#not a single question for casper lmaooo it's fine he's not even mad! really. he's not upset either. he's fine. he understands.
softpine · 1 year
battery % character questions answered:
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thank you to anyone who sent in questions!! i combined them all here, sorted by character so it’ll be easy to read :)
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31%. What is guaranteed to make this character smile?
a cool breeze on a warm day, waking up to the sound of birds chirping, making wishes on dandelions, and finn. always finn 💖
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
+ anonymous said: I got sad thinking about what if Asa never met Finn but now I’m super curious how much that would have changed things?
omg if asa never met finn, there would be no story at all because finn is the reason why asa is even able to see ghosts! his life would’ve been so normal without finn, it’s kind of funny to imagine. but if you asked asa, he would of course want finn to be in his life no matter the cost. he can’t bear the thought of never knowing him :(
but to answer the question directly, i think he would choose to “unmeet” his grandparents on danny’s side. they’re not really in his life at all, and they’ve always disliked caroline, so a lot of that treatment gets unfairly pushed onto asa. they still feel like caroline “trapped” danny by having a baby like it wasn’t both of their decisions lmao. danny has tried to get them to be more involved many times, but even danny himself doesn’t talk to his parents often anymore, so asa isn’t too mad about it.
7%. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change? (asked by @morrigan-sims​)
hmm this one is tricky because the thing is, asa is not self-aware of his flaws at all. in fact, he doesn’t even think many of his flaws are actually flaws at all. he should probably feel guilty for putting his family through hard times every time he impulsively goes time traveling, but he really... doesn’t. when he gets an idea, he’s not letting it go until he sees it through. he gets so wrapped up in his own mind that he doesn’t do a great job of checking in on other people unless they come to him first. this is not to say he’s not a compassionate person, because that couldn’t be further from the truth, but he spends most of his time locked in a daydream or hiding away with finn. but asa doesn’t see any of the aforementioned things as flaws. i think if someone offered him the chance to change anything about himself, he’d say he likes himself just the way he is :’)
96%. A typical weekend for your character is like… (asked by @maturation​)
weekends are danny’s time with asa, so normally asa goes to the farmhouse and helps out with the animals or runs the roadside vegetable stand. he’s there less often now that danny is on tour and casper is at college, but he still keeps mikaela and sadie company for at least one day of the week. other than that, asa spends most of his weekends somewhere outdoors, whether it’s in the forest or at the cemetery. lately, it’s only the cemetery to tell finn he hasn’t forgotten about him, and then he spends the rest of the day in bed :(
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78%. If your character could choose different parents for themselves, who would they choose and why?
this is such a sad question omg but the truth is, finn wouldn’t pick anyone else. he loves his parents deeply. he spent every second of his time (while he was alive) trying to be perfect, to ease his family’s strain (financially, emotionally, you name it), trying to get his dad to quit drinking, trying to be a “good enough” son that was worthy of being treated right. he thought a lot of things were his fault, or at least were not his parent’s fault. he wanted them to be better, but he didn’t want them to be someone else :(
49%. Are there any behaviors that your other characters do that irk your character? Is your character ever vocal about their annoyance?
one of the biggest things that bothers him is when asa or even stevie, sometimes, complain about their parents. unfortunately because of the way he grew up, his measure for “good parenting” is very different than most people’s. to him, if your family provides a home & food for you and doesn’t physically abuse you, they must be good parents. it’s harder for him to see gray areas there. so he has to really reign himself in when either of them, but especially asa, seem ungrateful for their parents. but he’s gained a lot of perspective from talking to stevie and seeing how deeply affected by her parents fighting that she is. he may not understand why it’s so upsetting, but he can relate to the feeling of pure panic and heartbreak that comes with it.
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35%. How does your character look and feel when crying? (asked by @catharsim​​)
fjskdjs this is so applicable to her, she cries more than any of the other characters. she gets easily overwhelmed by emotion. even if she’s not full-on crying, sometimes she’ll just tear up a little. unfortunately for her, it’s really hard to hide when she’s been crying because her face goes beet red and stays that way for way longer than she’d like. also i made this lmao
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78%. If your character could choose different parents for themselves, who would they choose and why?
she would’ve loved to live with her aunts caroline and beth. she and asa were already like siblings growing up and she spent so much time at their house because she didn’t want to go home. also, if you remember when jo was pregnant with stevie, she used to live in a big city, but she moved back to brindleton to make things work with owen. stevie often wishes that her mom would’ve just stayed where she was, and owen could’ve been the distant yet loving father who she spent fun summer vacations with, but she never would’ve had to see her parents get together.
14%. Who or what influenced your character's personality? Did they pick up any mannerisms or traits from someone?
it’s hard to tell what kind of influence her parents, specifically, have had on her, because she tries so hard to not be like them in many ways, that sometimes it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. she wanted so badly to not be noncommittal that she ended up clinging onto a relationship she never saw much hope for. she never wanted to become an argumentative person, so instead she becomes a person who will let things go when really they need to be talked about. etc. but despite all her efforts, she’s a lot like her dad. they make the same facial expressions (especially when they’re annoyed) and when they’re on good terms, they can communicate with just a simple look.
82%. What was your character like as a baby? As a child?
she was a really fussy baby 😭 she loved to be held and HATED being alone. her parents would run the vacuum and bounce her for hours just to make her fall asleep. but if they tried to set her down, she would wake right back up again :’) and we know how she was as a child for the most part, but basically she was really loud, always doing something to fill her time, was definitely the class clown, had lots of friends, etc. but she was also really sensitive and wore her heart on her sleeve even more than she does now.
96%. A typical weekend for your character is like…
she works on weekends! she usually works friday through sunday for as long as she’s legally allowed to, because obviously she’s still in school and can’t work very long on week days. her friends (but usually just elaine) will often keep her company at work. it’s a gas station mostly used only by truck drivers, so it’s really not busy and stevie spends most of her weekend just killing time.
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79%. Does your character feel guilty about anything in the past?
oh my god yeah, she feels STRONG guilt over many things she’s done in the past (hell, she feels guilty for the things she’s doing in the present and will do in the future). she’s always wanted to be the kind of person who lives without regrets because every decision makes you who you are, after all, but her brain just doesn’t work like that. she’s never forgiven herself for anything and she probably never will :(
71%. What are your character's three clearest memories?
i chose to answer this question for coco because she doesn’t have a very good memory. even big events in her life don’t seem crystal clear to her when she looks back on them. there are entire years that are a complete blur to her, and her childhood went by too quickly in her mind. but the memories she remembers the easiest are: 1) the day she met her best friend / favorite person, liam, when they were kids. 2) when she moved into her first apartment which she pays for all on her own; it was a huge deal for her because self-reliance is one of her biggest goals in life. 3) when she was arrested for the second time (she doesn’t remember the first time)... lol
23%. Are there any emotions your character is particularly afraid of, or really resents having to feel?
she wishes she wasn’t so irritated all the time. it’s not that she’s angry more frequently than other people, she’s just... annoyed. it’s sorta like, you know when you’re already having a really bad day and it seems like everything is going wrong? but nothing is going more wrong than usual, you’re just more aware of it, so suddenly you’re getting pissed off because your shirt got caught on the doorknob for a few seconds, when normally that would not be an issue at all. that’s how coco feels most of the time. she’s just soooo beyond overworked and stressed that any minor inconvenience becomes catastrophic to her. she’s aware of this and she wishes she knew how to stop feeling this way.
25%. Can your character easily hide their emotions?
it really depends! in her day to day life, she can’t hide it when she’s annoyed or angry. but when she’s working, she has to keep ALL her true emotions hidden. no matter how coco feels, cherry has to always be happy and playful, has to giggle but not truly laugh, has to be attentive to everyone else’s needs, has to be thankful and considerate even when others don’t give her the same in return, has to pretend to enjoy things she really doesn’t, etc. she’s an actress that never really gets to finish playing her role, because anyone who knows her as cherry will always know her as cherry, not coco. it’s why she tries so hard to separate her personal life from her work life, although there’s only so much she can do. that’s why she started working as a waitress on top of sex work, because she needed an avenue to make money that didn’t involve changing her personality so drastically for so long. it’s exhausting for her.
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96%. A typical weekend for your character is like…
she works now, but not as much as stevie. jada doesn’t really need the money, she just wants to fill up her resume and keep herself busy, so she’s not taking it too seriously. on days she works, she’ll finish her shift and go visit elaine or stevie (or asa, but these days he mostly wants to be alone). on days she doesn’t work, she’ll paint and read most of the day!
18%. If your character suffered amnesia and lost all their memories, what would they be like?
a lot less guarded, a lot less quiet, a lot less judgemental. so much of her personality was only developed after she lost her mom in the way that she did, and she’s never gotten to recover because she’s constantly being reminded of all the people she can’t save. if she never had to worry about any of that... i can’t even imagine how different she would be, honestly. as a kid, she was still quiet of course, but she had no trouble connecting with people and she had no reason to expect the worst case scenario to come true at any given moment :(
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62%. What is your character’s first memory? (asked by @itsalwaysgonnabeher​)
aw this is a cute one ;-; i want to say when her parents got her one of those little kid jeeps for her birthday and she would drive up and down the street, making all the other kids sooooo jealous lol but she would always let them have a turn too, as long as they promised to be careful!
98%. Would your character have a social media account? Do they? Why or why not? How often do they update their status? How many friends do they have?
elaine is the only one of my characters who i can imagine having a social media presence on purpose. like i can see stevie’s twitter getting somewhat popular by accident, but elaine actually curates her profiles. she mainly posts her makeup looks on instagram and tiktok. i wouldn’t say she has a ton of followers (i don’t use either so i have no idea what “a lot” would even mean fjksjds) but she’s trying!
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13%. How has your character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood? (asked by @alltimefail​)
i feel like caroline’s gradual change is the most obvious of all the adults, so i won’t go too much into it for her, but the biggest thing is her ability to regulate her emotions. as a kid/teen, everything felt like the end of the world. she thought she would never feel okay again. she’s much better at recognizing when she’s feeling a certain emotion and being able to handle it accordingly!
19%. How does your character's living space reflect their personality? (asked by @townie-trait​)
though her current living space is a far cry from the absolute chaos that her teenage bedroom was, i still think it shows her personality really well. she always has tarot cards on the floor because that’s part of her morning ritual, after she does her makeup (does anyone else do their makeup on the floor??), she loves moon-shaped stuff so there’s a bunch of that around the house, along with all the dark jewel tones. the bathroom is permanently stained with all her various hair dyes. there are cat toys, beds, and climbing stuff absolutely everywhere because she spoils mac so much. if she lived alone, her house would be messy as helllllll, but she cleans because she knows it’s important to beth!
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71%. What are your character's three clearest memories?
+ anonymous said: i feel like i can guess some of these because we’ve followed ur characters for so long, but maybe there’s some i didn’t expect or don’t have a post associated w/ them?
i feel like i can do this one for beth too because, while she was obviously a major character for a long time, we didn’t see her day-to-day life as much as we saw caroline’s. 1) getting engaged, getting married, asa being born, etc. but i’m combining them because that would be lame if i just listed all of those lmao. 2) her first ballet recital; the moment where she realized she wanted to be a dancer, not just do ballet as a hobby. it’s the same moment where she realized she’d have to commit to having a strong work ethic and lose her fear of failure. 3) finding out that caroline and danny broke up, but they’d all drifted so far apart that she was only hearing about it over the phone, days later. she couldn’t help but imagine how different things would be if they’d broken up just a few months earlier. she never thought there would be a day when caroline wouldn’t rely on beth for support, but it hit her all at once that that day was here. it was a gut punch moment for her.
13%. How has your character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
she’s become a lot less concerned with what other people think about her. she’s gained so much confidence in every possible way. unfortunately, i think she lost a lot of her optimism along the way, but she hasn’t gone full pessimist either. becoming a parent has given her a sense of fulfillment and greater purpose, but it’s also another thing for her to stress about. she’s very good at stressing about things lmao. she’s less anxious than caroline, but she’s a lot more high-strung, if that makes sense.
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13%. How has your character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
ironically, i think danny had a stronger sense of self when he was younger. he always knew he wanted to be a musician, live in california, and be a dad. well, then he got all 3 of those wishes granted, and yet there was always something in the way. since he’s become an adult, he hasn’t felt fully present in his own life, but he doesn’t know what to do about it. whenever he’s working, he wishes he could spend more time with his family, but when he’s spending time with his family, he wishes he could further his career. both sides of his life have a time limit that’s ticking and ticking and reminding him of how much older he’s getting. and he’s starting to wonder if he’ll ever feel like he’s actually living his life rather than just letting it happen to him.
45%. What's something that turns this character on? And what's a definite turn-off?
he loves half-ironic roleplay (silly costumes are a bonus). he just thinks it’s really hot when you can laugh with somebody without it taking you out of the moment, and luckily mikaela feels the exact same way. they’re just silly goofy people so of course that translates to their sex life :P big turn off is anyone who isn’t mikaela fjksdjs
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13%. How has your character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
as a kid, she was always such a goody two shoes, never disagreed with her parents (but especially her mom) about anything, and she tried to be a good example for olivia. but mikaela got the brunt of the criticism and it started to wear her down when she was a teenager. she was supposed to be thinner, quieter, more pious. she was friends with the “wrong” people (ie. normal people, not socialites). her hobbies were not beneficial to the family, therefore they were a waste of time. eventually she realized she wasn’t good enough, because no one could possibly be good enough for her mom. she became a lot happier when she figured out who she really was, beyond what her mom wanted her to be. she loves doing hands-on farm work, although it doesn’t come naturally to her, and she spends every second she can with her kids. she doesn’t expect things to just be handed to her anymore, she had to work for what she’s got. it’s made her appreciate everything so much more.
30%. What would hurt your character so badly they couldn't even breathe? (asked by @bitchyybabyy400​)
EASILY it would be if any of her kids no longer wanted her to be in their life. she has actual nightmares about it. her mom kicked her out and cut her off at 16 years old, so she never had a great example of good parenting, and it terrifies her to think she could do something that would push her kids away from her. she would genuinely not be able to go on.
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94%. Your character is falling in love. Do they take things slow or fast? Do they make decisions or do they make a lot of compromises? How secure are they? (asked by @minamill​)
she’s never been in love and she really has no idea how she would act if she was. she’s had some... idk, crushes? more like she’ll take an interest in someone, but not necessarily in a romantic way. she finds certain people fascinating and wants to spend all her time with them, to learn everything about them, but once that feeling fades, she can’t recapture it. she worries that if she ever did fall in love someday, she would fall out of love just as quickly. i believe that if she did fall in love, she would instantly talk herself out of it :/
60%. Are their interests and likes socially appropriate? 
i chose alisa for this question, because no they are not fjkjdsj she’s always been into morbid things that were inappropriate for her age. she looks for roadkill every where she goes and takes pictures of it – she’d never hurt anyone or anything on purpose, but she finds the aftermath very interesting. she started telling people she wanted to be a mortician at the age of 10 and it’s still a dream of hers. she’s generally just really interested in the macabre, especially if it’s historical.
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