chaoticspacefam · 3 years
OC Inspirations Meme: Ni’kasi
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Time for the other twin! :D
6 Characters/People (Either RL or Fictional) that inspired (or continue to inspire) Your OC!
Ni’kasi, this time!
1. Joanna Mason (The Hunger Games franchise)
Like Joanna, Ni’kasi is very vocal when it comes to injustices, she’s not afraid to speak her mind if the opportunity presents itself, nor is she above breaking away from authority figures when the time is right. She’s also loyal, though might not seem that way at first as she’s also pretty abrasive until you get to know her more. Uses sarcasm as a defence mechanism. To quote, "How does that sound, huh?! You know you can't PUT, EVERYBODY, IN HERE!!"
2. Tigress (Kung Fu Panda franchise)
"The hardcore does understand, but I can't watch my [friend] be killed”. Ni’kasi acts all tough and “hardcore” as it were on the outside (and she IS also hardcore, don't be mistaken, she takes no shit!), but on the inside she's a huge softie that cares very deeply for her sister, nephew, her partner and her crew. She’d stick by them through thick and thin, no matter what, and do anything she had to do in order to protect them.
3. Prince Nuada (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
Yes, of course, it’s the other Hellboy II twin! Now, I uhm’d and ahh’d a little while over which way around to put these twins in relation to the Ahaszaai girls, because Kas isn’t that great with footwork/swordsmanship (unlike Nuada), however ultimately decided that personality-wise, she’s more similar to him and Saarai is a lot more like Nuala (fun fact tho, in the Zephyrverse AU, Ni’kasi and Jask’s firstborn daughter’s name is actually modelled after Nuala’s, just made more “Chiss-y” ;))
Ni’kasi is inherently distrustful of others, always expecting to be betrayed and willing to plan for the worst, and she and her sister share a Force bond not dissimilar to Nuala and Nuada’s in the movie. Kas would kill for her sister, too, without any hesitation.
4. Tia Dalma/Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean franchise)
Much like Calypso, someone’s first impressions of Ni’kasi are likely to be of someone eloquent and world-wise, but rather unassuming. Only for them to get into a fight and discover she actually has a lot more power between those fingertips than first appears ;3
5. Blind Mag (REPO! The Genetic Opera)
Possible spoiler warning for the REPO! movie tho I’ve tried to be deliberately vague (both bc its a spoiler and bc the actual moment in the movie that is Kas’s (metaphorical, dw lol) parallel with Mag is very gore-y and I know that’s not everyone’s “thing” )
"Come take these eyes, I would rather be BLIND!" These last two might be a swing and miss for some people, REPO! especially is a bit of a cult classic (also an 18 so, not for minors, tho I shouldn't have any of those on this blog as far as I'm aware)
But I see a lot of parallels between Ni'kasi's servitude to Vitiate's Empire and/or Zash, and Blind Mag from REPO! who has to serve Mr Largo in exchange for his company peoviding the special eye implants that allow Mag to see. Mag, of course, eventually decides she doesn't want to do that any more (without giving away spoilers, and it's not an EXACT parallel for obvious reasons, as anyone who has watched REPO! will know what I mean lol) and breaks free of Mr Largo's "control", much like Ni'kasi finally stepping away from the Empire to help Lana and Aria go in search of Vano just before KotfE. Once she knows her sister and nephew are out there, alive and well, and there are other corners of the galaxy they could go to, and that she no longer has to stick with a corrupt regime stuck in its ways despite her attempts to claw to the top and force it to change, she too has to break the Empire's hold on her. It’s a big, defining moment of her character arc, because she finally makes peace with the fact that the Empire doesn’t want change no matter what she does. And in the end, Kas would rather walk away and have them hunt her for the rest of her life than feed the Imperial war machine.
6. Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats franchise)
Spoiler warning for the Power of Three Arc of Warriors even tho its been out many years now, just in case lol
Another one that might be a miss, cause its a series I read when I was a LOT younger (with a very young target audience), and while I've not read any actual Warriors books in a while (I do enjoy other peoples fanfics still, sue me), Squirrelflight's character was one that always stood out to me and I think some of Ni'kasi's traits definitely came from her. Feisty, independant, and incredibly close and loyal to her sister. Like Squirrelflight, Ni'kasi takes the fall (and all the heat) for one of her sister's mistakes so she doesn't have to deal with it, and takes that secret to the metaphorical grave, only finally revealing it to her crew when they meet up with Saarai on Yavin IV and the twins finally reunite for the first time in nearly half a century. <3
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
I came here to send Cursed, but I cannot stop giggling over the Edward Cullen dildo. Therefore: Your Purebloods' opinions of Chiss dick? :D
Somehow I knew this one was coming XD Luckily, I do have an answer for you! In the Zephyrverse line of AUs, Ni’kasi’s husband is actually a Chiss (I have yet to draw them together, so alas I don’t have a picture to put here yet) so...I’d say she’s a pretty big fan 😏
The rest of them tho? Not so much, really  😂
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