#no im not posting it on ao3. it smells in there. i'd rather post fanfics here.
c0smiccom3t · 1 year
a duo's task. (a spyro's adventure cutscene but with Furyne.)
[Kaos was walking down the hallways in his lair, looking mad as usual. Then all of the sudden, he started to yell for his minions. One being a cat taking a nap and one being a troll who's holding a stone tablet]
[his yelling causes Glumshanks to throw the stone tablet in the air by surprise, while Furyne wakes up after their master yelled loudly like that, disturbing their peaceful chaotic dream-filled catnap]
Furyne: Meowr...?
Glumshanks: Yes, Lord Kaos?
Kaos: I have a job for you. Those cursed skylanders OOOOOHHHH and that big faker of a portal master, have interfered with my plans to become emperor of Skylands, for the LAST TIME!!!
[kaos yelled as Glumshanks lift him up on the portal of power's little walls, Furyne in the meantime walked in and watched in curiosity, but then they stand next to Glumshanks]
Kaos: But you, Glumshanks... You and Furyne can stop them.
Glumshanks: ...Us?
Furyne: Mew?
Kaos: You see, things are... Very bad for us right now.
Furyne, with a slight worried look in their eyes: Meow?
Glumshanks: But I thought you said the darkness was growing. And it didn't matter what they did.
Furyne, realizing that and then nodding in agreement: Meow.
Glumshanks: You said-
Kaos: Look, you guys, all we have to do is keep them from getting one, just ONE of the eternal sources, and it'll all be over, which brings me to both of you, Old friends.
Furyne: [gasps in excitement] Meow, meow!!
Kaos: Ahh, You know Furyne, I always appreciated your enthusiasm for when i task you with something. It kind of makes me wonder why can't Glumshanks be more like that. Anyhoo...
[Furyne then grabs the stone tablet and a stone pen, ready to write all the details]
Furyne: Meow??
Kaos: All you have to do is make your way deep underground, sneak past the evil lava guardians and withstand the scorching heat of a burning volcano to sabotage tracks of the mine train [GASP]
[While Kaos was saying all of that, Furyne wrote it down all focused while wagging their tail in excitement, Glumshanks in the meantime looked nervous.]
Kaos: Meaaaanwhile i'll go on ahead and simply go after the eternal fire source myself. [laughs]
[while he was saying that Glumshanks looked even more nervous while Furyne looked even more excited and pumped for this task. Turns out the two may be opposites after all.]
Kaos: See?? There's MORE than one way to... DERAIL their plans!
[Furyne laughed a lot while Glumshanks covered his face in annoyance at that pun the dark portal master made.]
Glumshanks: Oh, please don't tell me you just said that.
Kaos: Oh, i did! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Furyne, happily: Meow!
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