sleepytimeprophet · 6 years
5’ 6" female, purple nonsubjug. Bar owner/tender, doesn't care what caste her customers are, so long as they pay their tab. Distrusting and rough around the edges, fairly affectionate and fun company to those she knows well. Very overprotective of her moirail. Stubborn and hard working, highly effective in a brawl. Competitive and realistic/cynical disposition.
Phiron perks up. He can appreciate a hard-working gal, and would be very supportive of the career she makes for herself. He may grate on her because he’s also rough around the edges, but he could work past it. 
Kallin also perks up; needs more nonsubjug friends/quads. Very hard to get to open up and is prone to fits of dysphoric panic, but he’d die for you if you’re patient with him. Could use someone to remind him of his worth. Could try and visit her bar if he doesn’t get wrapped up in restraining himself from smashing every glass that catches even the smallest blurry hint of his reflection.
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sleepytimeprophet · 6 years
Purpleblood nonsubjug, 6'3", Loves criminology and the law, stays up far past his bed time. Always in his hive but would protect his life for the person he cares about. Enjoys tea and cuddling, would spend a lot of time doing that. Wiil always lend a hand and be an open ear.
OOOOO SHIT BOY!!First one that popped into my head was Kallin, perhaps as a pale or red quadrant. Kallin is also a nonsubjug and he has some serious problems with the circus. He’s a little hard to get to open up, but once he does, he’ll swear his life to you.Another is Raimus, my new PI. Potentially a red, or even pitch, if he sees potential in their skills. Raimus is a teal and incredibly emotional for his caste, so it be a little hard to rope him in, especially with the recent loss of his moirail. However, he’s a huge jokester and a pleasure to be around. They dont call him Rhyme for nothin’!And lastly, Bereil! Definitely looking red or pale, considering he’s a violet obsessed with the law who also stays up way past his bedtime. Study buddies perhaps?
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