#nick buchmiller
I am so very grateful for such very good friends. I feel very proud of this group right here; Nick Buchmiller, Dan Mulhern, Gene Glenn, Jonathan Wark, and all the friends who contribute to this radical sci-fi creation, and all the hard work that goes into bringing it to life and making it available to the world. Thank you Jeremiah Hays and Keane Freeman for your musical contributions on song 3 of the album "Sirens". Thank you to Angela Martinez for her lyrical contribution on "Love Can Be Creepy". Huge thanks to Dwight Arnold for airing two songs (667 and All Alone) which are respectively the first and fourth song on the album, on his 94.5FM iHeartradio show Sundaynightmusicmeeting right there in our hometown of the Temecula valley, CA. Thank you to the entire team at Xcel Creative in Murrieta, CA for all of the beautiful media/artwork, website development, printing/replication and shipping, etc... and a HUGE thanks to Cody VanHoozen who recorded the live drums and painstakingly mixed and mastered the entire record, he did a really great job.
The story THE TWO MOONS encapsulates my feelings on a world view in a fantastic sort of way, and the record is something I've been dreaming of doing for the last 15 years. When Nick and Dan and I initially met up, in early spring of 2013 and we began discussing our vision for this project, it was a decision to organize and fulfill a dream that we had all been carrying around in us for a long time. To create a concept album with a fantastic sort of realistic sci-fi story that contains a powerful meaningful message of love, compassion, and unity, along with a full length album in the style of‪#‎Radiohead‬ meets ‪#‎NineInchNails‬. . In hindsight it is now clear to me that we executed on exactly what we set out to do.
The hardcover, full color, short novel and album "THE TWO MOONS" are now released and available for free viewing/streaming, or purchase a physical copy + digital download (only on our website) http://UnionSea.com.For now we have decided not to make the album available through digital distribution or via a conventional record label, so for now the album and book are only available direct from the artist on our website UnionSea.com.THANK YOU everyone who has visited our website to play the album, read the book, or to purchase a copy of either. We thank you for your support!
I should mention that all the while, there has been another presence there in the room with us, something angelic or otherworldly, constantly causing, or somehow drawing our attention to moments of coincidence to let us know that they are present and that what we were doing was blessed. Coincidence after coincidence after coincidence. Despite technical hangups, set backs, conflicts, and all sorts of frustrations and fears, there was also something super natural in our presence throughout this creation, and it reaffirmed a certain faith in our actions throughout the process. I think there is some genuine magic in what we have created.
"Won't you come and spend some time in my garden? Contemplate the meaning of the universe?" -UNION SEA | THE TWO MOONS
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