#no because i did not the swing being there. i didn’t realize it was arin’s parents’ swing
rpausandwhatifs · 4 years
Jayde's Secret Santa Gift (AU) 2020| Matt + Kristen
A/N: It’s a gift that’s SUPER late for my buddy @nevergoodenoughforthetruth and I hope she enjoys this! Love you boo!
Kristen couldn’t believe the insanity of Shayne. She had spent the night in holding, her hair never went back to its usual lay no matter how much she tried to finger through it so she wet the whole thing and threw it into a ponytail. Matt had risen out of his bed at three in the morning from Kristen’s only phone call, even though they hadn’t spoken in about two and a half years at this point. He threw a hat over his messy wavy hair with only a hoodie and old baggy skinny jeans and skate shoes and didn’t bother with putting in his contact lenses. He questioned everything about the call while he drove 3 hours downstate from his apartment in Nevada to Flagstaff, Arizona. 
Matt knew from her voice this was the side of Kristen he usually didn’t see, but had heard what she meant. He knew that as much as she fought, she wouldn’t fight to come up empty-handed. She didn’t want anyone to tell her that she fell for the wrong one, even when it became blatantly apparent. Shayne picking up work with Smosh after they graduated was a godsend, the honeymoon phase in their relationship had been in full swing and her fight to keep their happiness shone brightest then. She wasn’t exactly there for Matt when Suzy finally dumped him to take Arin back, and for that he had held a grudge; however, it was Shayne who created the wedge. All of the sudden her brother was a burden on her happiness because her happiness was her relationship with Shayne. The blonde had made Kristen believe that no matter what Matt was trying to say it was a lie. If he could be comfortable lying to Gabbie, and he and Suzy lying to Gabbie together, which should have caused their severance before, what was to stop him from lying to her the entire time and being someone who’s just trying to get with her because she’s got a lot to be used for? It lit Kristen up to hear it from Shayne that Matt had been manipulating her like he had Gabbie and Suzy. She trusted him, but it twisted how she trusted Matt. 
Kristen couldn’t believe that she trusted Shayne. He’d not only been cheating on her, but manipulated her and isolated her, using her aggression and fear of feelings to protect herself and being used by others against her. Now she had been used, now she had been wrong. Coming home to hearing those noises that she was familiar with, her Chicken Muffin barking profusely from the bathtub in the locked bathroom before her wide-open bathroom door. 
Courtney Fucking Miller.
Kristen welcomed her into her life and, unknowingly, her relationship. The girl seemed so sweet and innocent, she liked her energetic appeal and her commitment to caring for someone. It was always too perfect that she took care of Shayne while working on set, but Kristen couldn’t while she was working on her own stuff, so maybe she was right to let it slide. She will never make that mistake again. Her style spoke volumes to the hours of conversation and lies she had with her that tainted her purely artistic mind and the other girl’s pure need to create and to be inspired to create. 
Beating the absolute shit out of her made all of it worth it. All it took was for them to get sloppy with their lies. Red is usually never wrong. Red was the only thing that she could hear once Matt was gone even though she would hear them then, Blue would be louder:
She’s totally looking at him like that.
Friends don’t hug friends like that.
You’re fucking digusting for believing this scummy ass guy and his bitch.
You’re letting THIS...this fucking thing touch you.
Matt was a damn dog, you’re better off getting fleas than looking like the fool you are now.
She doesn’t respect you.
You should slap her in her stupid head.
Fucking stomp her out, you fucking idiot.
You’re going to end up alone, just because you’re so fucking stupid.
You’re a fucking idiot, I don’t even know why you bother.
You are doing the absolute WORST that you could do. 
Moving in? Really?! You’re actually going to think this is worth it.
You deserve to be alone.
Kristen began taking more medications, prescribed to her by a bad therapist, to soften Red to a whisper. He said that it was simply an inferiority complex that branched out of her low self-esteem, so with time she will no longer hear it and it wouldn’t cause her such issues. She left the Youni with so much more and had healthier solutions 
“I fucking punched her. And kicked her, brother…” she laid on Matt’s couch, wearing an oversized wrestling t-shirt of his, some cute socks she was already wearing because she refused to get anything more from the larger man and not much else.
Why must you be so resistant? At least he answered your call.
He’s so sweet, taking pity on us. It’s the least he could do.
“I saw the police report and the release forms I had to sign had a pretty detailed section about your mental health state..I want to know what that asshole did to you,” Matt said gruffly, standing over her, smoking heavily through a pack of cigarettes.
“I thought you quit…” she said, watching the billows of smoke before holding her fingers up to take the cigarette. 
He’s kinda cute with that rough look, the cigs are a nice touch.
Still no style, but that means a blank slate!
He’d be a great model. Maybe you two should do look books together.
“I thought we weren’t friends,” he said while exhaling and handing it to her, “You can finish that.”
“We aren’t...I just needed someone to post my bail-”
“You remembered my number..You didn’t call your parents..” he sighed, going over and attempting to bend down to pick up the girl’s legs as he sat as a way of excusing himself, but Kristen flinched before allowing him to take her ankles up and place them in his lap as he relaxed into his couch, “But sure, I’m not your friend.”
“You’re not…” Kristen said quickly, turning over. Her head beginning to fog up while her body was slipping, to keep it awake, she shifted and turned her body to the side, smoking lightly and ashing on his coffee table, “I did what I had to do...you know…”
“All I see that you did, Kristen, was get arrested for assault and battery..It wasn’t even on Shayne, it was on-”
“DOn’t...just don’t..please..” she begged, whipping her head to look at the man.
When did his beard get so long?
Gabbie had a point about his beard really complimenting his face.
When we model he’s going to have to cut it down, but it’s just so distinguishing.
“Fine...are you hungry?” he asked, lighting another cigarette.
“No..Too sick,” she responded.
“Guessing your buff prince charming wasn’t all he was cracked up to be-”
“GOD I said shut up, brother!” she snapped, yanking her legs and curling into a ball, allowing some tears to fall, “I know I’m fucking stupid…”
“So even though you had enough vulnerability to call me, you don’t want me to help you, feed you, take you back to your apartment, comfort you, or even know what happened? You do understand that you called me in the middle of the night-”
“I could tell you in the morning, I’ll have a plan in the morning, brother,” Kristen held her hand out for his other cigarette.
“Kristen..I’m worried..I’ve been worried. I don’t wanna see you like this..” he began meekly.
“You think I want you to see me like this?!” she snapped as she smoked and pushing her fingers through her hair for the 8th time.
“Well, you called me for a reason..you could at least tell me what you were thinking…” he said, looking at her as he handed her the cigarette after his puff, leaning over and sipping from the beer he left on the table. His heart was breaking while it sat in his stomach acid eroding it away. This was something he got to see a glimpse of when they were going to graduate, before all of this was an issue and Kristen was there for him. It was so welcoming and just what he needed, it was only fair to give it to her, even if she wasn’t going to tell him directly what was going on. 
Kristen was in such a battle. Blue called Matt, Blue remembered his number, Red was silent but agreeing. She had proved that was going to handle herself for literally everyone. This is probably the plan: she was going to lay low with him for a few days while the media and the internet died down. She didn’t turn her phone on yet, so her family and friends couldn’t get to her. She gave herself until the morning to tell him or not, but she was going to have to tell him eventually. There was just something that still didn’t add up. Gabbie would have easily drove to get her. Ro would have done it no questions asked. She’d be more comfortable with them. Hell, she could call Mari or Olivia, or any woman she knew and they would have come and got her. Red had been the one who had needed to calm down and had made her ears ring to the point where she was nearly deaf. She had never been so angry and blacked out so quickly or so long. Now her heart was beating out of her chest. Now she was sweating and looked a mess. She was fine in holding all night and on the ride over to the police station. She didn’t care how she had looked, but now she’s stuck looking like all hell hit her in her ex-friend’s apartment during sunrise in southern Nevada. The sun was shining bright red-orange through his windows and curtains, and the girl was bathed in it as the man turned on the news. 
Matt got up and went to his kitchen to start making breakfast, "You work today or anything?" He asked while he pulled a pan out of the cabinet and started cracking eggs into a cup, "You want some breakfast?"
"My phone is turned off..I had appointments but-" she started before sighing, still trying to curl into herself, realizing how much she always hated how cold Matt keeps his place, even in Nevada.
"Turn your phone on and cancel your appointments, Kristen… handle your business so you're clear-"
"It's fine brother-"
"Kristen I fucking swear to god," he snapped, slamming his fridge door, the drawers and his trash can lid.
"Can you make breakfast like you have neighbors and stop worrying about me so much…" She was starting to get frustrated with Blue and surprised that it could be so loud as just one voice when she usually wouldn't get above normal speaking volume, always getting drowned out by Red.
“Can you actually let me help you like you called me and asked me to do? I can just take you home, dude..I don’t need this,” he said exasperated. Matt knew how hard it was for Kristen to let someone help her, but now he didn't really care what her attitude and pride were trying to save her from. 
"I..I dunno what I was thinking okay?!" She got up rushing to the kitchen nook, "You'd be up at 3-"
"You woke me up outta my sleep. I wasn't awake, dude..This isn't the Youni anymore!" He cut her off, then took a breath as he started to brew his coffee, turning around and leaning on the counter to face her, "Kristen. I know you're hurt and that you're kicking yourself for this, but...it's time to face facts: you fucked up. I know back in the day it was you telling me that I fucked up all the time, but life goes on, man...and you wanted yours to go on without me.."
"I shouldn't have said that," Kristen finally admits, trying to hide herself to avoid his gaze, "Sh...he made me do it..he told me that you'd screw me over just like Gabbie and like Suzy did...That you were just bidding your time until I'd end up like them..I didn't mean anything to you."
"Heh. Figures," Matt scoffed as he pulled another cigarette from his ear and lit it on the stove, "He had everyone fooled. I really thought that you'd been stronger than that, honestly..that isn't the first time something convinced you to see and believe something like that."
She walked closer with a shrug, rubbing the back of her neck as she held her hand out to take the cigarette, but instead she was met with the tall man's open arms. She fell into them for the first time in years. The girl could count on her hand how many times she hugged Matt and every time it was because of something she was wrong about. He was always so patient and welcoming, he took the time to understand her boundaries and knew when it was high time he passed through them. "I'm sorry...and thank you again..for...you know.."
"Anytime, darlin.." Matt said by accident, feeling his wife beater getting wet with her tears, knowing that she probably didn't care at the moment, closing her in and putting the stick out on the counter behind him, "I know...I know it hurts...so listen to me, okay?...You don't have to turn your phone on today, but tomorrow I need you to at least call your mother and your clients so you don't have to lose business." The girl nodded as she sniffles, whining quietly.
Kristen felt so safe in his arms, and she never got here unless she told him she wanted to be there.
You can’t act like this forever. He’ll just take you home.
He’s so considerate, and he’s got a point. However, you gotta do something.
Things are better already; you even stopped crying since you got out of the car. 
Just tell him you’ll get to it after breakfast.
The fact that he knows about your business after you told him to kick rocks and suck a fat dick even if he doesn’t have one says a lot. 
Matt broke away to start getting eggs and cracking them to scramble them in a bowl, “Now, I know it’s not the avocado toast with prosciutto you usually get for breakfast when we used to go out, but I hope eggs and bacon is fine.”
“You have sausage links?” she asked almost automatically, not realizing that she let herself speak.
“Uhhh does Italian sweet or hot work? I ran out a couple of days ago.”
“It’s fine. I’ll take the bacon,” she shrugged, then sighed as she jumped onto the counter, then scoffed, “You’re usually the one I’m taking you to breakfast. Since I usually get to my matters after that, then that’s...that’s what I’ll do.”
“Yeah, I know..even down to the tea spilling,” Matt said, then sighed at the realization, “Sorry for yelling at you.”
“It’s cool. I’m too stubborn for my own good,” Kristen replied, staring at him, “Sorry for making you get up in the middle of the night to pick me up.”
“Look, even if you don’t know why, you needed me. Not anyone else. That means something about our friendship..which has now survived some real war.”
“You called that war? I wouldn’t call it that. I’d call it..uhh...me getting swept up into this dream that some muscly guy tried to sell me and then use...very unsavory levels of manipulation to...isolate me and make me look like a fucking fool..what are you even doing in Nevada anyway?” she asked, trying to gesticulate as he handed her a complete cup of coffee and allowing her to smell it and take in its scent.
“Just kinda ended up here. Wanted to stay close to LA to try my hand at direction and stuff, then my channel fucked me over when it got hacked, so I’ve just been doing work for other people...and I took your advice and been mostly riding solo and commuting to work here and there and sold my channel and I still get some profit from letting techies run it,” he mentioned while he continued to cook.
“Wow..just your main channel?” Kristen asked, shocked.
“Yeah, but I have a whole second channel for blogs and I work on a few other peoples’ channels so it’s not like I’m broke,” Matt shrugged sounding exhausted, “I’ve been kinda circling in your realm at times and people referred your services to me, but I just knew that I was the last person you wanted to see.”
They shared a isolated giggle while he plated their food and handed her a plate. Matt leans over and kisses the girl on the forehead, but feels something pull on his wifebeater before pulling away. He looks down to see her hand gripping the fabric, then looks back into the girl’s eyes, “Thanks for breakfast..and I’m thirsty so do you have orange juice or something?” The look makes him weak, but he refocuses himself.
“But..I just made you coffee,” he says with a nervous chuckle.
“Oh..uhh..yeah, you’re right..maybe it’s too hot and I need a tall glass of orange juice..” she says with a shrug.
Not what I had planned, but are you actually doing what I think you’re doing?
You’re flirting with him, but why?
You’re desperate. You’re not thinking straight. You know that he feels a certain way about you, maybe you should think about this a little more.
On the other hand, he does look really nice and he’s been an absolute peach this entire time, and he smells so...
“Kristen, uhh..maybe you should-...are you feeling okay?” Matt asked, taking his hand up to remove hers from his shirt. To his surprise she contorts and intertwines her fingers with his, “Your food’s getting cold, now, maybe you need to-”
“You’ve always been so nice to me, even when I’ve been an absolute bitch…” she says, finally making her voice softer, revealing how vulnerable he actually made her as he brings her hand down to the counter.
“Yeah, I mean, I know what I signed up for..but you’ve been through a traumatic experience..I-I don’t think you understand-” he attempts to let her down gently.
“I don’t think I’ve..been..completely honest with myself about what I need you for..” she sighed, looking down at her hand and pulling his fabric again with more force, bringing him closer between her legs, “How I feel about you..what I think when it came to..how...fucking angry I was when Suzy played you..the fact that I allowed Gabbie to fuck up your life like that...Like I just..I dunno...but that hug was so...and every hug you’ve given me..it’s different.”
“Different..?” he asked, eyes darting down and back to her eyes as she explained, then shifting as he furrowed his eyebrows, “Different how?” he brought his hand up to caress her cheek, which she leaned into and and wrapped her legs around his waist, “Oh..that different..uhh..I don’t...I really wouldn’t...I don’t think I can handle this..I thought I was your brother to you..we’ve...always been siblings to you-”
“I know...but siblings don’t look at me the way you used to look at me. I ignored it. I just...I thought it would go away-”
“Can we like..drop this incest thing because...because uhh...it’s not right and it’s kinda classist given that I’m from the south and would never fuck Holly or Raven,” he said quickly as he finally decided to lean into her caressing her hand with his thumb. They share a giggle, “So...you do like me like that?..I thought the idea disgusted you..”
“All of this..everything..ever since you didn’t fight about Sh..him...I realized I might have been going about this differently wrong,” she shook her head when she corrected herself, and went back up to those eyes bathed in the desert morning light, “Maybe I should have..given it more thought..”
“You’ve given it more thought?” he asked, waiting and beginning to tremble at her words, becoming more nervous at the realization that he might be getting setup until she pulls him by his neck to kiss him on the lips, deepening quick.
Kristen leans over and lights his last cigarette as they laid together on his couch, kissing his head, “You should go back to quitting,” she said as she finished her drag.
“Then you’ll be the reason I quit..cus that’s my last pack,” Matt chidded as he kissed her forehead. 
“I’ll gladly be that reason...so...what now?..I didn’t exactly...plan for this. This changes a lot of things,” Kristen said as she expressed her dissonance in her glow.
“I’m gonna guess you haven’t planned anything for the past like..week. And..this doesn’t have to change anything if you don’t want it to..” he said, shifting so that he sat up and she straddled his waist, taking the cigarette, “I gotta tell the girl I’ve been seeing to buzz off, but she’s been super flighty anyway, so that won’t be that hard..uhhh, there’s a reunion party-”
“Oh fuck! I forgot about that! I’m supposed to be helping submit the theme next week to Ro-”
“Right..there’s that and you’re supposed to show up with..not just me, but..honestly I don’t feel like going-”
“You’re going, brother.”
“I’ve been fucking you for 2 hours, can you not call me brother?” 
“Matthew! Whatever! Ugh, I completely forgot about that…”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve gotta go back to Arizona and work out all of that legal shit and PR about the fact that you got arrested for aggravated assault..if you want I can contact you with my lawyer..she’s really good,” he said ashing and covering her with the throw blanket lazily.
“Wait, your lawyer’s a woman?”
“Yeah. I have a woman lawyer, she got the job done and won my family’s case for me…”
“Speaking of...why aren’t you with them?”
“They don’t really need me. I’d been away and getting better for so long that my auntie just took over custody and Holly is turning 18 soon, so she said she’d take over for Raven with an emancipation stipend...it was a lot of paperwork and I already did my appearances in court...You don’t have to go with me for Thanksgiving or Christmas or anything..” he explained.
“Okay..so yes to the lawyer..yes to the holidays…”
“Don’t forget that you still have to tell your clients you’ll be taking a little longer with your consults given all of this- and you never got to breakfast-”
“What time is it?” she asked, looking around for his phone and picking it up off of the coffee table, “Fuck..”
“Just tell your clients today and you can deal with everything else tomorrow...your coffee’s cold and I’m already thinking about lunch,” he mentioned.
“Yeah...so..you’re not busy today?”
“First day off in a few weeks...and I’m spending it getting your life together..” he said, causing her to slap him and he leans up to grab her face gently and kiss her on the lips, “Kinda worth..I was just gonna play games all day..and go food shopping..”
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erdiansyahbayu · 5 years
Sansa Stark: From Little Bird become The Queen
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Pict: Sansa Stark as a Queen in the North (gameofthrones.fandom.com)
Game of Thrones finally ended after first aired in 2011. The ending was epic, fair even though some fans disagree n   controversial issue afterward. But, I don’t want to talk about those issues. Let me shares about my most favorite character ever: Sansa of Winterfell, House of Stark, Queen in the North.  I love this character because Sansa grows up along with my thought on feminism, and you can see my another article in this blog, “Me and Sansa Stark.” So, what will we talk? Let’s talk about Sansa’s development from the first season until finale season.
First of all, let make this clear and honest to ourselves about this character. It doesn’t matter, did you like it or not! Sansa is the representation of women’s strength struggle life in masculinity Circles such as Dany, Arya, Margaery, and Cersei. Sansa has called by Sandor Clegane aka The Hound as Little Bird. Sansa born from a noble house in the north, we know as Stark. Sansa is Ned and Catelyn’s daughter. The North has 50% of Westeros and one of the oldest noble family in Westeros. A years before Aegon’s Conquest, stark exist and keep the north from man beyond the wall and white walker.
First Season,
Sansa in season 1 pictured as a young girl, naive, always love beautiful things. All she wants is being married by a handsome prince from King’s Landing. Yes, Sansa dreamed that one day She would be a queen of Westeros and life happy like Disney fairy tale. After King Robert asked Ned to be Hand of the King, Ned brought his two daughters to Kings Landing. They are Arya and Sansa, who follows their father. Kings Landing is not like what Sansa thought. As a naive girl, she thought everyone is friendly, helpful and the prince will love her like what she dreamed about, but it’s not. Sansa in season 1 represents the girl in patriarchy system.  
After an unfair tragedy to her father Ned Stark who charged as a traitor and beheaded in front of the crowd in Kings Landing, Sansa completely changes and she realizes that capital is full of conniving and sneaky people. People around the world and I be like “Oh, Sansa, should your father die and you have an understanding? Huh”. In the other hands, because of Joffrey’s mistake, North was getting anger after Ned’s dead. Sansa as a prisoner in Kingslanding and Cersei can’t just let it free and back to the North. Joffrey with easy abuse Sansa in front of people n council. Sansa just like a toy for Joffrey. But Sansa is changed, she knows how to defend herself from Joffrey. 
But Red keep isn’t just for evil, at least there are Tryon and The Hound who always kind to Sansa. Moreover, The hound has persuaded her to leave Kingslanding after what happened to her and her family, but Sansa just rejected. The Hound left Kingslanding alone and meet Arya (This was another story)
After experienced physical and psychological abuse, Sansa got new hope. Tyrell's family came to Kingslanding after helped the Lannister army in War of Black Water. They Offer loyalty to red keep and admit that Joffrey as a legitimate King after Renley Baratheon died. Margaery Tyrell or Renley’s widow showed her interest in Joffrey Baratheon and wants to marry him. Finally, Sansa not abused by Joffrey anymore because of  Margaery. Margaery is a clever woman; she wants power because she wants to become the Queen, not just a Queen. Sansa makes a friendship with Margaery because she knows that Margaery is the right person to learn many things. Tyrell wants power from not only Kings Landing but also strength in the North. They planned to married of Loras and Sansa. It’s okay for Sansa because Loras is good people, but it doesn’t seem like what Loras feels. In the other hand, Tywin Lannister had a plan to a marriage of Tryon and Sansa. What the purpose? Stark is one of the noble houses that doesn’t have many allies. It’s because North is longer exist before Kingslanding exists.
Marrying Tryon Lannister
Although Tryon is the one and only Lannister that always kind to Sansa, it doesn’t mean it to Sansa like or love. We know Tryon is the smartest character in Game of Thrones; he is not only intelligent but also kind. He knew Sansa doesn’t like him, Tryon said that he would never touch Sansa although they were married. Sansa got news after Red Wedding that her family (Rob, Catelin) killed by Walter Frey. It makes Sansa very sad, and Tryon tried to convince her that she would be okay. Sansa doesn’t want to waste her time being sad; she wants to revenge and back to the home, back to Winterfell. 
The Purple Wedding
Finally, The Wedding of Joffrey and Margery held in the big celebration. All of the kings from 7 kingdoms was invited to came and joined the ceremony (except North), the royal wedding. Sansa and Tryon sit in aside together watch around. But it’s not Joffrey if not making some trouble. From the beginning, Joffrey was always teasing her uncle, Tryon Lannister with unacceptance behavior. Joffrey also kills the pigeon after he swings his sword and releases the birds. But the wedding doesn't end with happiness like a what Joffrey and Cersei expect, especially for Lannister Family. After drinking whine, Joffrey fell into the floor, and his eyes turn on into purple, his skin becomes red and blood out of his nose. 
That was so terrible, Cersei panic and cried aloud. She arrests Tryon and searching Sansa, and Sansa run away helped by Petyr Baelish, Where were they go? Yes, They came to Vale, they meet Lysa Arin or sister of Catlin (Sansa’s mother). Even Lysa Aryn is Sansa’s aunt, but they are not close. Lysa gets jealous after looked peter kissed Sansa. She was getting mad after Roby Aryn slapped by Sansa. Lysa tried to kill Sansa to push her to moon door. Peter can prevent and drive Lysa to moon door, and Lysa died. After selling Lysa Aryn to the moon door, Petyr brought Sansa to Winterfell, but Sansa knows precisely that her family no longer at there. Sansa sale for Bolton and Ramsey Bolton demand Sansa become his wife.
After released from Joffrey, We used to think that Sansa would be safe and happy, but it’s not. Sansa came back to Winterfell with marriage Ramsey who someone she never expected become her husband. Sansa got raped, physical and psychological abuse by Ramsey Bolton who we knew as a psychopath. Sansa lucky has Theon in Winterfell. Short story, Theon helped Sansa to run away from Winterfell and brought Sansa to castle black where a place john snow stays. After running away dramatic scene, Sansa meets john escorted by Brienne of Tarth and Podrick to castle black. It was a memorable scene ever, and I watched over than one time. Finally, Sansa found the safest place for her. 
Battle of Bastard
Sansa convinces John to seize Winterfell from Ramsey and Bolton. Sansa misses her home because of no place like home when she feels safe. After what he experienced in the past, John doubt they will win the war because he has no enough army when comparing with Bolton. But, John doesn’t realize that he faced new Sansa. Sansa isn’t precisely with the same Sansa was. Although Sansa isn’t warrior, she exactly knows who is Ramsey is, but again no one trusts her even John Snow. Sansa and John Snow make an alley with Wilding and some family in the north to help seize Winterfell. Also though John distrusts her skill, Sansa tried to make any allies with Vale on Petyr Baelish. Sansa sent a raven to Petyr Baelish for help, she knows that Petyr Baelish tries to abuse her, but Petyr didn’t realize that Sansa was changing. 
Battel of Bastard start, and as the prediction, Bolton much has army than Stark. In the among of the war when stark fell and almost give up Sansa come with Vale’s army and win the war. Ramsey locked up in his dog’s cage, and you know what will happen? Sansa revenge Ramsey with locked up with his dog after seven days without food. Guess what will happen? Yes, Ramsey died by his dog. What an epic Comeback!
Stark Reunion
North, as the most prominent kingdom in seven kingdoms, has an excellent story for thousands of years. After a long time leaving home, Sansa, Arya, Bran reunited in Winterfell. After seizing Winterfell and John became King in the North, Sansa become a lady of Winterfell. Sansa has excellent power in the North as a lady of Winterfell. While John convinces Dany in Dragonstone to make an Alley for Great War face white walker and the deadly army. Sansa handling everything in the North helped by Bran and Arya. In Season 7, we can see how Arya, Sansa, and Bran help each other to execute Petyr Baelish or Little Finger. Peter Baelish who has a responsibility with every causes in the Game of Thrones. Sansa makes a great speech before the execution of Petyr Balish. You have to watch that episode in season 7 episode 7. One quote that I loved from Sansa is “I am slow learner, it’s true.  But I learn,” it’s so relatable with my life. 
Season Finale 
Sansa disagrees with John’s decision to ally with Danaerys Targaryen because of the story in the past. Also, She rejected Dany as their Queen. Meanwhile, Sansa tried to convince everyone for freedom of the North. What did Sansa do is not everyone agrees. But Sansa can manipulate, politic, and strategy against Dany. After giving a warning to John Snow about who Dany was, Sansa proves that she is right. After Dany was slaughter everyone in Kingslanding and killed by John Snow, everything is chaos and John became a prisoner. Sansa and Arya tried to help John, but other kingdoms want he punished and exiled in the beyond the wall with Wilding. Sansa doesn’t care about what happened in King’s Landing. What will care about is her family and The Independence of the North, and it happened, She became Queen in the North. 
What did I learn?
One of my favorite character in Game of Thrones was Sansa Stark because of her development and very represented so many people who underestimate by someone, bullying or raped by someone or situation. But, She learns everything and rises. Every accident, new people, struggle, and experience is the teacher for Sansa. Bad or good experience that she used to study and develop her skills to become a lady of Winterfell and Queen in the North. Become a master of politic, strategy, manipulation is real evidence of intention, hard work, and determination — no day without learning something new. 
Thanks for reading my article, it took a very long time because I was too lazy and busy with my mind and it not useful. I hope. I can make new content, at least once a week. Bye guys
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