#nooo clue which direction to go so i'm just winging it!
iobartach · 10 months
@positivelybeastly asked; "well, this’ll save you having to buy a halloween costume."
for inhuman muses prompts
He had a hunch that the remark was well-intentioned, springing from a place that proved exemplary, as far as compliments received from strangers went. Predisposed to ridicule, it's an unexpected develop that sees the Spider's feet remain on the ground, tugging at his attention just enough to ward off the temptation to sling a webline, leaving the other by himself.
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"That's... one way to put it, I suppose." With rude compulsions curbed, a pivot of heel sees Miguel turn back around to face present company, showing off his hands and in particular taloned digits in the process. Each finger was caked in enough dirt and other questionable residue to suggest recent use, a fact that would usually be cause for concern had it not been for the presence of a bright red emblem that took the shape of an arachnid emblazoned upon his broad chest.
"I'm willing to bet you're not in costume, though." A whiff of fur carried on the breeze had partially spoiled the surprise, long before garnet hues caught sight of them. "Who are you?"
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