#ngl writing beomgyu's part made me think of writing an angst drabble about that but we'll see
iichaeyj · 2 years
the songs txt dedicates to you . . . ♡
PAIRING: txt x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
A/N: this is a follow up to the same post but with the enhypen members!!
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"Paper Rings" by Taylor Swift
"i like shiny things, but i'd marry you with paper rings. uh huh, that's right. darling, you're the one i want. and i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this"
idk i just think yeonjun would post a more upbeat, happy song
like i thought about it and it just makes sense to me ?? like let's be honest, this man giggles every time you kiss him
and i think he'd post this song just because it's so cute and so happy??
like it's how he feels about you tbh
he is so willing to share his world with you and be yours forever like he is obsessed
he'd post a cute picture of you two kissing and being all shy :((
he'd also make it rlly pretty like he might edit hearts onto the side and draw cat whiskers on your face or smth
"Nothing" by Bruno Major
"dumb conversations, we lose track of time. have i told you lately, i'm grateful you're mine"
he's so sweet please :(( im actually so devastated
i just feel like soobin feels so lucky that you're his and he's yours
like he's so whipped for you he definitely thanks the universe for bringing you to him
everytime this song plays he just thinks about you
it reminds him of how everything seems to stop whenever he's with you
like you're all he can see
this is also sorta random but he also probably thinks of you as like his charger
everytime he comes home after a busy day, seeing you there to greet him instantly makes him regain his energy
and spending time with him makes him go ^_^
he'd definitely post a picture of your guys's shadows making a heart or smth
very pinterest very aesthetic, he knows what he's doing
"Plot Twist" by Niki
"nothing stays the same and seasons keep on changing as they do. and we're all still just stories above concrete, x amount of heartbeats. so thank god for plot twists like you"
i feel like beomgyu isn't the type to like search for love?? like he wants it but he wouldn't go out of his way to go on dates and most likely isn't the type to fall in love at first sight?? if that makes sense
so he wasn't like completely in love with you when you two first met
it takes time for him to slowly, but surely, fall in love with you
and he fell deep
and the song is meant to demonstrate how he hadn't expected someone like you to show up in his life
and he hadn't realized what he had been missing until he found you
he just loves you so much and is convinced you two are soulmates :(
would post two pictures with it
one of you biting him (peak romance tbh)
and another of you two holding hands <3
"Stuck With U" by Ariana Grande
"so, go ahead and drive me insane. baby, run your mouth, i still wouldn't change being stuck with you"
he's such a gentleman??
like he's so caring and would be so attentive as a boyfriend
and the song is meant to reassure you that no matter what, he'll always stay with you and that there's nothing you do (that you think may be annoying or bad or whatever) that will ever drive him away from you
he's so :((
when he's in love, he is in Love
and he loves you and wants you to know it
he would probably post a picture of him like squishing your face or you tackling him with a hug
just smth cute that show everyone how comfortable you are with each other <3
"I Like Me Better" by Lauv
"i knew from the first time, i'd stay for a long time cause, i like me better when, i like me better when i'm with you"
ok ngl i sorta struggled finding a song that suited kai well :(
but this song does suits him i think
especially the lyrics like
i think he's someone where, if you're in a relationship with him, he'd wanna learn about love and things like that through you
like ofc he isn't doing anything wrong in the first place, but he would wanna experience more with you and grow as a person together
and you bring out the best version of him <3
he just feels so comfortable around you and he loves spending time with you
he'd probably post a picture that he took of you two when you were on a date or smth
maybe a picture he secretly took of you when you were laughing at one of his jokes
or a picture of you two cuddling after watching a movie (that was probably taken by beomgyu, who wanted to tease him, or soobin, who thought it was cute)
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