windvexer · 7 months
Hi chicken!
I had a question about energy work, how do you know when it actually happened?
I’ve been practicing trying to charge incense with intention and my own energy. I definitely feel something coursing through me and into the incense when I do this but is feeling it enough to know it worked? If not, how can I determine it was actually successful?
Thank you in advance!!!
Charged to what purpose?
Broadly speaking we can charge/imbue energy for verifiable and nonverifiable purposes.
Consider charging incense so it generally is more strong in any given spell. This is maybe tough to verify because each spell probably has its own variables that could also effect the outcome.
On the other hand you can charge incense to provide a specific, discrete effect that occurs when you burn it - absent of other spellwork.
An example might be charging incense with a heavy, deadening Earthen energy that makes people sleepy and lumpish when they're in the room.
As compared to noncharged incense, does your charged incense make people sleepy?
Another way to tell is whether or not the activity of charging drains you or otherwise uses up your personal resources.
Are you more mentally or physically fatigued afterwords? Do you get hungrier later that day, or suddenly need to drink lots of water? Do you need extra sleep on days when you practice charging? Does the charging activity use up all your spoons?
Cues like these can be very personal and not all of them apply to everyone. An "energy sun" may be able to channel huge amounts of energy without necessarily feeling weary.
Try using something like a bullet journal to track fatigue factors, with special attention to days when you practice energy work and charging exercises. Also try charging incense directly for a purpose and seeing if that purpose works.
Also try setting up experiments when possible - does using your charged incense lend a satisfied, complete feeling to spellwork, whereas uncharged incense makes you feel like something is missing?
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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Mysterious Dinner Table
Obtainability: This is a personal memoria for Mitsuru Inami. It is obtainable through completing the third episode of her Magical Girl Story and through the Support Gacha.
Single Effect: Charge Draw
MLB Effect: Charge Draw
Effect Definitions:
Charge Draw will replace that turns’ current discs with Charge discs.
TLDR: "Mysterious Dinner Table" is an important part of Mitsuru Inami's kit. If you have the character and plan on using her during Ranked, it will be worth it to invest in and max-awaken this personal memoria.
Review: This memoria is an important part of Mitsuru's kit, but first we need to talk about Mitsuru herself in order to talk about why this memo is good.
Mitsuru Inami is good for ranked mirrors and little else. Her stats are terrible-- she has very little ATK with most of the bulk of her stats being in HP and DEF. Her magia and doppel purposely deal very little damage and put her on par with the amount of damage that Sudachi will deal (aka, nearly next to nothing). Her magia and doppel themselves will give Attack Down, Accele MP Gain Down, MP Gain Down, MP Damage, Negate Status Ailments (for your team) and then HP Restore for your team-- all things that aren't useful in regular PVE.
But where is stuff like this useful? Ranked.
Her dealing very little damage makes her ideal in Ranked, because it means that you use her magia repeatedly without killing your opponents, ideal for racking up points to get a high score. Her charge conservation connect means that you won't lose your charge bonus if worse comes to worse and you're forced to use noncharge discs. Her magia will prevent the enemy from gaining MP so that they can't use a magia, and it will heal your team-- and having high team HP is another way to score points.
So, how does the personal fit in? Generally you aren't going to be using personals in mirrors, right? Well, as mentioned above, you want to have a high charge combo for your ranked mirrors points. Usually this means you'll want a team with a charge draw character so that you can easily draw the needed discs-- maybe even two characters with charge draw. That way both characters can charge draw and even puella connect with each other as needed.
Some characters, like Kaoru Maki, Swimsuit Madoka, Sae Kirino, and Tanabata Yachiyo will have charge draw as part of their Spirit Enhancement active. This makes them easy staples for Ranked Mirrors.
However, Mitsuru Inami instead has a Spirit Enhancement active of "Magia Damage Down, Magia Damage Down Further, and MP Gain Down" which is arguably just as if not more important than a charge draw. Why is this? Why not have her personal and SE active swap places?
This is because turn one is the most important time for that kind of Spirit Enhancement active to be used. You don't want to wait for turn two to use MP Gain Down, you want to use that shit ASAP.
Additionally, you aren't typically going to use Mitsuru Inami by herself as the sole charge unit. You're probably going to field her with another girl who has charge draw, as mentioned above.
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That character will be able to charge draw right away if you need her to, so having two readily available charge draws on turn one isn't going to be necessary.
Lastly, Mitsuru Inami's Spirit Enhancement includes a turn one Skill Quicken. That means that you'll be able to use her personal memoria (or any other memoria with a low enough cooldown) by turn two.
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Lastly, the stats on this memoria are low but actually play into Mitsuru Inami's kit well. With her passive MP Gain Up when damaged, you're going to want her to be taking hits-- and that means you probably want her to have a lower DEF than your other girls, as the Mirrors AI will prioritize units with the lowest defense to attack. By using memoria like this, you can keep Mitsuru's DEF low to help encourage her to take the hits needed to earn a Magia, but her high HP also means that she probably won't die to any of the attacks.
Overall she's a smartly made niche character who is very good at one specific mode in the game to the exclusion of any other, and her personal memoria is an excellent continuation of her kit.
You'll want to max awaken the memoria if you get it.
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sometimes u just gotta relate to fictional characters a little too hard n get teary about it
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scifigeneration · 6 years
You may not even need a telescope to see Comet 46P/Wirtanen in the night sky this month
By Shannon Schmoll
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As comets blaze across the night sky, they can bring wonder and excitement to those watching from Earth – or even a sense of impending doom. In the past, people debated what comets even are – an atmospheric phenomenon, a fire in the sky, a star with a broom-like tail?
You’ll get a chance to see which visual description you think fits best this month: Comet 46P/Wirtanen is expected to make an appearance in mid-December that may well be visible even to the naked eye.
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Animation of the elliptical orbit of Halley’s comet. The largest blue circle represents Neptune’s orbit. Comet 46P/Wirtanens orbit only extends to the red circle, Jupiter’s orbit. nagualdesign/Wikimedia Commons
Anatomy of a comet
Through Edmond Halley’s study in the 17th century of what became known as Halley’s comet, astronomers realized comets are within our solar system. They have highly elliptical or elongated orbits around the sun. Some have orbits that extend well beyond Pluto while some stay relatively close.
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Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, taken by the Rosetta Mission Sept. 19, 2014. Rosetta’s original target was 46P/Wirtanen, but NASA missed the deadline to launch in time. ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM, CC BY-SA
When comets are farther out in the solar system, they’re not much to look at. They’re often compared to dirty snowballs. But unlike a rocky asteroid, a comet also has volatile frozen gases such as methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and ammonia along with their nucleus of rock, ice and dust.
As a comet gets closer to the sun, heat causes the comet’s volatile elements to turn from solid into gas in a process called sublimation. As water, methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonia are released, it creates the tail comets are known for, as well as a bright cloud called a coma around its nucleus.
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Comet Hale-Bopp has a blue ion tail as well as a curved dust tail. Astronomy For Beginners, Andy Roberts, CC BY
Comets actually have two distinct tails: one a dust tail, the other an ion or gas tail. Solar wind and radiation pressure push the tails away from the sun. Ultraviolet light ionizes some of the tail material, creating a charged gas that interacts with the charged solar wind and ends up pointing directly away from the sun. The noncharged dust tail still follows the comet’s orbit, resulting in a more curved tail.
As a comet goes through this process, it will brighten, making for a great show for stargazers – or rather, cometgazers. Predicting how bright a comet will be is notoriously difficult though, since it’s never clear exactly how the gases will behave. Even measuring the brightness is tricky. Unlike the way a star’s brightness is concentrated into a single point from our perspective on Earth, a comet’s brightness is diffused over a larger area.
A visit from 46P/Wirtanen
Astronomer Carl Wirtanen discovered his namesake comet in 1948. He was a skilled object hunter and used photos of the night sky to spot the quickly moving object, at least astronomically speaking.
Comet 46P/Wirtanen’s orbit keeps it pretty near to the sun. Its aphelion, or farthest point from the sun, is about 5.1 astronomical units (AU), which is just a tad bigger than Jupiter’s orbit. Its perihelion, or closest approach to the sun, is about 1 AU, just about the Earth’s distance from the sun. This path takes about 5.4 years to complete, meaning it comes back into view quite frequently compared to other famous comets.
Right now, it is approaching its perihelion. Its closest point to the sun will fall on Dec. 16 – which is why it will be brightest on this day.
Comet 46P/Wirtanen is a particularly active comet – called a hyperactive comet – and tends to be brighter than other comets of a similar size. This makes it a good candidate for viewing. Predictions suggest it will be as bright as a magnitude 3, which is a little brighter than the dimmest star in the Big Dipper, Megrez. However, there are some predictions that keep it beyond naked eye visibility at a brightest magnitude of only 7.6. The dimmest object visible with the naked human eye is magnitude 6, under perfect observing conditions.
If those magnitudes seem a little off, it’s because astronomers use a backwards system. The smaller the number, the brighter the object.
To try to see this comet, get to as dark a sky as you can on Dec. 16, when it will be at its brightest. It will be between the constellation Taurus and the Pleiades star cluster.
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The plus sign indicates where you can spot Comet 46P/Wirtanen the evenings of Dec. 14 through 19. The plot is set for one hour after sunset for a latitude between 40-90 degrees. John French, CC BY-ND
If you cannot see Comet 46P/Wirtanen with your naked eye, use binoculars or a small telescope to catch a glimpse. The comet is already in the sky, but requires a telescope. You can start following now using maps showing its position night by night. Its location in the sky also means it is visible for all but Earth’s extreme southernmost latitudes.
The comet’s position near Taurus makes it ideal for spotting all night long. Taurus is just in the east after the sunset and moves toward the west throughout the night.
May you have clear skies for observing. You can decide for yourself whether this comet will be an omen of good or bad luck for 2019.
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About The Author:
Shannon Schmoll is Director of the Abrams Planetarium in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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eightholyterrors · 6 years
credence   &&   tina;   he  won’t  touch  you  like  i  do.
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           there was      a silence ringing    through the room. although he     was used to silence    he wasn’t     used to companionship.     --     to affection.     but tina    was different.     --     more loving    than     his   adoptive   mother.    in every conceivable    manner. she didn’t     fear his magic    the way that     his   ma did.     didn’t   beat him for it.     --     but embraced him    instead.    all the    pieces of him.     including the    darkness deeply    rooted within.     she almost seemed to      cherish him    despite the    piece of him   that was        (      at times      )     unstable.     perhaps    she knew by    now that he’d    never let it    hurt her.      that he    did wield some    control over that     sde of himself.      that he   only used it    on bad   people     --      like     his adoptive   mother when he     killed her.     he     remembered what it    felt like to    be ripped apart. to have    his magic     implode in    on him.     to have    so many spells trying    to decimate him    at once.     he never    wanted to feel that    again.     his   lips trembled     as he     pushed down    the memory.            he was    lucky to have    escaped.    he’d been    weakened for    weeks.    unable to    wield his    magical    abilities.    he’d   felt like an    nonchargeable    battery.    if    tina hadn’t    found him   huddled   in the alley,        &&     given him     a home,     he might have    died.    she was    like a   guiding light to him.    something bright     &&    clear.    but   when she   married another.    loved    another.    it only turned his   heart to    jealousy.     he’d     thought   she was his.    --    that   perhaps    she might care    for him.    ��   &&      it wasn’t   until the    first time   newt   went away    for a  long    trip    in europe that    he    found himself    inside of   their   home.    curiously he   remembered    kissing her    that first time.     his mind   screamed at him    for the    atrocious sin of    it,    but she was    all he    had.    --     the only    one he loved.   tonight he    felt the   pull of her.   he could always    sense her   magic.   it tangled with his.    tugged,     &&     pulled on his   heartstrings.    newt was    gone again.    he was    always gone these    days.     nervously   his eyes    darted around.      ❛    tina    ??     ❜      his voice   was soft,    uncertain as he   crossed the   threshold of her    home.
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bjones21 · 3 years
What is back office manager?
Administrative center administration is the organization of an organizations HR innovation and administrations The administrative center commonly supports and attempts to follow through on the targets and guarantees of the front office group . Administrative center and front officeGenerally front office staff are the people in touch with the customers or customers while the administrative center staff are individuals in the background working in authoritative or support jobs. Bookkeeping administrative centerCustomarily administrative center tasks have incorporated the regions inside reserve organization Indeed the common reevaluated capacities incorporate store bookkeeping investor overhauling other than charging invoicing and postexchange consistence . 
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tenderribcage · 6 years
Did you try replacing the batteries?
((It does not have batteries, its a cordless, nonchargeable pen))
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hacreakajanyute · 3 years
Lot 5pcs New Notebook BIOS CMOS Laptop Motherboard PC PLC 3V CR2032 2032 Li-ion Cell Button Battery with 3 Wires 3Pin Cable
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kakakarinhhh-blog · 5 years
Online Sale JJRC JJPRO - P130 Battler 130mm 5.8G FPV 800TVL 2.4GHz 6CH RC Racing Quadcopter - RTF
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Brand: JJRC Type: Body Frame,Camera Set,ESC,Flight Controller,Motor,Power Distribution Board,Propeller,Propeller Clip,Transmitter Receiver SetKV: 2300KV Max. Continuous Current (A): 13A No. of Cells: 2 - 3S LiPoChannel: 6-Channels Remote Control: 2.4GHz Wireless Remote Control Mode: Mode 2 (Left Hand Throttle) Detailed Control Distance: 1000m Transmitter Power: 4 x 1.5V AA battery(not included)Video Resolution: 800TVL ( horizontal resolution ) Video Standards: NTSC,PALBattery (mAh): 11.V 850mAh ( Built-in ) Flying Time: about 5mins Charging Time.: less than 120 minutesPackage weight: 1.285 kg Product size (L x W x H): 36.50 x 20.00 x 9.00 cm / 14.37 x 7.87 x 3.54 inches Package size (L x W x H): 44.50 x 27.00 x 12.00 cm / 17.52 x 10.63 x 4.72 inchesPackage Contents: 1 x Airframe, 4 x Motor, 4 x ESC, 1 x Flight Controller, 1 x PDB, 4 x LED Light, 1 x FPV Camera Set, 8 x Three-blade Propeller, 1 x Propeller Puller, 1 x Transmitter Receiver Set, 1 x ChargerProduct Safety Disclaimer: We do not accept any responsibility or liability for misuse of this or any other product. All our products are extensively tested to comply with rigorous and strict QC standards. For certain products (e.g. toys, knives, etc.), we recommend proper supervision as we cannot be held liable for misuse or accidents.Small Parts Disclaimer: These toys contain small parts, not for children under 3 years in case of swallowing or choking . We do not accept any responsibility or liability for misuse of this or any other product.
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vova1523 · 10 years
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How to charge ordinary Non-Chargeable batteries
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