rayofmisfortune 8 months
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hils79 1 year
Hils Watches Moonlight Chicken - Ep 1
This is the second time this year that I've watched a Thai drama immediately after a cdrama that I lost my mind over. It's always hard starting something new after something you've invested so much time and emotional energy into.
I do enjoy EarthMix, though, and a couple of friends said they enjoyed this so hopefully it'll be fun even if it doesn't grab me by the throat like Mysterious Lotus Casebook did.
I don't actually know what this is about, just that I have enjoyed the two leads in other dramas. I could go and read a synopsis but figuring it out as I go along is more fun :D
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Oh, hey, that's the kid from My School President which is the last Thai drama I watched. I shouldn't be surprised. GMM uses the same pool of actors in all their BL dramas. I'm sure more familiar faces will show up later
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Yep, literally 30 seconds later another familiar face walks in.
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Aww there's Mix. Look at him he's so cute.
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Yeah, I'd be staring like that if I woke up and saw someone who looks like Earth standing in front of me too.
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I don't know anything about either of these characters but I love them already
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Wow, lady. Calm down. She sees Jim with a cute boy and has already decided they're going to have kids together.
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Please do not fuck the cute guy who is so drunk he just puked in your garden
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Are you, though?
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Vague dubcon aside I'm enjoying that this is a drama about actual adults instead of the usual ones about students. And protection is important.
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If this drama is going to be full of cat treat product placements like this I will be delighted. A definite improvement on the usual GMM products of printers, moisturiser and seaweed snacks
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Well now I feel a million years old
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Haha! I don't know how old the characters are supposed to be but the actors are only 4 years apart and both of them are under 30
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I love them
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THAT'S MY BELOVED TIW FROM MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT. I love that there's two people from that drama in this
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Oh, well, driving without a licence is okay then!
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Okay, seriously, is everyone from My School President in this? That's three of them now!
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I'm sure I've seen him in something too
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Oh, I am liking the classism and abuse of power subplot. Reminds me a little of Not Me, which is still my favourite Thai drama
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Well I've never heard it called that before
Okay, that was really good! I'm going to watch another one after dinner
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riderdrauggrim 5 years
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My week continues.
So I'm in the pickup with Dad and Garwik and we're driving through downtown St. Catharines. All sorts of stop walks and pedestrian crossings. So when an extended U-Haul truck tries to left turn across the street into a parking lot, it's painfully obvious he can't make the turn with all the beautification and pedestrianation of the area.
But now he can't back out because of impatient drivers slinking past behind him. So he tries to pull in more. And that's when I see the damaged car down the road.
I hate debris on the road. So I -let me outtttt- and dive out the door to jog over and move the debris.
A nearby young woman asks "is this your car?" as I snap photos for posterity evidence and then chuck all the cheap plastic car shards into a pile.
"Naw," I reply, checking up and down the street. "Just moving this stuff so no other cars get damaged." Her dad was driving the U-Haul, and yes, it had clipped the car trying to pull into the space ahead of it.
Apparently the car had been there all night. I look around for signage, because of the weird white slashes on the road.
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As the Google earth cap shows, No Stopping, Loading Zone Only. So this car isn't supposed to be here. But that doesn't change much.
We're debating what to do when we hear "WHAT THE FUCK?!!"
"Found the owner," I quip, gaze falling on a scruffy looking older middle aged man losing his shit as he approaches. "Who did this?!?" He turns to glare at me and the girl.
The girl starts to explain her dad clipped it with a U-Haul truck and this guy starts spewing threats and curses on her, and I'm like "Newp."
I love playing Tanks in MMOs. Getting and focusing a monster's hatred to keep my group safe, surviving the battering blows and walking away victorious... That's a thankless job. So here's my forte IRL.
"Hold on a minute buddy. You're not even supposed to be parked here. This wouldn't have even happened if you had been following the law," I point out in an accusatory tone, stepping in front of the girl and glaring up at him.
He doesn't know what to make of me. "I'm allowed to park here!" he roars. "I live here!" He flails behind him abstractly at the multi level buildings. "I live here, too," the girl challenges, pointing up to her right. "We've already done four loads and you've been here since last night."
"I haven't!" he protested. Keeping his attention on me, I point out "Either way, you're NOT allowed to park here. This is a LOADING ZONE."
"I -WAS- loading!" he declares. "What, exactly?" I challenge incredulously. Can't cram THAT much in a shitty black four door car. "I had GROCERIES!" he states. "Where else was I SUPPOSED to park?!?"
"How about... In your parking spot? Seeing as you 'live here'? So probably have one?"
Now he was zero'd in on me as the biggest threat. I was bluffing out my ass, but it was working. Was he allowed to drop off groceries there? I don't know. But that doesn't excuse him being rude.
"I'm allowed to be here," he seethes.
"This is a TRUCK loading and unloading zone for THESE LOCAL businesses," I jab a finger at the sign. And just to up the ante on his attitude, I lift my phone. "And I'm calling the police."
"Go ahead!" he flails, and storms off. Much to my relief.
I 'understand'. He's panicking. His car is busted. It's partially his fault. He's scared and stressed, and when men get scared and stressed they get angry. Loud and angry solves a lot of problems by scaring them into submission. Beat chest, roar. Girl panic. Pay for car.
So I apologise to the dispatcher but explain the situation, and that the one involved party was being aggressive, and I was concerned things might escalate, so could an officer swing by and help keep things civil. No, no injuries. Yes, everyone is here-ish. Details and names and numbers. Someone will be over shortly.
In the meanwhile, the girl's dad, mum, and brother have returned. The U-Haul is parked up the street. He's understandably sheepish. Have their licence and registration ready. He goes off to get those from the rental.
Car guy comes back so I relay the dispatch directions. "That's what I'm DOING," he huffs, slipping into the passenger side. He tries to challenge the family again as he leaves, but I'm more at ease with her other family members there. I hear something along the lines of "I was bringing out suitcases!!" Suitcases out or groceries in, buddy?
A police SUV rolls up, so I approach the passenger side and remain at a distance while the officer does his computer work. He beckons me over.
I recap events, in regards to the incident, the involved parties, and my concern of the situation escalating prompting my call. He takes me details and says he'll call me if he needs more.
I back up, and Car-guy dives into the window to make sure the cop hears HIS side first. Good luck with that.
I go for the moving family, and mention I've got damage photos if they want. Girl says to text her. Oh sshit, I can do that! Amazing technology!
Her people seem to be like 'well this is shitty but life happens.' I apologise for pulling aggro but they seem grateful. "Anyways, this is why people have insurance," she points out. I glance back at the car, some shiny stupid generic American SUV. Cadillac. Isn't that one of the richey boy brands? "Car like this, I'm sure he can afford it," I snort.
"Oh, but," the girl laughs. "This is the replacement car he was givin for totalling his vehicle just last week." ... "And he said his insurance company told him, if he wrecked THIS one, they'd drop him." ....
Well no damn wonder he was losing his shit. Buddy just plain sucks at driving. Or following rules.
Anyways. Good times.
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