#nooshy doesn't let it go for a week
hoperays-song · 2 years
Do you think Ryan would ever be interested in / would be convinced to sing (either by himself or with Johnnyb/ the others) for a show?
What kind of song(s) do you think could fit him in that case?
Would he be secure in it or would Johnny get the role of being supportive and reassure him about it? (Kinda like how Nooshy and Ryan supported him in learning to dance)
Hello, thank you again for the asks, they're awesome! I hope you enjoy!
In the fic I am currently writing (I know it taking forever you guys, I'm just really busy, I'm sorry), Ryan does sing!
They revamped the show to be more of an actual musical and Ryan and Johnny actually now have one full duet and a semi duet. Now, that not to say Ryan is particularly enthused about the idea of singing. He doesn't think he can sing. And his perfectionism mixed with his sociophobia around messing up in public does not make it easy to convince him to either.
Can Ryan actually sing? Yes. Is it good? It's decent, not awe-inspiring but not like bad in any sense of the word. He just doesn't think it's good enough to be in the show. The only reason it is is Buster, who told the theatre managers that it would be a duet piece (of course without consulting either Johnny or Ryan, who wrote the scenes themselves) and Ryan doesn't want to go against his boss or have to get the show completely reworked again.
Because of this, he is enrolled in vocal lessons that Johnny is quite strictly banned from by Ryan for the first couple of classes. It wasn't until approximately two breakdowns later from both of them that Ryan actually opened up about it. Johnny does manage to convince him to keep trying however. He was extremely supportive of Ryan after that (not that he wasn't before, they just kinda didn't talk about it) and Ryan started letting Johnny tag along to his singing classes.
It worked out great for both of them in the end tho, as they both helped each other with their areas of supposed "weakness" and supported each other. It's one of the things I have as really starting to make the two grow closer over the first few weeks of the Majestic stay.
*** Their scene does go on to be one of the most popular in the show and their duet gets the most streams out of the album during the first week. So needless to say, it was better than fine at the end.
Thanks again, hope that answered your question! - <3 Gooseless
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