#no need to throw in the towel when the poll's only halfway done
autismswagsummit · 2 years
this poll is gunna end up papyrus v mob and i don’t know if tumblr can handle that
papyrus v.s mob v.s 3rd yet undefined wheel winner actually (who we will all pretend is a Cecil stand-in ig)
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
A Cursed G Pt 9 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Emiya, Sakura)
Previous Part: One - Haku POV / Gil POV, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Returning home, Hakuno found Gilgamesh waiting on the windowsill.
Those red eyes followed her to the door. His fluffy body floofed a moment before he was batting his paw at the blinds and freeing himself from their barricade between him and the house. The cat gracefully bounced from the windowsill to the entryway table. The table to the floor of the living room.
And then he was meowing.
She didn’t need cards to know that the cat was meowing because he wanted to speak to her. He wanted to ask why she’d gone and why she was back early and what she had done and, by the time she was finished with answering those questions, she was sure he would have a handful of new questions that he would like to demand answers for.
Rather than bothering with that, Hakuno moved to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of turkey from the fridge. She waved the bag a moment, watching those ruby colored eyes drifting to the baggie.
The pupils dilated with intrigue.
The desire to answer questions and handle real life were so slim right now that any break she could manage was one she grasped with both hands. She grabbed something for herself to drink and brought Gilgamesh to the living room once more, settling under a blanket on the couch.
She treated the fluff of a cat to his just desserts, watching the cat simply begin to purr and flop onto his side. He partook in the turkey like a fish to water, opting soon enough to rolling into the crook of her arm and gazing up to her.
Her hand went to his chin, a series of scratches earning the most contented look that the cat was probably capable of giving.
Sleep greeted them like an old friend.
When they awakened, the house was dark and Hakuno carried the cat towards the bathroom.
Tonight, she was just a cat owner, home from a tiring day and in need of a nice relaxing bath. She turned on the Bluetooth speaker and turned on some classical music. She let Gilgamesh pounce into the water, happily swimming around a moment before he looked up to her in expectation.
They soaked for ages, until the water began to grow cold and they could no longer remain in the water without developing a cold.
Then, it was time for the blowdryer.
Hakuno found herself watching the golden cat fluff right back out, his chin tilting up as those eyes closed and he turned his head this way and that.
G had always been such a fan of the hairdryer. She combed him as he let himself be dried, working some grooming spray into his fur to keep the hair from matting.
Then, when he was done, she remained on the floor with him, working on her own hair as the cat rolled around on the towels and purred some more.
Together they went for a late night snack and a drink.
They were back before the television, watching the latest episode of their show before heading to her room.
She’d had her cat for two months now. Two months of this as a routine, where the only thing that had been on her mind for a while was how much she really enjoyed being a cat owner. Knowing that Gilgamesh was a human being as well… knowing that he would probably find a way to become human and leave…
Maybe she’d get another cat.
It took two days to get out of the fatigue funk.
Two days of lounging on the couch, two days of tossing turkey Gil’s way whenever he was going to get after her, two days of dangling strings and hair and chains over the cat’s head and watching him become infuriated with himself at becoming so caught up in playing with her; she wasn’t sure what really changed on the third day, but the world had passed without so much as the batting of an eye.
Sakura invited her to a study group.
Rin complained to her for hours about Cu Chulainn.
Cu Chulainn pulled her aside and asked for some advice about Rin.
Emiya and her returned to their usual study lunches.
And work?
She found herself shelving books and checking out books for students at the front of the library a great number of times. As the people came and went, she busied herself with the periodicals and textbook catalogues.
The weekend was around before she had finished coming to her senses.
There was just one slight, tiny difference to her life this week compared to the rest of her life…
She would wave her hand a bit when she was going to a locked door. She slipped through the ID scanner to get into the library. She would use a bit of magic to push Emiya’s chair the first couple times they sat together.
He’d gotten a little self-conscious about that, but she wasn’t going to do it too much.
She couldn’t get her dress zipper down?
The food could use a little warming up?
See, the fatigue, as she’d reasoned out, was no doubt from the magnitude of what she’d done before. Bringing life to dying plants was asking for a great amount of energy. That was like turning back time. If she was going to do that, she needed to be prepared for such backlash.
Little tricks were fine though.
She got a papercut?
Computer started to be stubborn?
Magic was turning out to be the ultimate tool for her day to day life. Even once the weekend came, she found herself using magic here and there around the kitchen.
Gilgamesh started meowing from the living room.
“G? Are you hungry or something?”
The cat sat on his cards, patting one of the cards incessantly.
The speed and amount of times he was patting at that card said more than the card did.
“What’s going on? Why am I a fool now?”
The cat looked around a moment before tapping at the two cards.
“There’s no real consequence when I use it on small things. If I keep using it sparingly, then I won’t get tired like I did last weekend.”
The cat growled at her.
“It’s fine, Gilgamesh.”
He started to move again, but she found his ear and began to scratch just at the inner part of his ear. Those eyes closed, his foot thumping against the glass of the table as he began to involuntarily purr.
He may be a king and he may be cursed, but right now he was just a cat.
Gilgamesh could no more resist ear and chin scratches than he could resist his brushing time.
Taking a break from cooking, she found herself pulling the cat into her arms and pulling out the combs and brushes, watching those red eyes grow closer and closer to closing. He purred until he was fast asleep in her lap, the poor cat unable to handle this level of attention.
Her magic would be fine.
Calming the nervous and worried cat was something she could manage. When he became human again, she would have him teach her a little more about how to manage the logistics of magic and she would help return him to his time. Maybe she’d even enjoy a little bit of a stroll through the wilds of ancient Uruk before returning here and resting up.
She could flash there and back without missing more than a second.
Yeah, that’d be cool.
She wrapped one of the blankets around the cat and went back to work, cooking dinner and reviewing some of her homework. Emiya knocked on the door a little after seven, coming in with Sakura and settling at her table to work together on a project.
It was halfway through the project that Gilgamesh was groggily getting up.
“Oh!” Sakura beamed, moving from the table and kneeling before the cat. “Good morning, sunshine! Did you sleep well?”
The cat stared at her a moment before turning his attention to the rest of the room.
Those eyes fell to Emiya.
Gilgamesh turned his head and fluffed his tail, heading back for her room.
He’s very put out.
“Hakuno, you have the most temperamental cat I’ve ever seen,” Emiya complained.
“You should get one of those backpacks for cats,” Sakura told her. “You can stick your cat in them and wander around with them with you. Gorgeous is so pretty. I bet the library would let you take him in with you.”
It was true that her boss had seen a picture she’d taken of Gilgamesh drooling onto her leg and had become quite taken with him. Kiara had thought that the cat was ‘darling’ to quote the woman.
It didn’t seem wise to take a cat that insisted on using Cuneiform cards to talk to her around the city. The last thing she needed was to be setting out the cards in public and playing psychic with her cat.
Because no one would ever believe that her cat was really saying things to her.
Sakura glanced into her living room, frowning.
“Something wrong?”
“Hakuno, are you learning a language?”
She must have left the cards out.
“I was trying to learn a little for class. I thought it would help with my essay,” she lied, turning the page in her book and clearing her throat. “It didn’t work. Anyway, the next chapter, Sakura.”
The woman returned to the table, working for a while longer before she was yawning.
With a quick bid goodnight, Hakuno waved the two off, closing her door a moment before-
A loud crash could be heard outside. Throwing the door open, Hakuno hurried outside, noting Emiya’s body lying crumbled near the telephone poll. Sakura was lying on the front lawn, slowly getting up.
A car was crashed nearby, but…
Her feet carried her straight to Emiya. She dropped to her knees immediately, pulling him from the curled up position he was in. There was bone showing. There was blood everywhere.
The urge to hurl at the very sight was strong, but she didn’t have time for that. Sakura was starting to get up, calling out to her about Emiya.
He would die.
These were severe injuries. There was blood everywhere. The car must have been speeding in the neighborhood when it had hit him. There was nothing they could do to save him at this point. Calling an ambulance would take too long. Emiya was already starting to lose color.
“I’m calling an ambulance!” Sakura called, her voice cracking.
She turned her eyes to Sakura, her eyes drifting to her front doorstep.
Gilgamesh sat quietly, his tail swaying back and forth.
She could use her magic.
It had been a while since she had done anything big. She’d revived all those plants in the center of the city.
No one had seen how Emiya looked…
She could hear Gilgamesh meowing as she pressed her hands to Emiya’s person. Her eyes closed, her mind focused on the one task at hand.
She demanded mentally for the bone to go back to where it belonged, listening to Emiya cry out for a moment. She demanded for the inner bleeding to stop. She could see his eyes opening, but her eyes closed again as she tried to push the healing further.
He needed to survive.
He needed to be here for Sakura.
Sirens were going off in the distance.
She didn’t open her eyes, she couldn’t yet.
She could feel a fluffy body leap into her arms, a set of claws digging into her thigh. Her concentration broke. The world swayed around her as Sakura pulled her away from the body and Gilgamesh growled at her.
Once again, the world around her was spinning.
The medics were stopping on her doorstep, rushing forth to the car and to Emiya as the police arrived.
Sakura was picked up, carried carefully to the ambulance nearby.
Emiya was still glancing her way as he was placed onto a stretcher and told to lay back and relax.
And the car…
Hakuno could see the body being pulled out, having hit the tree nearby and no doubt died upon impact. The world was a blur of color and sounds as the police tried to ask her questions and Gilgamesh held onto her tight.
“I didn’t see what happened…” She shook her head, trying to focus. “I ah…”
They helped her back into the house, pouring her some water and telling her to rest.
If I hadn’t saved Emiya, he would have been dead like that person out there just now.
The universe had aligned just right for her to save his life. If it hadn’t been for having Gilgamesh, if she hadn’t learned that she had this power; she would have lost one friend tonight.
It had been the right thing to do.
No matter what, it had been the right thing to do and she wouldn’t regret it.
Her feet wavered beneath her.
She idly used a bit of magic to lock the front door of the house and felt her vision swim.
Once again, she could hear Gilgamesh meowing incessantly. She could feel those claws getting after her, trying to get her to get up.
Sorry, Gil.
She needed a little bit of rest.
Just a while.
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