#no_ i feel like they'll be connected to other humans maybe
transingthoseformers · 2 months
Since S2 trailer hasn't dropped, which Autobots or Decepticons do you think will show up in Earthspark (outside of the ones shown in the "history lesson" Alex gave in the first episode)?
Hmm, I forget if ratchet is in that part but I'm honest to god hoping for ratchet and drift now that I know that was a possible plot point for s1
I feel like we're going to see Thundercracker, just a hunch. Just a hunch.
I feel like we're going to see new non Maltos terrans, and personally emphasis on terrans not terran
I feel like we're going to see more stunticons show up
(other than that, I think Jazz was in the Lesson and Prowl is definitely happening, and I saw some shit about combiner toys a while back... That's just an idea though)
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