#noel like “what's a little bleeding when i've still got all my limbs” sldhsdh
hvndredbattles · 8 months
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Really, Singh was a lucky bastard, catching shrapnel where he had. A little over and he'd have been looking at a femoral bleed. Any higher, and, well... Let's just say he's sensitive to the fact that he'd nearly found himself short the family jewels, so to speak. He'd limped along for all of a step or two before Ghost had, presumably, taken pity on him.
❛ thought you’d be lighter without all that blood. ❜ @warhunts (x)
"It's like body building, aye? Or wrestling." The bloodloss might be a bit more than Singh had initially projected. He's usually got a pretty solid brain-to-mouth filter, but not all of it's getting caught, now. "Just water weight."
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