#no raceplay
cogbreath · 9 months
i think a major thing in regards to kink and racial aspects and dynamics is the fact that white people particularly are used to their every desire and comfort and pleasure being prioritised whether they are consciously aware of it or not.... like unfortunately the situation is that most of them believe that kink exists in some sort of bubble.
for example many would not think twice about the implications of wanting to have "taking bbc" be a necessary part of their personal humiliation or transformation or degradation kink. they already live under conditions where they have to put in active effort to be anti-racist. so ofc it never occurs to them that perhaps maybe we are asking them to think critically about the origins of their kinks and why the dynamic might be dubious if not outright racist.
to them its a matter of kink shaming because white pleasure and white comfort comes before respecting black people as humans. this is the way society has functioned for centuries. so of course why would they ever think that there might be more behind the fact that they enjoy raceplay fantasies? because to them its just that, a fantasy. they have never had to question why or how that came be.
Seriously, i implore you to all really really think critically about the way you think about black people sexually, how you want to treat your black partners, and if that may have implications or backgrounds to it that you don't recognize. you need to understand that there are very real reasons behind the fact that we want you to question why it sexually pleasures you to have racial power over us. its not at all the same as for example someone thinking its immoral or repulsive to enjoy kinky sex. we are literally just wanting you to recognise that our people have a history of sexual abuse tied with our history of racial abuse.
like if you have a kinky dynamic with a black partner, are you taking care to consider the implications of why they might not be okay *at all* with being referred to as your slave sexually regardless of the way you intend it? or being whipped? For reasons outside of the fact it doesn't turn us on, but rather that its something that for us, for our people, are things that were used to abuse us?
are you taking care to educate yourself about the history of sexual abuse in racism and slavery? do you actually know that cuckolding has racist roots? have you researched that? do you know how our people were and have been exploited and abused sexually throughout history not just with slavery but minstrely and so on? Did you ever take pause to think about the history that may lie behind raceplay and how maybe, just maybe; that us finding an issue with that kink is not us shaming anyone or trying to suppress anyone's sexuality?
learn to understand *why* we have every right to not feel okay with the fact people get off to the racial abuse and exploitation and dehumanizing of us, regardless of if its just "fantasy" or "roleplay". think about why your first reaction is to claim that your sexual freedom is being stifled, why you think your right to pleasure comes before our right to NOT be treated like this and to NOT view you as a safe person to be around for openly and proudly getting off to it.
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thottybrucewayne · 7 months
It's so crazy that people can't have frank discussions about bdsm and Kink without the prude allegations popping up. Like damn, why I gotta be Vanilla™ cause I don't think roleplaying rape, familial sexual abuse, or racist violence is okay? It's so wild you can just say "Yeah, even if you're a survivor who's into that stuff personally, you should be able to understand how this kind of play makes irl kink spaces dangerous." and all of a sudden you're a puritanical prude who hates queer people or whatever. Like aight. Whatever.
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vanaglori-ah · 8 months
the brothers sun is such a good show but goddamn do the politics suck ass.
it has meaningful things to say about intergenerational trauma, misogyny, and patriarchy. but it's just so bogged down by its determination to uphold the systems at play.
spoilers below
the constant assertion that alexis kong isn't police but she works for a racist, white supremacist system is absolutely hilarious. she upholds the laws that put marginalized people at risk. her being a prosecutor is no better. skip intro's video on law and order and how prosecutors uphold the system is a great video essay to look at this issue in particular. she's says she's not police but acts like a fucking cop. she works with police, with the fbi.
grace. good god grace. i wanted her to be done better. the idea that the boxers are in the wrong for retaliating against their oppressors with violence, when they are constantly met with violence, is so neoliberal and unfair. her reaction to fighting back is reasonable. and furthermore, there's an implication that the immigrants in the community centers that the boxers set up are basically indoctrinated into the boxers. the show implies that community care and support leads to people trying to kill other people.
the systems at the end of the show are upheld. there's no disruption, no overhaul. systems of oppression, at the end of the day, need to stay. it's fucking insidious to promote that message in a show that wants to talk about breaking cycles and freeing themselves from the influence of oppressive power structures.
it's not actually even about freedom. it's about getting to the top and wielding the power of the oppressor. and the show never wants to go into how that's just a veneer used to continue oppression. just not. for. you.
a tumblr post cannot dive fully into this show. i have so much to say about it. good things, bad things, and ugly things. but like this summarizes my thoughts on the show's misguided politics.
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asiangirl132 · 6 months
Want to chat about white male superiority and why asian girls are the best fucktoys
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thottybrucewayne · 5 months
Also, the thing about the "well what if -some members of this targeted demographic- are into being fetishized or having their trauma fetishized? Huh? Checkmate, prudes!" is okay, what about the people who aren't? Do the Lesbians in kink spaces who don't feel comfortable around people with corrective rape "kinks" get a say in what the space looks like? Do the Black people who don't feel comfortable around people who are into raceplay get a say in what the space looks like? You can't be shocked when people avoid posting or speaking up in kink spaces when you make it hard for them to even have a voice on how they're treated...
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sp00kyd0m-ii · 3 months
what would be the best punishment for a racist girl?
I know the obvious answer is forced breeding from a POC but that’s a little too tame for me
I think you should be taken to a concentration camp where you’re repeatedly gangbanged and bred by other racists, neo-Nazis and fascists, turned into a breeding toy to continue the white race.
Like, oh you think white people are superior? Put your money where your mouth is. Help us create more white babies. Keep your bloodline pure - your consent is not required. You will carry our racist babies. This is where racism leads you.
Be careful what you wish for…
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strykingback · 4 months
My Reply to Stop The Hate 2.0
Okay so I know I prompted to stay quiet about this one anti/RWDER but you know what screw it. When I saw what they were posting yes it left me a bit disturbed, but also the fact that he was liking some incredibly wild shit. But one post caught my attention the most and it was and I quote: "Stop The Hate 2.0." So I took a read at it and little to know surprise in the words of Genji from Overwatch.... I'm not impressed. and surprisingly this person needs no introduction I'll just get right into the nitty gritty of this poor individual who has entered the Thunderdome. papitimefire177.
Before I continue with this, I just want to immediately say this: Please for the love of god and all things holy. DO NOT WITCHHUNT Do not send any anon hate just do what I did. Block and Move On. Anywho lets get into it.
This individual here first off says things such as calling people who criticize Jaune (ala Jaune Haters) as fucking stupid and categorizes them all as he quotes: Fucking Morons and how we bitch about "made up stuff that is not true."
Okay, first things first is Jaune has basically stolen a lot of screentime from RWBY. How much? Over around 5,489 Hours of Screentime. Which is one hour thirty-one minutes and twenty-nine seconds (Counting from Volumes 1-6) And oh do please use this chart here. Special thank you to Emotional-Feed 5489 on the r/RWBYCritics subreddit for going through hell and back to get these results.
Further note- This is only going from Volumes 1-6, Seven is not included since he did not get any screentime until Volume's Eight and Nine.
Secondly, Jaune really began to grind my gears when Volume six had to reinforce the fact that Pyrhha is gone. Okay. We get it already Pyrrha is dead and Jaune is literally mourning her still. At this point lets just get it over and done with and move on. Yes, I am fully aware that Pyrrha's death has lingered heavily for him but at the same time it does not take you three entire volumes to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out to carry on.
What really set me off was in Volume nine after, Ruby who had one of if not the MOST SATISFYING mental breakdown scenes and calling out her teammates (Especially Yang) for being horrendous teammates when throughout that whole volume Ruby was going through the shitter, only for Jaune to steal it all the way cause "I suffered more than you have."
Yes Jaune as if you have the whole world on your shoulders? Like dude grow the fuck up. Because you are also talking to someone who is fifteen years old (once again this could be the case of time goes forward but the characters don't age trope.)
Then right after Ruby literally "Ascends" by drinking the tea. It's time for more Jaune angst cause he's going through it more than Ruby did?! It took Weiss, Yang, and Blake almost the entire volume to care about Ruby but it took them just a few minutes in an episode to hug Jaune for his "angst" fuck that.
Now moving on. Of course lots of people do write him out of their stories but some people do keep him only for him to have atleast one or two arcs depending on the writer of course and have him die or keep him around to develop him better than what RT's writers could do. Once more his historical allusion is to the legendary female knight Joan of Arc and I have spoken with a few friends of mine who did have plans for their RWBY Re:Write to have him transition into a woman to better fit the allusion and have him die a hero.
Gee it's not like I have MADE A POST ABOUT THIS.
Also furthermore I did do some research trying to find that "Jaune Arcless" video paptimefire177 talked about in their Stop The Hate 2.0 message. Instead I didnt find jack diddly shit at all. So I can only assume they pulled that out of their ass to try and get their point across as they go on to say that Who wants that because Removing Jaune is fucking stupid.
Which as my counterpoint. Lots of people do want Jaune to be out of the picture whether if relegated to side-character status for him to not be so damn annoying where he wont step in whenever characters like Oscar for example who in Volume 6 got a wardrobe change and some development only for it to be stolen away for a fucking statue sequence.
Or how at the end of Volume eight he could have healed up Penny and got her across the gate to Atlas so that way she could also have the relic with her. Nope lets have him kill her so he can have angst in Volume nine!
And lastly he goes off on a rant stating how Jaune Haters are pathetic along with the hate for Jaune and stating how people who hate Jaune need to wear diapers and go back to the basement we have come from.
Okay Papi. since you wanna ball. We're gonna ball. You are the pathetic one seriously do you really think people are going to follow you? You who have used ableist language against someone calling them a slur in DM's no less. Want proof?
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Or how you claim to not be a race fetishist but at the same time you liked this.
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(When I looked back in there again to find this man in the likes section of this post I could not find his name but earlier when I did my first post of Jaune Arc A Horrendous Example of A Knight. I did see his name amongst those likes)
Lets also not forget that you would happily block evade through your other accounts as well. Now then are you listening there amigo? Cause I can keep this shit up if you arent too busy. Oh wait, whats that?
You claim RWDE has made as you quoted yourself: "Sends Death Threats, Suicide Bait, False Accusations, Being general assholes, Bitches about everything"
Really then? Where is your evidence? What is your source where made those bold accusations from?
So papitimefire177 do me a favor and go outside, touch some grass, walk around take in nature itself. Instead of trying to start fights with your raceplaying ableist ass... cause guess what. Ain't nobody got time for that.
And if you do plan on replying, you aint gonna be sayin' shit so whats it gonna be!?
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saynotowhitegirls · 2 years
White men be like: "Honey, I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it's acting up again."
The mechanic:
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So Tumblr's still not letting me reblog this person
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So I made this post to point out the massive amounts of ableism/racism in the anti rwde community
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rukafais · 5 months
im still deeply fascinated by Ed Greenwood's utterly bizarre commentary about festhalls in FR because it is so absolutely clear what his priorities are in why he just sprinkles so many of them everywhere (like seriously in the volos guides EVERY SECOND TOWN HAS A FESTHALL, theyre just everywhere). Like he had a VERY raunchy table and good for them (he has stories about like, getting super into the role of like a seductive NPC and practically climbing into one of his player's laps etc) but he also just doesn't seem to realize that's not actually how everyone plays DnD
"I see the popularity of brothels in the Realms as based on the Faerûnian love of play: as in our real world, children lose many opportunities for playing as they grow up (unless they can shift into participation in a sport, or acting, or performing and use that as an outlet), but brothels offer a place to go on playing, lifelong.
Some people never engage in a sexual physical act at a brothel, but visit them often. Some of these go to watch the fun (ogling), some go for the chance to flirt or make lewd suggestions they'd never dare utter elsewhere, and some just like to chat or play cards or drink with others while naked, or while crossdressing, or while pretending to be of a race or profession (example: the pirate above) that they're not. Some folks frequent festhalls to play tag, or blindfolded tag, or all sorts of other games that again, are play but not necessarily sexual."
(Source: So Saith Ed/Candlekeep forum answers, i'm pretty sure)
Which like yeah sure I guess that's just how he is, but the idea of like. Going to a combination club/casino/brothel to play tag, a thing you can just run around and do outside for free, is a fascinating image that tells me a lot about him more than anything else.
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asiangirl132 · 6 months
Want to chat about white male superiority and why asian girls are the best fucktoys
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