#ngl posting this partially in the hope of making someone read the name 'chungledown bim' without any context
ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
Carrie watches Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 15-20 aka “Let’s go down the line, what’s everyone afraid of?”
back with part two of my chaotic list of personal highlights that i wrote down pretty much for myself exclusively. Full of SO many spoilers, you’ve been warned
Blast from the Passed
Murph’s godawful luck with the dice is peak comedy in this episode, first he immediately volunteers to roll for the whole table?? why would you do that?? and then Riz says a cringey line, shoots at someone right in front of him, misses, rolls a nat 20 to hide, and sits in his hiding place agonising over how embarrassing that was
Johnny Spells making a two second entry onto the playing field
“one D4 for gay spit” “Aaaagh! Love wins! It’s fear, it’s out of fear, it’s a horrifying realisation for him.”
Adaine getting caught in the jocks’ weird group huddle and Riz acting like she’s in mortal danger from it
“Where in this city is your father, boy?” “In a room, with a bunch of goblins!”
Brennan’s face when he goes for his coffee forgetting he spit a candy die into it like twenty minutes earlier
“Remember me, Daybreak? I shoot him.”
the entire chaos surrounding Riz getting stuffed into a cannon but especially Fig (or Emily?) yelling “no, take me with him, he can’t go alone!” and “Can I roll to see if he’s having a good time?” “Who, Bill Seacaster? Yeah, he’s having a blast!”
“Tracker jumps, 69!” Gorgug, with audible desperation: “I’m in the same square!”
Murph now being the default roller for the lair check and the entire table cheering for him
he rolls a nat one, gets to re-roll with Fig’s last luck point, and rolls a nat two
My Green Heaven
“Well, The Ball is a lil’ angel so...”
Ally’s complete incapability to remember the elven names and Brennan’s slowly mounting annoyance with it
Riz waking up in his father’s arms and instantly panicking that he might get dropped my heart
also the first full sentence he says to his long-lost father is “I got a bunch of tattoos mum is going to be so mad at me”
honestly in all of these emotional scenes I am Lou and Lou is me
“We’re in heaven! Is this what not having anxiety is like? This is crazy, my heart... is just beating like what I assume a normal person’s heart would!”
his dad told all his colleagues about Riz’s freshman year adventures :(
“On behalf of the Association for Divine Wrath please accept this memorial that your death at the hand of Emperor of the Red Waste was avenged by Your son, Riz Gukgak” “Don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my death avenged”!!!
“People got it sexually from having sex, dad!!” *voice cracks* *sweating profusely* “I thought heaven fixed this stuff!”
“I met your mum when I was 27 years old. You get what I’m saying?” “...I’m like fifteen, I don’t know how old you are, I just know that you’re old.”
I love how Murph is the one who has to singlehandedly shoulder the lore-heavy plot parts because he’s the best at keeping it all straight in his head, but also the one who will suddenly make the least sensible leaps in logic and then not. budge. no matter how many times Brennan gently tries to shoo him away from that path. He is so stuck on this angle that Riz’s father slept with Kalina which... just the logistics of that would be so many hoops to jump through
that said, a fifteen year-old with some complex feelings about his own sexuality fully fixating on this STD angle is probably the most accurate thing that could have happened
“It’s just not... happening yet. Not just the act is not happening, but the wanting it is not... And my friends are all super horny.” “Kiddo, if it never happens, that’s also okay. There’s a lot to life to enjoy and you already matter a lot to your friends and a lot to your family.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the 847th time this week I am so upset mainstream media isn’t like this
“Work is an act of love” yeah cool can we pump the breaks on this rollercoaster I’m gonna need a lot of lore or a lot of Hilda Hilda-type shenanigans to recover from all that
let me use this moment to say how brilliantly paced this campaign is because Brennan launches into a lore dump immediately after this
“He’s dating mum. But he’s like... he‘s always getting trapped in gems, it’s kinda pathetic.”
Emily and Siobhan silently figuring out a plot point by gesturing across the table
“Well, I’ve got some pretty powerful friends, so...” Riz is so precious
Adaine wanting to save the wrapping paper :(
“TO WAR! Or, to market, but then TO WAR!”
“I’m so happy you have chosen to spend time with my daughter. It’s an incredible improvement over previous partners, if you were to chart it on a graph, a truly incredible spike...”
Siobhan’s face when Fig asks why everyone knows about her and Ayda!
Just. Ayda.
“How did Gilear take it?” “I don’t know, he was very adult about it, but he also is an adult so...” “I’m sorry, I came in way too hot with the little gift card.”
“Tell me all the least important stuff.” I’m *crying*
Zac is deeply underrated as a player, he pulls the most incredible conclusions or minute details out of the hat and never gets any credit for it because he plays loveable dumbasses
Ally’s plan to defeat the big bad by going viral with another seafood party
thrilling online banking content
The Forest of the Nightmare King
“Just upload it as like, ASMR: Puddle” “Like a Laurel/Yanny type thing”
ahhh fuck this is so creepy? The unicorn? nopenopenope no thank you
Fearful Symmetry
“Oh no, he’s making a face. Which one of Brennan’s faces is that?” hard same, Lou.
Zac is such a treasure: “I don’t want to take these stones! I don’t want any of this!” Also once again he’s making by far the smartest choices
“If we take these drugs and cast fear to push us into a bad trip?” Well this all sounds like a great idea
“Riz’s greatest fear is to not have a plan so I’m just gonna run into the woods. Not even gonna take the drugs, because that would be a plan.”
Adaine abandoning her support animal AND her anxiety meds is physically painful. stop I’m so attached to these kids
oh boy, the Baron scene. Yikes yikes yikes
the incredibly cooky accent is such a weird effect, it’s so dumb and so funny but laughing at it feels like a hysterical terror kind of laugh it is SO fucked up
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Brennan accidentally hits the absolute rawest deepest fear I’ve ever experienced as I’m working through my own shit and it is physically nauseating to watch this moment even though I know every word of it, “the years will go by and everyone will find someone that matters more to them than you” because. that’s it right. it’s not even that they’ll abandon you. it’s just that you’ll end up caring more about them than they care about you. you have all this love and only your friends to give it to but they all find partners who are now receiving most of theirs. and you can’t even blame them because they’re doing nothing wrong.
I do love that they’ve gone for this because this is such a particular fear. It’s not a crushing thing, it’s a creeping thing. It’s more a despair than a fear? Like it’s more an absence of hope than a presence of fear and I think that is really interesting to put as like a deeper layer of fear
Riz trying to get out of this specifically by pulling apart the logic of the mirages he’s seeing is on brand (but also this is the one moment where you can tell this probably isn’t a thing Murph or Brennan had to work through themselves, because that wouldn’t fucking help. It’s the concept that’s terrifying, the individual hypothetical partners are completely interchangeable. The correct [worse] response from Baron to this argument would have been just a shrug and a “yes, maybe your friends don’t want these people. But they want someone. Your ideal world where you’re all just together will never be enough for them.”).
“Okay, let’s go down the line, what’s everyone afraid of?” “That’s the most Brennan thing I’ve ever heard.”
Oh good Zac is going for Imposter Syndrome yeah this whole episode is just going to go great for me mentally
Adaine :( nonono this is painful
Fantastic, so I’m just gonna be deeply personally attacked by everyone’s fears except for Fabian and Kristen then. Good good
Gorgug is truly just. the best of the good beans. “Well, I think I’m gonna give it a try” what a champ
oh GOD the sexy rat is back this is a trip
“I take comfort in seeing all my friends there, making out. Not in a weird way.” “Like what amount of comfort?” “A normal amount!”
“.......Is my greatest fear sleeping on the job? I’m so lame!” and the look of complete disgust on Murph’s face
Fig stumbling onto this horrific village full of weird trapped bodies and finding one alive and immediately just going “Hi hello do you need help?” is so pure
the sheer JOY on Brennan’s face when he finally gets to get back at Emily for the Hilda Hilda from 22 Hilda Street and 22 Hilda Boulevard bullshit
Fig and Ayda :( but also “I sit down to write the song She Likes Me For Me, which doesn’t exist in this universe yet.”
"I do not know why I was so easy to discard” holy SHIT Ms Thompson
Spring Break! I Believe In You! Part 1
gotta love the title
Ally’s terrible metaphors
Kristen punches a god
the Abernant sisters :( Siobhan is incredible in these scenes
“Wizards don’t have goddamn cures. We don’t care about other people!”
“Adaine, your father is dead as he leaves the ground” GOOD. We love to see that.
Adaine offering her sister a bunk bed in her tower room :(
“I’m a D8, babe”
oh god is this all riding on a Murph attack roll they are doomed
“I HAVE NO PRIDE” oh this is brilliant I am wheezing
“You have fully James Bond-ed yourself out of these bonds”
the worst two people fail the roll to not look at Gilear’s junk. poetic cinema.
“Your grandfather made this sword, Fabian! He’s... really good at swords! Slow, but good!”
“I think death is the ultimate mystery! I think it’s fine that she’s dead!”
“Gorgug, you are not related to Ayda in any way. Not your mum, not your dad. Not even a cousin, probably.”
Spring Break! I Believe In You! Part 2
“Every time Kristen and I are together something terrible happens. Team Rizten is 0 for 3.”
more riveting online banking content
Emily weaponising Brennan’s worldbuilding against him
“I feel deep down in my heart that I, too, am a low-quality child.”
the dig at that weird Legolas cgi move in Two Towers
every time Brennan calls the guys “baby” is an absolute delight
Adaine and Fabian thirsting over Riz without his newsboy cap
Murph stealing Emily’s incredibly cool move (with a double disclaimer)
“If you want to use a bonus action to disengage, you could.” “I... I need the bonus action to live.”
paramour/succubus, “Mr. The Insatiable”
hall of fame of worrying lines from Brennan: “Okay, first (!!) let me know when you drop, ‘cause you’re gonna drop.”
The PapaRizzi, when you throw a mirror at someone and shoot them (and livestream it)
“Mission accomplished, dad” Riz is so cringe I love him
“Adaine, how would you feel if I potentially killed your mum?” “I would be HONOURED”
Ally’s clutch nat 20 and Brennan’s “what the fuuuck EVERY SEASON!”
“I think you should start planning for this.” “Brennan, just cry now. Just get it out.” “I actually, I... I don’t know what to do.” “I wish we were all in one room so we could be like running around!”
“Are my bones six hundred years old for real?”
Ally’s character walking up to a god and asking if the god is okay
“I would follow you... is it too early for that? This feels like a weird first date.”
Brennan is forcing Ally to make up deities on the spot again
“I love them all, Riz the most, we already know this, Adaine has my finger in her pocket, these are all my closest friends.”
“Wait, we still need the crown for our grade!”
“If I dream it, would it be real?” Brennan, dead-eyed with a forced serene smile: “Yes, in your heart. Let’s move on.” 
Adaine’s mum being chased through the forest by the Vands
“I’m broke.” “We might be making ad revenue at this point!”
None of them get Brennan’s insinuation that Chungledown Bim followed them into the fucking forest
“Hey Aguefort, remember I ordered the most magnificient thing you could ever make? Turns out you already made it, so I take that back.” 
A final shout-out to Garthy O’Brien’s accent, and their whole deal
Oh, the reveal, the reveal! 
“My sister is sort of wanted for quite a lot of crimes in Solace...”
Jawbone and Adaine :(
Riz gives a slide show for his mother
“In return for the spell that I killed my father with, I wrote you Ayda’s comprehend subtext.”
Adaine being bad at knowing when people are flirting and Fig being bad at flirting because she’s imitating Kristen who is an aggressive desaster flirter
oh no the tattoos
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