#not saying that dark!aegon enjoyers are like that (i'm one of them)
Fire and Blood chapter 20 (fire and blood) ((thats the title of the chapter as well.) DARK! AEMOND X OC (Deliciously dark Aemond and his oc) HEAD THE WARNINGS!!!
This is the darkest chapter yet: Mentions of Rape, murder, war crimes, manpiulation, child-abuse, and aemond being a pure delight. Big chapter as well. Smut as well.
CONCEPT: You have re-gained your freedom, at long last. And you won't become their pet ever again.
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You awake the next morning in your cage, on the bed you fell asleep on. You turn right first. Aegon is gone. Great sadness washes over you in kicking waves, reminding you that whatever happened last night, won’t happen again. It was a mistake in his mind and in his heart. He won’t ever touch you again. He won’t even visit you again. Why would he?
He has three beautiful children with his beautiful queen, who is his wife. You'll never measure up to her.
Even Aemond has left you. None of them bothered to stay until you woke up. They left as if you are a whore, returning to their lives as if you mean nothing to them. You are nothing to them. You see that now.
You can't help yourself. You burst into tears and hug your knees. You try to calm yourself down but the tears keep coming. There is nothing you can do to get them back. Aemond is engaged. Aegon is married. Helaena is pregnant with her fourth child.
You feel hollow. You feel alone. You feel dead. You are a walking corpse. Finally, Aemond bothers to enter your cage. He has not brought any food with him yet. Which means you'll likely have to earn it first. Which means you likely have to fuck him first.
Aemond has a annoyed grimace on his lips. You get up from the bed. "Is something the matter?" You ask.
To your surprise he answers you. "Yes. They took Harrenhall." It does not take you long to understand he refers to the Blacks. They took Harrenhall. Why does Aemond even share this with you? He has been secretive about the war. "No need to discuss the war. I'm here for more enjoyable things." Fucking.
He snaps his fingers after sitting down in the chair."Come here, my sweet bee." You obey, kneeling in front of the chair, your eyes shining with tears.
"Aegon and I have been talking." You obediently remain silent and wait for him to finish his sentence. "We both believe that you have shown your loyalty and your obedience. You will be allowed back outside of your cage." Your gasp out loud.
Allowed back out of your cage? You are free.You will enjoy the feeling of sunlight again. You will enjoy the sound of hearing another's person voice again, and you will enjoy being alive again.
You force yourself to stop feeling hopeful. What he says can be a cruel joke. A cruel promise he won't deliver on. A lie or a illusion or both. "I-I will?" You are hesitant to believe him. Since you returned from your kidnapping by the Blacks; you have been locked in a cage.
Aemond gives a nod. "Yes. We'll go out this afternoon. Your old rooms are yours." You are still hesitant to believe him. He lied before. What makes this time so different?
"Do you mean it?" You ask, your head lowered a bit. Aemond gently takes hold of your throat before kissing your lips soft and gentle. You like this gentle side.
When he speaks, his voice is a low seductive purr that sets your core alight. "Do I look like the kind of man to jest?" He is many things but he is no jester. He even prefers to forshadow when no one is aware. He wants his enemies to know that he will always be steps ahead of them.
You know you must answer him. "No." You say, honest.
He is pleased with your answer. "Exactly."
You must show him your thankfulness. You kiss his cheeks before sucking on his lips, straddling him in the chair. You rock your hips to his own and slowly start messing with the neat silver pins that keep his dark black vest closed. You need to have him.
Aemond chuckles delighted by your eagerness. He pets your hair. "Aegon will come with us as well, which is why we need to wait until the afternoon.' You hide your beating heart very well, pretending to not care about the king at all.
The plan you have is simple. You will never become a pet again. You will never be weak again. You led that life. It wasn't for you. You will never be a slave again. This time, you'll be the one putting people in cages. Instead of being scared, you become something to be scared of.
And your first victim is already within your grasp if you play your cards right. "I'd rather go out now, with just you, if that is alright with you?" You ask, but you know that Aemond would prefer to go out with you alone.
He kisses your head in a soft way. Unlike him. "Aegon wants to join us, little bee. He wishes to be here for this moment." He says, gently speaking as if you are a little girl. You are cooped up on his lap and place your head against his chest, seeking his affection once more. Aemond answers your call by slowly caressing your face and petting your hair in the sofest way he has done yet.
You need to get out of the room. You can't wait for Aegon as much as you'd like that. Who is Aemond Targaryen? What is his heart's wish? What is he? What drives him?
The answer comes quickly and you hide your smirk very well when pressing your face against his chest, letting out a soft gentle whimper. He shifts, and you understand that he must have found that arousing. "Aegon once took me out with SunFyre. Do you think I can see Vhagar someday?"
He gently pushes you off his chest, so he can see your face properly. He is surprised. He did not think you would be interested in meeting his dragon. His most important possession in the world. His only friend, perhaps "You want to meet her?"
Yes you would. "Yes. Vhagar is the Queen of all dragons." You need to become closer to Aemond.
He is a bit annoyed by that. He is even lecturing you about his dragon."She is more than that." She is.
You are quick to defend yourself. "I meant no offence." You say.
He sighs; running his long fingers over your face through your hair and finally kisses your forehead. "I know. She is very important to me. As are you." He tells you.
You smile, you hope it's believable. "You know me. I have a soft spot for Valyria, dragons, and doom."
You have an idea. Aemond nearly groans. "We can see Aegon another day. We will go now." He vows, taking you with him.
----- Vhagar is a majestic huge beast that towers above you even when she's asleep. Judging by her skin, she must be hundreds of years. You stay close with Aemond, as you know she is his rider. He can approach her better than you, a strange woman she had never met before.
You make your voice a whisper, slightly nudging Aemond. Your voice is clearly pitched with excitement."She's beautiful, and she's so huge." He can appreciate you complimenting his dragon very much.
Instead of telling you you are foolish for lowering your voice, he joins in whispering as the two of you slowly approach the sleeping dragon. You stay behind Aemond, letting him approach her first.
Aemond chuckles. "She is. She is the biggest dragon alive." He sounds proud. He did that. He claimed her. She is his.
You gesture to the dragon. "So you really... ride her? You climb on her back and fly?" You can only imagine. You flew on Sunfyre but that was with Aegon. Sunfyre is so tiny compared to Vhagar.
Aemond reads your question within a second. He smiles, eagerly. "Yes. Would you like to fly with us?" You would. You would be so terrified and so so excited. You want to fly with him.
You don't know if Vhagar likes you near her. "I think so. Would she like that?" You hope she does. It is up to her, really.
Aemond weighs his choices and nods."She doesn't mind, I think. Just introduce yourself first. It's what I did." He tells you with a wink.
You carefully approach the dragon. You wait for her eyes to open before approaching her further. She does so, and you continue. You speak. "Hello, Miss. I am Brienne Beesbury. It is an honour to meet you." Vhagar ignores you, trying to sleep, curled up on the ground.
You turn to your former captor. "She is tired, Aemond. Perhaps we should let her be." You too would hate it if anyone would disturb you during your rest.
Aemond sighs. "She does love her naps." You giggle. The biggest, strongest, deadliest dragon of the world adores her naps. Who knew?
The kinslayer seems delighted by the sound of your laugh, hiding his own soft smile very well but his eye shimmers. He approaches Vhagar and gently places a hand against her scaled neck, petting her gently."Vhagar, wake up, darling. Would you like to come with me to find some delicious cow?" He does not hit her. He does not force her. He offers her a reward, but it is her choice.
Instantly, her eyes are wide open, and she lifts her head. Aemond chuckles. "This is Brienne. Be a sweet dragon to her. She is important to me." He tells her with a hidden warning. Vhagar understands you are not to be harmed.
She seems curious to you as you are to her. The two of you eye each other and before long you both reach out, almost at the same moment. Vhagar lowers her head, so you can pet it softly. She feels scaly and yet so soft. She feels warm and so cold. She is unlike anything you ever felt before.
Vhagar sniffs you, and you assume that that means you are approved. Aemond helps you sit on her gigantic back before climbing on top himself. You feel so small on her gigantic back.
Before Vhagar moves, slightly walking around before taking wing, you grab Aemonds waist and hold him tightly, muttering a few prayers. You hear him chuckle, delighted. "Hold on tight, my dear." He warns you before you both take off in the skies, flying soon above the city.
------- You both land hours later, as the sun is setting. You flew miles away from the capital, and Aemond and you are hungry as well as perhaps tired. You watch the sun set when petting vhagar’s scaly skin. Aemond is busy making a fire. "How was that?" He asks, when he has the fire lit.
You describe it very shortly. "Terrifying. Yet amazing." He smiles very carefully, as if he is scared he’ll ruin this moment. "That is exactly what I thought as well." You nod, sitting down by his campfire. The moment that you do, he speaks suddenly. "Why don't you go see if there's any berries in the forest?" That is a fetch quest if you ever heard of one. What a lame excuse to lure you away.
You tilt your head. "Berries?" You are a lady. What does he think you can possibly find in a slightly dark forest?
Aemond sighs, but tells you why he wanted you gone. "...I need to piss." Your eyes become bigger, as you slowly get up from the ground, backing away from Aemond, to the forest.
He snickers. "O. O! Er, yes. You go...do that. I'll go...fetch us berries."
"Hmhm. Good girl." You ignore that for now. You gesture to the dragon, who is curled up by the fire. "Does she eat berries?" You ask.
Aemond shakes his head. "She prefers cow, mildly cooked and seasoned properly. Especially herbs from Dorne." Alrighty then, you think. She has a better meal than you do.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise but you do not dare to question this exquisite diet that the prince grants his beloved dragon.
You enter the forest full of anxiety and slightly uncomfortableness. You are a lady. You are not trained to wander forests, and it is already getting pretty dark. You wonder if Aemond is planning to leave without you, leaving you to die in this miserable forest. You would not like that. You notice a few berries on the ground, strangled into bushes. You try picking them, but end up cutting your finger. ‘’Ow!’ You curse. There is another campfire near. You walk to it.
A few men sit in a circle, telling stories and laughing. They stop when they see you. One of them gets up. ‘’Look at this pretty lost lamb.’’ You are not a lamb. You are a bee. You sting.
You feel hopeless without your dagger, without your name and without Aemond. ‘’Er-’’ You gulp as he grabs your arms as you try to escape.
He even spits in your face. ‘’Not so fast, lassy. Why don’t you come sit with us?’’ You recoil in disgust as you are thrown into the circle around the fire. You end up on your back and are pressed down right away.
Another man with a knife starts cutting your corset. ‘’I don’t wish to.’’ You blurt out. Aemond is far away, pissing. You begin to cry. You whimper his name when the men surround you, ripping your clothes and tearing off your jewellery. "Aemond..." One of them hits you on your left eye.
You don’t think anyone will come to save you this time. "What is the meaning of this?" You cry tears of relief when Aemond enters the circle. You look at this sword that is still in his holder. You wish him to take it out and to wield it. The leader of the group, the ugly one with the rotten teeth speaks. "Go away, shepard. Your pretty girlfriend is ours now." Aemond scoffs.
Without further explanation he runs up to the leader, takes a smaller dagger and rapidly pushes the dagger in his chest. Three times. You watch as the man bleeds out in front of you, a soft smile spreading across your face. You are released instantly as Aemond’s hood falls off, revealing his long silver gorgeous locks.
Aemond addresses the remainder of the cowering men. "You are lucky I have a good day. I would run you through." He finally sees your blackend stinging eye. He rushes over to you. "My bee. My sweet bee. Let me see that." He carefully touches your wound when you whimper.
"We didn't know..." One of them whimpers, and you feel disgusted even more. If you were a ordinary village girl you would have been raped. They only stopped because of Aemond.
Aemond draws the same conclusion as well, growing more and more angry. "So if I was anyone else you would assault my guest?"
"L-Look my prince. We have a village nearby. Perhaps your lady would like a new dress on our account; and perhaps your dragon would like a few cows? You can even enjoy our brothel. We have a few girls that might interest you." Your dress was ripped. You even doubt that their village shop has anything you would even remotely like, let along put on. Aemond smirks at them, enjoying the way they cower for him.
"Very well." He finally speaks. ‘’Go to your families. Go to your wives. Stay in this city. I will hunt you down if you don’t do what I ask.’’ You cling to him. Aemond kisses your injured eye and softly pets you, lifting you from the ground and carrying you to village. Aemond takes the best room in the local in, though he has no interest in it himself. He puts you to bed when he takes the couch. —-- The next moring, you and Aemond are invited to the tailor. You indeed do not like a single gown, finding them repulsive and unbecoming. The necklines are too inviting, and the fabrics at some points seenthrough. Aemond hides his smile very well when you grumpily slip out of your undergarments and put on fresh new ones. You understand you must do everything in your power to never become his pet again. Everything. You put the different dresses in front of Aemond. ‘’Which one would look best on me?’’ You ask him.
His answer kills you. "Whatever you feel most confident in."
You sigh, that is not the answer you wanted at all. "Let me rephrase. Which one makes you want to grab me by my pathetic throat and make you own and fuck me as if I am a pathetic little whore that you grabbed from the silk of Street?" You smile when he groans, aroused.
He groans out. "The green one."
"Good boy." You tell him, with a taunting smirk. You put the dress on and turn your back to Aemond so he can tighten your corset for you. "Will you tighten it for me?" You ask sweetly.
He is quick to answer but not as quick as to tighten it for you. He lets his fingers run over your back when you shiver. He seeks eye contact through the mirror you are standing for and looks as if he can fuck you against it any moment now. "Of course." he purrs. "How tight?"
You smile. "As tight as you like, Aemond."
You have another devious idea. "Shall we go to the brothel next?" You ask him.
Aemond shakes his head, looking disgusted by your proposal. "I'm in no mood for another woman. I have all I need." He tells you with a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Babysteps, perhaps. You nod. You would be uncomfortable with another woman. You feel guilty when making love to them. You don't love them, you love the men that watch and you want to raise their lust, not hers. She will never be the priority. And you know just how awful that feels.
You two leave the tailor without paying, and enter the market square. All eyes are on you and the Targaryen prince. "They are all terrified of you." You whisper in his ear. You try to sound seductive. Aemond's shoulders hang a bit before he ignores you. You notice a familiar man chasing a crying woman into a store. The same scum that tried to assault you last night. "Aemond?" You say, your voice drained of emotion.
He is somewhere else with his mind. "Yes?"
You command him very easily. "Take the rapers and meet me where they tried to fuck me." ‘’Get Vhagar as well.’’
Aemond does not need to hear it twice. He is already running to the rapers, taking out his sword eager for blood. You smile when you return to the forest. You take one last look at the city, at the busy market square and the tailor. You stop by a market stall first and buy a basket, a plaid and a pot of herbs. You hope that Vhagar likes Northern spices as well.
—- Aemond ties them up, preparing Vhagar for their execution. "What are we doing here?" The rotten teeth speaks. You ignore him before throwing a stone against his left eye. He curses at you. Aemond snaps his head in his direction daring him to say anything bad about you again.
Another man protests as well. He looks like a farmer. "You had a dress, a cow and even were allowed to fuck. We are even." Aemond smirks before shaking his head.
You take control..‘’For your crimes against me, the Lady Brienne of House Beesbury, favourite of the King Aegon, Favourite of the Prince Aemond, and Lady to her highness Queen Helaena Targaryen, I sentence you all to die.’’ A few scoff. A few laugh. But non tremble. Yet.
The rotten teeth speaks, finally breaking the silence. ‘’Is he going to cut our heads off for you?’’ You will not bloody your gown.
You laugh. ‘’No. He will take your hands first.’’ You turn to Aemond. You grab him by his hand, forcing him to look at you. You lower your voice, licking your lips. ‘’Make it hurt, Aemond. I wish to see them bleed. Do not cut clean. Chop at them, as if they are pathetic little rotten trees.’’ The screaming that follows delights you, and you applaud for Aemond as he collects more and more arms, putting them aside for you. From their bloody stomps blood streams out and you know you must act quick.
You take the basket and lay out the plaid, taking the freshly cut limbs. You use the seasoning to make the meat a little bit better, before throwing them into Vhagar’s direction who catches them out of the air. Seeing that, one man starts to scream. ‘’Now that she has had a taste, let’s give her more.’’ You notice Aemond staring at you, frozen in shock. You take the screaming man by his hips, dragging him closer to Vhagar. Vhagar growls. Aemond quickly follows, scared she’ll hurt you. ‘’Eat well, Vhagar. Let this meal taste you, one woman to another.’’ Vhagar grabs him by the skull, picking up as if he is a toy. She slams him against the ground and you let out a delighted chuckle when his head splashes open as a mere melon. His brains and remains are everywhere, even on your shoes and dress yet you can’t wait for Vhagar to stop toying. She throws him in the air, before opening her mouth. She takes him in two pieces, first his legs and feet, then his chest and head. He screams the entire time that he is in her mouth, and you bet he is pissing himself as well. You laugh, clapping your hands. You turn to face the other men. ‘’Who of your cowards is next, or should I pick?’’
None of them respond. So you bring their leader forward. The Rotten Teeth. He dares to spit in your direction and therefor you hook him on his nose when Aemond watches. You bring him to Vhagar as well, but not before grabbing a spare dagger from Aemond and running it through his left eye. ‘’Now, we are now even.’’ You whisper when the man screams. Vhagar chews him up, and you watch delighted. The other executions are less delightful as all men turned into screaming little bitches, begging by you and mostly Aemond. They are afraid of their ends. You tell them they will all burn before sending them to their deaths. Vhagar eats her belly full and when the last man has been eaten, she curls herself up near your blanket.
Aemond exhales deeply, dropping his bloodied sword to the ground. You see many emotions in his eye. You caress his face, gently, touching his scar. ‘’Thank you for defending my honor, my prince.’’
‘’Anytime.’’ He sits down beside you on the bloodied blanket. You hear a snore and turn your head to Vhagar, who has decided now is a perfect time to nap. You chuckle. Aemond leans in closer. ‘’I’m sorry I could not protect you earlier. It was stupid to send you off alone.’’
You shrug, playing with his vest. He chuckles. ‘’I’m covered in blood. I wonder what mother would say if I were in front of her. Or Aegon, for that matter. You always get yourself in trouble, don’t you, Lady Beesbury?’’ You lay your other hand on his crotch and rub him, feeling his erected cock. You roll gently on top of him, pushing him under you when kissing his face. ‘’Do you love trouble, Lady Beesbury?’’ He whispers.
‘’Trouble loves me, my prince.’’ You say with an innocent smile.
You are surprised when he groans. ‘’Please, call me Aemond.’’ He takes hold of your hands, intertwining your fingers with his own. He never asked you to call you that before. Never..
‘’Yes, Aemond.’’ You whisper, in his ear, removing his eyepatch for him, as well as his vest. You bare him naked. You see that there is still some blood on his face, so you obediently lick it away for him. Aemond grunts when you top him, removing your skirts and letting him take off your corset.
‘’Say it again.’’ he begs softly. He sounds so mortal. So human.
‘’Aemond.’ You repeat. He groans, his good eye rolling in the back of his head. ‘’Fuck.''
You straddle him. You take control and force his erected cock up your cunt yourself. You moan in his ear and kiss his abs, to his belly, to his legs and finally you kiss his cock. Aemond groans under you but he does not top you. He lets you be. He lets you take charge.
You come, covered in blood of the men that tried to fuck you. Aemond groans and tops you so he can properly fuck you for his finale. You kiss his lips before he has injected you. You smile. "Fuck me, Aemond." You beg him, during his possessive hard trusts of his hips. You need the Kinslayer. You need him deep inside of you.
"Yes," He groans mostly to himself."Finally..." He cries out your name before coming.
Aemond lifts you and brings you to the river. You are placed in the lower parts of it so you can't drown. He takes your arms and washes you clean. You love his care. He washes you with the blanket, careful to not bring more blood on your skin. He looks at your bloodied hands before licking off your fingers, sucking them off with a satisfying little pop.
Once you are clean Aemond also dresses you properly. "Come sit in front of me when we fly back. I will hold you. You must see it." He tells you. ‘’You must see the world, as I do.’’’ He whispers. You nod, taking his hand. "Yes, Aemond."
— You sit on Vhagars huge back after she has napped. You sit in front of Aemond, his arms wrapped around your belly to protect you. His chin rests on your head as he steers you above the village you were shopping earlier in. Well, stealing is more like it. You didn't pay for anything. It is busy in the village. It is market-day so all kind of merchants from far come in today. You see countless little stalls with handcrafted wares were hours of work was put into. Little children run over the streets, holding hands and singing songs. Horses with carriages pass.
You force yourself against Aemond’s front again. "What is the command for Dragonfire again?" You ask sweetly as you steer over the town, taking the reins from him. Aemond is too busy with smiling at you to notice. People from below look up. You feel bad for them. But you need to win this war.
Aemond grins. "That would be Dracarys, you know that better than anyone." You do.
You softly steer Vhagar to the center of the village.You pretend you can’t see it, so that Aemond lowers the dragon closer to the ground for you. ‘’It is a beautiful village.’’ He says, sweetly. ‘’You were born to ride dragons, Brienne. The way you sit, steer and talk with her. You were meant to be a Targaryen.’’ You smile, weakly.
You are sorry. But you'll never be his pet again. He will be yours. Aemond will be your pet. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?" You ask, a bit louder pretending that the wind made you lose hearing.
Aemond roars out to you, loud enough for Vhagar to hear. You brace yourself and close your eyes briefly. "Dracarys!" Shivers run over your arms when he ends it with a chuckle thinking you are joking. He does not mean to give his dragon the command.
But to his dragon, that is all that she hears. She hears her rider say the command. So she obeys. She takes a distance so she can properly fry them and breathes out her terrifically large breath of fire. The roofs catch fire first, and the screaming below makes for a horrific beautiful scene. You take it all in, enjoying the safety of your position as others scramble, run, trip, fall, run for their lives. You smile as Vhagar roars fire once more, destroying the inn you and Aemond were staying in earlier. You brace yourself when Vhagar starts chasing people. Aemond has trouble getting her control back.
Aemond is horrified at first. "No! Vhagar! What did you do?!" He tries to steer his dragon away from the burning people and the burning buildings. You take his hands instead and force them around your middle. "It is what they deserved for disobeying us." You tell him. He stares at you in shock.
He looks at a burning baby in a crib who was abandoned. "This is what you wanted? To see them burn?" He asks, horrified.
You lean in and kiss his lips. "Don't be a craven." You tell him. He scowls. For a moment you think you went too far. You worry he might even shove you off his dragon. Instead of that, a dark smile spreads on his lips making him dozens times more beautiful and hundreds times as dangerous. Aemond circles the survivors who have found a safe haven in a dead-end street. ‘’Dracarys!’’ He screams. You watch as Vhagar burns them alive on the spot, with a powerful roar. The flames burn them clean and from one side to another, spreading in a beautiful way. You cling to Aemond when they fall as little pawns on a playboard. You hear him chuckle, and you join in. ‘’Dracarys!’’ he screams again, as Vhagar spreads fire, blackening the stones. Only where their carcasses are, is a blank pure spot of ground. You are amazed. You did that. You finally feel no longer as a prisoner. You are free. You are more than that. You are for the first time in your life, no longer a pawn. You have proved yourself strong, clever, majestic and powerful. You feel Aemond kiss your hair as Vhagar turns around, cornering the other remaining people. A fool with a sword tries to attack her but before he comes even close, Vhagar has picked him up by his head and has chewed it off, spitting his body out.
Aemond and you massacre the entire village. When you are sure everyone is gone or likely dead, you finally get off Vhagar. You walk to the stone fountain that was destroyed and look into the water to your reflection. You no longer see a girl. You see no pet. You see a strong woman. You see something worse. You see something that won’t hesitate to take what it wants. You see, finally…..
A Queen.
You return to Aemond, kissing him. Aemond kisses you pack, pinning you against the fountain. You are thrown on your back and fucked in the uneven water, with his grunts and your begs being the only sound alongside the flames who slowly destory the village around you.
When you are both finished, you and Aemond take a stroll, looting a few shops as well. What are the owners going to do anyway? Aemond finds you a beautiful necklace from a jewerly, and even puts gold on the counter. You aren’t sure if that owner is alive. You kiss him as a thank you and proudly put your new necklace on. The two of you climb on Vhagar again and plan to leave the village. You notice two children hiding behind. You tell Aemond to stop. You get up and walk to them. ‘’Children.’’ you greet them.
‘’Who’s side are your parents on?’’ You ask. They know what you refer to instantly. ‘’The true queen.’’ Rhaenyra.
Ah. That is all you need to know. ‘’Have you two ever flew on dragon back?’’ The boy looks at his sister. You drag them closer, giggling. ‘’Come! Come, you must try this!” You tell them, when letting them on Vhagar’s back. They scream in delight when you and Aemond take them through the ruins of their hometown.
‘’Will you consider supporting the true king, King Aegon?’ You ask them. The boy looks at his sister in fear and perhaps a bit of doubt.
He speaks. ‘’I must speak with my parents about it. But King Aegon stole his sister’s throne. He stole it. It is true.’’
You can do this. A child is no challenge. ‘’You mustn't listen to those liars. King Aegon is the true king of Westeros. The dragon’s blood is thick in his veins, he is our lord protector.’’ Aemond bristles but you ignore him for now. He will get attention later.
The boy hesitates. ‘’I’m sorry Miss. I don’t think Aegon would make a good king. A thief is no good king.’’ He is right. He won’t do a good thing. Westeros does not need a good king. It needs a strong one. One who knows when to be gentle and when to be strict. You need neither Aegon nor Rhaenyra on that throne.
You smile. ‘’You are so pure, my boy. Pure and brave. You stand up to what you believe in.’’ ‘’Don’t you agree? Your brother is brave.’’ You tell the girl.
She smiles with great pride. ‘’He is, miss.’’
‘’One lesson, my sweet child. From one young woman to another..’’You gently take her chin into her hands. ‘’Bravery, is the father of stupidity.’’ You speak the words, spitting them out with coldness.
You push him off, sending him to his death. You watch as he drops fast, splashing in a million pieces as a rotten watermelon. You smile at his terrified screaming sister. ‘’You understand that it is important that no one learns what happened today was king Aegon’s fault nor his brother’s. You saw a yellow dragon flying, with a silver haired black wearing woman on her back. This was the work of queen Rhaenyra the Cruel.’’ You let her go and she takes off running, wettening herself in terror. You feel horrible for a brief moment. But when you look at Aemond all your troubles vanish.
Aemond watches silently. You sigh, rubbing his tense shoulders. ‘’Let’s go back to King’s Landing. Our work is done here. I need a good bath after this. Perhaps you’ll join me? You dragons prefer heath, is what I've heard.’’ You suggest.
‘’I need to speak with Aegon first.’’ Oh dear.
You sigh. ‘’Of course. You’re not going to tell him about this, are you?’’
He chuckles, kissing your lips. ‘’This will be our secret. I do hope we can do this many more times. Nothing makes me harder than burning cities with you.’’
‘’Perhaps one day, we’ll burn that disgusting pig that offended you by proposing to you. That halfwit of a nephew of mine. Jacerys.’’ He fantasises. ‘’I’ll cut his tongue for his disgusting insulting offer. You were his prisoner and he proposed to you, the pig.’’
‘’Easy, Aemond. Jace will get what he deserves. All of their kind will.’’
‘’What kind is that?’’ Aemond whispers against your lips.
‘’Everyone who is against you, your brother or me. Everyone who opposes us will die a more miserable death than the one who opposed us before.’’
*happily brings out the marshmallows.* Look at my little babies, off to destory innocent people!!!
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