#next one's gonna be ''gameplay'' dump just an fyi
disneydreamlights · 7 years
So uh, about the exact placement of Strelitzia's scars, let's just say that her canon outfit leaves them exposed, which is basically the in-universe explanation for her changing her outfit (I already told you the out of universe reason). Her first action upon being restored would be to hug Lauriam and cry out of sheer joy at being alive. Lauriam would, in order to keep Strelitzia on his side, hide his disappointment at no longer having two Keyblades to wield.
That’s actually a good explanation for an outfit change though post KH3. Be a completely different outfit I think by that point, and now I could actually see them doing it.
Okay so, the more I think about it, the more trouble I have actually deciding where exactly I want Strelitzia's scars to be. I mean, I know the general area, one on her chest, one on her back, but I honestly can't decide how high on her chest/back the scars would be, which would affect how visible they'd be when she's wearing her sundress. I guess it depends on the angle at which she was stabbed... All I know is that the heart piercing imagery/symbolism would still be there.
Right over the heart. You want direct symbolism, you got right over the heart.
So yeah, Strelitzia's mind is basically shattered and spread thin across the entire Unchained State following her demise, with her barely clinging to consciousness and constantly trying to find some sort of focal point to pull herself together. She becomes more aware when Lauriam, Ven, and the Player ascend. She chooses Lauriam because the Player wouldn't recognize her and she thinks Ventus hates her due to how she used to get on his nerves. He would have been more than happy to help her. 
So, I'm not sure if Strelitzia would've chosen differently if she had known Ven didn't hate her or note. I mean, since she told Lauriam that she was a Union Leader, I can see her assuming that Lauriam would be able to tell that something was up if he didn't see her there (again, she'd refuse to believe that her friend would even DREAM of hurting her). On the other, I'm not sure if she'd want to burden Ven with the responsibility of finding and exposing the traitor.
She should’ve chosen Ven honestly that would be a great universe in general in which Ven and Strelitzia are sharing the same heart. Definitely make them more siblings than ship but idrc it’d make for adorable scenes. And prevent Strelitzia from being too mislead. 
I think she’d still choose Lauriam though, for the following reasons:
Lauriam is her best friend in this AU. He knows her best friend and she trusts him.
If anybody’s going to help her catch her murderer, she’d assume it’d be him.
She’d want to cooperate with somebody she knows Ava did not give the book She’d have no idea if Ven had one or not, she knew Lauriam did not.
Okay so Strelitzia probably wouldn't admit her crush to the Player for fear of looking creepy/making things awkward between them, while the Player would have learned about her crush during their battle with Lauriam but wouldn't bring it up to her because they don't want to make her uncomfortable. Not quite a "can't spit it out" situation since the Player may or may not reciprocate her feelings, but it would likely end in a "you can read into their relationship however you want" situation.
I’d actually have it more of a “I’m respecting your boundaries thing” since she never told them. Strelitzia would have to bring up the crush on her own, and I think eventually she would. Probably because of Ven being an idiot. XD
Like with before, rest under the read more. (This is basically Strelitzia dump.)
Okay so, after watching the Secret Ending on Destiny Islands in the MMO, you'd be taken to the "Battle Report" Screen, which would depict Strelitzia and the Player setting on the dock at the Play Island, your Pet Spirit sitting in Strelitzia's lap, Chirithy might be sitting in the Player's, with the final Union Rankings being displayed next to the two of them. Returning to Destiny Islands would take you straight to the Battle Report.
...This image honestly sounds adorable. Sounds like it locks you out of viewing the DI scene though in game in the future though.
Strelitzia's decoys wouldn't have revenge values, so there'd be nothing to stop you from stun-locking them. Additionally, all of her decoys would take damage whenever Strelitzia herself does, but Strelitzia has Revenge Values, and all of Strelitzia's doppelgangers would aide Strelitzia in her counterattack when you set it off. During the battle with her in Radiant Garden, Lauriam would automatically destroy her decoys whenever it's his turn.
Lauriam sounds like he would make the battle a little easier just by existing thank fuck.
The thinking or talking about Lauriam wouldn't trigger Strelitzia's PTSD, but it would be enough to make her fall quiet or, depending on on her mood, provoke feelings of extreme anger or sadness, sometimes both. A part of her would always miss the Lauriam she could call a friend.
I don’t think having her truly hate Lauriam would ever be fair. She was in his heart for a while and I think on some level she’d understand he did love her.
I think she’d be mad at him, and hurt, and she’d never forgive him, but she wouldn’t hate him. 
I do think thinking about him in the context of what happened though would set her off.
So, KH3 would actually have DLC titled "Spectral X[chi]" which is basically about how Strelitzia became the way she is when Sora meets her for the first time in Corona Kingdom. The tutorial would be Strelitzia looking for the Player, with her Chirithy serving as a guide. The first "real" level after her death would have you exploring the Keyblade Graveyard, chasing phantoms until she meets Lauriam, where she'd be absorbed into his heart, and fight Sora in a symbolic Nightmare Sequence.
After the nightmare sequence, we'd get a cutscene of Strelitzia, Lauriam, and Larxene's Somebody waking up in the woods outside Beast's Castle. From here, Lauriam and, let's call her "Arlene" would be Strelitzia's Party Members. The Beast's Castle arc is parallel to DDD, with our flower trio raiding the Castle and getting into a scuffle with the not yet human Beast before Belle convinces them to leave. Well, she convinces Strelitzia to leave and her "friends" so she'll think she can trust them.
I have no idea how the rest of the DLC would go after that, save that it would end before Strelitzia challenges Sora in Corona Kingdom. Also that Lauriam would have a Link where Divine Rose transforms into a Scythe while he and Strelitzia show off some good old fashioned Teamwork, while Arlene's Link would involve the two using electrically charged attacks somehow. A Corridor of Darkness would be the hub all the other worlds are visited from.
Actually, scratch that, Sora would be the final boss of the Strelitzia DLC. He'd have help from Donald, Goofy, "Flynn", and Rapunzel. You can defeat Sora's party members, but true to the main story, they'd revive eventually. Depleting half of Sora's HP would cause him to activate "Second Form". Bringing him down to one bar of HP would activate the final cutscene of Strelitzia's story. The post credits scene would be Strelitzia arriving in Radiant Garden.
I’m for this if for no other reason than Arlene/Lauriam/Strelitzia all travelling together. I’m a little confused as to how it takes place parallel to 3D if Beast isn’t human since it’s implied that he becomes human a little after KH2. I guess if this takes place during the Realm of Sleep it really doesn’t matter, but still.
So, I imagine that, either during Spectral X or after KH3, Strelitzia would get a haircut, partially to symbolize her new life. I haven't thought much more about it beyond that Strelitzia would either lose or shorten those pig-tails. I imagine that, even if she'd always have a somewhat "cute" look (kinda like Namine and Kairi), Strelitzia herself would visibly look less innocent. Her KH3 outfit would be designed to look ghostly, for example.
Complete hair cut. Like chop off all the hair up to her shoulders, maybe make her go Xion or KH1 Kairi short but like just have her get rid of it all after KH3. She wants to be removed from all that she went through and a change like this is a part of her coping methods.
Oh, I just thought of something! You know that necklace Strelitzia wears? What if, in the first game to feature the two of them after the MMO closes, Strelitzia were to give the Player her necklace in a scene that parallels Kairi giving Sora her lucky charm? And it even acts as the Keychain for an angel-themed Keyblade? You know, just something that serves as a heartwarming alternative to "Failed Rescue" (which Sora would receive after Strelitzia is Norted in KH3).
Player/Strelitzia and SoKai parallels I am ALL for that shit. I would love this scene, Player taking something of Strelitzia’s and using it to have her be awesome, it’d be great. owo
I just realized something mildly amusing about the MMO AU. Strelitzia, dresses in white, acts cute, looks like a cinnamon role, would listen to the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack unironically, and manages to be that edgy anti-hero most anime seems to have while still looking adorable. Brain/Minerva, dresses in black, is a total rebel, DEFY THE SYSTEM, totally once missed his bus because he was helping an old lady cross the street and is basically a cinnamon roll trying to edgelord.
Strelitzia loves edgelords and is forced into an edgelord position because her story forces her to in this AU but is still a pure cinnamon roll despite how dark her story gets.
Blaine is a cinnamon roll who tries his hardest to not embrace his cinnamon rollness.
In an AU where the two here of this Blaine is just like “Strelitzia next time save some angst for me I wanna be an edgy fuck.”
“I’m supposed to be edgy?”
Strelitzia would feel homesick after her restoration. This would be difficult to take care of, seeing as her hometown was vaporized by an exploding universe thousands of years before the events of KH3. Fortunately, there happens to be a Memory Witch and a very determined family who want nothing more than to make her feel safe and happy, and so her room in the Land of Departure would undergo a makeover to be more like her room from Daybreak Town. Cue tears of joy from Strelitzia.
Namine and Strelitzia interacting would honestly be the best thing this MMO AU could produce. It’d honestly be so sweet of Namine to try to help her like that and she’d probably do other things to help Strelitzia remember her home.
So, you know how the specter's first form vaguely resembles a woman in a white cloak? Strelitzia would dress kinda like that in KH3, with a white coat over her dress, and either leggings or tights under that dress, and would most definitely try to come across as ominous and threatening to Sora, which would be kinda funny at first because she's 12 and therefor smaller than him but kinda sad when you realize it's to mask her fear of her perceived murderer.
The white coat is actually more of a cloak than the black coat the organization wears. As such, it would look more like traditional depictions of red-riding hood's, well, hood, albeit with sleeves and with the intention of looking kinda spectral. You know, because she technically died. I mean once she starts to move past this she'd go for a less threatening look, but until then enjoy the idea of Strelitzia trying to emulate the appearance of a vengeful spirit.
Strelitzia trying to look intimidating when she’s probably like fourteen and still a kid.
Man, this is something I always hate remembering like holy shit all of these guys are still kids. They suffer and they’re like...children. ;w;
Even after learning that Sora wasn't the one responsible for her (first) death, Strelitzia would feel somewhat uncomfortable around him until she can finally accept that Lauriam betrayed her. This would REALLY hurt Sora because he only wants to help this poor kid and yet he's indirectly the source of a lot of her pain. Actually, Sora would go through a huge bout of self-blame in KH3, particularly regarding what happened to Roxas and Xion. Strelitzia would just bring it to the surface.
...Sora’s gonna need a lot of hugs after this because Roxas and XIon and probably Ven too are gonna be causing him a lot of strife and then there’s now Strelitzia on top of all this. ;w;
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