lost focus on how to be a good father. I was so wrong and it cost Thomas his life.”
The presiding judge said that Thomas and his brother “lived their young lives under constant duress in a place where they should have felt safest: their own home.”
“We can never let this happen again,” the judge said.
Valva’s conviction came after jurors deliberated for seven hours following the five-week trial. ______________
Extra portion of justice may be handed out when they find out he's a cop on the inside.
“This case is heartbreaking, and it has been one of the toughest child abuse trials for our prosecutors, court personnel and jurors,” Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney said in a statement after Valva’s Nov. 6 conviction. “No child should ever have to endure such evil acts.”
As previously reported by Law&Crime, Valva initially tried to pass off his son’s death as an accident. He told investigators that Thomas fell while he was trying to catch up with the school bus, but police didn’t buy the story. The 8-year-old’s head and facial injuries were inconsistent with the defendant’s version of events, authorities said.
At the time of the murder, Valva had custody of his three sons, ages six, eight, and 10. Valva’s former fiancée Angela Pollina had three daughters: a 6-year-old and twin 11-year-old girls.
Prosecutors said that Thomas and his brother had been locked in the garage without heat for approximately 16 hours before Thomas succumbed to the brutal conditions. The children, both of whom were on the autism spectrum, were reportedly sent to the garage as punishment for accidentally urinating and defecating inside of the house.
Prosecutors also reportedly presented evidence showing that Valva and Pollina had been physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive towards the two boys for months prior to Thomas’ death.
“I will beat them until they bleed,” the defendant texted Polina about disciplining the boys, according to a report from the New York Daily News. “It is the only thing that works.”
Prosecutors also alleged that the boys were intentionally starved and were observed “literally eating crumbs off of the floor” at school.
“While there is nothing that we can do to bring Thomas back, we are satisfied with the jury’s decision,” DA Tierney said. “Michael Valva subjected his sons to horrific abuse, neglect and cruelty. He will now pay for cutting short the life of a young, innocent, defenseless boy who had a lifetime ahead of him.”
Angela Pollina, 45, was also charged with one count each of second-degree murder and child endangerment in Thomas’ death. She has pleaded not guilty and has been held without bond since her initial arrest. A date for her trial has not yet been set.
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kennak · 1 year
サンリオのキャラクター「ポムポムプリン」をユーザー名やアイコンに使用して活動していたハッカーフォーラムのオーナーが米ニューヨーク州ピークスキルの自宅で逮捕されたそうだ (HackRead の記事、 news12 Westchester の記事、 Bloomberg の記事、 The Register の記事、 裁判所文書: PDF)。 このハッカーフォーラム「BreachForums」は閉鎖された Raidforums の代替として開設されたもので、��業やウェブサイトから盗まれたデータベース 1,000 件近くをホストする現在最も活発なハッカーフォーラムだという。昨年中国で流出した 10 億人規模の個人情報や、1 月に米航空会社から流出した米国の飛行禁止リストも同フォーラムで公開されている。pompomprin は 2021 年に fbi.gov ドメインで偽メールが大量送信された事件の実行者としても知られる人物だ。BreachForums では pompomprin の逮捕を受け、他のシステム管理者が新オーナーとして運営を続けていくと発表している。
FBI、ハッカーフォーラム運営者「ポムポムプリン」を逮捕 | スラド セキュリティ
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sunnyeye · 1 year
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那一瞬 我飛昇成仙 不為長生 只為佑你平安喜樂 那一刻 我升起了風馬 不為祈福 只為守候你的到來 那一日 壘起瑪尼堆 不為修得 只為投下心湖石子 那一夜 我聽了一宿梵唱 不為參悟 只為尋你的氣息 那一天 閉目在經殿香霧中 驀然聽見 你頌經中的真言 那一月 我搖動所有的經筒 不為超度 只為觸摸你指尖 那一年 磕長頭匍匐在山路 不為覲見 只為貼著你的溫暖 那一世 轉山轉水轉佛塔 不為修來世 只為途中相見 那一年 磕長頭匍匐在山路 不為覲見 只為貼著你的溫暖 那一世 轉山轉水轉佛塔 不為修來世 只為途中相見 https://www.yuandao.org.tw/thousand.php 台北‧新班開課 202期 2月25日(六) 2:00 pm 佛乘宗世界弘法總會──大緣精舍總部、佛乘宗本部講堂、大法講堂 電 話:(02)2756-3011, 2756-3012 傳 真:(02)2762-4536 地 址:台北市民生東路五段173-2號1樓 台中‧新班開課 136期 3月4日(六) 2:00 pm 台灣中部弘法中心──大通佛堂、大齊佛堂 電 話:(04)2326-4707, 23264708 傳 真:(04)2319-1982 地 址:台中市東興路三段167號2樓 高雄‧新班開課 127期 3月18日(六) 2:00 pm 台灣南部弘法中心──大樂佛堂、大開佛堂 電 話:(07)223-2021 傳 真:(07)223-1947 地 址:高雄市中正二路91號2樓 https://www.yuandao.org.tw/z-news12.php #緣觀音廟 #千手千眼聖淨土 #淡水 #taiwantravel #taiwan🇹🇼 #禮佛 #祈福 #新班開課 (在 千手千眼觀音聖淨土) https://www.instagram.com/p/CotoAGGpgNB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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southjerseyweb · 1 month
Cloudy today with cooler temps and periods of rain in New Jersey - News12 Bronx
There is a coastal flood advisory in effect for the high tide cycles tonight due to the easterly wind and New Moon tides that will cause very …
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juststeve95 · 4 months
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CBS News12 newswomen in leather jackets
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taddixon-blog · 5 months
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Geez. Brr!
#arcticblast #cold @weatherchannel @accuweather @weather_news_1 @news12weather @nws @lohud @news12 @ExaminerMedia @nytimes
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d-criss-news · 2 years
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victoriamionewrites12: such an incredible opportunity to take a turn in front of the camera. especially with one of my childhood celebrity crushes. darren criss getting us all in the holiday spirit as he tours the tri-state. head over to news12.com! #news12 #news12nj #darrencriss #localnews #totallyawesome
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