#not listing aster's individual fears because honestly this is one of those things they share as a collective
logicpng · 28 days
for aster/urs asks, i really like this question: What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character? [22]
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thanks so much! ngl this was a difficult one to answer but I think this should be fitting enough
So at one point in the story Aster may try to start making a small presence on social media, at least someplace where it's easy to be anonymous and talking to people, possibly a few public forums or something like Reddit.
While they do grow into the groove of it, being personal and talking about themselves or their days, even if they completely leave out being AI/software, is something that is *always* scary.
Mostly because talking too much can possibly get TerraByte on their (and Urs') ass. Even if realistically TB wouldn't find out or care.
Urs however is a regular human with regular human fears. Socializing can be a struggle too but that's not exactly a "simple activity" nor "fear".
They're not too sporty nowadays but playing team games involving a moderately sized ball does invoke some kind of fear, if not discomfort. Being hit with a ball sucks no matter how long it's been once you've been actually hit with one.
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