#not beta read i'll do that in da mrng
bkghq · 2 years
hi hi i saw your requests were open? i was wondering if i could request a scenario where reader remembers how bad she used to be treated in high school by her friends, and she comes across a report she made a long time ago to her teachers about her being bullied online for her looks and being called really vulgar names by boys, but now it’s made her indifferent to expressing emotion and she starts crying when she sees the report, so bakugou comforts her? maybe takes her out to eat? i’m so sorry if this is too much, i’m in my last year of highschool kinda sitting around the sidelines and I remembered how bad it used to be which ruined my whole day😭 have a good day/night :)
ᝰ INCLUDES ⋮ bakugo katsuki x fem! reader
— CONTENT WARNING ⋮ angst w fluff ending, bullying, past trauma, best boyfriend katsuki, use of the endearment 'pretty girl' twice (other than that its pretty much gn)
— BONUS ARYA ⋮ hello luv ! ! m so sry it took me superr long to get to ur request,,,, first n foremost i wna say that i love u so much n im always here for u,,, im so sry u had to go thru something like this, i hope this piece can make ur day a bit better ! ! also my inbox is always open if u wna talk <3
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ever since you were three you’ve felt as if you were a fighter, a fighter fighting through the rough reality of being quirkless. it was not only hard mentally but also affected your school life gravelly. from being being bullied to being called vulgar words. you were from the very start a prey for this world full of predators.
however, life seemed to get better when you met your boyfriend pro hero dynamight. even though you were a quirkless nobody as per you, bakugo knew you were special. and at times he didn’t understand how someone as sweet, loving and caring as you could feel as if they were a nobody.
you’re everything and more he could’ve asked in a partner, and listening to things you went through, through-out your school life made him sick. because he knows he made someone else make the same way as people made you feel.
thinking about how he was once the predator preying on someone who he thought was a quirkless nobody.
he has changed though, bakugo katsuki is a changed man and he proves it to you on every occasion he can that he is no more a predator, he is now an alibi to protect people like you, who are bullied for something they can’t control.
and he succeeded in it. you had no longer thoughts about people who bullied you, it was a chapter in life that you had shut closed and you were finally happy in life, so so happy.
however, everyday is an up and down.
one evening while you’re boyfriend was showering you stupidly enough decided to go through some old stuff of yours. and thats when you found it, a hardcopy of the report you’d once written to your homeroom teacher in 11th grade when things had gotten really really bad for you.
your curiosity got the best of you, and even though the small voice in the back of your head begged you— it begged you to not read it, not read through the trauma you’ve faced, something you always wanted to shut down and never open again, you did it anyways.
you skimmed over the format diving straight to the main matter of the report.
i’m writing this letter to you to bring a very important issue to your attention and i’m hoping you can help me. i’m a student in your grade, along with 20 other students. as you may already know i’m quirkless and that has taken a toll on my mental health ever since i was big enough to realise what being quirkless meant. however, i’ve been continuously bullied and harassed by my fellow students. being called stuff like ‘useless’, ’stupid’, quirkless idiot’ and many other words which are extremely harsh. on many occasions my fellow classmates have told me to take my own life because im so ‘useless’.
recently my house address has been leaked by someone and i have experienced my fellow batchmates throwing stones at my window. i feel highly unsafe. it was bearable when it was just verbal abuse but now it’s getting out of hands and i’m quite literally scared for my life—
you clutched the piece of paper tightly, not wanted to read anymore. it was so painful reliving those times. it felt as if you were stuck again, stuck in the constant loop of being bullied and tortured. continuously being told to end your life. 
thinking about it all restricted your breathe, it coming out in pants as tears flowed through your eyes freely.
it hurted so bad, your heart felt so fucking heavy, all these things all this trauma that you, as a 16 year old faced has affected you even when you're a grown up.
opening upto people, talking about your feeling, all of this has made it so hard for you. how indifferent you are just because you didn't have a quirk.
“babe have you seen-“ bakugo said as he came out of the shower with only his sweatpants on, though he stopped mid- sentence when he found you on the edge of bed clutching a paper in your hand and crying.
without wasting another second bakugo rushed to your side, sitting infront of you on the floor on his knees, taking the piece of paper from your hand and placing your small hands in his huge calloused ones.
“wha’s wrong pretty girl?” he asked rubbing his thumb on your palms as worry laced his feature.
sniffling you said, “’s nothin’ Important ‘suki, ’s jus’ my old report i wrote to my homeroom teacher.” bakugo’s hand moved to your face wiping away your tears
“what report sweet girl?” he asked, while his one hand stroked your cheek and the other held your hand.
you looked down, a fresh set of tears forming in your eyes, your lower lip wobbled as you sighed,”’s from back when the bullying….” you looked up at the ceiling still not meeting your boyfriend’s worried gaze,”……’s from back when the bullying got really bad, ’n i know ’s stupid cryin’ over it now but—“
bakugo stood up in a heartbeat and engulfed you in a hug, “’s not stupid baby, don’ beat yourself up, your feelin’s are valid.” he pulled back holding your face in his hands, his thumb stroking your cheek bones, “gosh i hate those fuckers, wish i coulda beat the shit outta each ’n every one of them.” he angrily said, though a softer tone still visible in his voice.
a choked chuckle left your mouth at his words, soon followed by another sniffle,”’s alright i’ve got you now.” you smiled at him hugging his waist and snuggling your neck in his broad chest.
“you w’na go out pretty girl? jus’ you ’n me out on a date? we can go wherever you want?” he whispered in your ear as he hugged you tightly letting you embrace him. bakugo placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head waiting for your answer.
“……even to the cafe you don’t like because there are so many cheesy couples?” you asked face still buried in his chest as you enjoyed the warmth that his body radiated.
“yeah, even that shitty cafe you like so much.” he grumbled, but he knew— he knew that he was more than to take you to that shit ass cafe with the cheesiest couples if it meant that you’d be happy and smiling again.
“yeah, yeah i’d love to go with you ‘suki.” you replied pulling away the slightest so you can look into his beautiful crimson eyes that brought you so much warmth.
bakugo nodded his head and gave you the softest smile, a smile only and only for you. 
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