#normal clothes for cecil but i think he looks super cute in them
happypot0001 · 2 months
⚠️Most characters belong to @just-a-carrot!⚠️
Hello! I’m bored, I wanted to draw, and I like you!
*Gives you Hunar x Bucks (Belongs to @just-a-carrot) fan art doodle*
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Go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Lots of love to anyone reading! 💕
Rambling -
Hello! So, I included a cut in this post because I realize that I kind of talk A LOT about my process with art, so to make my blog more…scroll-able(???)…I decided to add a cut to make my posts look shorter! Also, if there are people who don’t really care about the process, this is for them as well! Under the cut, you’ll most likely see me talking about the art, how it came to be, and extra doodles (If there are any) !
If you have been following along with my Tumblr, you’ll see that I previously mentioned before that I had been busy from July 16. Well, not anymore!!! IM FREE!! Honestly the thing I was busy with was SUPER fun but I’m extremely exhausted after it. I’m glad I can finally focus a bit more on making some art! It has made me so happy making art for people and seeing them happy with the art I make them! 💖 I love posting my art on Tumblr really like almost everyone I’ve interacted with online has showed me nothing but kindness! I cant name these people because 1. I don’t want to bother them by tagging them in my post and 2. There would be WAY too many names pfft. Just know that I appreciate everyone and I’ll be trying to post! 🥹
I want to talk about why I did Hunar and Bucks! Im just going to say, Hunar and Bucks are probably one of the only straight ships that I actually kind of like. When I first played “Our Wonderland”, I hadn’t known that it would be a queer game! So when I got introduced to one of the first canon couple that was (kind of) straight, I was like “huh, oh well” and I kept on playing. THATS HOW GOOD THE GAME WAS!!! 🥕 GAVE ME A (AGAIN, KIND OF) STRAIGHT COUPLE AND I STILL PLAYED!!!! Nothing wrong with straight couples in general, I want to establish that pfffft. I just anyway like Hunar, he’s a cute lil’ guy! Don’t look at the feet, I had struggled with those pffft 🤣 Also, officially my first time drawing Hunar!!! I guess this is also officially my first time drawing Bucks in doodle form???!!! If you hadn’t noticed, I had put Hunar in the clothes that he had at the very end of the game because I REALLY liked how he looked there <3 I put Bucks in her normal clothes because I thought they looked better than the softball ones only because I’m imagining that they’re just at home cuddling. And then when you expand on that, you would think “Well, why is Bucks wearing her softball clothes if they’re just chilling at home?” You know? Pfffft
I knew that after I was done with the thing I was so busy with, I wanted to have a drawing/doodle to post. So, I was thinking of who to draw and I was getting into like couple stuff. It was like Cecil x Orlam and Genzy, but those ones are really special ones. So, I decided to leave them for another day! Like, I have a TON of “Our Wonderland’ ideas that I want to do! But, I’m REALLY REALLY slow so if you want to see my ideas, you sadly have to be patient 😭 Like Orlam is honestly invading my mind why is he in there???? I also had another doodle idea that I DID create but decided not to make it the main post because I thought it was stupid and you’ll see why:
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“Uhhhh….Pot? What is this?” You may ask. Well, since I was so tired after my thing, I had been wanting to draw myself tired! Does anyone else do that? Like, if you’re crying or you’re happy, you want to draw you or someone else happy or crying? That’s literally me pfft! I’m not going to call this my sona, I’m just going to refer to this character as “me” because I don’t have a definite sona yet. This is temporary so don’t get too attached pffft. I just thought that I’d include her because I drew her anyway so….enjoy????
Uhhh anyway this is just a collection of silly doodles upon my arrival so I hope you really like them! Just one thing I wanted to point out since I can make the topic about Hunar, did anyone notice the hair clips in the Art Fight attack I did for 🥕 were based off of Hunar’s hair clip?? The story is that Bucks invited Gidget over for a sleepover because Hunar had been out for something, maybe something to do with his books, and so Bucks came up with the idea to have a no boys night! Gidget had brought some hair clips because they’re prepared for anything but Bucks was probably like “No, we should take this opportunity to steal Hunar’s hair clips while he’s away” because she’s a mischievous little thing and I guess somehow Gidget obliged pfffffft! I’d love for anyone to leave a comment if you did notice the clip thing! I thought the little detail would have been noticeable but if it wasn’t I wanted to point it out now! I appreciate anyone to took the time to read all of my ranting heh!!!! Again, go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Have a wonderful day/night! Again, lots of love to anyone reading💗💕
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kuroorchidnobass · 7 years
Shining Masterpiece Twitter Antics 1/17 Part 4: Sweet dreams Alice
Part 1: Nobody expects to drop into Wonderland
Part 2: The fanservice is real
Part 3: Two different duos
All 11 princes are here! We get some behind the scenes info on some things that happened for Lost Alice, like Reiji’s fall and Ranmaru the coordinator. And new PRINCE CATS? We end with a nice farewell from the cast.
Kotobuki Reiji 21:27 Joint interview finished~ ☆ When there’s so many people, it’s fun to listen to all the opinions everyone has!
Shinomiya Natsuki 21:30 It might be hard to gather all that up into words~. But the interview where all 11 of us got together was the best part of the day.
Hijirikawa Masato 21:34 We were so into talking that the topic kept changing and changing and in the end, the interview might have taken as long or even longer than the show’s airing time.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 21:37 Time to autograph!
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Hijirikawa Masato 21:40 The other members are waiting to autograph. To celebrate the release of Lost Alice, we’re going to gift this autographed poster via lottery.
Kotobuki Reiji 21:43 It  looks like they’re gonna explain how you can enter the lottery at a later date so look forward to it ☆ A poster with everyone’s autograph is super rare~!
Shinomiya Natsuki 21:47 A poster with the autograph and comments from us 4 were sent to many shops. Did anyone see it already?
Hijirikawa Masato 21:51 There are many different comments on different posters. I think it would be interesting if you would go to different shops and compare the posters.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 21:54 Done autographing. The other guys’ll autograph and find the right balance. These types of things get harder and harder when you autograph a poster with so many autographs already
Kotobuki Reiji 21:57 Why don't we talk about the 4 of us while we wait for the other to finish? We can't really talk about it in much detail for the people who haven't listened to it. Nattsun, do you have anything that you felt that was hard for you?
Shinomiya Natsuki 22:01 I appeared many times during the story so it’s acting a certain emotion at a certain time. Charles is someone who is very delicate and their emotion changes very frequently.
Ichinose Tokiya 22:05 @Natsuki_S_SH He keeps going through this cycle of talking to many different people in the story then becomes involved with whatever is happening to them. I cannot say much because I am one of the people who asks for something very precise from Charles during the story.
Kotobuki Reiji 22:07 @Tokiya_I_SH @Natsuki_S_SH Ooo, nice~! Whoever can get into the conversation should cut in just like that!
Kurusu Syo 22:08 Natsuki had a lot of moving around between scenes so it was hard on his body too.
Shinomiya Natsuki 22:13 But Syo-chan, you always had water ready for me and supported me a lot so I was able to focus on acting.
Kurusu Syo 22:15 @Natsuki_S_SH Compared to you, I just had to wait for my turn to act so. On top of that, I was worried that you would be careless during the show! If you make one mistake during the show, it’ll affect the whole thing so.
Kotobuki Reiji 22:19 I was surprisingly nervous you know, because I was the first person from Wonderland to appear! And I was running all around the theater!
Jinguuji Ren 22:22 @Reiji_K_SH You had so much force that you fell so grandly in the wing of the stage. It’s like I saw a scene straight from a manga. I was worried that you were hurt but you were so upbeat.
Kotobuki Reiji 22:25 @Ren_J_SH I can’t stop all of a sudden you know? Besides, the setting is that the rabbit is in a big hurry so it won’t be in character if I don’t act that way ☆
Aijima Cecil 22:29 We might have been able to move the hearts of people who came to watch our show because everyone did not lose focus even when eyes were not on us.
Hijirikawa Masato 22:33 I too agree on the aspect of emotional movement. I get more courage as the story goes on, even though I’m the one acting. There are dangerous things that happen but after you watch it, there are things that stick to you.
Camus 22:36 @Masato_H_SH It may be because you feel the character change and grow throughout the story. Because you know what happens at the end of the story, you find new things when you watch it the second time, so I hope that you would enjoy this story more than once.
Mikaze Ai 22:37 This time around, Ranmaru is showing a side of him on stage that you don’t usually see to him but, other than that, he worked like the coordinator behind the scenes.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 22:38 @Ai_M_SH Really?
Mikaze Ai 22:40 @Ranmaru_K_SH I appear at the end of the show, where it gets the most lively but you thought that it would be hard for me to enter right on stage with the same feeling as what’s happening, so during the show you told me how the stage was feeling on that particular day and it really helped me.
Ittoki Otoya 22:43 @Ai_M_SH @Ranmaru_K_SH You’re right. He always came up without making any sound just like the Cheshire Cat saying, “Hey, what are you doing?” to me when I was in the wing of the stage.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 22:46 @Otoya_I_SH @Ai_M_SH Probably just a coincidence. The Cheshire Cat is like the trickster in the show. He has to act accordingly, finding the right balance with the people around him, or else he’ll stick out like a sore thumb. That’s it, really
Hijirikawa Masato 22:49 I would like to talk more in detail but things like how we got into character are recorded in an interview, which you could listen to if you go to the play button at the exhibition, please look forward to it.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 22:51 @Masato_H_SH And the BGM from the show’s recorded. Makes me really pumped to act while listening to the best music.
Kotobuki Reiji 22:55 Speaking of exhibition! I acquired a top secret picture that hasn’t been revealed anywhere yet~!! I got a special okay from the staff to show it to you ☆
Kotobuki Reiji 22:56 Wanna see~? You wanna see right~?
Kotobuki Reiji 23:00 W-w-what!! I got a picture of the PRINCE CATS in the Lost Alice outfits!!
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Kotobuki Reiji 23:03 Hop ☆
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Shinomiya Natsuki 23:07 Isn’t it really cute~? They are matching clothes with us!
Shining Saotome 23:08 Everyoooone, tiiiime up!!! Please do the last greetiiiiiings!!
Camus 23:14 I hope that I was able convey the special way I devised to act as my character and that you have felt something deeper with the story. I would be happy if you would enjoy this story with the upcoming two upcoming stories by first familiarizing yourself with the world of Shining Masterpiece Show.
Mikaze Ai 23:16 I’m sorry that I couldn’t talk a lot about what I did because I played a very important character and there are many things that I needed to keep secret. What is right? What is wrong? I hope that I was able to act in a way so that you could notice something. I hope you look forward to the next one.
Kurusu Syo 23:20 Did you learn a lot about Lost Alice? Honestly, I think that I wasn’t able to show the full appeal of Shining Masterpiece yet. When Trois comes, I’m gonna get ready to talk to you guys more! See ya ‘til then!
Ittoki Otoya 23:22 In Shining Masterpiece, everyone acts as many characters so I learn more about acting and find out about things that are different from what I see normally. All the characters I play in these 3 stories each give a different impression so look forward to it! See ya!
Aijima Cecil 23:26 Zzzz... My princess, am I allowed to not get sleepy? What I have talked about today is only a part of the show. I will be waiting for you to actually come to this world when you actually listen to Lost Alice!
Jinguuji Ren 23:28 Did you have fun at the free and merry tea party? Lost Alice is a story with a lot of highlights so I’d be happy if you keep going back to listen to the CD. I’ll come back to see you again. Until then, good night, cute Alice.
Ichinose Tokiya 23:32 Because I was acting out a character from a story that can be called a masterpiece, I believe I grew a little more by searching in my own way through my acting. I hope to confront the story and myself having everyone’s feelings that I have received in my chest from here on out.
Kurosaki Ranmaru 23:36 Including the nature of the story called Alice in Wonderland, today felt like a party. If you wanna go to Wonderland, I’ll always be you guide. If you say I’m there, I’ll be there. The Cheshire Cat is that type of guy
Kurosaki Ranmaru 23:38 It’s not a bad thing that you get lost. But there’s a time where you need to choose a way that you won’t regret. When that time comes, remember this story. Later
Hijirikawa Masato 23:41 I am always nervous when I try out something new but more than that, my heart starts to dance. I was very impacted by this, on top of the fact that in this story, I had to break out of a shell called me. I did struggle in trying to figure out the character but I am happy that through my acting, I get to see your surprised faces.
Hijirikawa Masato 23:44 I hope that our efforts left an impression to everyone and someday become your support. To show a completely different side of me the next time we meet, I hope to not forget my first resolution.
Kotobuki Reiji 23:47 One day is such a short time but were we able to convey how we were involved in this story through our talks? I was suuuper happy to see the story start to expand for the people who understood what we did ♪
Kotobuki Reiji 23:50 The 11 of us were having lots of fun being able to create this program all together. You’ll follow us right? The story doesn’t start without you! Leave the guiding to me, this cute White Rabbit ☆
Shinomiya Natsuki 23:54 I’m happy that I was able to create my favorite story with my favorite people! I will treasure the words everyone has given to me. It was like I was in Wonderland the whole day.
Shinomiya Natsuki 23:58 This is a story that even us, who are acting, feel something every time. I would be really happy if this story is loved by everyone. I hope to meet you again once more somewhere, possibly in Wonderland.
Shining Saotome 23:59 See you next showtime!!
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@wingroad​ asked for AoMomo, and after much delay, here it is:
1. Who liked the other first?
Aomine is denser than a wall of bricks when it comes to feelings, and always has been. He started like-liking Momoi way back in the mists of time when they were like, six or something, but didn’t realize that’s what it was.
Back then, his crush mostly manifested in trying to be all badass and trying to impress her with dumb little-boy feats like “I CAN CATCH FISH WITH MY BARE HANDS” *plunges bodily into creek to demonstrate* or “I SCALED THIS GIANT TREE STU–AAAAAAH!” and then Momoi has to get him to stop crying long enough to go grab an adult and/or the first aid kit.
(friendly psa that crybaby!Aomine is canon)
It didn’t really hit him until around the start of middle school when puberty first started rearing its messy, hormone-addled head, but by then he’s become a master of putting his foot in his mouth thanks to all the macho bullshit he’s absorbed from god knows where.
So instead of trying to win her heart, he sets out to demonstrate that he is Too Manly For Feels and keeps trying to get her to pay attention to him by pulling dumb stunts like claiming he can see her panties, trying to show off to her in increasingly stupid ways (backflipping onto roofs? seriously???), and having absolutely no filter when it comes to sex things (in his case, the virtues of boobies).
Amazingly, Momoi has yet to swoon into his arms.
(In all seriousness she probably was starting to kinda sorta maybe like him back before he started being a dumb teenage boy, and he will eventually realize some ten years later that yes, he has indeed been cockblocking himself for most of his young life.)
2. Where is their ‘special spot’?
I’m honestly not sure I could top your tree house headcanon, @wingroad​, so I won’t try. XD
3. How do they cheer one another up?
In Aomine’s case? Very badly. XD He just sort of sits next to her and kinda tries to figure out what to do with himself. Awkwardly pats her back and mumbles about how she shouldn’t cry bc that makes her face look all weird and puffy and hey, um, do you need a tissue? *digs around pockets and only comes up with lint* should I beat someone up?
It just keeps going like this until Momoi either laughs at his ridiculous suggestions or just flops against his side for comfort, and then Aomine has a whole new problem because they don’t hold “How to Hug The Girl I Like” classes and um. shit.
In Momoi’s case, she usually tries to get him to talk it out because lord knows Aomine is not the most emotionally savvy person even on a good day, and he’s kind of eaten up a lot of macho bullshit like candy over the years, like how Real Men Don’t Cry and Real Men Don’t Talk about Their Feelings and Real Men Don’t Ask for Hugs Even Though a Hug Would Be Really Nice Right Now. Hell, half the time he can’t even untangle why he’s mad or upset or sad unless he has some help putting it in perspective.
So yeah, depending on what he needs, she’ll either kick his ass, get him to talk, Dai-chan, with actual words, or just come over and offer one of those hugs that Real Men Don’t Ask for Even Though They Would Be Really Nice.
4. What is their favourite movie to watch together?
Basketball matches on TV? XD
They may have grown up together, but their tastes in entertainment are pretty different. I mean, come on, Aomine’s favorite movie is Godzilla. (Doesn’t matter which one, all of them have giant lizards fighting and stuff exploding a LOT)
Momoi loves plot-heavy movies with lots of social drama and Western period movies (think Jane Austen) which Aomine falls asleep to because oh my god they are so talky, Satsu, wake me up when someone finally does something.
He makes a bit more of an effort to stay awake when he realizes that Momoi will simply go find other people to watch these movies with, and two of these people happen to be named Kise and Tetsu, and. *twitch* *twitch twitch*
5. When did they know that they are each other’s soul mate?
XD Oh hell no. Aomine will have to work for this girl. She deserves nothing less.
6. Where do they primarily kiss one another out in public? Examples forehead, cheek, hand etc.
For all of Aomine’s crude comments and boobie obsession, ask him to hold the hand of the girl he likes and watch as all 1.90 meters of him turn into a flustered, fidgety mess.
Just. Not an ounce of smoothness anywhere. He’s the guy who spends ten minutes performing “surreptitious” stretches meant to lead up to suavely putting an arm around her shoulders, only he ends up banging his elbow against the wall so hard that the resultant swearing gets them kicked out of the theater.
Seriously. Momoi is the one who initiates like 90 percent of the PDA, and then quietly delights in the utterly stunned wonderment lighting up his stupid face like he can’t believe she’s decided she wants to kiss him.
7. Who goes all out for the other person’s birthday?
Sometime after the birthday where Aomine tried to gift her a stag beetle in a jar (he caught it himself, and it’s the biggest most awesomest beetle ever, so why is stupid Satsu tearing up all of a sudden?!?!?), Momoi begged him not to try to give her any more gifts. And Aomine acts all offended but he’s quietly relieved because even he’s starting to realize he’s absolute shit at figuring out what to give other people as presents.
So instead Momoi’s birthday becomes the day where they do whatever she wants, from morning to evening. This mostly requires Aomine to stand around fidgeting in front of the changing stalls in a Cecil McBee (while the petite salesgirls by the cash register eye him like he’s some sort of pervert, urgh), or trying to fit into an absurdly tiny ornamental chair at a cake shop so ludicrously fancy it has a waiting list, and trying to grumble not so much that Satsu will believe he doesn’t want to spend time with her, but just enough so she can never know how many beats his heart is skipping whenever she smiles and waves one of the stupidly expensive cake pops in his face.
8. Whose clothes are too big for the other, but they wear them anyway?
Oh god, no. Momoi has grown up with this boy. She has seen his room. She has been around when his mom makes him clean his room and he’s stuck under the bed unearthing stray socks and boxers from three months ago, Dai-chan, you gross human being.
(Aomine absolutely does have dumb fantasies about her in his jersey though, which he keeps locked in a mental strongbox with three heavy chains around it and he’s still not sure she can’t somehow tell, because girls are weirdly psychic when it comes to pervy thoughts.
He doesn’t yet realize some of those dreams are only a dry-cleaning bill away.)
9. Who is the one who stays up late baking brownies and dancing in their underwear wearing a baggy shirt, and who is the one who comes down to see the other being all cute?
No. God no. And Momoi has seen entirely too much of Aomine just randomly walking around in his undies because he’s out of stuff to wear but too lazy to do laundry, and there is nothing cute about stopping by only to walk in on Aomine Daiki doing a general inventory on his junk.
10. Would they cuddle even though it is super hot outside?
This presupposes that they cuddle at normal temperatures.
(Srsly, Aomine is just really awkward at all those normal tender gestures because he’s bought into way too much macho bullshit and it takes time to untangle all that. Doesn’t mean Momoi won’t sometimes plop down on him like he’s a chair and start eating tub ice cream until he complains about not getting his share)
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Japan - Day 5 (Shibuya)
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Shibuya and the Shibuya crossing - one place in Japan everyone seems to know! It’s like the Times Square of Japan. It’s also one of the major fashion districts with hundreds of trendy stores, and I've wanted to visit for years!
It was another 4:30AM day. However it doesn’t really seem that early considering the sun rises at about 5:00AM. It does leave us in waiting limbo for a while though since everything opens late. We have become pros at being lazy in the morning!
Today was another melon pan and milk tea morning. I just keep rotating between melon pan and salmon nigiri. It’s so good though!
I digress. After waiting around as long as we could stand we got ready and head out a little after 8:00AM. The trip today was a long one. Shibuya is on the direct opposite side of the city from where we are staying. It was the usual Ginza line to Ueno and then hop on the JR Yamanote. The JR makes a big loop around the city so it’s the go to for getting to most places. You will likely see us take it a lot over the next few days!
We arrived in Shibuya about 9:00AM - upon stepping out of the station I was in awe! Shibuya is somewhere I’ve wanted to visit for a long time, ever since I played The World Ends With You in high school. It’s the one place so far I've just stopped and thought ‘Wow, this is exactly how I imagined.’
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The one small difference to what I was expecting is that the crossing is much smaller than I thought! Plus when we arrived it was not very busy so there wasn’t much of a scramble going on. 
If you wonder about this intersection at all, the reason it works the way it does is that all of the lights turn red at the same time so pedestrians can cross. Not your typical intersection. Though this may be more normal in a large city? I’m not sure.
After arriving and crossing the scramble ourselves, we wandered through the streets so I could get a feel of where things were. We then made our way back to the crossing and into the Starbucks as I’ve heard the second floor is a great place to watch the crossing and get a great view from above.
I ordered some mango tea frappuccino thing, I’m not sure, I don’t drink Starbucks usually. Mr. Husband ordered a matcha frappuccino. One thing to note about Starbucks in Japan, they offer one size. Don’t try to order a grande, they only have tall.
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Anyway! There was a great view from the second floor, however it was busy up there. Everyone had the same idea. I only imagine as the crossing gets busier throughout the day, the Starbucks will too. So if you want to get a good view, head up in the morning, even though the crossing won’t be  crowded.
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Finally at 10:00AM, the magic hour, everything opened! We head straight for the Shibuya 109 - I need to see cute clothes, now!
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There was no shortage of cute clothes in the 109. Unfortunately, if you tried to wear most of them in the States you would probably look a little absurd. It’s going to take a bit of searching and planning to pick up items that are cute but also work back home. I will figure it out!
I did find some cute items at CECIL McBEE that i’d like to go back and get, I’m just waiting until I hit up Shinjuku and Harajuku as there are a ton of stores there I want to shop at well.
The interesting thing to me about the 109 is there is this idea lately that Japanese street fashion is dead. If you wander through the Shibuya 109 you can see that is not the case. It may have changed over the last 10 years, but it’s definitely not dead. I don’t know about you but those clothes are not normal everyday clothes and you would not find them in most other countries. That is a street fashion. It’s alive and well, just updated to suit the needs of 2017.
After finishing up the women’s 109 we head over to the men’s 109. Unfortunately unless the husband intends on joining a Jpop/Kpop boy band, I don’t see him wearing those clothes any time soon - it was a quick trip in and out.
We then started wandering through the streets again to different shops. We stumbled upon and adorable Disney store! It was 3 floors and had some incredibly unique merchandise. Things for characters you would never find in the other Disney locations - if this is any indication of what is to come next week at the Tokyo Disney Resort, I’m beyond excited. 
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That being said, we didn’t buy anything as we will be at Disneyland and Disney Sea starting on Monday.
After our short Disney adventure, we continued our trek to random stores. We found a cute house goods and furniture store, too bad I can’t get any of that back on the plane! Then we went in the huge Forever 21 and H&M. Same items you’d find at home. The husband did purchase a few H&M shirts as they had a style he bought at home a year ago but hadn’t been able to find since.
After wandering around for about 2 hours we decided it was time to eat. This was the point where I had a major internal dilemma. I really wanted ramen, but ramen makes me sick...
I think I wandered through the streets with the husband trailing behind me for a good 20 minutes before I just decided to eat some damn ramen. It was another restaurant with the meal ticket system (again, love this!). I ordered tonkotsu (pork) ramen with egg, and the husband had the same without egg (he’s missing out). And bless them, they had garlic sitting on the table to add to the ramen, don’t mind if I do, I love me some garlic!
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After lunch we decided it would be best to head back just in case I did end up sick from the ramen. On the way back to the station we stopped by the Hachiko statue, which I was pretty excited about seeing! 
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If you don’t know about Hachiko, he was a dog that would meet his owner at the train station each day when he returned from work and they would walk home together. His owner died one day while at work and Hachiko spent the remainder of his life showing up in the evening at the same time he always did to wait for his owner at the station.
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After visiting Hachiko, we hopped back on the JR to Ueno. However both of us somehow spaced it, probably because of the long ride, and we missed our stop. Oops. Luckily I noticed pretty quickly and we just hopped off and jumped back on the train heading the other direction. All in all a 5 minute detour!
Once back in Asakusa we head back to the Air BnB, on the way back we made our first vending machine purchase. I picked a peach drink, I’m not a hug fan of peach but it was pretty good! 
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Mr. husband picked a coffee. I think we both expected it to be a ice coffee situation. It was not, I could barely hold on to it when I pulled it out of the machine, it was very hot! He did seem to enjoy it though!
The remainder of the evening was pretty uneventful. I wasn’t feeling amazing (damn ramen) so we just hung around. It ended up getting very windy and because of the wind, pretty cold. We had planned to go over to Roppongi just to see it at night but ended up opting out.
We instead had a super fancy meal at Burger King! Ooooh, exciting! 
Nothing terribly notable about Japanese Burger King - the only interesting thing was my chicken sandwich had a cheese sauce on it, kind of like a nacho cheese sauce.
After we froze our butts off on the walk back, we stopped for morning snacks at a convenience store, and then we were in for the evening!
More shopping adventures to come over the next few days, Shinjuku and Harajuku still to come!
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