#no matter how long they've been together he's still a little bit of a fanboy lol
necromeowncy · 1 year
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I've been tanking a lot lately and I like to imagine G'raha's reaction to the role reversal.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Fan (Chapter 2)
Warnings - Mentions of groping, accident at a performance
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“Do you know what happened to your fansite, Y/N?”
Aya looked at her group member, scrolling through Instagram to see Milton's post, showing the phone screen to Y/N.
"Wow, he seems pissed," Y/N read the post, feeling uncertain about the post, "I mean, I guess it's sweet he cares enough to get mad over people trying to get upskirt shots."
"And he hasn't tried to grope her yet," Sanghee jumped over the sofa to sit next to Y/N, throwing her arm around her, "and if he does, I'm sure security will ban him like that guy who tried to go through our dressing room and sniff our underwear."
"Not funny," Y/N threw a pillow at the laughing Sanghee, hitting her face, "Yunhee was terrified, the poor thing wanted to escorted everywhere."
"She's our maknae, of cours-"
"To be fair, a 15 year old should be able to handle going to the bathroom without having a security guard stand outside the stall," Aya corrected Sanghee.
"Let's focus on something good. The previews of the photos are amazing! Look!" Chinsun hooked up her laptop to the TV, gleefully sorting through the photos, "Firethorn is amazing! Look at the angle on this one."
"Is he one of the guys from that ATEEZ studio Milton mentioned?" Chinsun opened a bag of chips, crunching them one after anothet, "isn't there a bunch of them?"
"However many there is, they take amazing photos," Y/N clicked the mouse, seeing all of the members throughout the year they've been together.
The group was broken out of their trance, their manager had entered the dorm's living room.
"We have to go, girls! 2 hours until showtime!"
"Why am I being dragged along?"
Hongjoong was being pulled by Yunho and Wooyoung, the pair hurrying through the crowd.
"Because we need someone to hold our shit!" Yunho gave his camera bag to the older boy, looking through his camera, taking test shots of the arena, "I would've asked Seonghwa, but he's still upset about his camera."
"I would be too if some sleazeball pushed someone into me," Wooyoung snapped a picture of the crew setting up the stage.
"Well, I need to go take a piss, take your shit," Hongjoong handed Yunho back his luggage, handing to the bathroom before the performance started.
"He's going to miss the performance, he's not going to be able to get a good seat!" Yunho freaked out, waving his camera wildly and accidentally hitting a little fanboy who had been holding a sign for Yunhee, "oh shit, my bad, little dude. Here, you can have my lightstick."
The little boy stopped sobbing, snatching the Blossom Bong out of his hand, walking away from the tall boy, pouting for his father. The lights had changed to the group's signature colors, a dark green and a light mint, representing the stem of a flower. Erupting from the audience, the cheers drowned out the sound of whacks on metal.
Yunho's phone started buzzing, a text from Hongjoong appearing.
Dude, I can't get back in. They said once you're out, you're out.
Wtf thats bull shit! Its fine, the mall is just 2 blocks away, I'll go there, get some food, how long is the concert?
"Pick your petals! Hi, we are Bloom!"
Only about 90 minutes
ok, do you guys want anything?
Yeah, just get us some pizza. Ill text you when it's over. Sorry bro.
Its okay, Im not big on them anyway. And we'll have plently of more chances to see them.
After a few songs, the girls stood on stage to talk to the audience, a formality of their concerts.
"Petals, we are so proud of you," Chinsun had someone's camera, taking a selfie with Yunhee who was talking to the crowd, "because of you, we are able to stand on stage and dance, rap and sing, we're allowed to live our dream."
"Yunhee, you softie," Y/N was on the other end of the stage, holding a stuffed animal that someone had thrown on stage, "We may not have had a first win, we may not have a number one album, but we're with you guys and that's all that matters!"
"But I'm expecting a win for our comeba-"
Sanghee and Yunhee ran to Y/N, covering her mouth and dragging her to the floor.
"Just ignore her, she has a big mouth," Aya pointed her microphone at Y/N, the trio laughing on the stage floor, "she's always talking about crazy stuff. A comeback? Next month? That's insane!"
"But," the audience held their breath, Yunho and Wooyoung's camera clicking photos, a smug grin adorning Chinsun's face, "do you want a preview?"
The crowd roared into a thunderous applause, the girls gathering at center stage, waiting for Aya to come to them.
When Aya was about to step on the platform, it had collapsed, causing her to fall six feet onto her ankle.
"Fuck!" She had screamed in pain, the other members being held back by security as backstage crew helped Aya to her feet, her ankle throbbing in intense pain, "my leg! My fucking leg!"
"Holy shit!"
Wooyoung and Yunho saw the incident, Aya just a few feet front of them. She held her ankle when a security guard came, picking her up and bringing her offstage. The rest of the members were in a circle, talking to each other when their managers walked up, pulling them off stage. An announcement came up, the audience groaning and booing at what the voice had to say.
"Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel the rest of the concert. Check your email for any information about refunds, exchanges or other opportunities. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Yunho's phone vibrated, Wooyoung snapping a few photos of the downed platform.
"Dude," Yunho looked at Wooyoung with a disappointed look, the younger male lowering his camera in shame, "it's Hongjoong. Come on, let's go."
What happened?! Im in the lobby and heard a crash!
Aya got hurt! The stage fell
how did the stage fall?
I dont know. Theyre kicking everyone out and Bloom was pretty much ripped off stage. Its fucking bullshit, but I hope Aya's okay.
How is everyone else? Hows Yunhee hows Y/N?
Theyre fine from what we saw, a bit shaking. Where are you in the lobby?
Near the dipping dots
"Do you think that Milton guy will have something to say?"
"I don't think I even saw him there," Wooyoung mentioned the apparent absence of the fansite master, "I wonder if he had to do something with it."
Yunho scoffed at the theory, spotting Hongjoong in the disgruntled crowd, passing by the little boy, who was now full on pouring out tears.
"He may be crazy, but I don't think he would be that crazy."
"Who?" Hongjoong sipped his soda, Wooyoung taking his drink while the trio watched the people leave the arena, "that White Jasmine guy?"
"Yeah, he wasn't there," Yunho checked his phone, "no post either."
Hongjoong, Yunho and Wooyoung begun to hid out to the car, the cloud hanging out the parking lot dark and gloomy as the cries of little boys and girls could be heard for miles. Yunho started the car, Wooyoung getting in the back while Hongjoong turned on the radio, the car filling with one of Bloom's b-sides.
"Not now," Wooyoung reached between the front seats, switching it to classic music.
The rest of the ride spent in tense disappointment.
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