#not tagging Sally face because I’m not ready for people to perceive me from the Sally face fandom with this lol
inflashback · 4 years
all the ones you want to do 👀
well, here’s everything except the ones i’ve answered, you asked for it
theyre mostly about my youngmabel au, which i will ramblr about for free if anyones interested :’)
What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i’ve, for a really really long time, wanted to write like. a scene where laura kinney and henry sutter Talk Their Shit Out, but that would take so so long and i’m not motivated... sorry laura and henry. okay i think the rest of these will b about mabel but. gotta stick with my idiots.
Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
this is from my young mabel story !!
“[Mabel] stops banging her head when she feels a stab of anxiety slash through her stomach. It’s not hers, that much is obvious-- it’s a soft golden feeling, the nerves, the-- 
The girl in the front of her mind, with hair cut just below her ears. Small scatterings of pimples across her face. She has a smile without sharp teeth; she cracks her knuckles when she’s bored or needs to fidget; she owns a pair of overalls she wears at least twice a week in the summer, when she’s in the mood to run around the fields outside her home, barefoot, with a friend or a girlfriend, when she wants to smoke a cigarette or two (she’d kicked the habit exactly three weeks ago today, she’s really proud of herself and her sister is, too), her sister’s name is Mónica and her name is Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna--
Anna Limon, Anna Limon, Anna Limon.”
the reverance to which mabel says anna’s name has always Hit Me for personal reasons and this scene i think is good. that is all
What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
right now? either vera or mabel. vera is... not Right, and not Wanted by the outside world, so she’s angry and stupid to combat it. and mabel just... loves Her Person more than anything in the world, so there’s that. 
What character do you have the most fun writing?
again, mabel!! she’s so fun and angry all the time and it’s so freeing to just be able to do whatever the hell you WANT with a character
What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Uh!! I think i use a lot of metaphor and write a lot of physical affection :’) i’m not sure if others would agree but that’s pretty basic!!
Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? 
i write a lot of drabbles, but my proudest works are my long fic!!! i also plot way too much and i love to do it.
Do you wish you were the other?
i have no idea what this means but... yeah i guess? How would you describe your writing process?
pace around my entire house looping one (1) song thinking of one (1) scene. figure out exactly what it would take to get the characters to that point. write like 2000 words, fall asleep, cant make words for the next three years.
What do you envy in other writers?
oh god, everything. i don’t know how to make my words flow like certain people do, RIVER
Do you want your writing to be famous?
god no. my stories are mine.
Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
yes! here! there’s one story i’ve only shared with two people and that’s my borderline-ridiculous ‘beetlejuice with lab rats and gay shit and werewolves’ au, it’s the most self indulgent thing i’ve ever written and i love it so much.
At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
usually while listening to songs!! fr example my most recent posted fic is a lyric from ‘cop car’ by mitski because the line ‘i get mean when i’m nervous / like a bad dog’ makes me think of mabel, thus that fic came into existence.
Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
SUMMARIES i hate summaries usually i just paste in whatever i’ve got as the first sentence.
Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
not really? new fandom but. i got my bread and butter, dude, i don’t feel like branching out. writing’s just a hobby i’m okay at.
Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
i don’t think so !! like some of the stuff is personal and you can’t really understand from an outside POV, but. most of it is just dorky found family stuff!
Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
oh dear god yes... i mean. obvs river youre asking this youre aware of my aus. but i have a billion aus, theyre my favorite thing to write and ive got at least three for every fandom i’m in. i have an au for my lab rat beetlejuice au, too, which i’ll get around to writing someday.
Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
ALL I DO IS DESCRIBE PEOPLE’S TEETH AND PHYSICAL AFFECTION. uhh i use the phrase ‘bared their teeth / had far too many teeth / smiled with too many teeth’ a lot, its because i find it the easiest descriptor for monsters and i like to write about monsters.
Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
ohh god okay youngmabel take three. anna wears soft reds and lots of layers-- to contrast mabel, who wears a thin nightgown and has a bright green color palette. this is largely because mabel has been made to show herself to everyone who’s tried to control her (sally, aurora silver, etc) while anna hides in herself. anna specifically wears one of mónica’s old sweaters, because she can hide and protect herself with her family, while mabel cant. also i love mónica im so hype to have her in the series. mabel also repeats things in groups of threes (”hello, hello, hello, anna, hello, hello, hello”) because she’s fae. i love her. ough and i cant wait for the character development you guys rnt ready fr this dumb series
What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
I WOULD LOVE FR IT TO BE AN ANIMATED SERIES but also it as a film would rock.... yeahhhhh
Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
my xmen ones, yeah. they’re really comforting for me. i feel like i wanna give my kid self a big big hug.
What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
probs the daemons au or the agents of shield / xmen crossover.. those both gave baby abbey a lot of fun hours.
Would you say your writing has changed over time?
yeah! ive gotten better i think
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Alright, so I’m poking at one of the June CoA prompts [post link], but I’m not quite ready to actually post the draft, in part, because I got distracted by the friend feels. There’s just too many to risk clogging up the current draft, so I’m splitting it into a separate post.
Hobbles, who has had his own tag on this blog since 2014 [currently 5 years].
Someone I’ve known for 12 years and counting. He’s been around during growth (we met in middle school, ‘nuff said), personal revelations (all kinds of Coming Out), high points (graduations), and low points (both of us have had rough patches when it comes to mental health). We’ve had an intellectually and emotionally fulfilling connection for a long time, and he is capital ‘I’ Important. Even if he’s gotten to brain-breaking math stuff and chemistry I don’t quite understand, he’s still my dork.
Unfortunately, my dork isn’t doing so hot when it comes to balancing work, finishing prereq classes, and eventually getting into medical school (might need varying amounts of loans depending on if he tries to continue working). He doesn’t have an endless supply of energy, he eventually has to sleep, and even if we were in the same city with a lot of opportunities for face-to-face encounters, he’d be too busy most of the time.
I really can’t blame every instance of being not-prioritized on amatonormativity and trying to come up with a way to be on equal(ish) footing with any of his potential romantic partners isn’t going to fix this. Hence this portion originally being an offshoot of the section on why imagining an ideal life can’t be separated from rethinking other social changes like universal basic income, college cost/access, healthcare, etc. that affect where energy, time, and attention get prioritized.
This doesn’t mean that Hobbles is the only friend this applies to(*). He’s just a very noticeable example for me because he’s been around so long (middle school, high school, undergrad, post-graduation), and I honestly haven’t encountered the same level of When Harry Met Sally bullshit with most other friendships. I’m misread as a woman, and cisheteronormativity doesn’t like friendships between people perceived to be men and women that ‘remain’ friendships.
(*) There are other friends from high school I’d like to get back into touch with (led to a nibling tag on another blog), Emily’s been a close friend for 5-6 years (sorry if I got the years wrong, Em), Katie’s another friend from undergrad, etc. Lots of people and a depth of feeling that makes them significant, but I’m honestly not sure I’d want to broach a queerplatonic/quasiplatonic partner descriptor with many of them. Idk; it feels selfish and possessive when the majority want romantic partners.
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