#not one of the people approving this script went 'if these kids love Hagrid enough to cheer cathartically at his return
sideprince · 10 months
Book!COS: Hagrid is going to Wizard Prison (Solitary Confinement with No Outdoor Time for Everyone™️)! He's not even a suspect in The Crime but the Minister said out loud he has to save face so he arrested Hagrid and held him without trial (aka The Geneva Convention Is Only For Muggles Dot Com). This is normal.
Movie!COS: Wouldn't it be funny if Hagrid accidentally spent more time in Azkaban than he needed to because the owl delivering his release papers was an idiot? This is how the movie ends now lololololol wrongful imprisonment amirite
Movie!Errol: Why were his release papers sent by a 12 year old and not the ministry
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