#ninjago's a strange case actually... an old friend introduced me to it a few years back and I in turn introduced it to my siblings
flamebearrel · 3 years
chocolate, whipped cream, nuts, cherries, gummy bears, and gumballs for the ice cream asks !!
Chocolate - If you could study anything, no concern about costs or future career options, what would it be?
Probably character design, or just generally looking at the process of making cartoons! I do plan to minor in graphic design though, at least that's tangentially related. Also cosmology (if only cause it was really interesting when I learned about it at the museum)
Whipped Cream - Ice Cream or Fro-Yo?
They're pretty on par with each other, though I have ice cream a lot more often
Nuts - Are you currently reading a book? What is it?
None currently. I'm sure I'll grab some soon
Cherries - Have you had any strange dreams lately?
Not me, but my siblings sure have. One of my sisters just finished up this summer class, and in one of her dreams robbers broke into our house threatening "TODAY WE'RE GONNA BE DOING PHYSICS"
Gummy Bears - What book series did you love as a kid?
There's two: Warriors Cats, which I dropped off around middle school midway through Dawn of the Clans, and the Spirit Animals Scholastic series, which I own the whole first collection of B)
Gumballs - What is your current streaming binge?
Been watching Ninjago with my sister over the past few months! She's already watched it all and wants to show me, so I kind of pick a season and then we do a couple episodes a day. I've gotten through the second half of season 6, seasons 13, 4, 11 (the Ice half), 8-10, and 5 and we're now back on s6 to watch what I missed. I also saw s1 a few years ago but forgot about most of it and don't really plan on watching the first three seasons so I'll just go off what she says
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