#ngl I also made the art blog 'cause it was kinda disheartening to see people reblog everything I post EXCEPT the art
sleepyselkiesiren · 2 years
About Me
ashbkashdsd @the-pessimistic-cupcake tagged me in a tag game?!?!?!!?! I’m honored!
💎 why did you choose your url?
I assume I had a stroke of genius XD I know at the time I was very into Song of the Sea, and of course I’m always sleepy, so I think it all kinda just... came together.
💎 any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Several, actually! My newest one is my art blog, @sleepyselkiesketches, which I made so that my art would stop getting lost amidst everything else I post ‘cause tumblr is essentially one of my art back-ups. The first one I made was @apprentice-ebony because I was deep in The Arcana fandom and making so much art of my oc and getting so many art gifts that it kinda just made sense to keep it all in one place. The other two are fandom blogs I made to avoid completely spamming everyone, and those are a secret ;3
💎 how long have you been on tumblr?
Well I was gonna say 2016, but I check my archive and it says 2015! I think I was there for like a day before getting too overwhelmed, and then tried again later in 2017, so either one is probably True
💎 do you have a queue tag?
I... I don’t know what this means
💎 why did you start your blog in the first place?
Pinterest! I noticed that half of the stuff I was reblogging was from tumblr, so I figured why not just go straight to the source! XD So like, essentially the tumblr fandom on pinterest
💎 why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My pfps are basically Always picrews (though when I was younger they were dress up games). My latest icon was sort of just cementing that my tumblr profile is always gonna be some variation of the so-called “pillow girl”
💎 why did you choose your header?
It was the only art I’d made that had the same shade of blue I’d picked for my blog XD I think I just picked it quickly so I didn’t have to think too hard, and now it feels weird to change it
💎 what’s your post with the most notes?
I’m not 100% sure, but this post I made for @thebibliosphere got a solid thousand notes!
💎 how many mutuals do you have?
Uhhh.... How do I figure that out??
💎 how many followers do you have?
190! And I’m reasonably certain most of them aren’t bots XD
💎 how many people do you follow?
1,494. I used to be a bit pickier XD
💎 have you ever made a shitpost?
I suppose that depends on what qualifies? But probably nooooot? Skater Nadia might be the closest thing I’ve got.
💎 how often do you use tumblr each day?
I think at minimum I’m here at least half an hour a day, but on some of my bad days I can be here literally all day.
💎 did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Not as far as I’m aware! People don’t really seem to have issues with me XD
💎 how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Honestly, I feel like I don’t see very many?? So I don’t really know enough to have an opinion.
💎 do you like tag games?
Yeah!!! I don’t always have the energy for them though :P
💎 do you like ask games?
Same as above XD Although suddenly I’m not sure what the difference is
💎 which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
In all honesty I am completely 100% convinced that every single one of my mutuals is tumblr famous and then I’m always shocked when they’re not
💎 do you have a crush on a mutual?
.... ;3 I mean I sure Hope so, since I’m in a relationship with @prince-of-places!
💎 tags?
@void-slip, @for-ghosts-only, @ancientartifacts1010, @intergalactic-bean, @persep-hia, and @thebibliosphere because I already tagged you so you’re probaby gonna see this anyway XD
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